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The explanation for that comes from Jet speaking with Maico later on...... most people don't really know what Jet's capable of. Most will have never seen Jet actually fight. And Jet specifically advertises herself as a Martial Artist. A downside of this approach is that she lacks the "Dont fuck with this person" reputation, which ironically might mean she has to actively defend herself more often.
That, and the official population of Frigga is minimal for it's size..... they think they can get in, wreck stuff and get out before things go bad, regardless. They don't count on Queen Serenity II being there, or anyone assuming they're aware of that fact and actively trying to assassinate her.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
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M Fnord Wrote:I'm going to suggest that if you want Noah to fade into the background, the best way to do it isn't to have the character self-destruct. That only brings him that much closer to the foreground - look at this shambling wreck of a man, who once flew so high yadda yadda. So, how do we do this? Well, instead of turning him into Charles Foster Kane just give him his happy ending; he fades into the background as CEO to spend more time with his family, Yayoi takes over as operating VP or however you want to handle it, roll credits.
The company can still have problems, though they might not be as deeply personal if Noah isn't self-destructing. I've been considering walking back the stronger parts of the Soviet/Stellvian rift; it's an inevitability that friendship between a revolutionary socialist nation and a corporate state isn't a long-term thing, but to break it over the Catalog strikes me in retrospect as the height of hypocrisy. I'm good with that.
The main reason for "self-destruction" rather than "slow retirement" was the Soviet/Stellvian rift, actually. If that doesn't happen, or it happens but is healed over within less than a couple-dozen months, then Noah won't be quite so angry with himself and the world all the time.
His email .sig by the late-2010s is "Proud parent, happy husband, and President of StellviaCorp. In that order." He's not going to push Helen and Leda away the way he did Natsuko and Agatha (or any other way) - family comes first, and elements of his career will just have to make way for the loves of his life. Noah and Leda's relationship will still have changed, but it'll be a maturing, not a falling apart - they're now close friends who love each other, not lovers who are friends with each other.
More later, including a revised timeline...
Dartz Wrote:Feb 2023: Shinji decides to depart Frigga and live on Stellvia. He works in the restaurant and as an occasional session musician. Weekly therapy sessions with Kat Avins. Visits to Rei on days off.
October 2023: Shinji Ikari writes to Jet. He's transfered to Ultima crew and is doing well. Inside is a picture of him with Yuu. The seem happy.
Projections 2024 onwards: ... Shinji is explicity dating Yuu Inagawa. Against all expectations they have carved out a relationship based on clear communication and mutual respect. Both are very cute together. They haven't gone that far, taking the time to trust each other first. I can't hep but think of a different character who was voiced by Spike Spencer in the English dub, who'd rather be a cook than a mecha pilot... (Akito Tenkawa from Nadesico, of course)
Ace Dreamer Wrote:Is anyone involved in the CHON shipping business, please? So far, that's been the domain of wildcatters who contract with the Mars Terraforming Project, but there's no reason why somebody couldn't grab that business. (Yes, that somebody could be CHOAM.)
HRogge Wrote:Lets have a look into my timetable... CI is a new group as they were founded in 2015... at the moment the timeline concentrates mostly on CI itself, because nearly no one else was writing stories in the 2015-2020 period. But I would like to change that so CI has some more interaction with other groups and factions in Fenspace. This is the thread for that interaction...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
robkelk Wrote:Quote:Lets have a look into my timetable... CI is a new group as they were founded in 2015... at the moment the timeline concentrates mostly on CI itself, because nearly no one else was writing stories in the 2015-2020 period. But I would like to change that so CI has some more interaction with other groups and factions in Fenspace.
This is the thread for that interaction...
I primarily see two "CI events" that should be interesting for the rest of Fenspace.
The first is the 5th anniversary party of CI in 2020... lots of guests, lots of party... and CI will announce that they will open source parts of their technological inventions (and regularly continue to add to this Open Source library in the future). Which is a major thing for a research institute like CI in my opinion.
The second one is somewhere in 2019-2022... when some parts of GJ/Convention/Space-Patrol/something-else? finds out that CI has been working much more with Quattros memory modification tech than just building a detector system for GJ and the convention. My ideas how this will happen and what will happen afterwards is still pretty vague.
If someone has an idea of his own for some "plotline" where CI could be useful (from Meta-level point of view), I am open for suggestions.
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Additional timelime data
08-16-2012, 12:00 AM
OK, because this wouldn't leave me alone I've tried to fill out the timeline somewhat between Serenity-Con and Boskone Prime. It's mostly made up of things that would be 'newsworthy'.
