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[Open]Rocket Fuel.
08-14-2013, 03:20 AM
Or. I got bored and had an evil idea.
To: [List.Jaguar.Contacts.giftlist]
From: Jet.Jaguar@Frigga.Fen
Subj: T'is the season
Hi all.
Little early for gifts I know but it's the last transport of the year leaving so it's as good a time as any.
Because on that transport is a crate, packed with bottles of something I've been working on for the last few
To be taken in extreme moderation. I figure full disclosure is at hand, considering....
It starts with a bottle pure malt alcohol, a generous quantity of well-roasted Klatchian coffee, some guarana leaves
and a few other herbs and spices for flavour. These are then pressure-macerated for about a month or so together,
until the flavours have well and truly finished their infusion.
Before being filtered, bottled, labelled, then shipped..
Now, this stuff's not for the faint of heart. In the bottle, it's about 75% ABV.
So, there's a proper way to drink it.
Out of the bottle, it's extremely bitter. There's no added sugars so it needs to be taken like Absinthe for the best
effect. Add sugar and dilute with iced-water to taste. Then very carefully take a sip and enjoy the ride.
Or leave it on the shelf. The label looks good.
Happy 25th.
P.S. Yes, I do eat my own dogfood. One small bite at a time.
Attachments: Card_Frigga_2023.Jpeg
It's perfectly safe. Honest.
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To: Jet.Jaguar@Frigga.Fen
From: Wolfboy@S7.fen
Holy mother of gods Jet, that stuff packs a punch. I think the last time I got that hammered on that little an amount of liquor it was bleeding Everclear watermellons and PPCs. I do have to say add LOTS of sugar, otherwise have fun. Someone try adding it to coffee, i cant stomache the stuff but maybe sugar and creamer would help also.
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To: Jet.Jaguar@Frigga.Fen
From: amcmurdo@prometheus_forge.fen
RE: T'is the season
Y'Know Lass, that's a perfectly good way to waste alcohol. Great fun to try, even Libbie got into the spirit, you ken? (Borrowing a spare head A.C. kept around).
Fawn suggests blending it with a chocolate ice cream shake, but then she's a chocoholic. We stopped Greenpeace from giving Lila a Klatchian Coffee spiked with the stuff, Lord knows what Najica and I'd have to put up with, but Roberta tried a sip.
Fabiola's got *LOTS* of blackmail from that. A.C.'s waiting until Roberta's stopped being embarrassed to work out HOW it affected her that way.
A.C. recommends drizzling it over a banoffee cheesecake. 'Corse, she's the one to down straight shots and shudder before perversely smiling.
Lebia doesn't recommend adding to a normal cappuccino. Needs more sugar.
Kasumi is working on some recipe with it, if she can stop it from dissolving pastry.
As an aside, Eddie actually TRIED it as Rocket Fuel. Won't tell us how it went, but given the remains of the rig we've seen him take to the recycler we'd say strangely.
Happy X-Mas,
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From: mamabear@stellvia.fen
To: Jet.Jaguar@Frigga.Fen
Subj: Re: T'is the season
Oh, we didn't get you anything... but that's easy enough to fix. I know Annika loves her sweets, so I've raided the Hotel Stellvia's supplies and am gift-wrapping a box of assorted Truffini chocolates for you. (There's 400 chocolates in the box - it's a hotel pack - so get Annika to share with you!) It'll be on the next JMC ship going your way.
If you've got time at New Year's, come over and I'll cook some okonomiyaki for everyone!
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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From: Jeph Antilles (lordandmaster@jmc.fen)
To: Jet.Jaguar@Frigga.fen
Subj: Re: T'is the season
I got the bottle, and I've set it aside for right now. The current rule involving ANYTHING containing Klatchian Coffee around here since I incepted Holly and Natasha, is that the Handwavium lab needs to be securely locked, and I need to be in at least the next settlement over, with significant supervision, before I can have even a sip of it. I also need to actually block out a weekend where I don't have to do much.
I'll let you know how it goes.
"You know how parents tell you everything's going to fine, but you know they're lying to make you feel better? Everything's going to be fine." - The Doctor
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To: amcmurdo@prometheus_forge.fen
From: Jet.Jaguar@Frigga.fen
RE: T'is the season
I'd say, no alcohol is wasted if it causes somebody, somewhere to have a good time. Whether they rememeber it or not is another matter. Roberta isn't alone - Never get drunk unless you're willing to see videos of yourself, your partner and your puppet on the interwave the next morning.
