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[RFC]Boskone attack on SerenityCon
JFerio Wrote:For the first time in his life, Geo was rendered speechles as Myk came aboard Starbug... Myk was covered in blood, much of it evidently not his own, and was carrying one of the Rock Band guitars... that had more substantial substances than blood on it.
"...Goddamit, Myk.  You know I love you -- but you got a helluva lot to learn about Rock and Roll!"
(Sorry, just had to finish up all the references properly.)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
robkelk Wrote:"No, Uran. We aren't stopping the Convention today. If we do that, the terrorists will have won."

Ben leaned over and whispered to Noah. "I agree 100%. But somebody has to pretend to be Mal and tell you you're using a hackneyed cliché."

"It's hackneyed, but it's working," the Stellvian whispered back to the Roughrider. "Look at the people listening to our conversation."

Sure enough, the confusion and sadness on some people's faces was turning to determination. They were going to pay their respects to the fallen, and they were going to see this through to the end.
Oh man.... Now I have this idea about Kara's death scene.  It's melodramatic as all hell, but it results in Ben leading a frenzied charge that breaks the Reavers' ranks and enables evacuations to commence.
blackaeronaut Wrote:Oh man.... Now I have this idea about Kara's death scene.  It's melodramatic as all hell, but it results in Ben leading a frenzied charge that breaks the Reavers' ranks and enables evacuations to commence.

And the LORD Mod came down from on high and spoke to the multitude:

Don't do this. Absolutely don't do this without Fox's permission.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
I doubt he was intending to.

I'm expecting he'd either get Fox's sign off on it first, or wait till fox posted his own work then take it from there.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Air Port Convention – 21/Aug/2012

Brains was unhappy. Yes, he knew he was doing 'good work'. Yes, Uran approved. But, he was quite miffed at being turned out of his own bed.

He considered the "SS Champ" his second home, after his Lunar one. The dower house, back on Earth, that was Brainless' now. Even before he'd admitted it, he'd been nudged out onto the "SS Champ"; now that was a hospital ship.

When he got upset like this, Brains was inclined to retire from the world, and work. Here he was in Serenity Valley, in the "SS Gee Gee", with all the supplies that had been in the Champs' hold. Hmm. The con buildings were looking pretty wrecked. Wasn't there a Morian freighter nearby that owed him a few favours?


"Work, it helped keep you sane", thought Brains. He was only one of quite a few people working on repairing the con buildings. The Morians had pitched-on, and there were a full set of twelve bimbots, in neat overalls, with hard hats. The Gibson Girls were doing the heavy lifting, and, he thought Uran was around, somewhere.

While the bimbots were a bit rough, early on, particularly when their controlling Gibson Girl was trying to do something complex, they quickly smoothed out. Initially they were synchronised, in an eerie way, then they developed the little hitches and pauses, the looking at each other to check things. Brains knew the Girls were pretty good, but they were improving at an amazing rate.

The main thing was to fix any structural risks, and Brains was using roughly the equivalent of battlesteel for that. So far he was avoiding the more exotic materials he tended to work with – common super materials were good enough. The next task was infrastructure, once there was no more reliance on forcefields just to keep people alive. Power, lighting, air circulation, that sort of thing – hard-wired communications, temperature control, water and sewage was unfortunately secondary.

Brains had learned a lot of tricks with waved mylar over the years – shaping it was almost second nature by now. He was focused on invisible mending of the walls, and floor and ceiling, of course. Where possible he was matching the acoustic properties, though he had to make guesses in a few places – there was so little original structure to copy. Waved aero-gel with tweaked properties fixed most things.

After a couple of days work there was very little visible damage left. Brains had been processing con building carpets, through a scaled-up version of his Auto Tailor. Fortunately he'd access to good music libraries, to keep the machine happy. Others had been working on fixtures and fittings – things were still a bit sparse in places, but it was looking pretty good.

Uran had been recording the remaining con program streams for Brains. She also claimed that she was asking the awkward questions he would have done, but, he wasn't convinced. Doctor Venus had discharged almost all her patients, and the ones she had left were mostly Boskone, who'd featured well down in her triage priorities. The Gibson Girls had gone over towards providing security, which after all was their real job, and only had to foil three escape attempts – they weren't bothering counting the bribery or other coercion.

Everything should be done for the con closing ceremonies, and the final, local, funeral services that were to follow. One way or another, Brains knew they'd be picking up the pieces from this for years.

But, he'd made new friends, renewed old ones, and he couldn't claim it hadn't been a memorable con.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
META "Air Port Convention"

Some might be curious as to the title of this little section. Well...

