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Character Idea: Amy
Character Idea: Amy
Name: Amy (no known last name)

Age: unknown

Nantionality: Fenspace convention
Residence: Port Phobos

Occupation: Owner and manager of Port Phobos Fenkinder Hostel (need a better name)

when the Boskeinan base Amy was rescued from was attacked she was still
undergoing the catgirling process; the machine took damage during the
fighting when OGJ troops stormed the room it was in. the process was far
enough along the medics had to repair the machine and let it finish to
save her life. However when she came out she had taken mental damage and
had no memories. This along with the fact that there were no records
led to a senshi medic naming her Amy for lack of anything to call her.


· Lost past: her past before becoming a catgirl has been lost with no signs of being ever found.

· Girl in a Woman’s body: do
to the mental damage she is extremely childlike even though her biomod
seems to have boosted her intelligence to adult levels.

· KITTENS! Any fenkinder that
stays at her Hostel is her kitten and some factions like having newly
arrived fenkinder stay there for a week or two help acclimate them to

there is only one known instance of Amy getting angry and it was due to a
drunk accidently hitting on of the guests of the hostel and giving the
girl a black eye. When Amy found out she tracked down the guilty party
and no one wants to know what she did after that.

This is what I have for Amy at the moment what else do I need to flesh her out?
There's nothing wrong with that at all..

The only thing I'd suggest to add are a few known aquaintances.... who in Fenspace do they hang out with, who rescued them, who do they know? Those little hooks will help settle them into the setting. They don't even have to be existing characters. Where they ultimately choose to live might also have an affect.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
I put in that she lives in Port Phobos (as suggested in the Hostel's name).
for people she knows... I have some ideas but I need to think on that a bit more.
Hello and Welcome, SilverSun17!
SilverSun17 Wrote:This is what I have for Amy at the moment what else do I need to flesh her out?
Tell us a story about her - that should flesh her out.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
robkelk Wrote:Hello and Welcome, SilverSun17!

SilverSun17 Wrote:This is what I have for Amy at the moment what else do I need to flesh her out?

Tell us a story about her - that should flesh her out.
Thanks. Smile
maybe a slice of life thing then? she isn't much of a got getter or adventuring Fen.
She's definitely a slice-of-life kinda character. But if you really want adventuring, go bug Ben and Gina, or even Jet and Ford. Wink
»Amy? She is very nice, I don't think there is a safer place to leave your children when you are on Phobos. Some of us have visited her while on Mars, spending a few hours there to talk, playing a few games with the kids or just giving her some new toys for them.«

-- Niaka of Jenga, 2017

Welcome to Fenspace SilverSun17. Smile

Finally another writer that thinks about Season 2 (post-war)... Smile Hope we will hear more about Amy.
Welcome to the forums, SilverSun17!

By second season, the Grover's Corners will have a reputation for taking in Fenkinder, so Kat Avins and some of the other adults there would seem like natural contacts for Amy.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
A slice-of-life story would be lovely...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
SilverSun17 Wrote:maybe a slice of life thing then? she isn't much of a got getter or adventuring Fen.

Yes, a slice of life would be great...

If you like the character and want to continue to work on her, maybe we could do another 'slice of life' thing for a later time (have something vague in mind, but its still Fenspace Infinities and I have to work first on some other stuff).

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