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Rakhasa Wrote:A few months later, the weekly Marduk marker was a huge affair, Peru had the biggest spaceport in south america (built by Genesis for unspecified rewards) near Cuzco, What, not Nazca? After all, von Däniken says there's already a spaceport]there...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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[size=larger]Stellvia Corporation Report to the Shareholders, Fiscal Year 2021-2022[/size]
What's happened with StellviaCorp?
Over the second decade of the 21st centruy, StellviaCorp decided to concentrate on their core strengths - trade (through Stellvia Trading), astronomical research (through the Artemis Foundation), and philanthropic work (through the Nikaido Foundation), in that order. They announced in May 2016 that they "support the efforts of the Clarke Group of Central Station to coordinate activities of interest to everyone in the Earth-Luna L5 area," substantially reducing their own political power in the process. A month later, the company announced the purchase of 10% of Hermes Universal Deliveries and 25% of the Solomon Space Agency. Analysts believe that the HUD purchase was intended to keep CHOAM from gaining a stranglehold on interplanetary trading by injecting cash into one of that company's largest rivals. The SSA purchase gave StellviaCorp (and, by extension, HUD) preferred access to a launch facility on what is quickly becoming one of the busiest trade routes between Earth and cislunar space.
Construction of station Ultima began in June 2016, after the return of the first Zeta Tucanae Exploration Mission to the Solar System. That expedition found little of material or biological interest, but they did establish a reliable communications line from Sol to ? Tucane, and the station was designed to be the Sol end of that line.
Once Ultima was completed in 2019, Miyuri Akisato was assigned as its commander and Yuu Inagawa became the manager of the station's hotel. While this was widely seen as good for the station and StellviaCorp as a whole, Noah Scott's closest friends wonder why he sent two of his most trusted companions to a place where they couldn't speak with him on a moment's notice.
The Rinna Kazamatsuri (nicknamed "Hanger Queen Rinna" by the Starfleet engineers who built her) was finally completed in 2022. Noah Scott surprised everyone by not transferring it to the Artemis Foundation, instead putting his aide-de-camp Safety in command of the ship and giving her orders to recruit a crew and go explore and map the Beta Hydri system. This has widely been seen as Noah's emotions getting the better of him - assigning the ship to Artemis would have meant partially "giving up" control of it to the VVS, a faction with which StellviaCorp's relations had been cooling for a number of years. However, it is carrying out valuable astronomical research - ß Hydri is the closest red giant to Sol, and there were more qualified applicants for the ship's astrophysics department than there were positions available in the ship's entire scientific complement.
The Nikaido Foundation has become the smallest of StellviaCorp's concerns, finding more in common with the Blue Blazers and the Sailor Armed Militia than with their corporate parents. They aren't in any financial difficulty, but they aren't receiving the moral support that they used to be able to rely on from StellviaCorp.
How is StellviaCorp getting along with the other factions?
In a word: Poorly.
In more than one word: Things aren't nearly as bad as they were right after IslandCon, but they're worse than they were in the mid-2010s.
They're still staunch allies of the Crystal Millennium - Crystal Titusville is very good to both groups - but this is becoming less a partnership and more an alliance of convenience every year.
While they're still friendly with the Galactic Republic and the VVS on paper, relations with both groups have cooled significantly in the last half-decade. Publicly this is because of the redacted portions of the Whole Fenspace Catalog; the other factions are no longer willing to trust the Stellvians to be completely open in its dealings with them.
Interestingly, the company has been forming closer ties with the Mars Terraforming Project as its ties with the Warsies and the Soviets have loosened.
While JMC has common cause with StellviaCorp in their efforts to keep CHOAM from dominating interplanetary trade, the two companies don't have any formal agreements to work together.
What's going on with the Stellvians?
Noah Scott is, of course, still in charge of StellviaCorp. He's becoming more set in his ways as he approaches his 60th birthday, finding more in common with financial groups on Earth than with the other SMOFs. He resigned his Troubleshooter rank a few months after the Quattro incident. While he's thrown himself into his StellviaCorp work more than ever before - some of his friends say he's done this to avoid looking at what's happened in the last five years - he can always find time for his daughter Helen. [size=smaller](Noah has, very very occasionally, been seen to be looking at a photo of himself and Sora Hasegawa aboard Grover's Corners the day it launched while listening to the song "Margaritaville" - those episodes always end with him needing to replace the picture frame and a speaker.)[/size]
Leda Swansen is busy with original genetic research, trying her best to avoid relying on the Whole Fenspace Catalog. Her work on genetic therapy techniques to treat low-gravity disorders is showing great promise. Currently, she's slightly distant from Noah, but still loves and stands by him; these things happen in even the happiest of marriages.
