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Song of the Day, 11/12/02
Song of the Day, 11/12/02
In the deserts of Sudan
And the gardens of Japan
From Milan to Yucatan
Every woman, every man
Hit me with your rhythm stick.
Hit me! Hit me!
Je t'adore, ich liebe dich,
Hit me! hit me! hit me!
Hit me with your rhythm stick.
Hit me slowly, hit me quick.
Hit me! Hit me! Hit me!
In the wilds of Borneo
And the vineyards of Bordeaux
Eskimo, Arapaho
Move their bodies to and fro.
Hit me with your rhythm stick.
Hit me! Hit me!
Das ist gut! C'est fantastique!
Hit me! hit me! hit me!
Hit me with your rhythm stick.
It's nice to be a lunatic.
Hit me! Hit me! Hit me!
Hit me! Hit me! Hit me!
In the dock of Tiger Bay
On the road to Mandalay
From Bombay to Santa Fe
Over hills and far away
Hit me with your rhythm stick.
Hit me! Hit me!
C'est si bon, mm? Ist es nicht?
Hit me! hit me! hit me!
Hit me with your rhythm stick.
Two fat persons, click, click, click.
Hit me! Hit me! Hit me!
Hit me! Hit me! Hit me!
Hit me!
Hit me!
Hit me! Ow!
Hit me!
Hit me!
Hit me! hit me!
Hit me (x5)
Hit me! Hit me! Hit me
-- Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick,
Ian Dury and the Blockheads (1979)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Song of the Day, 11/12/02
... I just envision *everyone* around Doug suddenly carrying drum sticks --- and trying to use them on him, hitting him with them everywhere, crawling over each other to do his bidding (hit me, hit me, ... :-))))
I'd like to see when he finds out about this one :-)
Cal [grinning broadly]
Re: Song of the Day, 11/12/02
Okay, so I was in a goofy mood after spending a year writing -- and this should be no secret or surprise to anyone -- a monster combat scene. This should not be taken literally as a song Doug will be using -- it's more like how he feels when it's all over.
(Although I have toyed with using the middle verse -- the "nice to be a lunatic" one -- as something he'd use as a taunt in battle.)

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Song of the Day, 11/12/02
Having never heard this song before, I have to imagine the melody... and it comes out sounding like old Daffy... the WooHoo-woo-hoo! lines from any of the older 'toons... [Image: smile.gif] -Z
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programms, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
Re: Song of the Day, 11/12/02
It's from 1979, and has sort of a slow disco-y beat; the speed is such that Dury is singing at almost a conversational pace. It's an odd little song, but I like it. I first heard a fragment of it as part of a parody record called "Bras on 45" that Dr. Demento was playing a lot about 14 years ago. But it wasn't until Ian Dury died a couple years back and they played it on the station I listen to as a tribute, that I heard the real thing.
You can probably find a copy via a P2P service. And allow me to take this moment to recommend KazaaLite -- all the functionality of Kazaa, and none of the spyware...

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Song of the Day, 11/12/02
It's from 1979, and has sort of a slow disco-y beat; the speed is such that Dury is singing at almost a conversational pace. It's an odd little song, but I like it. I first heard a fragment of it as part of a parody record called "Bras on 45" that Dr. Demento was playing a lot about 14 years ago. But it wasn't until Ian Dury died a couple years back and they played it on the station I listen to as a tribute, that I heard the real thing.
I was about to say something about that. I have an old bootleg off the radio with that song (by a fellow known as Ivar Biggun, no less). I miss Dr. Demento. He made my Sunday nights less than boring in high school.
Ebony the Black Dragon
aka Draco Draconis Ebenium
known to the Westwood One Radio Network as Aaron F. Johnson
Senior Editor, Living Room Games
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Re: Song of the Day, 11/12/02
You can probably find a copy via a P2P service. And allow me to take this moment to recommend KazaaLite -- all the functionality of Kazaa, and none of the spyware...

