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Hong Kong Cavaliers in Concert
12-19-2009, 07:19 AM
The following is a literary representation of the first music video made by the core members of the Blue Blazers, who later became known as the Hong Kong Cavaliers, shortly before the Banzai Insitute's official involvement in Operation Great Justice. This video was released in viral format onto the Internet, both Fen and Dane, on May 1, 2012, one week before SOS-Con. The song, "Calling All Angels," has been called the official anthem of the Blue Blazers, inspiring the members to "Do Some Good" as band keyboardist and vocalist Blackstone likes to say. A variant Blue Blazer emblem was created by BBI Dragon, coordinator of the NorCal Blue Blazer chapters, with angel wings rather than the original, more angular style. This emblem is worn from time to time when Blue Blazers are engaged in charity work or often just because they like to remind the world that they're there to help.
"Calling All Angels"
Hong Kong Cavaliers
Just Here For The Food
(Original Song copyright 2003, Columbia Records. Written by Charlie Colin, Patrick Monahan, Jimmy Stafford, and Scott Underwood)
The video opens with Blackstone
walking through a stark inner city neighborhood. It is overcast and
gray. The coat that he’s wearing is battered and does little to
shelter him from the wind. He has both hands shoved in his pockets.
He sings to the world:
need a sign to let me know you're here
All of these lines are
being crossed over the atmosphere
looks up into a clear cold sky, as a single jet liner flies high
overhead, crossing through several other jet trails.
need to know that things are gonna look up
'Cause I feel us
drowning in a sea spilled from a cup
passes several lonely and forlorn looking people on the nearly empty
street. They do not look at him, but past or through him with numb
expressions. He pauses to look down at the Styrofoam cup that has
fallen halfway out of the hand of an unconscious homeless man,
spilling alcohol across the street.
there is no place safe and no safe place to put my head
When you
feel the world shake from the words that are said
attention is drawn to a window over the homeless man’s head, where
a couple, in their mid-twenties, are screaming at each other through
a window. The woman holds a baby on one shoulder and gestures angrily
at the man. The man wears a business shirt with a nametag pinned to
the pocket and a loosened tie. He looks tired, but is shouting just
as fiercely. Both of their faces are angry, and the baby is red-faced
and screaming. With a miserable expression, Blackstone turns away
from them and turns his face to the sky, singing:
I'm calling all angels
I'm calling all you angels
hand reaches out and catches him on the shoulder. Turning, he sees
Buckaroo Banzai, who smiles in a supportive fashion. He sings:
won't give up if you don’t give up
gestures, and the camera swings up to an old fire escape. Nezumi is
perched on the edge of the second floor platform.
She sings:
won't give up if you don’t give up
jumps from the fire escape, but is caught by J., who has stepped from
the alley. J. has his guitar swung behind him, and he smiles as he
catches Nez. They both sing:
won't give up if you don’t give up
Nezumi and J. point to the alleyway, where Chaos has stepped out. He
grins, and they all sing:
won't give up if you don’t give up
turns ands looks at Buckaroo, who nods. He looks around and sees that
the streets are filled with people, all of whom are lost in their own
troubles. His expression changes, from personal misery to resolve. He
need a sign to let me know you're here
'Cause my TV set just keeps
it all from being clear
he sings, Blackstone walks, with Nezumi, J., and Chaos falling in
step. They pass a long store window where multiple images of
politicians speaking out against the ‘Wavium Diaspora shift to the
ills of the world. As the group passes, the newscasters watch them,
interest on their faces. The images behind the newscasters flicker
and shift to the Banzai Institute logo.
want a reason for the way things have to be
I need a hand to help
build up some kind of hope inside of me
stops at the unconscious man on the sidewalk. With only a moment of
hesitation, he reaches down and pulls the man up. The man blinks, as
if awakening from a dream and falls into step with the four Blazers.