Helen Scott attends classes at PS238, and is worried because her father is "angry all the time." Her parents and her aunt Yayoi are careful to make sure Helen knows it isn't her fault.
Yayoi Fujisawa, as Vice-President of StellviaCorp, serves as the public face of the company more often than Noah does. She's very busy keeping the SMOFs' opinion of StellviaCorp from hitting rock-bottom altogether, and wishes she had time to fly more often - she hasn't played astroball since 2017.
Kelly Harrison is in charge of the entire Stellvia Hotels chain. She splits her time between her offices in the Hotel Stellvia, the Hotel Odyssey, the Hotel Ultima, and the Hotel Choiseul (located just outside the SSA's ground facility).
Takami Sakuragi is StellviaCorp's infomation-security chief, responsible for keeping the company's secrets secret. She's become Noah's confidant almost by default (considering how busy Yayoi has become), and is dating Jake Hansen.
Jake Hansen spends most of his time commanding Stellvia, and the rest of his time trying to figure out how to tell Noah he's being a damned fool. Takami is 100% behind Noah, and this has become a point of contention in their relationship.
Kagome Mishima has taken Miyuri's role as second-in-command of Stellvia. Her organizational skills make her a natural for the position. She's maturing; she hasn't developed a crush on Jake.
The original senior management of Wonderland - Micheline Rouleau, Jerry Freedman, Lea Meadows, and Dr. Sergy Gudanov - are still in their jobs on Wonderland, keeping their heads down. They're very careful to remain neutral in all the politics, being unwilling to place "L5's breadbasket" [size=smaller](yes, they know how hollow a boast that is)[/size] in any difficulty that it doesn't need to be in.
Patty O'Neill remains in charge of Odyssey. She's been forming ties with the Mars Terraforming Project and the UFP over the last few years, and improving the station to the point where it's beginning to be considered as having the potential to be a possible rival to Starbase 1 as a vacation spot.
As has already been mentioned, Miyuri Akisato is the commander of station Ultima and Yuu Inagawa runs the station's hotel. Safety is in command of the Rinna Kazamatsuri They're all busy, and on the whole "out of the loop" when it comes to how StellviaCorp fits into the modern political landscape.
Then there are the people who've left the company...
Sora Hasegawa is happy with the VVS and is not currently on speaking terms with her father.
Yomiko Readman sold her shares back to StellviaCorp two months after she received them, moved to Grover's Corners, and took full-time employment at PS238. She is building a one-room apartment and a library beside the school, with the help of the Corners' original residents; Gaia keeps voting against Yomiko's expansion plans for the still-unfinished library.
Star sold her shares back to StellviaCorp in 2017, bought the Concorde that serves as her body, and is now running her own passenger business on the Earth/Luna/L5 triangle (on the same model as Orbital Air). The parting was friendly; Star's company is named "Route à les étoiles."
The biggest surprise came in 2018, when Kohran Li sold her shares back to StellviaCorp, moved to Deimos, and started doing pyrotechnic work for the Clark Savage, Jr. Memorial Stadium and Music Complex when not performing there in her "Red Lad Revue." Kohran's the only person still on speaking terms with both Sora and Noah, and has struck up a slightly-distant friendship with Natsuko Aki. She is living with a young woman (apparently Kohran's bodyguard) known by the name Makoto Miyadera.
Natsuko Aki is reconciling with the Stellvians - well, at least, with Kohran - but isn't giving up anything she's worked to achieve. She's still proud of being the Best Damn Cop on Mars.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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robkelk Wrote:Rakhasa Wrote:A few months later, the weekly Marduk marker was a huge affair, Peru had the biggest spaceport in south america (built by Genesis for unspecified rewards) near Cuzco,
What, not Nazca? After all, von Däniken says there's already a spaceport there... Nazca is a World Heritage Site, they probably wouldn't want to risk people actually using the geoglyphs as landing sites.
