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It's Sarah
It's Sarah
John McCain chooses Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate.

--The Twisted One

"If you
wish to converse with me, define your

I'm not sure how I feel about this.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
I have a feeling that this isn't quite the best choice McCain could make - Hutchinson would've been better - but it's a good enough choice for the
initial news cycle. However, based on her performance today Palin could turn into a huge liability on the stump. Probably won't end well for the McCain

Oh well.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Think about it folks. This is to off-set the whole First Black President thing that Obama has going for him. That, and McCain and his camp are hoping to draw
some of the women that are swinging to the Democratic side by having a female VP running-mate.
Not to mention that John McCain has a great track record of reaching across the aisles and working with democrats but he's been a thorn in the
republican's side for years. He had to choose someone that the conservative base of the republican party could get behind. By choosing Palin, he manages
to solidify the conservative base behind him, chooses a reformer so he mantains his maverick status, which is attractive to independants, and reaches out to
the feminists which typically vote democratic. For my vote, I don't think he could have made a better choice for VP.
Except for that whole bit where she was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it, was endorsed by Ted "Series of Tubes" Stevens and even ran a pro-Stevens 527, has roughly the same amount of "feminist" credentials as Phyllis Schafly (i.e. zero), has her own little abuse-of-power scandal percolating back home, has prayed on-camera for Jesus to bless her state with a new oil pipeline...

...oh yeah, and she has ties to secessionists. A Copperhead in the Party of Lincoln, for fuck's sake.

And as far as anybody can figure out, nobody in the McCain campaign knew any of this before the announcement. Brilliant planning there, Maverick John. Jesus.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Why oh why has there not been a single clear-cut choice for President since Clinton left the Office? These days its always about the lesser of two evils.
Hey, BA? It's always been a choice of the lesser of two evils.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
And some of us think Clinton was the worse of the two evils.

But not the worst he COULD have been. If he'd actually been an effective and competent leader with modern left-leaning principles instead of the
self-serving egotist that he was, things could have been much worse. As it was, the Republican House and Senate mitigated the worst of his and his wife's
excesses and made the Clinton administration into pretty much a do-nothing place-holder. (I do think the Whitewater special investigations went too far though.
Same with the Monica Lewinsky thing. There were much more important things they could have and should have been focusing on (Chinese campaign money-laundering
and the sale of high tech to the Chinese government of missile tech for one) rather than getting caught up in a sex scandal.)

I'll give him a pass on the whole "should've nabbed Osama Bin Laden in Sudan" thing though, because that's a mistake that looms large
mainly through 20/20 hindsight.

Incidentally, the whole thing with Clinton being reined in by the Republican Congress? That will work just fine in reverse if McCain gets elected. Seeing as
the Democrats will probably maintain control of the House and Senate. I LIKE having the executive and legislative wings of our government controlled by
opposing parties. The more they infight, the fewer freedoms get curtailed over time. We have a saying here in Texas - "No man's life, liberty, or
property is safe while the legislature is in session." And, cynic that I am, I agree with that sentiment. Congressional deadlock is a GOOD thing. It
keeps congress critters busy and out of our hair more.
... who was talking about Clinton?
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Oh - (Points at BAs post and Bob's response.) But admittedly I may have gone off-topic a bit. Feel free to ignore.
re:It's Sarah
Quote: M Fnord wrote:

Except for that whole bit where she was for the Bridge to Nowhere before she was against it, was endorsed by Ted "Series of Tubes" Stevens and even
ran a pro-Stevens 527, has roughly the same amount of "feminist" credentials as Phyllis Schafly (i.e. zero), has her own little
abuse-of-power scandal percolating back home, has prayed on-camera for Jesus to bless her state with a new oil pipeline...

...oh yeah, and she has ties to secessionists. A Copperhead in the Party of Lincoln, for fuck's sake.

And as far as anybody can figure out, nobody in the McCain campaign knew any of this before the announcement. Brilliant planning there,
Maverick John. Jesus.
Bridge to Nowhere:

While true it isn't the truth. When she was running for governer she gradually switched positions on it til she

was against it then refused the money when it was allocated after she became Governer. At least that is the

story I heard. Since she had zero control over earmarks anyway (Senators and represenitive do the work.