Nezumi knocks on the window of the arguing couple and waves them
outside. They step out onto the street as the Blue Blazers walk past
and follow them. Blackstone turns to look at them and at the people
on the street, singing to them, with the other Blazers in chorus:
I'm calling all angels
I'm calling all you angels
Blazers round a corner and suddenly the bleak scene dissolves into a
bright, bustling neighborhood. Everywhere there are people helping
other people. Several step past the Blazers to the group that have
followed them, and all of them are wearing armbands, jackets,
ballcaps, or other clothing with the Banzai Institute logo. They wear
open, cheerful expressions, are of varying ethnicities, and are
clearly offering succor and help. As the Blazers step through the
crowd, Blackstone sings to the crowd:
children have to play inside so they don't disappear
Blazers pass a group helping fingerprint small children and pass out
child safety kits with the help of local police. Others hand out
flyers explaining Amber Alerts and Silver Alerts.
private eyes solve marriage lies ‘cause we don't talk for years
small group of men and women, obviously couples, can be seen through
a window, seated in a round table fashion. A middle-aged man, dressed
conservatively except for the Banzai Institute armband, appears to be
leading the discussion. A sign on the window proclaims the building
to be the offices of the Banzai Institute, with a smaller sign that
reads, “Group and Couples Counseling – Free.”
football teams are kissing Queens
and losing sight of having
shakes hands in passing with several sports stars, who are visiting
with young athletes. The stars are all wearing Banzai Institute
shirts, albeit in their team colors rather than the standard blue and
white. On the back of the shirts is the logo “Buckaroo’s Team of
Excellence – Building Better Dreams.” At least one of the stars
is formerly known as a tabloid favorite who has turned his image and
life around.
a world that what we want is only what we want until it's ours
group comes through the crowd to an intersection, singing as they
turn and face the crowd that they have just passed through. The whole
crowd, from the homeless man that Blackstone helped, to the athletes,
are all wearing Blue Blazer insignia and singing along, as the team
faces the people they have helped.
I'm calling all angels
I'm calling all you angels
Watch One rolls into the camera view behind the group, and the door
swings open. Buckaroo is at the wheel, and he tosses something to
Blackstone. Blackstone shakes it open, revealing it to be a peacoat
of dark wool, with the Banzai Institute emblem on the breast. He
shrugs out of the ratty old coat that he’s been wearing, slides on
the new coat, and catches the fedora that Buckaroo has tossed him. He
seats it on his head, still singing, and points out across the crowd. The crowd sings back to him, responding to his call with their promise.
I'm calling all angels (I won't give up, if you don't give up.)
I'm calling all you angels (I won't give up, if you don't give up.)
all you angels (I won't give up, if you don't give up.) [Repeat
till fade]
camera swings across the crowd of receptive Blue Blazers, as the
group sings the final refrain. Each member of the group climbs
aboard, with Nezumi first, followed by J., then Chaos, and finally
Blackstone. Blackstone pauses and stares directly at the camera. He
points at the viewer as he mouths, “Calling all you angels” a
final time, with an emphasis on “you.” Then he smiles, tips his
hat, and turns into the bus. The door swings closed, and, as the
video ends, pulls away, with the camera turning to watch the crowd
watch the bus leave. The image fades, leaving the words, "I won't give up, if you don't give up."
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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Cool! I like!
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Second Video from the Cavaliers
09-10-2010, 06:07 AM
The second video made by the Hong Kong Cavaliers was released in viral video format a few weeks after "Calling All Angels." While the first has been called the official anthem of the Blue Blazers, this song is commonly referred to as "Who's Who in Fenspace," despite missing several major power players in the video. When asked about the video, Blackstone and the other band members thanked those that appeared and stated that they wanted to have everyone in it, but "the silly thing is only five minutes long." This also marks the first appearance of Blackstone's "Ringmaster" alter ego, who appears in several videos the band make during their career.
"Karn Evil 9, First Impression, Part 2"
Hong Kong Cavaliers
Just Here For The Food
The shot opens with a circus ring, with the house lights up. Blackstone stands in the middle of it, wearing a ringmaster’s outfit, in bright crimson and black, complete with top hat and white gloves. A cloisonné Blue Blazer pin can be seen in place of a boutonnière. He stands with his heels together, head down, with the top hat in both hands in front of him. As the music starts, the lights of the house fade to black. The ring disappears, to be replaced by stars in the sky on all sides. A spotlight hits Blackstone and he jumps into movement. Grinning madly, he bows to the camera, and as he straightens up, there is a strange moving shot, where the stars blur and move as Blackstone stands still.
Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends
We're so glad you could attend
Come inside! Come inside!
When the motion stops, Blackstone is standing on the outside of the Grover’s Corners dome, apparently unaffected by the vacuum. He gestures with his hat, making a long sweeping gesture to the dome beneath his feet.
There behind a glass is a real blade of grass
be careful as you pass.
Move along! Move along!
