[Story] Yuri's Night
04-13-2011, 04:10 AM
To: "Noah Scott" ( )
From: "Seraviel" ([url=mailto:blackspotmaster@roughriders.fen].fen)
Subj: Invitation to Yuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.07-0437UTC
You are cordially invited to a supper at the Black Spot for the Night of the First Fen, Yuri Gagarin. Please invite all the fen who would enjoy a good brunch after the events of the past year. Food and drink will be provided.
CEO of 7-sided dice productions.
We make the games that make the world.
-People may die, but ideas are forever. Je suis Charlie.
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To: "Seraviel" (seraviel@blackspot.fen)
From: "Benjamin Rhodes" (blackrider@roughriders.fen)
Subj: Re:Invitation toYuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.07-0935UTC
Heya Ser!
Gina and I will be along, along with a few others, freshly recovered from that Incident we had. Just whatever you do, don't call Oliver if he happens to be on the other side of something you don't want broken.
Roughriders of 36 Atalante
Would you like blind, broke, or bedlam?
OOC: The 'Incident' in question was a major handwavium spill at 36 Atalante where a number of people got biomoded, including Ben's family (mom, dad, five brothers, and dog).
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To: "Seraviel" (Seraviel@blackspot.fen)
CC: "Blackstone" (blackstone@banzai-institute.com)
From: "Noah Scott" (Noah.Scott@stellvia.lib)
Subj: Invitation toYuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.07-0942UTC
> You are cordially invited to a supper at the Black Spot forthe Night of the First Fen, Yuri Gagarin. Please invite all the fen who would enjoy a good brunch after the events of the past year. Food and drink will be provided.
Thank you very much for your kind invitation. This will be the first event that Leda and I will be attending since our honeymoon, so please be ready for paparazzi. While Stellvia's vice-president cannot join us (Yayoi is spending Yuri's Night her usual way, dodging ice boulders in Saturn's rings with many of the other "serious" astroball pilots), my executive assistant Safety, chief engineer Kohran, and aerospace-traffic control chief Miyuri have told me that they'd be happy to attend as well.
I've asked our chief-engineer emeritus Sora whether she and her current shipmates would like to attend, but have not yet heard back from them. (The Soviets usually put on their own Yuri's Night bash, so they probably won't be available... but one never knows if one never asks.)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Posts: 2,610
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To: "Seraviel" ( )
CC: "Noah Scott" ([url=mailto:Noah.Scott@stellvia.fen)
From: "Blackstone" ([url=mailto:blackstone@banzai-institute.com[/url])
Subj: Invitation toYuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.07-0940UTC
We should be able to attend, barring any unforeseen emergencies. You might want to break out a few extra tables; we'll be bringing along about 40 Blazers who distinguished themselves in recent actions. I'm attaching a list, so you can have an exact count. (Food allergies are noted where relevant.) Also, Buckaroo would like to attend, but he's got to be in Redmond for some business that can't wait. He'll take some time to telecommute during the celebration; we'll bring our own setup, but we will need a connection.
Don't stop believing,
BBI #14
Banzai Institute for Biomedical Research and Strategic Information
"Orbiting Earth in the spaceship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, not destroy it!" - Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
To: "Seraviel" (Seraviel@blackspot.fen)
CC: "Blackstone" (blackstone@banzai-institute.com)
From: "Cathy and Cortana" (Cortana@stargazer.shipmail.fen)
Re: "Cathy and Cortana" (Cathy@stargazer.shipmail.fen)
Subj: Re: Invitation toYuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.07-1115UTC
>You are cordially invited to a supper at the Black Spot for the Night of the First Fen, Yuri Gagarin. Please invite all the fen who would enjoy a good brunch after the events of the past year. Food and drink will be provided.
Yes, both Cathy and me have time and would like to accept your invitation... cu at the party!
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To: "Seraviel" (seraviel@blackspot.fen)
CC: "Noah Scott" (Noah.Scott@stellvia.fen)
From: "Bob Schroeck" (rms@ourtown.fen)
Subj: Re:Invitation toYuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.07-1223UTC
> You are cordially invited to a supper at the Black Spot for the Night of the
> First Fen, Yuri Gagarin. Please invite all the fen who would enjoy a good
> brunch after the events of the past year. Food and drink will be provided.
