Buma Pets
05-31-2003, 07:35 PM
This is something one or two fanfic authors have made use of, and I can't believe it is a product line that Genom would ignore...
Can't you just see this Buma Puppy (TM) looking up at Doug with those, big, big, puppy dog eyes, and him not being at all sure what to do about it?
Of course, once you Adopt A Puppy, your life can get so much more interesting!
Is this the sort of strategy that Madigan might try? [evil grin]
"Buma Kitten! Even if it does get flushed down the toilet, half an hour in the washing machine on 'plush', and it will be as good as new! Guaranteed never to burst out of it's fur in a grusome but effective fashion!"
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
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Re: Buma Pets
05-31-2003, 08:03 PM
I can just see the adds now...
Ba Ba Ba Buma!!!
Considering the curret popularity of eletronic like Aibo, I think they just might already have. In fact, it could well be that those were Genom's original product line before Dr. Stingray's big breakthrough. We just never see them, because being a proven design, they don't need to be tested... which was usually why Quincy sent boomers out to rampage; the other being he wanted a property who's owners didn't want to sell. A Buma rampage in the area tended to trash the place enough to change the holdout's minds."I was an Otaku before those kids came along and changed the meaning of the word."
-- HM "Howling Mad" Wilson to more than one team-mate.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Re: Buma Pets
05-31-2003, 09:02 PM
In a RPG scenario I ran, the (DnD) party ended up on a return trip to Mega Tokyo (the first trip was where they 'aquired' the runaway boomer seductress/assassin (or was it the other way around? [grin])).
They visited a Genom factory, on a public tour, to scout for a later break-in. While there they bought a Buma Kitten (TM) from the gift shop "Stays a Kitten Forever! Just Feed it Table Scraps!", and pocketed an escaped Buma Mini Dragon cigar lighter (a failed product line, due to... 'control' problems), which they named "Lockheed".
I feel there are _all_ sorts of possibilities for Buma Pets! [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
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Re: Buma Pets
06-01-2003, 04:28 AM
Who can not forget the idea of a Buma cat fitted out with EW/ECW/ELINT gear, fit it with claws like a Treecat and you've got a recon unit with a lower profile than the equivalent humanoid Boomer unit.
Currently WinAmp'ing: Hunt For Red October Main Theme
"Hey! Who owns this pink cat?"
Re: Buma Pets
06-01-2003, 10:36 AM
> Who can not forget the idea of a Buma cat fitted out
> with EW/ECW/ELINT gear, fit it with claws like a Treecat
> and you've got a recon unit with a lower profile than the
> equivalent humanoid Boomer unit.
I quite like the idea of this, and I wondered on occasion why the KS didn't use this sort of idea (I see related stuff in some fanfic).
Genom seem to operate on the "bigger is better" principle...
*meow* wave paws (translation: "Me, cause trouble, never!")
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
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Re: Buma Pets
06-02-2003, 05:42 AM
>> Who can not forget the idea of a Buma cat fitted out
>> with EW/ECW/ELINT gear, fit it with claws like a
>> Treecat and you've got a recon unit with a lower
>> profile than the equivalent humanoid Boomer unit.
> I quite like the idea of this, and I wondered on
> occasion why the KS didn't use this sort of idea (I
> see related stuff in some fanfic).
The only place I saw any such concept used was in
Shawn Hagen's "No Armor Against Fate" series (an
excellent fanfic by any standards, BTW).
Priss smiled at that. "So, why did Nene-san have to stop off at her
"She had to get Neko."
"What? How are we going to use that stupid cat?"
"I'm not quite sure," Linna admitted. "Sylia-san said something
about a mobile relay point."
Priss shook her head. "Nene might as well put on a short skirt and
get a wand if she is going to keep figuring out how to involve the
stupid thing."
Linna looked puzzled. "I don't get it."
"Shoujo anime," Priss explained.
"Oh," Linna nodded. "I never watched too much of it." She gave Priss
a sly glance. "But obviously you did."
"Urusai(shut up)," Priss said as she closed her eyes.