Feel free to give any suggestions.
August 22, 2013 (Thursday, Con Day 1) – Serenity-Con starts on Ganymede. Chief subjects include creating the Space Patrol and a presentation from Stellvia Corporation already rumoured to be a technological advance.
August 24, 2013 (Saturday, Con Day 3) – In between Panel sessions, Haruhi Suzumiya and A.C. Peters meet in person for the first time. The following discussion quickly takes on mythical proportions when Haruhi visibly recoils in fright as A.C. shuts her out of the conversation. The rest of the SOS-Dan suffer a scare from an idle comment by A.C. as she leaves.
August 25, 2013 (Sunday, Con Day 4) – The cutting of off-moon communications signals the start of the Boskonian attack to capture the Whole Fenspace Catalogue and eliminate the Fen leadership. Only a quick response from Fen currently in their ships (or were/are their ships) prevents missile swarms from destroying the capacity to fight back. Fighting in the docking bays delays further launches before the first true fleet engagement in Human history takes place.
After four hours of fighting Fen reinforcements arrive and finally rout the Boskonians.
August 26, 2013 (Monday, Con Day 5) – Arguments continue as to how to prosecute what was now considered a war of survival. When forensic investigation of Boskonian wreckage lead to the source point of the enemy fleet (Boskone 1, codenamed ‘The Farm’ due to being a transfer hub)[1], the Factions decided to endorse the Space Patrol.
August 27, 2013 (Tuesday, Con Day 6) – Frantic overnight discussions and preparations lead to the Convention charter being distributed that day, with voting scheduled for Wednesday.
August 28, 2013 (Wednesday, Con Day 7) – The Space Patrol is inaugurated as a Convention organisation. Operation: Great Justice restructured and its flag moved to Arisia Station.
Fleet Operation Attila is assembled and authorised.
Final convention business and announcements are concluded, and the convention ends.
September 1, 2013 (Sunday) – Fleet Operation Attila launched against Boskone 1. Special Forces are inserted under cloak, allowing the Fen to secure Boskone prisoners, memory cores, and major docks after simultaneously disabling the asteroid’s sensors and coms. The main fleet comes in and uses the established beachhead to capture Boskone 1 with minimal casualties.
September 17, 2013 (Tuesday) – Boskone 2 is assaulted, crippling the Boskone ship supply.
September 18, 2013 (Wednesday) – An international force strikes the Earth-side Boskone shipyard code-named “Skull Cove”.
October 5, 2013 (Saturday) – The Space Patrol deploy their first FESWAT team to assist Crystal Tokyo Metropolitan Police in shutting down Thionite production in the Venus system. The central source of the mutated terraforming bacteria (called Boskone 3 after the fact) is captured.
October 31, 2013 (Thursday) – A Boskonian infiltration team successfully kidnap The Professor, and make off with equipment from the Sol Bianca.
November 11, 2013 (Monday) – The attack on Boskone 4 begins. Due to the ‘Briar Patch’ around the central asteroid it is slow going while trying to maintain an englobement.
November 12, 2013 (Tuesday) – Casualty numbers continue to climb on both sides as Great Justice forces carefully sweep the rock cloud. First recorded instance of ‘Chaos Marines’.
November 13, 2013 (Wednesday) – Great Justice forces finally breach the main asteroid. Casualties mount as they encounter dug in Boskonian positions. First Berserkers encountered. First Warbeasts encountered.
November 14, 2013 (Thursday) – Thirty Seven hours after breaching the main asteroid combat ceases. Dealing with the casualties and what was found during the assault will take another two weeks.
December 3, 2013 (Tuesday) – Due to the lack of other ground forces after Boskone 4, Space Patrol FESWAT teams lead the assault on Boskone 5.
December 16, 2013 (Monday) – The final records from Boskone 5 are cracked, revealing the existence of the fall-back point Boskone Prime.
December 19, 2013 (Thursday) – Surveillance begins on ‘the Dark Tower’.
January 3, 2014 (Friday) – Beacon established at ‘the White Tower’, 3990 Heimdal. This would be used as a fleet staging area for the assault on Boskone Prime.
January 11, 2014 (Saturday) – A Troubleshooter raid on a Boskonian base on Mars recovers The Professor. He had been kept awake for weeks at a time and forced to work for the Boskonians.
January 13, 2014 (Monday) – The Professor awakens after his rescue, and informs the authorities of the Boskonian’s ‘Scorched Earth’ plan.