Blackstone starts walking along the outside of the dome, but he does not move. Rather, the dome spins under him like a treadmill, and the stars spin behind him, as if everything but he is moving at an ever-increasing rate. Still grinning, he gestures about him as he sings, his gloved hands gesturing as various fen ships zoom past.
Come inside, the show's about to start
guaranteed to blow your head apart
Rest assured you'll get your money's worth
The greatest show in Heaven, Hell or Earth.
Blackstone gestures and the camera leaps up and away from him, following a dizzying point of view through Earth orbit. Babylon .5 can be seen, zooming past, as can the Island. Other stations and spaceships tumble about in a chaotic jumble as the camera continues its vertiginous spin.
You've got to see the show, it's a dynamo.
You've got to see the show, it's rock and roll ....
The camera comes back down to show Blackstone again, standing on a perfectly spherical, cratered planetoid, a la a Warner Bros. cartoon or The Little Prince. He gestures over his shoulder, showing the Professor’s ship. With a wink and a grin, he leaps, impossibly, to the ship and opens a door (with no apparent decompression). Inside is a stylized version of the Professor’s laboratory, with the Professor working on something. As Blackstone sings, the inventor throws back his head and cackles madly (on “he laughs until he cries”).
Right before your eyes we pull laughter from the skies
And he laughs until he cries then he dies then he dies
Blackstone sings to the camera and behind him, in mid-laugh, the Professor notices him. The inventor pulls out an Improbably Huge Handgun and points it at Blackstone, discharging it on “blow your head apart.” The screen explodes in a psychedelic rainbow of colors that explodes across the screen in a very cartoonish fashion.
Come inside the shows about to start
Guaranteed to blow your head apart
The colors resolve into a soundstage done up like something out of a 70s cartoon or a Sid & Marty Kroft set (think “The Bugaloos,” only with less pastels and more day glo colors). Cartoonish images of stars, planets, and a variety of spacecraft decorate the walls, including a number of recognizable fencraft, done in a very cartoonish style (the Jet Car done up as a Earl “Big Daddy” Roth funny car, and Ptchitka with cartoon eyes and a big grin). The band is set up on the stage, playing the solo, and Blackstone is behind the keyboards, dressed in his normal style. Each member of the band wears a t-shirt that has a space reference. Nez’s says “The Meek May Inherit the Earth, but the Rest of Us Are Going to the Stars!”; J.’s reads, “You May Have All These Moons, Save Europa.”; Chaos’ reads, “That’s No Moon….”; and Blackstone’s says, “Billions and Billions ….” Blackstone sings the refrain from behind the keyboard and then they go into the bridge.
You gotta see the show
It's a dynamo
You gotta see the show
It's rock and roll
As the solo progresses, the camera view swings about, alternating between showing the cartoonish depictions of fencraft and faction leaders that are painted on the walls of the soundstage and the band members playing. Each member is shown long enough to see the shirts they are wearing. The angles and motion of the camera give the images the appearance of moving across the walls, and even a holographic effect, as if they are not actually painted on the walls, but moving though the space above the heads of the band.
As the bridge ends, Blackstone appears stage right, dressed in the ringmaster’s suit, and crosses in front of the band. At the same time, he is still playing keyboards behind. The two Blackstones share a look briefly, the one in the ringmaster’s outfit grinning broadly and the one playing the keyboard rolling his eyes in exasperation. The Ringmaster Blackstone crosses to stage left, where a curtain hangs. As he sings the next verse, he pulls the curtain aside, revealing A.C. Peters, dressed in one of her usual skintight outfits. He holds up a jar of Vaseline and waggles his eyebrows at her suggestively as he sings, and she gives him a look of utter confusion that changes to annoyed outrage. Just as she’s about to step forward and hit him, he pulls the curtain shut and turns and walks away. Behind him, seemingly unknown to him, AC comes through the curtain, toting a large, anime-style mallet.
Soon the Gypsy Queen in a glaze of Vaseline
Will perform on guillotine
What a scene! What a scene!
As he sings the next part, Ringmaster Blackstone gestures to the band behind him, and then mimes applause for the four musicians. Keyboardist Blackstone gives him another exasperated glance and then goes back to his playing. AC closes on the Ringmaster and takes a swing, just as he leaps down off the apron of the stage that the band is playing upon (until he leaps off, it isn’t apparent that they’re on a stage). The mallet swing down and impacts with the stage, making the four musicians all jump with the impact, but not miss a beat.