Thank you for the invitation, Seraviel, but before we accept, I need to know just how many of us you're prepared to handle -- there are a lot of us and even without the children we could potentially swamp you. Let me know if you'd rather we send a couple of representatives instead of the whole 1st Fenspace Household Battalion.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
To: "Noah Scott" (Noah.Scott@stellvia.fen)
From: "Seraviel" (Seraviel@blackspot.fen)
Subj: RE: Invitation to Yuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.07-0437UTC
>Gina and I will be along, along with a few others, freshly recovered from that Incident we had. Just whatever you
>do, don't call Oliver if he happens to be on the other side of something you don't want broken.
Good. I'll make sure to have some good German beer handy. Any preference ?
>Thank you very much for your kind invitation. This will be the first event that Leda and I will be attending since our
>honeymoon, so please be ready for paparazzi. While Stellvia's vice-president cannot join us (Yayoi is spending
>Yuri's Night her usual way, dodging ice boulders in Saturn's rings with many of the other "serious"
>astroball pilots), my executive assistant Safety, chief engineer Kohran, and aerospace-traffic control chief Miyuri
>have told me that they'd be happy to attend as well.
Unless they follow a guest here, I'm pretty sure they won't be an issue. Spot tends to be difficult to find at nearly all times. Also, please inform Kohran that the colors swear that they'll have 'Destruction Dive 2' done, so she'll be able to test our latest explosive title.
>We should be able to attend, barring any unforeseen emergencies. You might want to break out a few extra
>tables; we'll be bringing along about 40 Blazers who distinguished themselves in recent actions. I'm attaching
>a list, so you can have an exact count. (Food allergies are noted where relevant.) Also, Buckaroo would like to
>attend, but he's got to be in Redmond for some business that can't wait. He'll take some time to telecommute
>during the celebration; we'll bring our own setup, but we will need a connection.
It's more than I expected, but I'll manage. Finding the extra Vodka is actually gonna be the most difficult (1961 bottles are somewhat hard to find these days). I'll have the connection ready. Hopefully Buckaroo will have time for a game or two, as Pride's been fuming about his latest defeat for a while.
>Yes, both Cathy and me have time and would like to accept your invitation... cu at the party!
See you there !
>Thank you for the invitation, Seraviel, but before we accept, I need to know just how many of us you're
>prepared to handle -- there are a lot ofus and even without the children we could potentially swamp you. Let
>me know if you'd rather we send a couple of representatives instead of the whole 1st Fenspace Household
Send everybody that want to be there, I'll manage to have enough. Just tell me the number in advance and I'll make sure I have enough. As for the kids, I'd be the CEO of a pretty lousy game company if I wasn't able to find something for them to do.
I'll be glad to have you all.
P.S. : Anyone have A.C. Peters' address ? I have a few question about android building that I'd like that to ask her. She can consider herself invited, also.
CEO of 7-sided dice productions.
We make the games that make the world.
Here a little about what happened for Seraviel between 2012-14
+ 7-sided dice productions : With the money he made from garbage removal, Seraviel went and built himself one of his dreams : a game company.
+ The sevens : Seraviel is the only human employee of 7SD. All others are AIs. Outside of Raviel, who's Vice-President, the others are called the sevens as a group, as they have been created in batches of seven. Sevens batches are planned, but only four are up. They are as follows :
- The servants : Archer, Assassin, Berserker, Caster, Lancer, Rider, Saber. They usually use their equivalent in F:SN as avatar.
- The sins : Pride, Lust, Envy, Greed, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth. They have as avatar the equivalent character in FMA.
- The colors : Yellow, Red, Orange, Blue, Purple, Indigo and Violet. They don't tend to have fixed avatars.
- The days : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. They use the sailor scout associated to their day as avatar.
The sevens are all members of the Hacker Underspace, know that Buckaroo is an AI , and have been sworn to silence on this fact. As such, Seraviel doesn't know. Buckaroo as beaten members of the seven before in various challenges (He is 10W 0L), and some have taken the fact a little too much to heart.
+ Destructive Dive : A popular game from 7SD. Basically, a space opera danmaku shooter full of explosives. The ability to dodge a Macross Missile Barrage is necessary to survive for any length of time in this game.
+ Spot : Spot has kept on growing and is still growing, always at the same rate, which is 2.2 meters a day. It does mean that by this time, he is a kilometer and a half wide. He has four smaller spheres that he now uses to feed. He is unfortunately still as mature as ever.