January 14, 2014 (Tuesday) – The Great Justice fleet attacks Boskone Prime. A quickly thrown together defensive force barely stops the ‘Scorched Earth’ plan in Earth orbit. The first practicable particle beam weapon is used in anger against Boskone Prime. The first recorded death of an AI in cybercombat occus. Boskone Prime falls to the Fenspace Convention.
January 15, 2014 (Wednesday) – Victory celebrations at Port Phobos become a brawl. For the next two days a free for all occurs using every non-lethal weapon in the Fen arsenal. This leads to the founding of the Port Phobos Invitational.
[1]Delivered in spectacular fashion by a crowd of Fen lead by A.C. Peters of the Forensic team.
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Much to compressed Needs to be spread out more in time
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That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
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Star Ranger4 Wrote:Much to compressed Needs to be spread out more in time Sorry, it's constrained by the fact we've already established Serenity-Con is in August, Boskone 1 falls in September, and Boskone Prime falls in January (see wiki for]Boskone War).
The Jan 14 date was chosen because we've established the Phobos Invitational is 15-16 Jan, based on the brawl after Boskon Prime's fall.
The con being at the end of August and Boskon 1 falling begining of September is because it seemed the right thing to do militarily to counter-strike as rapidly as possible to not give the enemy time to recover. And the Fen did have all those ships readily available...
Everything else was me getting the critical events down in a somewhat spreadout fashion.
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Should cover the Hellhole being taken out too, since it's a staging area for at least new recruit raiders, with the spores getting them worked up to get blooded and therby past 'the point of no return' for commitment, and serving as a defense if Goodguy McShinysmile backtracks them. Environmentally sealed armor or nonbiological troops are highly suggested for this op.
Mid Octoberish, as part of the Patrol sweeps? Or is it Boskone 2?
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
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While it can be retconned if needed, but it makes sense.
Up until Serenitycon there was a general assumption that this 'war' was sort of phony..... only a few took it serious and most treated it a little like a game. Crystal Osaka is blamed on local failings and, on the whole it feels like a phony war. Except for those you know, dying, or getting kidnapped and the like.
After Serenitycon and the half the Convention seeing how deadly serious the threat was first hand.... the convention finally wakes up and acts rather than just playing at 'war'. This is is the origin of the saying 'Don't fuck with Fenspace'. It gets to the point that some units are in such demand that downtime and R'n'R requirements start being forgotten about....
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
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robkelk Wrote:More later, including a revised timeline... As promised, here's the timeline update for StellviaCorp. Let's start this update from the anchor point when everything started to change for StellviaCorp...
Late-May/early-June 2013: The Interdimensional Incursion Incident. (see ... ctic_Girls]Legend of Galactic Girls, still in progress.) The Girls visit Fenspace, with Stellvia as their nexus point. They establish the existence of La Mariposa and unmask Naoko Sato as a zwilnick, and raid that group's HQ. A raid is launched on Stellvia in retribution. What will become the Whole Fenspace Catalog is left behind by The Girls. Last appearance of Yoriko Nikaido; first appearance of Makoto Miyadera.
June 2013: Sora Hasegawa leaves StellvaCorp and joins the VVS.
15 June 2013: Nikaido Foundation founded.
Third-quarter 2013: Space Patrol founded.
August 2013: SerenityCon.
9 October 2013: Safety "wakes up."
9 November 2013: Miyuri Akisato "wakes up."
10 November 2013: Takami Sakuragi "wakes up." Because of the events at SerenityCon, she was designed to be a computer hacker par excellence, with a literally superhuman ability to detect patterns and a filter against apophenia. (Within four days of awakening, her first use of that ability nearly gives Buckaroo a virtual heart attack and Blackstone a real one - see ... e_New_Girl]Training the New Girl.)
21 December 2013: StellviaCorp uses an invitation-only Solstice party on Stellvia as a cover for a war council. Every group that sent a representative pooled the data they'd gathered on Boskonian activities, and gave it to the Hacker Underground to analyze. Before the end of the year, the Underspace comes back with three possible locations for Boskone Prime extracted from the pooled data.
*** META: We should add this line to Cobalt's Boskone-War timeline as well ***
1 January 2014: Kagome Mishima "wakes up."
15 January 2014: Fall of Boskone Prime. End of the Boskone War.
14 March 2014: Yuu Inagawa effectively "wakes up".
15 March 2014: Noah Scott and Leda Swansen marry. His nephew Charles Anderson and her sister Minerva Swansen meet face-to-face at the ceremony, although they'd been on-line friends for years.