Next upon the stand will you please extend a hand
to Alexander's Ragtime Band
Roll up! Roll up! Roll up!
See the show!
Ringmaster Blackstone strides across the open space below the stage and comes to a gathering of the leaders of the Sailor Scouts, all standing around looking confused. He gestures to them, and then off to his left, where a mule stands complacently. The girls look horrified and turn on him, angry expressions on their faces. They close on him as he stands, and AC can be seen coming up behind him. The band is still in the background playing.
Performing on a stool we've a sight to make you drool
Seven virgins and a mule
Keep it cool. Keep it cool.
As the last part of the song is sung by the Ringmaster, the Scouts and AC close a ring around him. The Professor and the other faction leaders and Fenspace celebrities caricatured on the soundstage appear and crowd around. The Ringmaster addresses the camera, but as he sings the last “Come and see the show!” he notices the others. He grins widely and insouciantly at them, tips his hat, and winks. Mallets come down all at once, punches fly, and the Professor lets fly with some sort of Buck Rogers-esque pistol, and the Ringmaster is briefly obscured from view by the activity. However, when the attacks finish, he is nowhere to be seen. The band finishes out the final part of the song, as the camera swings past the angry crowd and focuses on them again.
We would like it to be known the exhibits that were shown
were exclusively our own,
All our own. All our own.
Come and see the show! Come and see the show! Come and see the show!
As the band hits the final crescendo and sings the final line, Keyboardist Blackstone reaches beneath his keyboard and pulls out the top hat that the Ringmaster Blackstone was wearing. He tosses it up into the air, and the camera follows, zooming up past the cartoonish murals, shifting to a view of real space and stopping on a view of the Earth, which then pulls back, to show the stations in orbit with fencraft flying around them. The song ends with this image of Near-Earth Fenspace, then a logo appears in the lower right corner of the screen (like the ending of a Cowboy Bebop cartoon) that reads, “Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages….” The scene fades out, leaving the logo, and then it goes black.
See the show!
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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Whoa. Niiiice.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Heh. Be fun to see what Ben and Gina would look like here. Probably something like the stylized Ratfink dragster.
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blackaeronaut Wrote:Heh. Be fun to see what Ben and Gina would look like here. Probably something like the stylized Ratfink dragster. Most likely. I also envisioned a cariacture of Noah, standing on top of a cartoon Stellvia, scowling around at the other characters, as if to say, "Stop having fun, dammit." But Blackstone doesn't think of him like that.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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Ebony Wrote:blackaeronaut Wrote:Heh. Be fun to see what Ben and Gina would look like here. Probably something like the stylized Ratfink dragster. Most likely. I also envisioned a cariacture of Noah, standing on top of a cartoon Stellvia, scowling around at the other characters, as if to say, "Stop having fun, dammit." But Blackstone doesn't think of him like that. Gee, thanks. Now I'm thinking of this music video as a Muppet Show number, and Noah and Ben taking the place of Statler and Waldorf - and I blame you for that.
Rob Kelk
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them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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robkelk Wrote:Gee, thanks. Now I'm thinking of this music video as a Muppet Show number, and Noah and Ben taking the place of Statler and Waldorf - and I blame you for that. *SNRK!* That'd be great. If Ben and Noah ever did do a Statler and Waldorf skit, Gina and Leda would both be standing behind them doing facepalms.
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robkelk Wrote:Ebony Wrote:blackaeronaut Wrote:Heh. Be fun to see what Ben and Gina would look like here. Probably something like the stylized Ratfink dragster. Most likely. I also envisioned a cariacture of Noah, standing on top of a cartoon Stellvia, scowling around at the other characters, as if to say, "Stop having fun, dammit." But Blackstone doesn't think of him like that.
Gee, thanks. Now I'm thinking of this music video as a Muppet Show number, and Noah and Ben taking the place of Statler and Waldorf - and I blame you for that. "Ben, this is Blackstone. Hey, how's it going? ... Good ... great ... Hey, listen, the reason I'm calling is that we're doing a show over at the Savage Stadium next week. Yeah? Hey, thanks for buying tickets; Johnny B. appreciates it. Anyway, we were wondering if you wouldn't mind helping us out with something .... Yeah, well, you and Noah Scott ... Well, you see... we're thinking of doing something sort of rock opera, and ... well, there's this scene with a balcony and two curmudgeons...."