If Kasumi's interested, I'll forward her on the recipes so she can make her own. I've already had a suggestion to add more vanilla. I'd appreciate any other ideas. Although, once word about this gets out we'll probably get blacklisted from getting any more Klatchian beans anyway. There's only a few spare bottles left over
Happy new year
To: JWolfboy@S7.fen
From: Jet.Jaguar@Frigga.Fen
If you think thats a punch, I tried it at 90 first. But the alcohol just overwhelmed the flavours. 75 lets the vapour carry it up the back of your nose without blowing the head off you.
I'm reliably told a chocolate ice-cream shake might work. Sugar and milk will take the bitter edge off it. Might make a nice way to add some Irish a coffee.
From: Jet.Jaguar@Frigga.Fen
To: mamabear@stellvia.fen
Subj: Re: T'is the season.
Thanks - after what you did for Shinji, it's the least I could do.
I've never actually had Okonomiyaki myself, so it's tempting. It's just myself and Anika out here for the week. Everyone's gone home to be with family and somebody has to keep the lights on. If there's space to park her A-wing, I'll bring her along. She's been meaning to catch up to Shinji since Motorcon. Otherwise, I can't leave her alone.
Sharing sweets is another matter. She learned how to hack the electronic locks. It's only a matter of time before she can pick the mechanical ones on the cabinet.
To: Jeph Antilles (lordandmaster@jmc.fen)
From: Jet.Jaguar@Frigga.fen
Subj: RE: T'is the season.
I made sure it was safe. It's a fun ride. I wouldn't give anyone anything that'd harm them - especially not for Christmas. The alcohol takes the real edge off the coffee's side effects leaving a powerful buzz. The only downside is it also takes inhibitions with it.
If you want to try it somewhere safe and supervised, we've got plenty of space. And very few cameras to record the result.
Catch you in the new year
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
To: Jet.Jaguar@frigga.fen
Subject: WTH?
Hi Jet,
we have a situation here at Jenga and I think you are involved somehow. I have Lab 2 full of catgirls, doing a mixture of some construction marathon and a party... Doesn't seems to be the usual blue-fur day, but the only evidence I found was an empty bottle which we think got delivered from Frigga and was somehow misdelivered to the wrong person.
Do we need to worry what is going on in Lab 2 (more than the usual kind)? I have not much experience with drinks of this kind...
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To: Jet.Jaguar@Frigga.Fen
Subj: T'is the season
Your itemized bill:
42-inch computer monitor: $350.79
Ergonomic programmable LCD keyboard: $147.99
Herman Miller Aeron desk chair: $574.99
Three sets Egyptian cotton bedsheets: $743.47
. (List is approximately one page long)
Victoria's Secret replacements: $288.49
Total amount due: One More Bottle
Payment Due: Next Christmas
Lynn is Not Allowed to touch this bottle outside of very special occasions....
Jen Dolittle
CEO, Rockhounds Inc
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
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From: Jet.Jaguar@frigga.fen
Subject: Re: WTH?
It's perfectly safe. That bottle was meant for you  . I've got a couple left. It's klatchian coffee and grain alcohol and a few other secret spices. Nothing dangerous in it. The end result might be a hangover in the morning, but that's about it.
From: Jet.Jaguar@Frigga.Fen
Subj: RE: T'is the season
$43,476.54 total? An entire Chevrolet?
That sounds like a pretty good weekend in Vegas to me. I've got five spare bottles. I'll set one aside in a cool dark place in case I can't get any more beans. Should be worth at least 40 grand in damages, once you account for the rarity of the original bottles. But this one's at your own risk - I don't think I can make any more.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
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From: mamabear@stellvia.fen
To: Jet.Jaguar@Frigga.Fen
Subj: Re: T'is the season.
There's room to park Anika's A-wing at my place on Earhart. And there's more room there than on Stellvia, too - we can make a proper party of it!
Please let me know when you're coming, and Ginny and I will make sure Shinji, Yuu, and Nana are here as well. I'll invite Kohran and Makoto, too. (Poor Shinji - he'll be surrounded by girls!)
Oh - do either of you have any food allergies?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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To: mamabear@stellvia.fen
From: Jet.Jaguar@Frigga.Fen
Subj: Re: T'is the season.
20:00 Zulu on the 31st too early for the New Year? We need time to shut down and make our main generators safe, set the automation, then lock the doors. Maybe I can ask a few of the catgirls from the otherside to keep an eye on things.
Allergy-wise - Does 90's pop count? I'll bring some real music - including some original Replicant's stuff from the WFC. Otherwise, both of us are ok.
And, I suppose, Shinji's well used to it at this stage.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?