All the Morian ships in the air trade have names like "SS AP xxx", where the "AP" bit means "Air Port" (for 'air transport'). ... ria-Mining

It just so happens that the ship called in, coincidentally, is called the "Convention". So...

[[ducks, runs, and takes cover [grin]]

(Just in case: )

For those interested, the first air trade ship was to be called "SS Airstrip One", after the name for England in the George Orwell novel "1984". ... ighty-Four

But, it got changed as there was concern that non-Morians would think this implied a process of strip-mining air from Venus and Titan.  The new name "SS Air Port One", shortened to "SS AP One", became the name for the whole class of air transport vessels.
Some of the younger Morians call that ship "The Won" (or even just "Soup"), which the older members think really misses the point.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Serene Bureaucracy – 21/Aug/2012
"Yes, I understand you are very busy."
"No, there isn't any vehicle id.  I was in a hurry when I rebuilt the vehicle, and it didn't seem necessary."
"Yes, in the middle of the space battle."
"No, I'm not mad."
"I'm sorry, I don't have a con membership number."
"No, I'm not a BNF (whatever one of those is).  Or from 'International Rescue'.  I was just trying to help out."
"Yes, this ship is armed.  I fixed that when I rebuilt it."
"Yes, in the middle of the space battle."
"No, I'm not in any 'faction'.  I didn't exist before the start of the battle."
"No, I'm not a 'cat girl'."
"Yes, my name is 'Carrie'.  No last name."
"Look.  I was a missile.  I became sentient.  I have a prisoner."
"What part of that don't you understand?"
"Now, do you want me to space him?  Eat him for breakfast?"
"Or, do I have to come down there and, as an ex-missile, find out if I still have the ability to explode all over you?"
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
META "Serene Bureaucracy"

Just to make it quite clear, this is only one side of a dialogue - think of listening to one side of a telephone conversation.

You might anticipate there being a certain amount of confusion after the attack on SerentityCon...

Handwavium is supposed to suppress explosions, isn't it? Do you think it would stop Carrie going off? [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Kara's death is up in the air as far as writing. I'm too much in "pony" mode atm to give it the attention it deserves.


Kara's outfit.

The main points to cover so far:

Kara is close enough to Kryptonian as makes no difference to "street level" opposition, because she's essentially a human sized starship for a "creche tube." Never mind that she never had a passenger... (not for lack of trying.)

She saves every child she tries to, and most of the adults.

She has already had her last direct contact with her husband, Vulpine Fury, and her daughter, R. Lime Goddard. Lime takes her "mother's" name to honor her sacrifice.

Boskone who fires the fatal shot had a clip of "kryptonite bullets" just in case, and has a bit of "Who's laughing now, assholes?" to his compatriots.

Alternately, a Kryptonite Bike Lock or similar.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Scene for the 'Scramble!' period.

~ We really should have done this sooner. ~ A.C. thought as she worked on her presentation. ‘This’ was the Professor-tech holographic systems, allowing her to have more and larger screens as she put things in the right order. Leonard was already refitting the Forge to use it everywhere, and was making his own tweaks.

Suddenly a high-pitched whine, rising in frequency followed by a thunk and roar came from the Stallion’s superstructure. Then it started to shake and groan under stress and the floor tilted against Ganymede’s greater gravity field.

“EddIE!” A.C. grabbed the doorframe to the ships office, startled by the A.I.’s actions. He was clawing for the sky like Lucifer trying to get back through the closing gates of Heaven. What needed a zero scramble like that?

The cockpit door was open, Lebia sat blank eyed in the co-pilot seat fully hooked into the White Stallion’s systems. Out through the forward window she could see contrails and lights leaving the surface and desperately reaching for the Black.

“Enemy fleet, E.T.A. 5 minutes.” Eddie’s voice was cool, calm, and almost machine like.

A.C. felt time slow down as she considered her options. She and Lebia were the only people on board, with Kasumi, Andy, and Greenpeace back at the Con. The Enemy had logically already infiltrated Serenity Valley. The Tachikomas hadn’t been Turing’d yet, Keiichi wasn’t even really armed.

“Tachikomas!” A.C. yelled over the internal coms. “Donkey-Goodyear-7-0-Betamax-12! Prep for Combat! Keiichi! Ready for drop!” And A.C. dashed to the secure locker for their gear. She might be able to get Keiichi’s grenade launcher reinstalled quickly enough to help on the ground after he delivered the gear to the others.
I'm bumping this so I can find it again when I get enough time on a real machine to finally write up Koyou's scenes. Something I'd completely forgotten during that breif period when I had a functional pc of my own for a few months, dammit.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

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