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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"Yola. Oh, hey Blackstone! Awesome - Mayonaka's already settling in. She's definitely me all over again. The little charmer's got the whole damn rock enamoured with her already.... Oh, you don't say? ... We snagged some seats for the next concert... Oh? If you're calling me then I bet that means you got one or two others as well... Really? ... Uh-huh? ... Yeah?"
*Benjamin explodes into laughter.*
"You do realize that Gina might need some therapy to deal with that imagery, right?"
"Ow! Okay, okay. I deserved that, I'll savor it. So, do you have room for a Miss Piggy-type?"
"But you look so radiant when you're righteously cheezed, my love! Call you back, Blackstone. Got a fire to put out. Woo-hoo-hoo!"
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Put here, because it's tangetially related and I didn't want to start another topic:
Junior Fabulous and the PS238 Brass
While some consider this jazz combo to be only the horns section for the Hong Kong Cavaliers, those who know the origins of the group all agree that it has the chops to stand alone. Originally making their public debut at the wedding of Noah Scott and Leda Swansen, the PS238 Brass take their name from the fact that most of them attended PS238 or contributed to the faculty in some fashion. All are members of the Blue Blazer Irregulars in good standing, with vocalist Holly G. gaining notoriety during the Boskonian attack on Crystal Tokyo for her actions (and, to some extent, her physical appearance - see below). The PS238 Brass made their first solo appearance at the Stellvia Independence Day Party, opening the festivities while the Cavaliers dealt with something that Blackstone would only say involved "four things and an elephant."
Predictably, the PS238 Brass focuses on jazz, swing, rhythm and blues. When backing the Cavaliers, they move further towards rock and roll, but without the other band's strong guitars and keyboards, they generally focus on their own strengths. Members of the PS238 Brass include:
Junior Fabulous - The grandson of Mister Fabulous, Junior has inherited his grandfather's talent with the trumpet, and leads his band in the style of Big Band leaders of the past, from within the ranks. Recordings of the PS238 Marching Band's rendition of "Hey Pumpkinhead" include a blistering trumpet solo by Junior. Junior is often recognized by his outfits, as he likes to wear paisley vests of eye-catching (some might say eye- melting) colors. In addition to being a virtuoso on the trumpet, Junior is a skilled physics student, a masterful motorcyclist, and a decent CADD artist.
Holly G. - Known mostly for her uncanny resemblance to Audrey Hepburn, Holly G. serves as the PS238's resident torch singer and chanteuse. Often taking the stage in a black dress and simple string of pearls, her vocal range covers three octaves and she can smolder just as ably as she can shatter glass. Surprisingly, neither her voice nor her looks are handwaved; it's all her. In addition to being a singer, Holly G. is a crack shot with a pistol (she prefers a Kahr PM9 9mm), a decent cross-country runner, a talented chef, and a nurse-in-training.
Jimmy Bones - Standing 6'6" and weighing 170 lbs., Jimmy Bones looks like he's just this side of starving. And he eats like it too. But this Blazer seems to be in perfect health, and he brings his talent with the trombone to the stage whenever the Brass make the scene. According to some sources, he and Junior have known each other since they were in preschool, and the rapport that the trombonist has with his band leader seems to lend itself to this. Jimmy is also the owner and driver of the band's vehicle, a handwaved 1960 Cadillac Eureka hearse, painted broze with brass chrome, known as "Hortense." Jimmy is a talented practitioner of pankration, a licensed chiropractor, and is hoping to go into medical school to learn osteopathic medicine.
Little Edward - At 5'2" and 260 lbs., Little Edward is Jimmy Bones polar opposite, and the physical differences carry over to the social. Where Jimmy is gregarious and lackadaisical, Edward is quiet and private. Where Jimmy and Junior get on so well that they can finish each other's sentences, Edward is often the opposing view when the band leader comes up with a plan. The only time that Edward and Jimmy are alike is when they play, and Edward's coronet provides screaming counterpoint to the mellow notes of Bones' trombone. The two are known for ripping impromptu "duels" on stage, where the intensity of Edward's playing argues with the easy notes of Bones's in "conversations" that almost echo their normal speech. Off stage, Edward is a world-ranked bridge player, an aspiring poet (published several times in Harper's Weekly), a skilled diver, and a computer programmer.