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
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robkelk Wrote:What, not Nazca? After all, von Däniken says there's already a spaceport there... Nope, I followed a very scientific process to create the Huarocondo Spaceport:
1- "Oscar, you need a name for the south american village in the crater. One than is south-american, which leaves out, like, 80% of then, wich are names of iberian cities and such. Cuzco way waaay less letters to type than Tenochtitlan, Machu Picchu or Chicen Itza, so Nuevo Cuzco it is"
2- "I think it would be cool if there was a spaceport in south america somewere. Now, Oscar dear boy, let's be honest... what do you know about South American Geography" (answer: A long line of very tall mountains, and then to the east of then a big forest. With piranhas)
3- Google Maps is your friend. Why don't you type "Cuzco" and look which of the surrounding villages in the plains around the city has the coolest sounding name?"
4- And the winner is Huarocondo.
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Quote:she hasn't played astroball since 2017.
If you don't mind. This has given me a rather nice idea for SIRP. They do have all that hardware lying around gathering dust from the failed attempt at setting up a proper local force. Enough for two teams of five.
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I don't mind at all...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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RE STellvia
Damn, looks like Noah has forgotten that when you find yourself in a hole the first thing to do is stop digging.
On the topic of US politics, whats the name of that guy who tried to run as a third canidate a few elections back? Ross Perot? ("A giant sucking sound").
a fracturing of the US parties may lead to more independants running, for senate, Congress and President.
I can also see many Fen using these sorta images durring election years:
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
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Between 2015 and 2020, the Gnarlycurl mainly continued in its OGJ role as a flying machine shop, hotel, general store, and sometime hospital ship when a large enough fleet gathered to call for one, but a major renovation over the last two years has significantly increased its docking capacity and habitable space, if at the cost of easy landing capacity. A second engine, massive as the first, now provides a flipped gravity field and improved motive power (now 20% faster than the original, despite the mass
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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increasing to 6 million tons nominal) for a large "techno castle" similar to the one from latter half of Lion Force Voltron. A planar 0g interface zone between the two orientations extends from the original base, with the feet of the pyramid ramps extended into 300ft enclosed docks where large craft can literally tie up like seagoing ships. The new construction is made of 'waved sheet foam on a cybertronium frame rather than the legendarily tough solid pyramid walls, but still have little to fear from
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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weapons aside from those designed for 'bunker busting.' It also incorporates a new vehicle bay for mecha and SC class craft that's much more capacious than the original A deck, now reserved for garage and machine shop work. Staff has neccesarily increased, of course, most being drawn from the Gearheads as it remains effectively the faction flagship. Normal flight orientation is with the castle upright and pyramid inverted, though of course that matters little in space, or even in a planetary atmosphere as
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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artificial gravity is kept up. Separating the new and old halves and landing them seperately is possible if absolutely neccesary, but reconnecting and resynchronizing the engines takes a week or more of work to get all the kinks out. Shipboard operations are largely unchanged, just on a bigger scale to accomodate the increasing numbers of people active in space.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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Hmmm... Ben won't be too much better off. Oh, his interpersonal relations will be fine - he absolutely hates being angry with friends and family. But the big issue will be the political scene.
Ben finds himself fighting a losing political battle over the expansion of the Roughriders. While the Big 5 and various other factions worry at the military power at Ben's disposal, Ben argues that if someone of poor moral fiber were to carry out a major coup in one of the Big 5 then all the love, friendship, and good feelings in the universe won't stop things from going to hell. This could be what prompts Atalante to go for the Throne - she feels that in that position she can rally the Senshi to Ben's support. (That damn Tenchi Masaki Syndrome - still effective after all these years.)
Of course, this has the polar opposite affect as it leads some to believe that Ben is attempting to do exactly what he says he wants to prevent. Of course, fear being what it is, these voices gain traction among the Convention and Ben's credibility takes a huge blow.
This will lead to Ben being stripped of all titles among the Senshi, the A-Team being reassigned to Frigga, and the title of Sailor Atalante being retired. (They even went as far as to strip the 'A' in A-Team of its standing for 'Atalante' - instead it is simply the letter 'A' and, to further set them apart, a 'B-Team' is founded.) Though the Roughriders still retain warm relations to the Senshi, it's been tainted with a feeling of loss.
Even the Japanese government has spoken out on Ben's military endeavors... however a very vocal group in the Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures still supports him staunchly.
Eventually, though, an incident will occur that leaves Ben and the Roughriders stuck holding the bag. Cries for the Roughriders and BAT to be nationalized go out, and Ben decides that it is high time to cut his losses and enact what he calls the Exodus Contingency. People that do not wish to go along with them are made part of a Roughriders or BAT that are 'sold' to Jet Jaguar, and then the entirety of 36 Atalante begins to haul ass for The Limit, thanks to the effing-huge reactionless drives Ben had 'secretly' built into the southern polar region of the asteroid.
