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Chapter Four Is Now Available...
Chapter Four Is Now Available...
Here. As usual, we are giving our loyal readers in the Forums an 8 to 12 hour jump (at least!) on the FFML and RAAC. Enjoy!
-- Bob
Visit beautiful Boston, proud successor to Seattle as
"City Most Scared Of Its Own Shadow
Beware of Doug.
At this point I could not breath for laughing.
Re: Beware of Doug.
will be reading this afternoon, thanks in advance!Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Re: Beware of Doug.
Oh yeah.
*dashes off to read*
Edit: Okay, back. And I have to say, that is a terrible pun to end the story on.
I like it. Wink
Very, very nice. The way you guys conveyed Doug's melancholy was...really good, really evocative.
-- Acyl
Re: Beware of Doug.
This is a VERY nice birthday present. Thank you.
Now, I hate to quibble about my birthday present, but looking at Mara's arrival scene in the manga issue where she possessed Megumi forces me to say that she doesn't seem very "small-breasted." (She must've had 'em bound really tightly in her previous appearances.)
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Re: Beware of Doug.
Poor, Poor Mara...
As to the Abandoned Bet, while I doubt it has much relevence to the Step it did seem to make FAR too much sense to me.
I wonder what would happen if Doug gave Chris some God lessons? Would Belldandy's promise force her to tell Doug what's going on (in the most general, roundabout, obscure but true terms) so he didn't mess up everything?
I'm also particularly interested in the Circle of Warding or whatever it was Skuld was working on.
Oh, and a note for the concordance. C and its derivitives are still widely used. I should know, given that I use the stuff everyday. Quite a lot of embeded devices run on C nowerdays. And the standard(s) (and they are standards, maintained by the ISO) are reviewed, so they still get updated. The K&R book is still very good though (I used it myself).
Re: Beware of Doug.
I wrote the K&R entry in the Concordance, and I phrased it the way I did because I haven't heard of anyone using/consulting it in years. I'll have to revise that. Thanks!
-- Bob
Visit beautiful Boston, proud successor to Seattle as
"City Most Scared Of Its Own Shadow
Re: Chapter Four Is Now Available...
And enjoy I did...
Although I have to wonder about just why you two seem so darn determined to lean on Doug so hard at the moment I can only assume it will have some payoff down the road.
Besides the gold of Beware of Doug, of course.
Heh... and my GF is mad at me cause I refused to explain why I broke down laughing over the Hassan Chop. "I was an Otaku before those kids came along and changed the meaning of the word."
-- HM "Howling Mad" Wilson to more than one team-mate.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Re: Beware of Doug.
but looking at Mara's arrival scene in the manga issue where she possessed Megumi forces me to say that she doesn't seem very "small-breasted." (She must've had 'em bound really tightly in her previous appearances.)
We're trying to strike a happy medium somewhere in the midst of the inconsistencies of her appearance -- I mean, look at her as she appears in the credits for both the OVAs and the series -- ain't no way anyone's going to think she's a guy. But she fooled Keiichi (and Paradox) apparently without resorting to magic. The series depiction of her makes her a bit more androgynous, mainly by giving her a face that is not automatically moe-moe anime-female cute (ref. Doug's description of her face as "round without being fat" I think we wrote). We decided to err on the side of smaller cup size because we could work better with that, quite honestly.
-- Bob
Visit beautiful Boston, proud successor to Seattle as
"City Most Scared Of Its Own Shadow
Re: Beware of Doug.
I wrote the K&R entry in the Concordance, and I phrased it the way I did because I haven't heard of anyone using/consulting it in years. I'll have to revise that. Thanks!

Admittedly I only used it for the basics (which I found it did well, but that may just be me), and at a recomendation from an experienced co-worker.
I myself haven't cracked it open in years (not years like you put it).
Re: Beware of Doug.
I'm also particularly interested in the Circle of Warding or whatever it was Skuld was working on.
But Doug said in the story what it was:
... I probably would have said it looked like a Seal of Solomon as laid out by M.C. Escher and Buckminster Fuller, with helpful kibitzing by Kernighan, Ritchie and Linus Torvalds.
I wouldn't have been far off, either.
Maybe it's because I knew about that sort of thing even before I read GURPS Arabian Nights, but calling something not-far-off from a Seal of Solomon tells me what it is pretty clearly. (And now I think I understand why you aren't commenting on that particular song over on The Game Everybody Loves to Play. In case I'm right, I'll shut up about it now.)
As for the rest of the story...
Yes, Doug really needs to find a friend or two. I'd suggest one from the canonical supporting cast, but I suspect Bob and Chris may be tired of my mentioning Sora at any decent opportunity...
I completely missed the "devil in a blue dress" riff until I read the Concordance...
Did Doug have trouble with "Homeward Bound" because he didn't think of the temple as "home", or because the wards were up? If the latter, this could foreshadow some other problems Doug might have with wards (whether you planned it that way or not)...
Is Belldandy going to get into trouble for entering into a contract with a mortal on her own initiative? (And as long as I'm talking about the blood-oath, I may as well addres the question in the concordance - the Vikings had a goddess of contracts because they were a highly honourable and law-abiding people. (Stop laughing - going a-viking wasn't against Viking law in most times, as long as you didn't raid your own people.) The Icelandic Eddas have almost as many stories about lawsuits as they have about battles.)
BTW, Bob, the second-last concordance entry currently has a typo; you've used "diety" for "deity".