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Re: Buma Pets
06-02-2003, 01:23 PM
Yeah, I remember Neko (and that bit) from NAAF. I was, in fact, wracking my brains trying to figure out where I was remembering it from, right from the beginning of the thread -- thanks for id'ing it, nemonowan!
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Murmur the Fallen
Their eyes are everywhere
06-03-2003, 04:17 AM
You know, I wouldn't trust a Boomer pet from Genom. You know that the only reason they'd make one is to have surveillance equipment inside your home and beam mind control rays into your brain. That they'd be cute is all part of the marketing scheme, I'm sure.
And if it were the bgc 2040 boomers, they'd eat your face at the first opportunity.
"Awww, the wittle kitty--must . . . swear . . . eternal . . . loyalty . . . to . . . corporate . . . masters"
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Re: Their eyes are everywhere
06-03-2003, 02:02 PM
You know, there's a definite story idea there, Murmur.
I just thought of another set of boomer "pets" in fanfiction. The SI-main character of Craig Reed's "Bubblegum Avatar" ends up buying four boomer dogs. (German shepherds and doberman pinschers.) They're programmed to work security for his home. He reassures the Sabers that no boomer animal has ever gone rogue -- it's only those pesky combat models.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Their eyes are everywhere
06-03-2003, 02:27 PM
> You know, there's a definite story idea there,
> Murmur.
> I just thought of another set of boomer "pets" in
> fanfiction. The SI-main character of Craig Reed's
> "Bubblegum Avatar" ends up buying four boomer dogs.
> (German shepherds and doberman pinschers.) They're
> programmed to work security for his home. He reassures
> the Sabers that no boomer animal has ever gone rogue
> -- it's only those pesky combat models.
> -- Bob
How about boomer hamsters?
They could dress up in little costumes, and (badly) sing various bits out of popular songs!
((Can you buy those where you are? Animatronic singing, dancing hamsters for about $15 US? ))
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
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Still on the Boomer critter front
06-03-2003, 02:37 PM
What about, wait for it, Boomer...Pokemon.
Now the question remain on how the heck did the Pokemon fad managed to hang on till the 2030s.
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Re: Their eyes are everywhere
06-03-2003, 07:08 PM
Quote: ((Can you buy those where you are? Animatronic singing, dancing hamsters for about $15 US? ))
Oh, god, yes. The local drug store has dozens of the damned things, and not just hamsters. Frogs, birds, pumpkins left over from Halloween. You name it.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Re: Still on the Boomer critter front
06-03-2003, 07:09 PM
Quote: Now the question remain on how the heck did the Pokemon fad managed to hang on till the 2030s.
It was riding the crest of a wave of nostalgia for the "good old days". I'm sure something even more annoying could be developed in 30+ years...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Re: Their eyes are everywhere
06-03-2003, 07:10 PM
>How about boomer hamsters?
Well, we know via the ADPolice OAVs that sometimes
pieces from junked boomers are reused to produce
or refurbish other boomers, so...
Q: What do you get when pieces from a sexaroid find
their way into a buma hamster?
A: Ebichu the Housekeeping Hamster.
Q: What do you get when pieces from Largo find
their way into a buma hamster?
A: Pinky and the Brian
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Re: Their eyes are everywhere
06-03-2003, 07:24 PM
Quote: Pinky and the Brian
'E's not the Messiah, 'e's a very naughty boy!
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Their eyes are everywhere
06-03-2003, 09:31 PM
> >How about boomer hamsters?
> Well, we know via the ADPolice OAVs that sometimes
> pieces from junked boomers are reused to produce
> or refurbish other boomers, so...
> Q: What do you get when pieces from a sexaroid find
> their way into a buma hamster?
> A: Ebichu the Housekeeping Hamster.
I really, really, wasn't going to mention Ebichu...
But, you have to admit that a buma housekeeping hamster would be nice and compact and convenient. You would just have to keep it well fed, and hope the occasional rampage didn't damage your laundry! [grin]
> Q: What do you get when pieces from Largo find
> their way into a buma hamster?
