[Joined Story Thread]A day in cyberspace
04-13-2011, 06:26 PM
OOC: As promised, I want to start a joined story thread that happens exclusively in cyberspace to give AIs more chance for screen time.
Cortana looked at her debug logs for a last time, then started the upload of her new MPCP through the radio uplink to Coruscant... which was more than four lightminutes away from the path the Stargazer was flying to let a tourist watch the view of Saturns rings and moons.
"I will be out to meet with a few friends Cathy, don't worry I my reaction to audio will be a little bit delayed... navigation should work fine" she said when the acknowledgement came back from the server that the program has been uploaded and startet.
"See you soon" Cortana said and switched on the new subroutines...
Interwave VR chat-room #12, March 15th 2012.
*** Cortana@remote.skywalker.coruscant.fen logged in ***
Cortanas virtual image stepped out of the gateway interface into the virtual landscape of Phobos cyberspace, smiling happily.
"Hello everyone, I am back again" she shouted, "managed to get here earlier than planned. Ha... take this, lightspeed lag!"
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A small, Super Deformed version of Alita Gally turned to the newcomer. A distinct number 7 is on her forehead, with red eye-black under both her eyes. (A little like this only with proper expression.
From *** Sieben@Zalem.Grunthal.Fen.***
WB. Lightspeed lag? Some people are *so* impatient.
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OOC: Yeah... Bit early for most of the Forge A.I.s that would be watching things otherwise, given that this is pre-SOScon...
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Yoriko looked up from the login prompt hovering in front of her as she tapped the OK button.
*** Yoriko@stellvia.lib logged in ***
"I just got here too, Cortana! I'm taking a couple of minutes away from work at Stellvia and thought I'd drop in through the Interwave, so if you notice a delay of a few milliseconds with me, that's why. What's new, everyone? Who's got the really juicy gossip?"
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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A gorgeous Eurasian red-head with blue eyes and a red plugsuit steps out the of the shadows.
*** r.langley@bulletboy.fen sets status from 'Lurk' to 'Active' ***
"About time this place livened up. It gets so boring when the Dumkopf sacks out in the middle of a long-distance run."
"Hey, ever tried to access virtual reality when you are four lightminutes away from the nearest Interwave node? I have been forced to use IRC for nearly two years when the Stargazer was away on sightseeing business... thats really a pain.
But not anymore... I hope." Cortana said with a big smile.
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*** bbanzai@banzai-institute.org sets status from 'Hidden' to 'Active' ***
"It can be frustrating," agrees the Man Who Doesn't Look Like Peter Weller, Except Around The Eyes. "Fortunately, you seem to have taken a step forward." Buckaroo smiles. "The best kind."
In the director commentary of "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: Across the Eighth Dimension," Director W.D. Richter asks Buckaroo's companion, Reno, if Peter Weller looks like Buckaroo. Reno's reply: "Not really. The eyes are similar." Hence the description.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Cortana nods to Buckaroo...
"Yes... thought about just uploading myself temporarily to the Interwave cloud service for visiting cyberspace, but I don't want to leave my cat *chuckle* alone back in the Stargazer, so some work were necessary...
Sorry, I hope I don't bore you to death with all this technobabble."
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I find it gives me time to think. It's only frustrating when I'm annoyed at someone at want to yell at them before I cool off.
A few seconds pass. The figure pouts.
Or when I get ninja'd
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*** Yoriko@stellvia.lib ***
This is the best gossip anybody has? It's great that Cortana's figured out that she and her body aren't the same thing, but that's not really *gossip*...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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OOC... I hesitate to Borg this with Jet stuff but March 2012 is when Jet boosts to orbit. And Jet did post that video in Earth orbit... Unless somebody can come up with something better.
"Well there is this video. Someone filmed themself in Earth orbit. They start wearing a helmet, but then take their helmet off and point it back at themself. It's probably an android, or a cyber, but it looks so cool with Earth in the background. No idea who built her, it's not one of us anyway... "
The avatar eyes some of those in the room suspiciously.
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*** Yoriko@stellvia.lib ***
Well, that's new! Unless she's an AI. What's the YouTube address?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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" http://www.youtube.fen/watch?v=uXjwvlVT ... re=feedlik Is it. It's the only video on the account. The mystery has Daisuke pulling his hair out, and making Alita a little jealous. Definitely not one of us, whoever she is, she has no idea how to handle herself in zero-g. "
What the video is, is a camera apparently mounted to a helmet, looking down over continental Europe. It moves around a little, in a way that suggests whoever's on the other side can't quite control themselves anymore. There's some fumbling, and the helmet comes off, the camera is first aimed down at Earth, then awkwardly at the moon, then finally back at someone wearing blue and white armour. Her hair is red, and somewhat frizzled in the vacuum. She exhales a puff of mist and smirks, the camera tracking down her body for a moment before she strikes a pose as if to say "Look what I can do." Then cuts off.
The upload date is about 2 days previous.... it's the only video on the account, though there's a promise to post "All the old ones". Account name is jetjag42 and is about 2 days old.
What it actually is, isn't a rickroll, but something I was listening to at the time.
