That's twisted, K. I like it.
-- Bob
There is no spork.
-- Bob
There is no spork.
Non-Anime Steps
That's twisted, K. I like it.
-- Bob --------- There is no spork.
Doug jumps into what *looks* at face value like Homeline. As he's on his way home, feeling high as a kite, he gets a call on the helmet. Metagoon activity, Warriors needed, etc, etc. He guns the bike into motion, intending to make a dramatic entrance at an appropriate moment.
Imagine his surprise when he gets there and sees the Loon fighting with his teammates... and discovers this is a *parallel* reality, and not *his* reality. Okay, these WW ideas would really screw him up. But one of the kinds of storylines I find allow an author to reveal a *lot* about their character is what happens when they meet *themselves* for some reason. ![]()
ohhh... doug probably was hoping the 'where everybody knows you' line would turn the trick eh?^_^
_________________________________ Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
The guy wore leather, and a lot of it. The kind that you wear because you remember that in ancient times they used to boil the stuff and use it as armor, not the kind that goes with whips and bedrooms.
Okay, fair enough, even in Key West. He was riding a motorcycle - indoors, yet. Wierd, wierd enough to be one of ours, but not too far beyond the pale. Being presumably of the safety concious type, he still had his helmet on. And it was a doozy, like a flowerpot to fit your head, with a hold cut in one side. It didn't have a visor, though, just a pair of heavy duty goggles, and on the sides a couple of lumps like hemispherical eggtimers. Well, -that- I'd never seen before. The motorcycle, now that it was bringing itself to a complete stop, had a jet engine. I say, bringing -itself- because the guy on top seemed to be making friends with Morpheus, or at least in a state of drunk at which even so much a contemplating driving is no longer an option - that is to say, down for the count. But none of those were the wierdest thing. "Hey, Jake," says the Long Drink. "Yeah?" "'Dis guy just popped outta da wall, right?" "Looked like it." "Oh. 'Kay." And with that exchange finished, I came out from behind the bar to look him over. Blessed be. -n =========== =============================================== "V, did you do something foolish?" "Yes, and it was glorious."
Sounds good, Nathan! I could work with that! Except you're giving Long Drink the vocal patterns of Fast Eddie...
And setting it post-Callahan's Key was actually something I was thinking of, when the suggestion was made... Hm. Doug's toast would have to be something like "To going home!", of course. Or maybe just "To home!" -- Bob --------- There is no spork. Quote:Sue me. I left my copies at home, this was just from memory. Besides, it's not like it matters which one it was, does it? Blessed be. -n =========== =============================================== "V, did you do something foolish?" "Yes, and it was glorious."
Not at this point, no.
-- Bob --------- There is no spork.
that implies that there will be a further point for this particular idea..
confirm/deny/smite? ![]() --- Kokuten Daysleeper, Retired Epicced Officered DorfWire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
The only implication is that I'm not using it now. I might use it in the future, but there are no guarantees.
-- Bob --------- There is no spork.
Callahan's is a good step idea. I'm hesitant to mention another idea of mine, because I was traumatized by this when I was younger. (For reasons that are obvious to anyone who knows me IRL.)
Logan's Run. Yes, the also-ran sci-fi film of 1977. Completely overshadowed by Lucas' "Star Wars" and Spielberg's "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." How would Doug take the "If you're older than 35, you gotta die" angle? Sorry, I'm just in brainstorm mode. ''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.'' -- James Nicoll
He'd probably think it was a better deal than in the book, where it was 21...
Doug with his ambiguous aging (remember the "usual" mutation for "extended lifespan" he mentioned to the Sabers) would probably confuse everyone in the LR world, too... It's not a bad idea, actually, I could work with this, too. -- Bob --------- There is no spork.
70's sci-fi films makes me think you'll end up in Planet of the Apes.
All those 'area effect: monkey' songs may come into good use. Skitz
Because of this thread, I dug out my copy of the Lensman anime and comic book series based off the anime. ^_^
At any rate, how about Doug showing up on New Hong Kong and meeting Buck Godot: Zap Gun for Hire. There are no rules on New Hong Kong. Client:Good lord, that's a grenade! After an explosion Buck:What did you want me to do? Shoot it out with them? Or maybe the world of Girl Genius. Neither are anime, and Doug might have some interesting times on either world. Back to the old US live action shows. Battlestar Galactica. Doug would easily drive Cylons nuts Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. That Buck could use another person from the 20th centrury to talk to. Space:1999 And here's some kids' shows: -------------------- Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
I haven't yet read any Buck Godot (although I have a random pack of issues I bought from Redneck last year), so I don't know about doing anything there. Girl Genius would be fun. Even though I've only seen the first two issues, I know I'd get a big kick about putting Doug there.