Not exactly a quick and quiet disappearance, but I don't think there's any faction that would be able to stop that kind of mass when it has an appropriately proportionate drive system. That, and people would have friends there. Not many people willing to hit them with a rock-buster.
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I want to see what the rest of the collective says about that.... Although the version with the B58 Hustlers was far more romantic.... and a little more daring.
JJ will try, but being a specialist in the 'alternate form of politics' isn't helpful when geeking your opposition is politically unsound. Jet struggles to maintain control and barely manages to hammer out a compromise with the wolves at the door, publicly dedicating a significant fraction faction resources towards looking for the fugitives (While quietly knowing exactly where not to look.) Jet's doing her best to try and split the middle and not betray both sides.
The simple truth is, people can point to Jet and cry 'More of the same', she's too in tight with Ben to be seen as clean, the disbursement of the A-team being proof. The best Jet might be able to do is hand-pick the administration from people she trusts to keep the RR from falling into the wrong hands, while breaking off chunks and downsizing as much as possible by splitting into regional commands under more local control with more autonomy, under the supervision of a higher command made up of representatives from the regional command to make decisions that affect the faction as a whole. Jet's basic idea is that no one person has direct command over the whole lot and a system like this would ensure that. Jet's hoping for something federal-like with some form of elected parliament or council and a president. The end result is probably something that shows clear external 'advice and influence' from another faction better versed in politics...
Jet resigns soon after getting it to work and holding the first elections.... being burned out and just plain not wanting the stress anymore.
Knight Saber sightings mysteriously drop off for the year.
The whole conspiracy comes to a head when the destabalising forces behind it try to outright provoke a war, or prevent Jet from stopping it. Season ends with a cliffhanger episode where Jet Jaguar appears to have been assassinated by someone trying to force a rift between factions.
Knight Saber sightings increase again soon after...
---of course, that's only if this gets approved. I'm not convinced, on the whole that it's a good idea. It ll have to wait until I'm not snatching glances while at work. The simple fact is, running the remains of the RR and BAT drops Jet in way over her head, being pushed around by influences and advisors as she struggles to get a handle on things. Jet will try and rebuild alliances and trade on her own good name, and probably end up being 'advised' by individuals with different ideas of how to do things.
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Rifts between factions... caused by the usual "the factions turn political in their adult age", or by outside forces? The first is more likely, but for drama, an enemy is better. So maybe some unnamed enemy (we shall say nothing about that mysterious secret chinese asteroid base, doing god knows what) exacerbating the normal tensions of a nation growing up?
I have been playing for an idea of a minor faction/maybe prank group for my avatar, and I think I will go and write it up, because this gives me ideas.
What I had planned in short, until i get the proper writeup done: Oscar is one of the people which believe than Handwavium works with imagination and dreams, and that's why dane bureaucrats have such a hard time handwaving things. But as the Great Five grow up, they face the risk of getting complacent and bureaucratic themselves.
So one of Oscar friends, which had the same idea, gathered a few buddies, and they decided to create a society to help minor factions -as many of then as they can. Those are to build a safety net: If the Federation crawls into complacency and boring mediocrity, maybe the Honor Harrington guys will take the torch and start exploring and building epic space stations in their place.
This would not be a completely serious secret group at the beginning (the creator would be the same guy who had the idea to build the prank space station Kickassia), but as things go worse, they would start to take their fancy ideas more seriously.
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blackaeronaut Wrote:Eventually, though, an incident will occur that leaves Ben and the Roughriders stuck holding the bag. Cries for the Roughriders and BAT to be nationalized go out, and Ben decides that it is high time to cut his losses and enact what he calls the Exodus Contingency. People that do not wish to go along with them are made part of a Roughriders or BAT that are 'sold' to Jet Jaguar, and then the entirety of 36 Atalante begins to haul ass for The Limit, thanks to the effing-huge reactionless drives Ben had 'secretly' built into the southern polar region of the asteroid.