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"New blood, eh?" said Gina thoughtfully. "And a full-conversion job from the sound of it. Gotta say, I'm kinda envious - I'd love to have a physical body myself, but we're still saving up for something special."
** Cortana@stargazer.shipmail.fen **
*surfing to youtube* Nice link Sieben, really nice link.
Either a heavy biomod or a cyborg/android I would say... having vacuum on the bare skin should be a little bit unhealthy for a normal human being.
I hope this will not fuel the low level paranoia in the USA and Europe even more. I think they are more worried about the whole issue of biomodding then all the crazy tech floating around here.
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*** sieben@zalem.grunthal.fen ***
"A very full conversion. We have a few cybers training who can do it, but not without a helmet like that." The avatar looks as thoughtful as a superdeformed avatar can be. "Something special? If you want a good l body, I think Daisuke could be encouraged to build an AR-style one like us. AR Neun's body is finished, it just needs a brain-chip." She looks around at those present then seems to shrink down a little. "I had my brain chip mounted in a PDA once after a training accident. Not something I want to repeat."
It's clearly a very uncomfortable memory.
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Buckaroo studies the video intently. "Interesting," he says. "She probably equalized her internal pressure as she removed the helmet. She would have to." He pauses for a moment, diverting resources elsewhere, then adds, "I would have to say it's probably not a full android. The body language seems to have some of the inherent, reflexive reactions to environment. Not many, though, so it's most likely a heavy biomod." He studies the face intently for a moment, then closes the window. Turning to the low table he is sitting next to, he pours a small cup of tea, and sips from it.
"Anyone heard of The Sideshow Tragedy?" he asks. "I came across them last week, and Blackstone reports they're quite good in person...."
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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Yoriko glances at Buckaroo for a moment, and ponders his words... then almost imperceptibly changes her own expression.
"I've never heard of them, but the samples sound good. It's a shame we don't have a really good concert hall in space - I mean, Meg's is good and all, but it's a diner with a stage, not a proper hall. Wasn't one of the Blazers working on something over on Deimos?"
[size=smaller]OOC: This is when Yoriko begins to suspect that Buckaroo is an AI![/size]
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
"Are you Sure Buckaroo ?" Cortana asks.
"Its not really my area of expertise, but it definitely sounds like an unusual mod... Fenspace, everyday a new surprise."
"Sideshow Tragedy, interesting name... Never had the chance to get to a concert of any band... I woke up a few months before Cathy and me left Earth and we never got back."
Cortana nods in Yorikos direction:
"Yes, that sounds like a good idea... we cannot rely to do all the big events back on Earth, building one up here sounds good. Hmm, if they put it into an asteroid of its own, it might become the first concert hall that does not have any problems with noise from the outside without artificial dampening..."
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Buckaroo smiles. From inside his gray, checkered suit coat, he pulls out a small brochure. The cover is emblazoned with the image of a bronze statue, depicting a massively muscled man, standing arms akimbo, gazing off at the horizon. Behind him rises a domed space habitat, located on a rocky surface, with Mars hanging in the sky behind. The logo reads, "Coming July 2012: The Clark Savage, Jr. Memorial Stadium and Music Complex! Rock Your Socks Off!!" A small sticker stuck to the front reads, "Weird Al Yankovic!!"
"I think I might be able to arrange something...," he says, a Buddha smile on his face.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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It seems as if a light turned on behind Sieben's eyes.
"So that's what's going on up there." A pause. "Who's Weird Al Yankovic?"
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"Finally! Something to do around here..." Gina the grumbles under her breath, "at least in meat-space." She then blinks at Sieben. "You don't know Weird Al? He's only one of the most famous musicians in the world for his parodies."
"WOOOOW... thats sounds like a good construction, when did you sneaky bastards planned to inform all of us" Cortana says and chuckles when she sees the brochure.
"I am sure Cathy will be delighted to hear this, as long as she does not have to attend any rock or metal concerts... she has problems with music that gets too loud I think.
And it will be interesting how many bands from Earth will include it into their tours... very interesting!"
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Sieben looked confused "So he's a Dandelion?" She gave the cute octopus-lipped pout common to all Alita-types. "Give me a few minutes to look this up,"
Judging by her expression, she's not sure if Gina's making fun of her or not.... if it's not just some joke by Buckaroo that went over her head and she's the only one who hasn't caught it.
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"Judging from his his hairdo, he sure looks like a Dandelion," Yoriko nods. "But he says he isn't, so despite his songs he's only fendane, if that. Noah likes his music, and so did Eimi."
Yoriko looks wistful for a moment. "I shouldn't have mentioned Eimi. I wonder where she is now... I hope she's okay."
Then she goes back to her normal cheerful expression... but it's obviously forced. "You know who else would probably be great to play at that new stadium, Buckaroo? There's a group called the http://www.thereverbsyndicate.ca/bio/index.shtml]Reverb Syndicate - they play a cross between surf guitar and 70's spy-movie soundtracks. And look at their song titles: 'I Am The New Number Two', 'Zis Is KAOS!', 'I Am Not A Pleasure Unit' - I really like that title - 'Escape From The Village', 'Theremania!' - if they aren't Fen, they're good at pretending to be us. You should ask them if they want to play at the new stadium."
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012