Quote:It sure would give me a good place to use Weird Al's "It's All About The Pentiums"! Quote:Yeah, although I think Doug would end up kicking Twiki across the room after about 15 minutes. -- Bob --------- There is no spork. Quote:Hm. There are possibilities there. I could just see Doug trying to uplift a new human civilization all by his lonesome... or maybe by calling on a god or two and trying to shame them into helping. (Low chance of success, that, though -- gods are notoriously shameless.) Quote:Maybe "Another Postcard", instead of creating chimps, puts them onto little pieces of paper... But damn, the chimps are the most reasonable of the bunch; it's the gorillas I'd want to dispose of wholesale. -- Bob --------- There is no spork. Quote:MAAAN. Everybody's down on the cool robot sidekicks. First the robot dog from Galactica, and now Twiki. *grumble* I happened to like them, thank you. Of course, I was what, nine at the time?-- Christopher Angel, aka JPublic The Works of Christopher Angel ![]()
I was like 14 or so... and I liked Twiki then... but there have been a surfeit of excessively-cute robot sidekicks in the past 30 years.
-- Bob --------- There is no spork.
TWIKI's personality was altered by Buck Rogers himself. IMPO he looked upon TWIKI as a source of amusement at times, and he needed it.
As to Daggitt from Battlestar Galactica, it's a robot dog that really didn't do much throughout the TV show. The pilot movie was it for major uses. Niether were that obnoxious, unlike say plush toy Luna. -------------------- Tom Mathews aka Disruptor Quote:The irony of this is downright silly. Ebony the Black Dragon Senior Editor, Living Room Games [For those not up on your TV trivia, the voice of Twiki was Mel Blanc] Ebony the Black Dragon "Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Oh, yeah, I knew that, and almost commented on it myself. And the thing is, if Twiki could have held a decent conversation, I wouldn't even have minded. But basically all he ever said was "Bidibidibidibid okay, Buck!". The supergenius AI he started wearing as a necklace toward the end of the season just made it worse...
-- Bob --------- There is no spork.
All I have to say is what I heard was an actual line from the Buck Rogers pilot episode...
"Bidibidibidibidi... My nuts are cold, Buck!" Nuff said... -- Bob --------- There is no spork.
The DOOM comic. I don't know if Doug could deal with someone even zanier than he is. It might be fun. The space opera books based on the DOOM game is a bit better, but I doubt Bob has a run of the four books. Maybe later, he can help with the Chest of Demons from the 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo.(They never did get the last ghost). Scrappy is tolerable in 13 Ghosts. Heck, he became a decent character after they brought back Daphnae Blake for the New Scooby-doo Mysteries. So the Scrappy annoynace factor will be muted. Doug meets seven super-heroes: Superman, Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Jon Stewart, Shayera Thal, Martian Manhunter and gets to participate against Luthor and his team. The Justice League cartoon If you really want to drive Doug nuts, he meets the Super-Friends with the Wondertwins.(Teach them some common sense!) Maybe have Doug meet Yoda. I know, he could meet the Tracey Family: Thunderbirds are go!. -------------------- Tom Mathews aka Disruptor Quote:snerk....bwahahahah!! Wondertwins...the compatriots of the wonderful Chris Dee have forever linked that term to some other objects in my mind. ("Wally stop looking at the wondertwins, she's noticing the drool.") So, fortunatly for me I've never had the joy of watching Super-Friends - Scooby-Doo, Transformers & M.A.S.K for me it was. --Rod.H
I'll stay away from the WonderTwits, thank you.
If I were to do some kind of DC-based Step, it would probably be Teen Titans. And because I'm old enough that I collected the original Perez run on which the cartoon is loosely based, it'd probably come off as a bit of a fusion/hybrid between the two. -- Bob --------- It's spelt "Frodo Baggins" but it's pronounced "Throat-wobbler Mangrove." |
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