1 April 2014: The April Fool's Purchase. Noah quickly converts the Artemis Foundation from a holding company to an actual corporation, assigns all of the purchased NASA space assets to it, and hires Sullivan Dwyer as Artemis' first director.
31 May 2014: The first (annual) Cosmic Party is held, on Stellvia. Naoko Sato and Agatha Clay attempt to disrupt it by remote control. (This story is "on the spike.")
15 June 2014: Yomiko Readman "wakes up."
10 October 2014: Stellvia Corporation declares independence. Less than an hour later, Helen Yoriko Swansen-Scott is born. Leda Swansen, Jake Hansen, Patty O'Neill, Kelly Harrison, Micheline Rouleau, Jerry Freedman, Lea Meadows, Dr. Sergy Gudanov, Kohran Li, Yayoi Fujisawa, Star, Safety, Miyuri Akisato, Takami Sakuragi, Kagome Mishima, Yomiko Readman, Yuu Inagawa, and Helen Scott are granted shares in StellviaCorp.
5 December 2014: Noah Scott begins concentrating on StellviaCorp, appointing Jake Hansen to take control of Stellvia.
14 December 2014: Yomiko Readman sells her StellviaCorp shares back to the company, moves to Grovers' Corners, and takes full-time employment as the teacher at PS238. (She eventually starts building a library there, but that's something for Bob's timeline update.)
2015: Yayoi Fujisawa, as Vice-President of StellviaCorp, serves as the public face of the company more often than Noah does, while Noah ensures he doesn't neglect his wife and their daughter. Patty O'Neill forges closer ties between station Odyssey and the Trekkies.
February 2015: Operation Cats' Cradle, a.k.a. the Quattro Incident.
April 2015: Noah Scott realizes he's "getting too old for this shit" and resigns his Troubleshooter commission, thus severing the last official tie between StellviaCorp and the staff of Great Justice.
Mid-November 2015 to mid-April 2016: The First Zeta Tucanae Exploration Mission. That expedition found little of material or biological interest, but they did establish a reliable communications line from Sol to ? Tucane. Many of the expedition's crew would continue to work together for the rest of their careers.
May 2016: Noah Scott finally gets fed up with the constant political posturing in cislunar space. StellviaCorp announces that they "support the efforts of the Clarke Group of Central Station to coordinate activities of interest to everyone in the Earth-Luna L5 area," substantially reducing their own political power in the process.
June 2016: StellviaCorp purchases 10% of Hermes Universal Deliveries (to inject cash into a friendly company that's in direct competition with CHOAM) and 25% of the Solomon Space Agency (to secure preferred access to a launch facility on what is quickly becoming one of the busiest trade routes between Earth and cislunar space). Construction of station Ultima begins - the station is designed to be the Sol end of the communications line left by the first Zeta Tucanae exploration mission.
11 June 2016: Charles Anderson and Minerva Swansen marry, and both start work with the Artemis Foundation two weeks later. Neither reveal that they are blood relations to Noah and Leda.
August 2016: Stellvia Hotels is founded as a subsidiary of Stellvia Trading. Kelly Harrison becomes its first CEO.
October 2016: Ground is broken on the Hotel Choiseul (located just outside the SSA's ground facility), Stellvia Hotels' first on-Earth location.
TBD 2017? (maybe as much as a year earlier or later - this depends on Mal's timeline update and other people's input): Evidence is found that StellviaCorp withheld parts of the Whole Fenspace Catalog before releasing it. Stellvia/VVS and Stellvia/Warsie relations sour temporarily.
March 2017: Takami Sakuragi promoted to Chief of Information Security for StellviaCorp.
Second-quarter 2017: Star sells her shares back to StellviaCorp, buys the Concorde that serves as her body, and uses the remaining money to found the passenger-aerospace company "Route à les étoiles."
31 October 2017: Natsuko Aki meets and immediately recognizes Makoto Miyadera. Because of this, she breaks her self-imposed exile and contacts Stellvia, reaching Kohran Li. Kohran tells Natsuko everything she knows about Makoto and thanks Natsuko for finding the woman.
1 November 2017: Kohran Li starts making arrangements for an uneventful succession of her responsibilities at StellviaCorp to other employees and gives two-months' notice to Noah.
3 January 2018: Kohran buys a small residence on Deimos, sells her StellviaCorp shares back to the company, and resigns from StellviaCorp. She invites Makoto Miyadera to live with her.
