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[META][RFC] Updating the current "now" to 2022
Fenspace has the potential to turn into a post-scarcity economy, which is arguably what the 'Star Trek' Federation has managed.

The issue tends to be the line between 'wants' and 'needs', which a lot of politics tends to be rather bad at blurring. Hopes, dreams and possibilities are OK, as long as not too many people insist on their 'rights' to use moons to play solar system pool billiards...

Fenspace has quite a lot of incredibly fast thinking AIs, most of which are enthusiastic about it being a fun and varied place to live. Some of these will be running and checking financial and political models, in an attempt to get evidence-based, as opposed to conviction-based, finance and politics, as the basic logic of Fenspace.

There's always a chance a misguided AI will build Fenspace a mega villain, just so there is an 'external threat' to persuade people to work together, the way some of the political developments seem to suggest going. But, that is 19th century political engineering. I'm sure a thoughtful AI could come up with something a lot more subtle.

Is anyone proposing a Solar Council, which the various factions would elect representatives to?

Preferably with some sort of anti-sociopath test for potential representatives? After all, you don't want people in power whose first priority is to stay in power, do you?

I quite liked the idea of a random selection of representatives, with an obligation to serve for a fixed (compensated) period; a bit like jury service. [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
For what it's worth, I'm with Mal. I have no desire to see Fenspace go through a dark and angst filled phase in 2022. Unless it's maybe just a Darkest before Dawn thing. I guess that could work...
M Fnord Wrote:Do you really, honestly want to go this way?
No.  Fenspace must win, and have their happy ending, or it's not fenspace.
But some hidden enemy making a few troubles (of which Ben's may be the most spectacular) has posibilities for drama.
I keep going back to that hidden chinese base -what are they doing? Why? Are they even under the control of the Chiniese government, or a secret faction of then? Because China has been movin at top speed towards a trade economy, and suddenly turning so hostile against a new market (that in all honestly would not care all that much about chinese politics) is suspicious by itself.
For that matter, lets go deeper (underneath the underneath, as the people of certain Asteroid woudl say); there have been sugestions that the Boskone War was scripted by some hidden enemy. The Boskonians stand defeated, but of that hidden mastermind we know no more -not even if they actually are real or paranoia.
What if the War was plan A, and since if failed, it's time for plan B, corruption and civil war? It will fail; the needs of Plot require it. But the attempt may give us the overeaching plot for the new season.
Rakhasa Wrote:I keep going back to that hidden chinese base -what are they doing? Why? Are they even under the control of the Chiniese government, or a secret faction of then? Because China has been movin at top speed towards a trade economy, and suddenly turning so hostile against a new market (that in all honestly would not care all that much about chinese politics) is suspicious by itself.

I left this open so we could later decide what to do with them. The only thing that will come out (for the reader) in the "Gas Station" story is that the Chinese had their fingers in the attack on the European station on Pan. Still, their motivation is not revealed.

Quote:For that matter, lets go deeper (underneath the underneath, as the people of certain Asteroid woudl say); there have been sugestions that the Boskone War was scripted by some hidden enemy. The Boskonians stand defeated, but of that hidden mastermind we know no more -not even if they actually are real or paranoia.

What if the War was plan A, and since if failed, it's time for plan B, corruption and civil war? It will fail; the needs of Plot require it. But the attempt may give us the overeaching plot for the new season.
Might be an option.
Until they can reach 100% energy and life support self-sufficiency, scarcity is physical fact - lost atmo from puffs that can't quite be pumped out of the airlock before opening it and the power burned need to be replaced, if nothing else, and that's with perfect recycling. There's a lot more empty space than anything else, supplies have to come from somewhere and be handled by somebody, and that somebody will want something in return, even if just an exchange of favors. Doesn't mean it has to be grim, tho
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Classically, Boskone was the tool of the Eddore, and Gray Roger was a 'form of flesh' of Gharlane of Eddore. Would I be reading too much into Dr. Asmodeus Grey having escaped? Did he secretly believe he was/is Gray Roger?

Is the 'good doctor' now building his clone army, created using the Catgirling Machine Mark 2? Is one of the alien races contacted in fact a creation of his? Does Grey have a superintelligent AI that the Professor built, somehow enslaved? All of the above?

There are a number of missing bad guys, still. They are likely to have both short-term and long-term plans. Destabilising Stellvia to help get access to the (somewhat misnamed) full Whole Fenspace Catalog would be pretty obvious. Breaking up relationships between the various groups that might oppose them is also on the cards.

I'd expect a covert takeover of CHOAM, by neo-Boskone, so they get economic muscle. Also, an attempt to subvert the Solar Bank. Trying to replace O'Niell with an android double might be one approach, maybe with the original "on ice" linked by almost untraceable FTL, so the behaviour is correct, just a bit edited.

Further out, hiding a base, say within the atmosphere of Jupiter, maybe the other gas giants. Activity in the Oort Cloud. Maybe a base near a brown dwarf star within a workable distance of Sol.

Attempts to subvert the Interweave, with an immense array of sub-sentient AIs. Introducing a "Man On Horseback" who will "solve all the problems of Fenspace", and who is allegedly a First Fen who disappeared quite a while ago, to "rethink his life".

Fenspace must be able to do more than just dissolve into inter-faction politics!
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
ClassicDrogn Wrote:Until they can reach 100% energy and life support self-sufficiency, scarcity is physical fact - lost atmo from puffs that can't quite be pumped out of the airlock before opening it and the power burned need to be replaced, if nothing else, and that's with perfect recycling. There's a lot more empty space than anything else, supplies have to come from somewhere and be handled by somebody, and that somebody will want something in return, even if just an exchange of favors. Doesn't mean it has to be grim, tho
Waved solar panels if you haven't got anything better.  That is one reason you have a CHON economy before you get to post-scarcity; carbon dioxide from Venus, methane from the outer system.  Ammonium nitrate plus carbon is effectively solid atmosphere; basic chemistry, and ethanol is a waste product.   Iron and silicon you can get most anywhere.  Then all you need is trace elements, which is a lot easier to recycle.  "Dole yeast" (Larry Niven) will feed you indefinitely, but after a while you'd kill for a bacon sandwich and your favourite drink.
Survival is easy, prospering and have a fun life, that's more what Fenspace is about.
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Okay, you know what I said about taking a couple steps back, breathing and maybe smoking a bowl before continuing?

Thread's closed. If you want it back, PM me when your disaster-boners are all gone & I'll consider it.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

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