Tommy Thompkins - One look at Tommy, with his short haircut, freckles, and collared shirts, and you might think he's a preppie 'Dane that took a wrong turn somewhere. The truth of the matter is that he did, but he never regretted it. Neither has anyone else who's ever met him, because Tommy has the almost uncanny ability to get along with anyone. (Nezumi: "He's so damned nice! I want to hate him for it, but I can't!!") Tommy plays saxophone, and brings a sense of care and diligence to it that he brings to everything. While not a perfectionist, Tommy believes in being prepared and doing a job well, and it shows in the results. Not unsurprisingly, Tommy is an Eagle Scout, but he is also a 5th-dan practitioner of Okinawan Karate, an expert on wilderness survival, and a student of theology and sociology.
Felix - Felix, to be honest, doesn't look like a Felix, but that's the name that this Korean clarinetist answers to, so that's what they call him. It's rumored that Felix escaped from North Korea, but he generally laughs that off as "lies and propaganda, spread by my groupies" (which groupies these might be, he never says). It is known that he is classically trained, and that he likes to play Bartok and Prokofiev. As the odd man out in a brass band, he prefers to be a quiet supporter of Junior. In addition to his musical talent, he is an aspiring meteorologist, a mathematician, an decent boxer, and a world-ranked Magic: the Gathering player.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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Hot dayum, that's quite a group! They sound like so much fun that Ben would give them free everything whenever they decide to kick their heels up at 36 Atalante. (Then again, Ben's always a gracious host that way.)
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Ebony Wrote:Junior Fabulous and the PS238 Brass Thank you... (saves descriptions)
Let's see... I've already got 3D models of men's formal wear, a microphone, and The Dress from Breakfast at Tiffany's... but I still need to work on an Audrey Hepburn face (I've got a Katherine Hepburn face, but they weren't related so that's no good), a string of pearls, a set of freckles for a male, and some brass instruments. (I've got a Les Paul guitar, a Ludwig drum set, any number of amps... but no horns.)
Edit: Found a string of pearls, a trumpet, and a trombone. Have a lead on a sax. Can't find a cornet for love or money... (But I found a vuvuzela - will that do? )
We should also split off the FenWiki's list of Blue Blazers onto its own page - there are enough described to make it worthwhile.
Edit: Working on that this afternoon while waiting for paint to dry. Watch the FenWiki...
Rob Kelk
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them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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A coronet looks almost exactly like a trumpet, except that it's slightly smaller and has a higher range. You could use a second trumpet.
Also, I'm starting some basic images of the Cavaliers themselves, using the CoX costume generator. How do I get those out of CoX and into Paint or some other viewer? PrintScreen doesn't seem to work.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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For reference, here is Junior Fabulous' grandfather, the legendary Mister Fabulous:
![[Image: alan-rubin.jpg]](
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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From the Costume creator, prtscr only puts it on your clipboard, so... pop open Paint or Photoshop, etc, and paste
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... I feel like he's gonna start singing something snazzy like Mack The Knife.
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Foxboy Wrote:From the Costume creator, prtscr only puts it on your clipboard, so... pop open Paint or Photoshop, etc, and paste I tried that. Got a black screen on Paint.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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blackaeronaut Wrote:... I feel like he's gonna start singing something snazzy like Mack The Knife.  Clearly, you are not familiar with Mister Fabulous. Alan Rubin is a jazz and blues trumpet player, best known for his part as trumpet for the Blues Brothers Band. The outfit is from a scene in "Blues Brothers 2000," in which he and the band accompany Elwood Blues (Dan Ackroyd), Mighty Mack McTeer (John Goodman), Cab Chamberlain (Joe Morton), Buster (J. Even Bonifant), Queen Mousette (Erykah Badu), and Marco (Paul Shaffer) in "Funky Nassau."
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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Quote:A coronet looks almost exactly like a trumpet,
Actually, a coronet looks almost exactly like a small crown. A cornet, on the other hand...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Ebony Wrote:Also, I'm starting some basic images of the Cavaliers themselves, using the CoX costume generator. How do I get those out of CoX and into Paint or some other viewer? PrintScreen doesn't seem to work.]IrfanView has a "capture window" function - as long as you can run it in the background and there's a keystroke that CoX doesn't use (the default is Ctrl-F11, but that can be changed), you should be able to do a screen capture and save it as a JPG or PNG.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Thats because the actual print screen to keyboard keystokes are Shift+PrtScrn
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children