-People may die, but ideas are forever. Je suis Charlie.
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To: "Seraviel" ( )
CC: "Noah Scott" ([url=mailto:Noah.Scott@stellvia.fen)
From: "Blackstone" ([url=mailto:blackstone@banzai-institute.com[/url])
Subj: Invitation toYuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.07-1830UTC
>It's more than I expected, but I'll manage. Finding the extra Vodka is actually gonna be the most difficult (1961 bottles are somewhat hard to find these days). I'll have the
>connection ready. Hopefully Buckaroo will have time for a game or two, as Pride's been fuming about his latest defeat for a while.
Vodka shouldn't be a problem. Keep the good stuff for the toasts; I have a few bottles of Uncle Tito's stashed for emergencies. And if I know Doublekay, he's bringing his Home Brew, and may have some of the Kalishnikov left (if you want something a little more "in-country"). And we always bring the Snooty Beer, so expect at least some good brown ales, some excellent lambics, and Kosmos Spoetzl's Pride and Joy. (The last one really isn't snooty, but we pretty much all drink it, so it comes along.) Say what you want about us Blazers, but we always bring something for the soup. Even when the Stone Soup is actually a bar.
Buckaroo says that he thanks Pride for the challenge and will be happy to face him again. He suggests Icehouse, but is open to other suggestions.
BBI #14
Banzai Institute for Biomedical Research and Strategic Information
"Money, like vodka, turns a person into an eccentric." - Anton Chekhov
Doublekay's Home Brew is exactly what it sounds like, although he has a tendency to do vodkas infused with various flavors, mostly because he's something of a Mad Chemist and he likes to play around with things like that.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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To: "Seraviel" (Seraviel@blackspot.fen)
From: "Noah Scott" (Noah.Scott@stellvia.fen)
Subj: RE: Invitation to Yuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.07-1502UTC
> Also, please inform Kohran that the colors swear that they'll have 'Destruction Dive 2' done, so she'll be able to test our latest explosive title.
Kohran is now in her happy place - in a good way. I can hear her from here muttering about how she's going to upgrade her Scaglietti-model dataglove just for the game. (I doubt I'll be getting any work out of her for the rest of today. Ah, well - she needs to relax sometimes.)
> It's more than I expected, but I'll manage. Finding the extra Vodka is actually gonna be the most difficult (1961 bottles are somewhat hard to find these days).
For the die-hard beer drinkers, I'll bring a couple dozen http://www.obolon.ua/eng/products/beer/?id=270. It's Ukranian, but that's close enough for getting drunk.
> P.S. : Anyone have A.C. Peters' address ? I have a few question about android building that I'd like that to ask her. She can consider herself invited, also.
I've passed your address and invitation along to her. I'll also bring along a few notes that didn't make it into the Whole Fenspace Catalog.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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To: "Noah Scott" (Noah.Scott@stellvia.fen)
CC: "Seraviel" (seraviel@blackspot.fen)
From: "Benjamin Rhodes" (blackrider@roughriders.fen)
Subj: Re: Invitation toYuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.07-1940UTC
Say, Noah, about those Paparazzi? Since the Midnight's just gonna be zooming around with nothing much better to do, you want her to chase off any unwanted company? Sure, if you would like we can authorize a single, qualified photojournalist just so we can say we're being fair, but we wouldn't want to get mobbed, either, now would we?
Also, Mom just reminded me that it seems to be an awful lot of booze coming to the party, and maybe some people would like to have some pleasant, non-alcoholic beverages on hand. Thanks to The Jason and his help in setting up our gardens we got some nice stuff over here. My new favorite: pomegranate-cherry punch. We'll bring twenty liters of that along with another twenty of Mango-Lemonaid. That should help people keep people somewhat hydrated.
Roughriders of 36 Atalante
Would you like blind, broke, or bedlam?
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To: "Benjamin Rhodes" (blackrider@roughriders.fen)
CC: "Seraviel" (seraviel@blackspot.fen)
From: "Noah Scott" (Noah.Scott@stellvia.fen)
Subj: Re: Invitation toYuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.07-1940UTC
> Say, Noah, about those Paparazzi? Since the Midnight's just gonna be zooming around with nothing much better to do, you want her to chase off any unwanted company? Sure, if you would like we can authorize a single, qualified photojournalist just so we can say we're being fair, but we wouldn't want to get mobbed, either, now would we?