> A: Pinky and the Brian
I understood that someone I used to see posting to the Internet ~1995 was called "Brain" rather than "Brian" so much he decided to use that as his name...
One (never writted) fanfic that I did some work on involved a cross-over between BGC, "Pinky and the Brain", and the film "Weird Science", and involved Largo talking on a WB(TM) MouseWatch to a Mysterious Advisor, and a slight "Oopps" as a certain battlemover-mounted nuclear went off, as the _start_ of the story!
After all, if their own bodies are nuclear plasma, there is quite a good excuse for Lisa to stuff the KS into (temporary) sexaroid bodies!
"What are we going to do tonight, Brain?"
"Same as we do every night, Pinky, try and take over the Multiverse!"
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
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Re: Their eyes are everywhere
06-04-2003, 12:10 AM
"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
"I fink so, Brain, but this time, you wear the encounter suit, and I'll do the funny voice."
Ebony the Black Dragon
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Ebony the Black Dragon
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Sluggy Freelance
06-04-2003, 10:40 AM
Quote: "Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
"I fink so, Brain, but this time, you wear the encounter suit, and I'll do the funny voice."
In the back of 'Hell's Faire' by John Ringo are a few Sluggy Freelance specially written/drawn for it - with dates to indicate they were drawn during the timeframe of the books.
In one of them Bun-Bun and Kiki hijack an Armoured Combat Suit. I quote:
"A lone armored combat suit is about to engage 500,000 Posleen. And you say it is piloted by a ferret and a rabbit?"
"That is the situation sir!"
"How can they possibly be controlling an ACS, Lt. Dingo?"
"Verbal commands to the suit's [Artifical Intelligence Device], sir."
"It's engaging the enemy sir! It appears tobe 'poinging'!"
"'Poinging'? ACS's don't poing!"
Insert scene of many Posleen fruitlessly shooting at poinging ACS
Kiki: "Hoppity Hoppity Hop-Hop! This is fun, Bun-Bun! You wanna drive?"
Bub-Bun: "Naw, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
D for Drakensis
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Re: Boomer Animals
06-04-2003, 01:45 PM
Mind if I use some of these? I mean, I already have Boomer versions of Yakko, Wakko and Dot, the Boomer factories being reprogrammed to add chainsaws and masks as standard 'features' of the human forms of 55-cs, a Fukamachi Sho boomer who insists that GENOM is really CHRONOS and the boomers are really Zoanoids (Quincy, of course, is Barkas), Speedy Gonzalez and some boomer mice taking over a GENOM factory and demanding cheese as payment for leaving, Boomer Buttons and Mindy, the Sailor Sexaroids, a talking ferret in power armor... frankly, I'm running out of ideas. :-)
Re: Boomer Animals
06-04-2003, 09:05 PM
> Mind if I use some of these? I mean, I already have
>Boomer versions of Yakko, Wakko and Dot, the Boomer
> factories being reprogrammed to add chainsaws and masks
> as standard 'features' of the human forms of 55-cs,
> a Fukamachi Sho boomer who insists that GENOM is really
> CHRONOS and the boomers are really Zoanoids (Quincy, of
> course, is Barkas), Speedy Gonzalez and some boomer
> mice taking over a GENOM factory and demanding cheese
> as payment for leaving, Boomer Buttons and Mindy, the
> Sailor Sexaroids, a talking ferret in power armor...
> frankly, I'm running out of ideas. :-)
You can freely use anything that I suggested, but if you _really_ want to have fun... [grin]
How about a Buma Pet(TM), which thinks it is a Magical Girl cute animal sidekick... And, has the sexaroid hypnotic eyes feature... And, has a covert tap into the Genom secret custom prototype order system...
"Hey, boss? Why should Genom Special Ops want an anti-grav flight pack built into a kiddie-sized broomstick? And, reactive fusion armour that looks like a sailor fuku?"
"Beats me! Last manager who asked questions just 'disappeared', so, if an order comes in for it, we just make it."
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
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Re: Boomer Animals
06-05-2003, 03:06 AM
We're getting off topic, so I'll keep this short -- Nah, it's too close to what I have planned for Sailor Moon [Grin].