5 January 2018: Noah "indulges his muse" one more time and starts to build another AI. Amazingly, Prim Snowlight wakes up the same day and assists in her own construction.
10 January 2018: Kohran is hired as the pyrotechnician at the Clark Savage, Jr. Memorial Stadium and Music Complex, on the understanding that she also performs her "Red Lad Revue" there at least one a month.
2 April 2018: Noah tells Oliver Towne that the Nikaido Foundation is to operate as it sees fit, without further direct guidance from StellviaCorp. Noah puts half of StellviaCorp's stake in the foundation - 26% of the total shares - up for sale, giving up his majority shareholder status.
30 June 2018: Prim Snowlight is appointed Chief of Research and Development for StellviaCorp, gaining access to Kohran Li's old files and many of the redacted portions of the Whole Fenspace Catalog.
2018: Kohran and Natsuko slowly reconcile over the year.
February 2019: Construction of station Ultima is completed. Miyuri Akisato is assigned as its commander and Yuu Inagawa becomes the manager of the Hotel Ultima. Kagome Mishima fills Miyuri's place as second-in-command of Stellvia "on a temporary basis;" as of 2022 she has yet to find a permanent replacement for that position.
May 2019: Hotel Choiseul opens its doors.
9 July 2020: Makoto Miyadera foils a public attempt on Kohran Li's life.
8 September 2020: Helen Scott attends PS238 for the first time.
11 April 2021: Makoto Miyadera makes her first appearance in the Red Lad Revue.
16 January 2022: SCSV Rinna Kazamatsuri (nicknamed "Hanger Queen Rinna" by the Starfleet engineers who built her) is finally launched. Safety is appointed as her first captain, and given orders to crew the ship and go explore the Beta Hydri system. She immediately recruits most of the crew of the first Zeta Tucanae exploration mission as the core of the Rinna Kazamatsuri's crew. While the ship is supplied by Artemis, it remains under direct StellviaCorp control.
And an Infinity:
13-15 April 2029: The Last Noah Scott Story. (This story is "on the spike.")
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Regarding the OGJ timeline, can I allocate MARS as the special forces bit for Boskone One? It's actually something I started writing a while back and the synopsis as is is strikingly identical...
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---scratch this, I made a stupid.
I blame a lack of sleep
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A work in progress...
Soviet timeline update 2013 – 2022, beta 1:
1.9.2013: Soviet MARS units infiltrate Boskone One during the opening phases of Fleet Action Attila, capturing much of the asteroid in advance of the main Great Justice fleet.
5.9.2013 – 21.12.2013: The Soviet Air Force Delta Pavonis Expedition discovers a bunch of planets and an alien stargate orbiting Delta Pavonis. Activating the stargate they find another unit orbiting Zeta 1 Reticuli along with another bunch of habitable planets.
1.2014: Soviet Air Force elements participate in the final engagement of the Boskone War.
2.2014: The Soviet leadership agrees – with some acrimonious debate – to begin a limited demobilization of X-COM assets. The small fleet of Tu-22M Backfires acquired by the VVS are either shut down or have their weapons removed. ROU Frank Exchange of Views petitions to have its name changed to VFP Look! I’m A Plowshare. {number} MARS units are demobilized or turned into training commands per Soviet/Senshi agreements.
15.3.2014: The Joint Committee on Extraterrestrial Security subpoenas Mal Fnord as a witness in their ongoing investigation of the Artemis scandal. The staff-lizard sent to deliver the subpoena almost but not quite gets eaten by GLaDOS.
19.3.2014: Mal testifies in Washington to the Joint Committee. He admits most, defends all and personally insults several ranking members to the amusement of bloggers systemwide.
21.3.2014: In a private meeting with President {blank}, Mal and all members of the Soviet Air Force are given the heave-ho, which is backed up with a stack of personae non gratia orders in record time. Mal returns to a hero’s welcome on Luna, particularly from Lieutenant Sora Hasegawa, whose reaction makes the front page of the Illuminator.
22.3.2014: Mal and Sora depart for a “fact-finding mission” to Tau Ceti. Nobody’s particularly fooled; the most common speculation is they left to avoid being chased down by an enraged Noah Scott with a shotgun.
1.4.2014: Stellvia Corporation purchases NASA Human Spaceflight Office assets for fractions of pennies on the dollar. VVS leadership goes ahead with the plan to lease the OV-200 series design to Hephaestus.
1.5.2014: The Soviets officially purchase OV-202 as per their ‘pick of the litter’ agreement with Hephaestus. Production of the first four OV-200 orbiters gets underway.