Good idea... but don't be too obvious. We don't want to call attention to Spot, after all.
Speaking of qualified photojournalists, Maico Tange will be joining our party. She expressed an interest in seeing a Yuri's Night party that wasn't on Luna for a change.
> Also, Mom just reminded me that it seems to be an awful lot of booze coming to the party, and maybe some people would like to have some pleasant, non-alcoholic beverages on hand. Thanks to The Jason and his help in setting up our gardens we got some nice stuff over here. My new favorite: pomegranate-cherry punch. We'll bring twenty liters of that along with another twenty of Mango-Lemonaid. That should help people keep people somewhat hydrated.
Another good idea - that'll help stretch out the three liters of blueberry juice we'll be bringing, pressed from the fresh crop from Wonderland. As for why we're bringing juice, Leda says it's all right to let everyone know that A.C. told her not to drink very much alcohol for most of the rest of this year.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Posts: 2,610
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Joined: Oct 2002
To: "Benjamin Rhodes" ([url=mailto:blackrider@roughriders.fen)
CC: "Seraviel" (seraviel@blackspot.fen);
From: "Blackstone" (blackstone@banzai-institute.com)
Subj: Re: Invitation toYuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.07-1942UTC
>>Say, Noah, about those Paparazzi? Since the Midnight's just gonna be zooming around with nothing much better to do, you want her to chase off any unwanted company?
>>Sure, if you would like we can authorize a single, qualified photojournalist just so we can say we're being fair, but we wouldn't want to get mobbed, either, now would we? 
>Good idea... but don't be too obvious. We don't want to call attention to Spot, after all.
Given the blogs that will be updated from within the party, I doubt that Spot will be a secret for terribly long. I'd say that you select a number of paparazzi to provide the desired celebrity photos outside the door, and set a minimum distance for anyone else. It'll appease most of them, and make spotting the ones willing to break the perimeter easier to spot. Ask Ms. Tange for a list of decent ones. We should be able to cross-check some of them; you'd be surprised how many of them show up at disaster-relief sites.
>Also, Mom just reminded me that it seems to be an awful lot of booze coming to the party, and maybe some people would like to have some pleasant, non-alcoholic beverages on hand.
>Thanks to The Jason and his help in setting up our gardens we got some nice stuff over here. My new favorite: pomegranate-cherry punch. We'll bring twenty liters of that along with another
>twenty of Mango-Lemonaid. That should help people keep people somewhat hydrated.
Sounds good. I have a dozen cases of 'Daneside soda over at the Bunkhouse, and we can get some more from Johnny B. at the Stadium. At least we won't run out of ice. (The vast cold emptiness of Space makes an excellent icemaker.)
BBI #14
Banzai Institute for Biomedical Research and Strategic Information
"Now I feel I have an unspoken deal with the paparazzi: 'I won't do anything publicly interesting if you agree not to follow me.'" - Matt Damon
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
To: "Noah Scott" (Noah.Scott@stellvia.fen)
CC: "Seraviel" (seraviel@blackspot.fen); "Bob Schroeck" (rms@ourtown.fen); "Blackstone" (blackstone@banzai-institute.com); "Benjamin Rhodes" (blackrider@roughriders.fen)
From: "Cathy and Cortana" (Cortana@stargazer.shipmail.fen)
Re: "Cathy and Cortana" (Cathy@stargazer.shipmail.fen)
Subj: Re: Invitation toYuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.07-1945UTC
Oh, Spot is not really a secret... its just hidden below tons and tons of stupid conspiracy news about stealthed Puddlejumpers, phased out trekkie ships and small mobile pocket dimensions like in Orion Arms... Many Fen crafts have radar today, just using optical sensors is really dangerous if you move beyond Saturn.
But sometimes its really funny....
I talked with someone who told me his great secret that "he had found the Spot!"... and I just asked him "which one ?"
I think we played this game for at least 100 milliseconds until he got the joke.
To: "Noah Scott" (Noah.Scott@stellvia.fen)
CC: "Seraviel" (seraviel@blackspot.fen); "Bob Schroeck" (rms@ourtown.fen); "Blackstone" (blackstone@banzai-institute.com); "Benjamin Rhodes" (blackrider@roughriders.fen)
From: "Cathy" (Cathy@stargazer.shipmail.fen);
Subj: Re: Invitation toYuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.07-1946UTC
Sorry about Cortana,
I have to remind her about the difference between IRC and Email... but like she said, we will be there at the party.