-Rob Kelk
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Re: Beware of Doug.
"Pervert," Skuld snapped.
Doug's head whipped around to her. "I beg your pardon?"
oh that line _tingled_ me. I just want to slap the prude out of her, I do, I do.
Edit: Also, Beware of Doug!Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Law-Abiding Vikings
the Vikings had a goddess of contracts because they were a highly honourable and law-abiding people. (Stop laughing - going a-viking wasn't against Viking law in most times, as long as you didn't raid your own people.) The Icelandic Eddas have almost as many stories about lawsuits as they have about battles.)
Amen. From the Author's Note to David Drake's Northworld: Justice:
Despite modern impressions to the contrary, there was a highly-developed legal system in Dark Age Scandinavia, from which these Edda tales spring. Courts, compromise, and the reduction of injuries to money payments were the tools of the Law.
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Re: Chapter Four Is Now Available...
Bob & Chris, I noticed that you used "Freewill" in the way Bob mentioned back in April '05, when I brought up the song in "The Game Everyone Loves to Play". Also, greatly looking forward to the (likely) future Mara-Doug battle. I'm wondering what we might see in his arsenal that's of use against demons.
Ever an appreciative reader,
-The Twisted One
--Lemon Demon, "Word Disassociation"
"If you
wish to converse with me, define your

Re: Beware of Doug.
Maybe it's because I knew about that sort of thing even before I read GURPS Arabian Nights, but calling something not-far-off from a Seal of Solomon tells me what it is pretty clearly. (And now I think I understand why you aren't commenting on that particular song over on The Game Everybody Loves to Play. In case I'm right, I'll shut up about it now.)
Yes I know about the Seal of Solomon, which is why I said it was a Circle of Warding as the closest analogue I could remember in A!MG mythos.
The question is, What is she trying to do with it? Turn Mara into a genie? Wink
As for The Game Everybody Loves to Play, I don't. Sure I'll speculate but I don't read that particular forum.
Re: Chapter Four Is Now Available...
I'm wondering what we might see in his arsenal that's of use against demons.
I promise you, if there's such a conflict, Doug will likely fight in a way completely unlike anything he's done "on screen" so far.
-- Bob
Visit beautiful Boston, proud successor to Seattle as
"City Most Scared Of Its Own Shadow
Re: Chapter Four Is Now Available...
In re: Viking legal system and other changes to concordance. I have made fixes in the concordance file; I just have to upload it, which I hope to do before my lunch ends.
-- Bob
Visit beautiful Boston, proud successor to Seattle as
"City Most Scared Of Its Own Shadow
Re: Chapter Four Is Now Available...
Doug will likely fight in a way completely unlike anything he's done "on screen" so far.
drag that bitch to _orbit_ and crush her like the blazing vengeful fury of a thousand raging suns!
...I kinda want to see that. Talk about a stress reliever.
Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Re: Chapter Four Is Now Available...
Very cool!
One very minor quibble -- the URL for the ezboard forum in the closing credits is still pointing at the old p087 server...
Re: Chapter Four Is Now Available...
The older DW2 chapters have even more out-of-date URLs. I suppose I should go and fix them all.
-- Bob
Visit beautiful Boston, proud successor to Seattle as
"City Most Scared Of Its Own Shadow
That last pun...
I admit that I was expecting a pun, but i thought it would be "Beware of Gods" or "Beware of the God"
Re: Chapter Four Is Now Available...
drag that bitch to _orbit_ and crush her like the blazing vengeful fury of a thousand raging suns!
Doug's already done that one, in DW2...
-- Bob
Visit beautiful Boston, proud successor to Seattle as
"City Most Scared Of Its Own Shadow
Re: Chapter Four Is Now Available...
Doug's already done that one, in DW2..
Personally, given Mara's obvious weaknesses, I'm thinking that a completely different approach is in order...
Unfortunately, my mind has just gone blank on a "good luck" song. Sad
The only thing that comes to mind is "Don't worry, be happy"... And I'm SURE that won't have the needed effect. Smile
Re: Chapter Four Is Now Available...
Doug doesn't even need a good luck song - just blast the type of music that makes Mara dance (which I can't recall specifically right now). Granted, someone would have to think to TELL him.
Would Doug get a kick out a Celestial having this kind of silly weakness? (Gut reaction says not applicable to the world he's in, but if it was?)
Re: Chapter Four Is Now Available...
just blast the type of music that makes Mara dance (which I can't recall specifically right now)
Depending on which translation you're using, it's either disco or really good rock-and-roll (But who decides what's "good" in this case?).
Actually, that last bit, where she seemed to want to reach out toward the Norns, came together in my mind with Skuld's remark to Megumi about a fourth member of their group (Another Norn? Another sister?) who was "lost" a long time ago. I distrust certainty, but I've developed a really strong suspicion about this one. Umm, Bob ... Chris? You realize Doug is going to come after you with murder in mind if you put him in a situation where he has to forgive Mara?
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.

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