6.2014: Artemis Foundation purchases the first four OV-200 orbiters to come off the production list. Thanks to a few crossed wires, OV-202 is now owned by Artemis and the VVS, though neither of them know it just yet.
7.2014 – 8.2014: Stellvia and the Soviets bump heads over ownership of the soon-to-be-completed OV-202.
4.7.2014: Minerva and Athene Weatheral leave Black Mesa (where they’d been operating as part of the science staff) for Korolevgrad to take on new positions as administrators for the growing bureaucracy. This is the first time any of Dee’s seraphim have left the nest, so to speak, and it’s a big moment for them.
8.7.2014: Tina Weatheral begins work as the Committee’s executive secretary. Meets Mal and Sora for the first time, and things get interesting in many ways.
5.11.2014: MCU Columbia (OV-202) launched.
9.3.2015: MCU Uragan (OV-208) launched.
11.9.2015: GCU Laika (NCC-104) launched.
10.2015 – 1.2016: The Columbia/Laika Expedition investigates Night’s Door, discovers that some of the higher functions of the stargate’s management computer can be accessed remotely. Initial queries produce a limited database of unknown data.
23.10.2015: {name} becomes the first person to set foot on Earendil (Z1 Ret II). {gender} calls it “not an experience I want to do again any time soon.”
10.2015 – 1.2016: The Xenu Express/Uragan Expedition does a simultaneous investigation of Tannhauser Gate. While the initial discoveries are more limited, a lucky micrometeoroid impact breaks off a 5 kg chunk of the stargate’s exterior. Xenu Express captures the debris and returns it to Black Mesa for examination.
1.5.2016: The Soviet Air Force officially dissolves and rebrands itself as the Sozvezdie Soviet, ditching the pretense of paramilitary force in favor of becoming a proper government. The VVS leadership steps down en masse and (for the most part) stands for election to the new Central Committee. The Soviet promptly votes those standing to their new posts in the Central Committee. The Committee then votes Mal in as First Minister.
2.5.2016: Columbia is seconded from the Red Banner Fleet to Film Collective Studio #1, the first time a ship is
5.2016: GCU Arbitrary (NCC-105) launched.
6.7.2016: MCU Groza (OV-216) launched.
15.9.2016: MCU Typhoon (OV-217) launched.
{date}.2016: Researchers working on the Tannhauser Gate fragment isolate stable isotopes of elements 126 (Unbihexium, later Skuldium) and 130 (Untrinilium, later Elerium). The mystery handwavium matrix the two transuranics were embedded in continues to defy analysis.
{date}.2017: GCU Undocumented Feature (NCC-109) launched.
{date}.2017: The Arbitrary Expedition returns to Night’s Door to conduct further experiments with the stargate’s control systems. No new functions are discovered, though Arbitrary does manage to trigger another data dump.
{date}.2017: LulzSec releases a handful of documents indicating that the Whole Fenspace Catalog was doctored before release. The Central Committee officially condemns Stellvia Corporation; privately, Mal lets Noah know “when you make dumb decisions because you’re afraid of what’ll happen to your bottom line, it will always come back around to bite you in the ass. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.”
{date}.2017: GCU It Was Like That When I Got Here (NCC-110) launched.
{date}.2017: Mal, Sora and Tina’s mutual orbits finally collide properly and the binary becomes a stable trinary, so to speak.
1.4.2017: MCU Iskra (OV-218) launched. Iskra is immediately seconded to Black Mesa and the Ministry of Science as a general utility vehicle.
{date}.2018: Elessar Air Force Weather Station established on the banks of a large river on the main contitnent of Arda (Z1 Ret III); in the distant future of the Soviet, this is considered the unofficial founding of the city of Osgiliath.
28.2.2018: MCU Buran (OV-223) launched.
30.3.2018: MCU Borei (OV-224) launched.
28.4.2018: An accident involving an experiment with untrinilium leads to some “creative rearranging” of Black Mesa’s surface layer and a minor panic on Galatea. The Central Committee considers moving Black Mesa out of the main belt and into the Kuiper as a precaution.
10.5.2018: MCU Tsiklon (OV-225) launched.
{date}.2019: GCU Rolled A Twenty On The Random Encounter Table (NCC-123) launched.
{date}.2020: GCU Cultural Imperialism Is Better Than The Other Kind (NCC-126) launched.
{date}.2020: The Soviet begins quietly agitating among left-leaning (and a few right-leaning) libertarian microfactions on Luna, Mars and in the Belt towards the formation of an “Autonomist Alliance” that would stand for four main points:
* Autonomy, self-organization, and self-governance for all sapient beings.