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Quote:I've asked our chief-engineer emeritus Sora whether she and her current shipmates would like to attend, but have not yet heard back from them.
Since this ties into the end of Mr. Fnord Goes to DC (still coming soon! I promise!), a note on the Soviets: The good general and his chief engineer are on an extended tour ("Oh, is that what the kids call it now?" "Quiet, you.") of the Tau Ceti system. Due to the, ah, recent unpleasantness in the United States, the Soviets are keeping a lower profile for a bit while the news cycle plays out.
On the downside, this means the VVS won't be at the party. On the upside, it means that Mal won't bring a case of his favorite terrible Mexican beer (commonly referred to around Red country as "that swill Mal brings up from Juarez.").
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information
"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
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To: "Seraviel" (Seraviel@blackspot.fen); "Blackstone" (blackstone@banzai-institute.com); "Cathy and Cortana" (Cathy@stargazer.shipmail.fen); "Regina Langley" (redrider@roughriders.fen); "Benjamin Rhodes" (blackrider@roughriders.fen); "Bob Schroeck" (rms@ourtown.fen); "Noah Scott" (Noah.Scott@stellvia.fen)
From: "A.C. Peters" (rock_doc@prometheus_forge.fen)
Subj: RE: Invitation to Yuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.07-22:35UTC
Seraviel, thanks for the invitation. Unfortunately I can't make it as I have surgery leading up to it (ironically enough, for a customer hoping to show off their new chrome on Yuri's Night), and will probably be busy with after effects and other stuff. Wish I could though.
If you need more food and drink, I can have Eddie shuttle some from the Forge for you. Send a seperate email with some wants and we'll see what we can do.
Rather peeved at missing the party,
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This, of course, will lead to a Yuri's Night Cake being delivered to the Forge by the Blue Blazers. Probably with a bottle of the Kalishnikov vodka.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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OOC:robkelk Wrote:As for why we're bringing juice, Leda says it's all right to let everyone know that A.C. told her not to drink very much alcohol for most of the rest of this year. I'm surprised nobody's picked up on this comment. At this point, nobody outside the family knows that Leda's expecting Helen - this was the first hint of an announcement.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote:robkelk wrote:
Quote:robkelk wrote:
As for why we're bringing juice, Leda says it's all right to let everyone know that A.C. told her not to drink very much alcohol for most of the rest of this year.
I'm surprised nobody's picked up on this comment. At this point, nobody outside the family knows that Leda's expecting Helen - this was the first hint of an announcement.
OOC : I picked it up and am preparing my reply, but today was hell at work
To: "Noah Scott" ( Noah.Scott@stellvia.fen); "Bob Schroeck" (rms@ourtown.fen); "Blackstone" (blackstone@banzai-institute.com); "Benjamin Rhodes" (blackrider@roughriders.fen); "Cathy and Cortana" ( Cortana@stargazer.shipmail.fen)
From: "Seraviel" ( seraviel@blackspot.fen)
Subj: Re: Invitation toYuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.08-0529UTC
Thank you all for your offers of drinks. I was already planning on having juice handy, if only for Bob's fenkinder army. I'm hitting 'Daneside for a contract on the ten, so if anyone has preferences please let me know.
>Speaking of qualified photojournalists, Maico Tange will be joining our party. She expressed an interest in seeing a Yuri's Night party that wasn't on Luna for a change.
It's going to be the first time there's a reporter in here, but if you vouch for her then I have no issue. Maybe she could could even do an expose on 7-sided dice productions one of these days...
>Another good idea - that'll help stretch out the three liters of blueberry juice we'll be bringing, pressed from the fresh crop from Wonderland. As for why we're bringing juice, Leda says it's all right to let everyone know that A.C. told her not to drink very much alcohol for most of the rest of this year.
Are you implying what I think you are ? If so, my congratulations to the both of you ! I'm happy to see that life has been kind to you since the war.
As for the location, I'll send you all Spot's coordinates on the ten as soon as I come back up.
See you all on Yuri's Night,
CEO of 7-sided dice productions.
We make the games that make the world.
-People may die, but ideas are forever. Je suis Charlie.
