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The Adamantine Rapier
So, essentially.... superpowered and perfect? Swooping on in to be better than everyone.

You seem to have utterly missed exactly what people are objecting to. This character exists solely to be better than the established best..... no really. Your drawbacks aren't even drawbacks when they're an excuse to take even more power.

You know why Jet works as a character and this guy doesn't? Jet gets a lot of power, but also a lot of trouble to go with it. And while I cut out the hard numbers on Jet's capabilities a while back there are still some limits to what Jet does and can do. Jet can just about take anyone in a straight fight and win.... but on the other hand, Jet as a person also has to live with the fact that in very real terms she's the product of a role-player min-maxing the hell out of the system to get an almost unbeatable combat character to fit the 'War' arc the GM had going, just in time for the GM to end the War. That power and it's consequences add complications to her life that Jet has to deal with.... most of which can't be handwaved away.*

Now what?

The point is, having power is just as much of a hindrance to Jet, as it is a boost. It also drives Jet's writing in a lot of ways, because when I have a cool idea for equipment, I have to wash it through the 'Would Jet be capable of dong it' Filter. Videogame AI driven 'Combots' were one thing that got dropped because of that (And a few other things I had second thoughts about), and what does make it through is 'different' to the point of being interesting, tells something about hows its builders think, and isn't anything any other Fan couldn't have done had they actually wanted to. Even Shinji nearly died because of that filter, until I came up with a valid reason for Jet to actually be building his body, and where the plans came from. In a way, that makes the story more interesting, as Shinji as a character now has more links with another character and inherits some drawbacks, while Anika gets some development out of it too.

*For definition of handwaved away. AS Jet's story continues she gains new abilities and buys off a few drawbacks, like any other RPG character. But most of this happens or should happen as part of a story. She also gains new complications (Such as having to Cover for Mackie's ass with the Space Patrol when they wonder what he's been doing with Cool Cuke Uranium fuel rods and Centrifuges).
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
Quote:I hope I've answered your questions to your satisfaction, then.

Yes, you have.

[Image: Rejected_Stamp_by_Ashlyntear.png]

Also, I looked up some of your previous work. I'm neither impressed nor amused.

We're done here.
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