* Direct democracy and forms of organization where sapients collectively decide their own future.
* Mutual aid and reciprocating altruism between sapients.
* The right to engage in self-defense against oppression and coercive authority and stand in solidarity with sapients so attacked.
Initial reaction is neutral to positive, with most of those approached noting that a) most of this is covered by the Articles of Convention anyway, b) no matter how SMOF-heavy the Soviet is they’re still small fish in a big pond and c) so how do you fix that, smart guys?
At this point, the Soviet begins looking at an eclipse phase strategy aimed at the largest faction that could be said to hold autonomist leanings, the Federation.
{date}.2021: GCU Just Passing Through (NCC-136) launched.
1.5.2021: Election Day in the Sozvezdie Soviet. In a surprise twist, Mal refuses to stand for election again, citing a desire to get space under his feet again. Other former VVS leaders follow suit, so a (bare) majority of the new Soviet government are second-generation leftists of one stripe or another. The new Committee elects Minister of Justice and Equality Joseph Lacroix First Minister.
2.2021: Mal, Sora and Tina depart Sol for an extended tour of the Delta Pavonis and Zeta 1 Reticuli systems, ostensibly to start building more permanent bases on Yggdrasil and Valinor. Nobody’s particularly fooled this time either, but then again nobody really cares except the gossip rags, so.
5.2021: Minister Lacroix and the CentCom agree to let several joint-operating agreements with Stellvia Corporation lapse.
1.5.3022: The Soviet votes to join the United Federation of Planets as a charter member. Mal Fnord is elected to the position of Representative to the Federation Council.
{date}.2023: Black Mesa deciphers the Night’s Door data, reveals it as a database of accessible stargate nodes within a 3,000 light-year radius of the Door. The Science Ministry and the Central Committee classify the knowledge that there are other gates still connected to the Tannhauser-Door line until they figure out what the hell do to with it.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
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M Fnord Wrote:22.3.2014: Mal and Sora depart for a “fact-finding mission” to Tau Ceti. Nobody’s particularly fooled; the most common speculation is they left to avoid being chased down by an enraged Noah Scott with a shotgun. He wouldn't mind that much - after all, he and Yoriko weren't married, either.
M Fnord Wrote:{date}.2017: LulzSec releases a handful of documents indicating that the Whole Fenspace Catalog was doctored before release. The Central Committee officially condemns Stellvia Corporation; privately, Mal lets Noah know “when you make dumb decisions because you’re afraid of what’ll happen to your bottom line, it will always come back around to bite you in the ass. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.” Noah's reply: "Speaking of battles, that was released during the Boskone War and I wasn't about to let the enemy get anything that was easily weaponizable. I like keeping people alive." Then he stopped trying to defend his actions.
M Fnord Wrote:{date}.2017: Mal, Sora and Tina’s mutual orbits finally collide properly and the binary becomes a stable trinary, so to speak. This is where Noah loses it - "What, you can't pick just one?" Attitudes quickly get frosty on both sides for a while. (It takes invitations to the Clark Savage, Jr. Memorial Stadium premiere of the Red Lad Revue in 2018 to get everybody both in the same place at the same time, and into a mood where they're all willing to just talk. Mending of personal relationships continues past 2022.)
Rob Kelk
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them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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I've just started sketching out a timeline for the Grovers Corners and its folks, but I don't have much yet. Given the size both physically and financially of the ship and its people, it should really have a visible part in the Boskone War, but I have no idea yet what or how. Any suggestions would be welcome, and if anyone wants to just throw it/them into a timeline they're developing, just brief me -- I'll probably be cool with it.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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With the previously established material and the fact that most people's ships early on are their homes, and larger crews are just their family, one possibility is that GC is where the minors and noncombatants were kept out of the line of fire while their ship was part of the operational fleet. Not in every case, of course, but for a number of them... it would also be a rationale and precedent for setting up a school there which more than just your group's own kinder attend.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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It's a few kilometres square of generally peaceful farm and parkland?
It sounds like a nice peaceful place to rest an recuperate for active units withdrawn from the front lines for a few days to recover.
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robkelk Wrote:He wouldn't mind that much - after all, he and Yoriko weren't married, either.
Well, that's the common interpretation anyway. Besides, I always figured that Noah never really approved of the relationship, tolerated maybe but not approved. Anyway...
robkelk Wrote:Noah's reply: "Speaking of battles, that was released during the Boskone War and I wasn't about to let the enemy get anything that was easily weaponizable. I like keeping people alive." Then he stopped trying to defend his actions.