Or if you're a l33t bootlegger, wait till it's played on a medium, broadcast and copy it.
I know I've got it recorded somewhere, it's a frequent appearer on ABC's Rage with some guest's playlists.
It's how I get some werid songs.
But I'll never do a Shatner cover. AHHH! The pain! The pain! I know I can sing better than that.
"You want me to sing WHAT?!?"
Re: Song of the Day, 11/12/02
I have "Golden Throats" volume 1 in vinyl... and so I have Shatner's "Mr. Tambourine Man". I have known pain and terror...

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Song of the Day, 11/12/02
I'll go one better: Somewhere around here I have a videotape of Shatner's performance of "Rocket Man" at the 1979 Saturn Awards. With cheezy lounge-singer action and split-screen! Yes, multiple Shatners. You've got Morose Shatner, Pompous Shatner and Lovable Dean Martin-Imitating Shatner!
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"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Re: Song of the Day, 11/12/02
Shatner's amusing. Bad, overdone and utterly talentless, but amusing. And he doesn't take himself seriously, which counts for a lot.
Blessed be.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Song of the Day, 11/12/02
Oh, I wouldn't say completely talentless. He is a decent actor. It's just that he wasn't a great actor. But I'll always love his Captain Kirk from the original series and some of the movies. I thought he did a fine job on the crews final outing together in ST 6: The Undiscovered Country.
(Which, in my opinion, has quite possibly the most humorously self-referential line in all of Star Trek. In the prison, when the alien shapeshifter comes on to him late at night, he seems - once again - to have used his charms on alien women to get himself out of a tight situation.
McCoy, who has been overhearing all of the goings on from the next bunk over, leans over after she has left and whispers in sotto voice, the immortal line, "What IS IT with you, anyway??"
In the theater, when I saw this, I pumped my fist in the air and said, "YES!! I've been waiting 25 YEARS to hear that line!!" My friends around me died laughing. ^_^ )

But yes - the fact that he doesn't take himself seriously counts for a lot of my renewed like for him. He wasn't always that way. There was a time in the not too distant past when I couldn't stand the man he was so full of himself. But he seems to have mellowed out a lot.
BTW, I recommend the John M. Ford authored Star Trek novel, "How Much For Just The Planet?" for a wonderful send up of Kirk. And one of the funniest books I've ever read. I wish they could have made this one into a movie!
Re: Song of the Day, 11/12/02
> Oh, I wouldn't say completely talentless.
Okay, half-bad. ^_^
While I can't claim to have read "Planet?", I count "The Final Reflection" as my third favorite Trek novel (after, in order, "The Romulan Way" and "The Great Starship Race").
So, yeah, I dig.
Blessed be.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
The Shatner I've been pained by
Hmm, Shatner's 'Mr. Tambourine Man', I think I've caught snippits of this, but what really got me was his effort of 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds'.
Hoo boy!
I swear he droped lines/words from the song, plus he just used his normal speaking voice. I should have changed channel, but it sucked me in. An aural trainwreck in other words.
At least later on they tried to reverse the damage by playing Leonard Nemoy's 'Rollin' on the River' or whatevertheheck that song is.
"Maybe I shouldn't get that 'Brain in the Box' CD set that Borders has afterall."
Re: The Shatner I've been pained by
I swear he droped lines/words from the song, plus he just used his normal speaking voice. I should have changed channel, but it sucked me in. An aural trainwreck in other words.
As bad as this is, nothing is worse than Jack Webb (aka Joe Friday) reading love poetry. Yes, that's on vinyl too. Fear it.
Regarding Shatner, I've actually seen other things that he did in his youth. Kirk, I think, was his worst work in some ways, too over the top quite often. I've seen a few old TV shows (not the famous Twilight Zone episode, though I have seen that) where he was remarkably subtle in the roles. Minor stuff mostly. Cop dramas and human interest. 3 a.m. on the local affiliate stuff.
Ebony the Black Dragon
Senior Editor, Living Room Games
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."

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