Not exactly a quick and quiet disappearance, but I don't think there's any faction that would be able to stop that kind of mass when it has an appropriately proportionate drive system. That, and people would have friends there. Not many people willing to hit them with a rock-buster. This would actually get Noah to want to reconcile with the Roughriders (not that they fractured too badly, for Mayonaka and Helen's sake). Once it becomes obvious this is what's happening, Noah would send Ben a bug-out checklist with the words "Stellvia" and "Wonderland" hastily crossed out and replaced with "Atalantae" in (almost) every occurrence, with a sticky-note "In case you overlooked something" on page 1.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Bob Schroeck Wrote:HRogge Wrote:M Fnord Wrote:Do we want Obama in the White House (2013-17/21 depending, since the '08 election goes to Giuliani)? Would we rather not have Obama and give the job to somebody else (and let's be clear, it ain't going to be Giuliani again)? Interesting question... and even further, how will the politics of the USA change towards the Fen in Season 2? Still cold war? Or slowly warming up? Something that makes it even more interesting -- I knew the First Lady at Princeton. (We lived in the same residential college for some years, and while we weren't friends, we had friends in common.) IRL that means exactly zip and bupkis, as I doubt she even remembers me -- but! Imagine the fuss in the media when it turns out that the Democratic candidate's wife has "links" to that bunch of wanted criminals on the Grover's Corners.
Double whammy. I worked at Business International Corp. (now part of the Economist magazine) within a year of Barack Obama working there. And BI -- as Wikipedia notes -- had a history of being a CIA front company. (Not that I knew it while I was there...) Another "link" that could be twisted by a propagandist for the Republicans.
I suspect that if this all comes out early enough, we'll have a different Democrat running against Guiliani in 2012. Shall we let Hilary get elected, then?
(Edit from Bob: Rob, somehow I accidentally ended up editing your post while trying to reply to it. I've undone what I did, but I just wanted to explain why my name appears below.)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Arthur's comment:
"Fenspace proves it is an unstable political system, with no effective checks and balances"
is just the sort of news headline (but more punchy) you should expect after this.
Do you want to hand everything to the long-term Mundane politicians on a plate?
How about you get some mediators in that you all feel you can half-ways trust, and try and figure-out if things are going *bang* of their own accord, or, it's happening because someone engineered it for their own benefit?
Don't just accept the problems, find out what is going on, and figure out a way to fix them.
Ask yourselves, "Who makes money out of this?", "Who gets more power?", "Who benefits?".
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
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Timote Wrote:RE STellvia
Damn, looks like Noah has forgotten that when you find yourself in a hole the first thing to do is stop digging. He hasn't forgotten - look up the lyrics to "Margaritaville" if you don't already know them - but he doesn't want to admit it even to himself.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Quote:robkelk wrote: Shall we let Hilary get elected, then?
Sure, why not?
Oh, and a brief IRL comment -- if anyone tells you Obama never held a real job, spit in his face. BI was a high-pressure environment, as was and is not uncommon for a small financial news publishing house. Every job there was very real.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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How do the RR support themselves? Being a standing spacy and patrolling about for ne'er do wells is all very good, but it makes bills rather than paying them. Just being able to point and say, "See, here's our day jobs, they keep us too busy for mischeif combined with our share of the public peacekeeping," would at least be a good start. Or are they externally supported as a military force even with overall peace in the spacelanes?
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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Definitely seems that we're heading for a point at which the Convention starts to turn against itself. It's nothing, at first, just politics... but as time goes on, we see that some people just aren't happy about the way things are and pissing contests start flaring up to see who gets to be the 'Alpha' among the factions. This would be a lot of what's behind the Convention trying to nationalize the Roughriders - while Ben has had some lapses in judgement, previous performance states that without fail the Roughriders would get involved if it came to it... and that was undesirable in the long term outlooks of a lot of politicians in the Convention.
But that's a little ahead of ourselves. Rough planning for the moment. Suggest we make another thread to deal with that particular plot bunny?
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Wow... it's true, we really do destroy everything we touch.
Calling a time-out, kids. I want everybody who's decided that doom-n-gloom are the order of the day for 2022 to take a step or six back, breathe deep, maybe smoke a bowl and look again.
Do you really, honestly want to go this way?
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
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I agree with Mal, this is the potential of sliding into a hole of "suckbagging utopia" here. Although I'm certainly fine with the idea of teething pains as Fenspace starts growing up.
"You know how parents tell you everything's going to fine, but you know they're lying to make you feel better? Everything's going to be fine." - The Doctor
I had hoped that CI would have to chance to become part of a bright future of Fenspace... not that they have to watch going most of it down a drain.
So I agree with Mal, thats a little bit too much "lets trash everything we have"...
@BA: equipping a 100km diameter asteroid with a FTL engine? *WOW* Now I know where CI got the crazy "deep future" plan to equip Frigga with one.
I thought we were trying to avoid grimdark... somehow the whole "slow heat death of hopes and dreams" and associated angst is even worse. I'm going to go do something less depressing, like my actual job.