See, this is why folks like to throw down with Noah. You keep giving him these defensive justifications that are just so tempting to drive right through, and then we're off to the races.
robkelk Wrote:This is where Noah loses it - "What, you can't pick just one?"
Mal's rejoinder: "Was that directed at me or Sora?" He spent a week on the couch for that one, but the look on Noah's face (to say nothing of the look on Sora's!) was totally worth it. 
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery
FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information
"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Bob Schroeck Wrote:I've just started sketching out a timeline for the Grovers Corners and its folks, but I don't have much yet. Given the size both physically and financially of the ship and its people, it should really have a visible part in the Boskone War, but I have no idea yet what or how.
I do not think a habitat like the Grovers Corner should be involved near combat... its a place where their families live, not a battlestation.
Quote:Any suggestions would be welcome, and if anyone wants to just throw it/them into a timeline they're developing, just brief me -- I'll probably be cool with it.
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Quote: ClassicDrogn wrote: With the previously established material and the fact that most people's ships early on are their homes, and larger crews are just their family, one possibility is that GC is where the minors and noncombatants were kept out of the line of fire while their ship was part of the operational fleet. Not in every case, of course, but for a number of them... it would also be a rationale and precedent for setting up a school there which more than just your group's own kinder attend.
Dartz Wrote:It's a few kilometres square of generally peaceful farm and parkland?
It sounds like a nice peaceful place to rest an recuperate for active units withdrawn from the front lines for a few days to recover. Hmm. Actually, yeah. A little more wild wood than parkland, but yeah. And if it's the Fenspace equivalent of shipping kids out of London during the Blitz, well, that's obviously the reason PS238 was started. (Well, that, and after a year of nearly a dozen under-tens and teenagers running wild through the ship, the adults had to do something with them... )
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Hm. In addition to the above... what do people think of a possible Boskonian attack on the Corners? Motivations would be both financial/resource-oriented, with corresponding strategic gain, and psychological -- "We've got your children!". Of course, no one but the GC crew knows just how tough its hull is (as I said in the "South will rise" thread at one point, the silicon counterpart to diamond), and of course they'd never succeed... but it might make for a nice point of drama.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Bob Schroeck Wrote:Hm. In addition to the above... what do people think of a possible Boskonian attack on the Corners? Motivations would be both financial/resource-oriented, with corresponding strategic gain, and psychological -- "We've got your children!". Of course, no one but the GC crew knows just how tough its hull is (as I said in the "South will rise" thread at one point, the silicon counterpart to diamond), and of course they'd never succeed... but it might make for a nice point of drama.
And I remember some kind of shield they used against the jetfighter attack during liftoff.
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That was an effect of the spindizzy drive. They didn't use it against the jets' attack, it was just there. (They never noticed the jets, being focused on the upward vector and having forgotten a radio...)
But yeah. Between the hull and the drive field, they just might be Ye Originale Juggernaut.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Bob Schroeck Wrote:That was an effect of the spindizzy drive. They didn't use it against the jets' attack, it was just there. (They never noticed the jets, being focused on the upward vector and having forgotten a radio...)
But yeah. Between the hull and the drive field, they just might be Ye Originale Juggernaut.
So they could activate the drive for more protection if being attacked, right?
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-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Bob Schroeck Wrote:I've just started sketching out a timeline for the Grovers Corners and its folks, but I don't have much yet. Given the size both physically and financially of the ship and its people, it should really have a visible part in the Boskone War, but I have no idea yet what or how. Any suggestions would be welcome, and if anyone wants to just throw it/them into a timeline they're developing, just brief me -- I'll probably be cool with it.
Well, I did already mention this:
robkelk Wrote:14 December 2014: Yomiko Readman sells her StellviaCorp shares back to the company, moves to Grovers' Corners, and takes full-time employment as the teacher at PS238. (She eventually starts building a library there, but that's something for Bob's timeline update.) but we'd discussed that a few years ago.
Edit: She'll want a library at least as big as the one she had in the OAVs. That's likely to be voted down, with Gaia leading the anti-"skyscraper" bloc. She won't think of digging down unless somebody else suggests it - she's on a spaceship, after all, and those don't usually have a half-kilometer of rock to build a basement in. If nobody thinks of telling her "down" is an option, she'll settle for something almost the size of Town Hall with one room for her bedroom and the rest for her books.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012