To: "Noah Scott" (Noah.Scott@stellvia.fen); "Bob Schroeck" (rms@ourtown.fen); "Blackstone" (blackstone@banzai-institute.com); "Benjamin Rhodes" (blackrider@roughriders.fen); "Seraviel" (seraviel@blackspot.fen)
From: "Cortana" (Cortana@stargazer.shipmail.fen)
Subj: Re: Invitation toYuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.08-0529UTC
Oh, just a question... how is the parking situation at your place? Some of us will not come 'on foot'...
Posts: 25,910
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To: "Seraviel" (seraviel@blackspot.fen); "Bob Schroeck" (rms@ourtown.fen); "Blackstone" (blackstone@banzai-institute.com); "Benjamin Rhodes" (blackrider@roughriders.fen); "Cathy and Cortana" (Cortana@stargazer.shipmail.fen)
From: "Noah Scott" (Noah.Scott@stellvia.fen)
Subj: Re: Invitation toYuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.08-0910UTC
> Are you implying what I think you are ? If so, my congratulations to the both of you ! I'm happy to see that life has been kind to you since the war.
We were going to announce it at the party (so nobody would be able to bring presents), but yes.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Posts: 8,933
Threads: 386
Joined: May 2006
robkelk Wrote:To: "Seraviel" (seraviel@blackspot.fen)
From: "Noah Scott" (Noah.Scott@stellvia.fen)
Subj: Re: Invitation toYuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.08-0910UTC
> Are you implying what I think you are ? If so, my congratulations to the both of you ! I'm happy to see that life has been kind to you since the war.
We were going to announce it at the party (so nobody would be able to bring presents), but yes.
Noah To: "Noah Scott" (Noah.Scott@stellvia.fen); "Bob Schroeck"
(rms@ourtown.fen); "Cathy and Cortana"
From: "Benjamin Rhodes" (blackrider@roughriders.fen)
Subj: Re: Invitation toYuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.08-0919UTC
Well, we don't even know if it's a boy or a girl yet, so it makes it tough to decide on the color scheme. 
Roughriders of 36 Atalante
Would you like blind, broke, or bedlam?
PS: Mom says she's suspected this for a while now - she's just been keeping silent on it for propriety's sake.
Posts: 27,782
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Joined: Sep 2002
To: "Seraviel" (seraviel@blackspot.fen)
CC: "Noah Scott" (Noah.Scott@stellvia.fen)
From: "Bob Schroeck" (rms@ourtown.fen)
Subj: Re:Invitation toYuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.08-1007UTC
> Send everybody that want to be there, I'll manage to have enough. Just tell me the
> number in advance and I'll make sure I have enough. As for the kids, I'd be the CEO
> of a pretty lousy game company if I wasn't able to find something for them to do.
Well, in that case, then, the 28 of us will be attending. In that 28, we have 7 children ranging in ages from 6 to 15 (and a couple newly-minted 18-year-olds).
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
To: "Noah Scott" ( )
From: "Seraviel" ([url=mailto:seraviel@blackspot.fen)
Subj: Re: Invitation toYuri's Night
Date: 2014.04.10-2349UTC
Back from earthside after a grueling day, but I have everything ready for Yuri's Night. Sorry this message comes so late, but I didn't where I was gonna be an hour earlier.
Attached are the coordinates that Spot will be using on the 12th. He's going to be digesting, so at least I can expect him to stay still for that long.
As for replies :
>Oh, just a question... how is the parking situation at your place? Some of us will not come 'on foot'... 
I have around 2000 m² of parking space, so I suspect that won't be an issue. Do call before you arrive though, as I'll need to have Spot open a way in for you.
>Well, in that case, then, the 28 of us will be attending. In that 28, we have 7 children ranging in ages from 6 to 15 (and a couple newly-minted 18-year-olds).
Glad to have you !
If there's any other issues please contact me, and I'll answer as soon as possible.
P.S.: Destruction Dive 2 as now been cleared for from bug testing, and I've tried it myself. I'll have it available at the party, along some other news for the gamers within people present.
See you all on Yuri's Night,
CEO of 7-sided dice productions.
We make the games that make the world.
Those wanting specifications on Spot or Seraviel's group, I've just finished adding 7-sided Dice Productions to the wiki.
-People may die, but ideas are forever. Je suis Charlie.