Poor Remus Lupin. Also, Natalie Fischer's new callsign/unwanted nickname is glorious.
[Infinities: Candle in the Dark] Thread for CitD (Needs Name)
From the SB thread on the issue of EXALT.
'their narrative purpose here is to fuck everything up in their incompetent pursuit of shiny things.' I am so borrowing that line to use on villain groups somewhere else. Cerberus and their killer Taco stands, any and all governments in Marvel and DC...
It lives! Yay!
-- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak.
As a side note, why do I have this odd feeling that Hanse is going to do something incredibly stupid?
Also, after some more thought, I realized that Remus would actually have an easier time of things here than back in Entry. After all, this is Fenspace. People taking the names of fictional characters is perfectly normal for them, and given everything else that's happened, the universe throwing more references at them would likely just earn a roll of the eyes and a chuckle.
Random minor character suggestion for Twoflower: One of the Neihardt kids (well, mid-20's by now) is tagging along specifically to try to arrange an import/export license for Timbiqui Dark.
-- Sucrose Octanitrate. Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Well Mal-3 gave his OK over on SB so here's my (I'm jwolfe on SB) next writeup. Figured I'd toss it here as well.
Note that unlike the Zaku, this machine isn't supposed in production yet. If any authors like it enough to use, it'll probably be on the list that XCOM and other forces are looking at to upgrade their TO&E. Unless we are looking at years down the road. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type/Model: Ichaival MA-1 Mass: 65 tons Tech Base: Fenspace Chassis Config: Tracked Crew: 3 (pilot, gunner, commander) Production Year: Pending Power Plant: Tellus Fusion Engine v1.2 Maximum Speed: 70 km/h Armor: Tellus Standard Armor v1.05 Standard Armament configuration: 1 GH//BAE 200 mm ‘Hellbore’ coil assisted howitzer cannon 3 Starshot Laser CIWS Manufacturer: Unknown Primary Factory: Unknown Communications System: Unknown Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown History: This heavy self-propelled howitzer was one of the offered designs in reply to the military’s request for a large caliber high speed artillery platform capable of damaging and destroying heavy and assault battlemechs at extreme (by IS standards) range. Almost 30 tons heavier than the well known M109A7 it is faster, better armed and with the various methods of feeding data for the guided shells, possesses very high accuracy. While resembling the tank form of the fictional Hildolfr, the Ichaival was never designed to have any transformational abilities. The only ‘limbs’ the vehicle has are the armature locks that can serve to brace it when firing. The gun can be fired without bracing or even on the move but accuracy will suffer. The 200 mm autoloading howitzer that is the core of the vehicle was a joint venture between the Gearheads and BAE Systems during the process of determining A: how to mass produce BTech standard armor and B: how best to break it. The choice to focus on a shell-based artillery system to counter mechs instead of missiles was based around the greater ease of manufacturing the ammunition in factories like those on board the Megaroad or similar vessels. In trials the gun’s effective range tops out at 20 kilometers based on local conditions. The shells used are a derivative of the M982 Excalibur guided rounds. Given the fact that the howitzer would likely befighting without the benefit of GPS guidance on other planets, alternative targeting methods were devised. As a result Ichaivals can get targeting information through allied vehicles or troops acting as spotters or preplanted beacons. If lacking allied forces in the area for spotting duty, the Ichaivals have the option of launching one or more of their three ‘Panoptes’ reconnaissance-stealth UAVs that can scout large areas of territory along with giving target information and related data before having to return, dock with the vehicle and recharge. As an additional feature Ichaivals can easily share targeting data with each other and allied forces meaning that a group can hit the same target in quick succession often striking the same region of armor. While the size of the shells used allows for a variety of payloads depending on the mission, the primary one used is the co-developed 'Bolter' armor piercing high explosive shell. Designed to penetrate as far into the armor belt as possible before detonating, the shell can potentially wreak havoc on the internal systems of lighter armored mechs. While there are CIWS lasers placed on the front and sides of the machine for infantry and anti-missile duty, the light armor and unwieldy main gun preclude this vehicle from ever being any sort of close range combatant without extensive modifications. Another aspect is that the CIWS lasers, a fair percentage of the internal systems and reactor parts are identical to those used in the Zaku mech resulting in greater ease of repair and replacement due to the ubiquity of said parts in Tellus mech-based forces. Time to go have a beer, like any other Saturday night in Port Krin. Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information "I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Good Lord Mal, did Remus really deserve a Claptrap in his life?
Nobody deserves a Claptrap; he goes where he's needed most.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information "I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
nice to see this updated. i was following over on the battletech boards and wonderied what happend to the story.
*reads on a lark.* Huh. Melissa's gone Full Fen, hasn't she?
It's all fun and games until the next Archon has a Blue Hair Day.
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead Berk Wrote:It's all fun and games until the next Archon has a Blue Hair Day. If I'm reading these hints right, she's making a run for Antallos. Might maybe might have hijacked a jumpship, as well, given that her mother immediately called the Kell Hounds.
The Deal With Melissa is... three chapters out, give or take a little. If push comes to shove we'll start releasing stuff out of chronological order, because what we're doing with Melissa has been something I've wanted to let loose literally forever. And so far, nobody who's not on the writing crew has even come close to figuring it out. %D
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information "I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!" M Fnord Wrote:The Deal With Melissa is... three chapters out, give or take a little. If push comes to shove we'll start releasing stuff out of chronological order, because what we're doing with Melissa has been something I've wanted to let loose literally forever. And so far, nobody who's not on the writing crew has even come close to figuring it out. %D Is that a challenge? *prepares modified Taken speech about how that's a terrible idea because he WILL figure it out*
Feel free to post your flailing speculations in this thread. It shall amuse me greatly. >
![]() Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information "I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
She ends up biomodding herself, doesn't she?
"Hi Mom!" said the six-legged tank, waving ones of it's manipulators. "I had an accident, but I'm better than OK now!"
The Steiner matriarch, fainted when she recognised her daughter's voice. ________________________________ --m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
"So you want me to take over for the Professor guy now that he's dead?"
-- Bob --------- Then the horns kicked in... ...and my shoes began to squeak.
She's flown off in a hyperspace-capable groundcar, hasn't she?
She's run off to marry Kyosuke Kurita.
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead
Let's see:
She's gone Mad, possibly Professor-Grade Mad with all that entails, and the Kell Hounds are being called in to deal with the mess. She's built a ship, stolen some germanium, and has gone Fenning. She's secretly enlisted herself somehow and is passing herself off as a member of the diplomatic mission to Antallos. Hmm.
Of couese, one of the worst possible things that could happen is her meeting Lelouch.
Which means it's practically inevitable. - Grumpy Uncle Gearhead
I do so hate when it takes forever to finish a scene. But finished it is!
The next chapter of Candle In The Dark is available for reading. And we're off! Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information "I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
*Bill and Ted voices* "Excellennnnnt!"
From Spacebattles post: Quote:M Fnord said: "We have such sights to show you..."Seriously, Mal? *chuckles* That reference was a waste of perfectly good pain.
“In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.” – Napoleon Bonaparte
“They opened up a can’a dumbass!” – Jon Stewart regarding Fox News, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart “Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.” – Harvey Fierstein |
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