States can only 'lobby' for them )) It's pretty moot anyway. Besides isn't the job of Governer supposed to

be looking out for thier state? I have a feeling that a lot of Governers wouldn't have given back the money.

Ted Stevens:

As for Ted Stevens, didn't Obama get endorsed by Farakan? You can't control who endorses you. As

for working for him you may have a point though.


Maybe she isn't a 'feminist'? When did they pass the law that said you have to be a 'feminist' to be

a woman politican?

Personal scandals:

Didn't Hillary go through these same type of scandals? Or is she innocent on account of her

liberalism, 'feminism', and/or democrat status? Also given the nature of them she might have had good

justification for them both. I'll let the investigations decide. Innocent til proven guilty afterall.


No law says you have to be an athiest to run for office and given the revenue a oil pipeline would

bring to Alaska that isn't a bad thing.


.. and Obama has ties to a terrorist. Your point is what?


He said he did and all the stuff you cited says is that she bucks the system and IS a maverick. As

advertised. I wonder if you dislike her because she is stealing Obama's show? [Image: smile.gif]

Seriously though, either way the vote comes out I think we will make out good.
A quick check of will answer a lot of these questions.

Secessionist? No. Her husband was briefly a member of the AIP, however.

They analyze several other stories about her, as well, such as the library censorship question, and the special-ed budget "cuts". (She actually
tripled the per-student budget.)
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Would you two like some privacy? Maybe some tissues or hand lotion?

But before I leave you two to your, ah, enthusiasm:
Quote:Secessionist? No. Her husband was briefly a member of the AIP, however.

No ties to the AIP other than her husband's membership, indeed.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
I love how you trot out this standard boilerplate "Welcome to Alaska, have a good convention" video message as "proof" that she is a member
of the party. This is nothing more than her being polite and diplomatic to a bunch of people holding a convention in her town/state. She says nothing about
whether she agrees with their secessionist goals. It is merely a "make-nice" piece. It's totally neutral. I'm sure that if I dig, I can find
similar messages from various states to other conventions of all stripes. Including secessionist parties. Believe me - living in Texas, I'm familiar with a
few of those.

(snif) Hang on. I know that smell. It's the smell of... desperation. Of abject terror in fact. I used to be more familiar with that smell. As it was coming
from my side a few months ago. Now it's coming from the left. It's coming from you.




And you KNOW it.

Stop embarrassing yourself with attacks on her and debate the issues. Continually comparing your number 1 guy with the number 2 on the opposite ticket is
... Okay.

I must say, when someone accuses Palin of banning books that *weren't even published* at the time she was in office, that's an impressive amount of

There was a day when any Republican of national standing who even stood next to somebody who said "Gee, we ought to leave the Union," much less made sympathetic noises at a group of the bastards, would be chased out of the party with tar & feathers. How sad it has come to this, that Republicans are actually defending a Copperhead. Abe Lincoln is rolling in his fucking grave.

Ah well, from here to there.

Quote:I'm sure that if I dig, I can find similar messages from various states to other conventions of all stripes. Including secessionist parties.

Okay then, Darklighter, put your money where your fucking mouth is. Show me footage of a governor addressing a secessionist party in their own state. Any governor, any state, within the last... let's say ten years to make it sporting.

C'mon chuckles, prove I'm wrong, prove that a governor addressing a secessionist party convention is just being nice.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
No. There's no point to that. That's taking the conversation off the topic. And I'm not falling for it.

The point is - you and many others on the left are resorting to increasingly ridiculous extremes to try and dig up "dirt" on Sarah Palin. And not
only is it not sticking, the attempt is making the media and the Obama campaign look like they are desperate.

The polls already show that McCain has pulled even with Obama. There was a significant bounce in the polls after the Republican convention. Not from the
Republican base, but from independents and even "Blue Dog" democrats. Obama got a slight bounce from his convention, which has since evaporated.
There's indications that many former Hillary Clinton supporters may vote the Republican ticket because they like Palin.

Why? A very large part of that is due to the backlash from efforts to demonize Palin. And the fact that the Obama campaign looks foolish every time they try
and compare Obama with Palin. When they ought to be comparing him to McCain. In that sense, McCain's choice was a political judo move of the first water.

So no. I don't have to "prove" a damn thing. You're doing the damage yourself, to your side. If I was on your side, I'd caution you to quit. But since I'm not, I'll say - please, oh PLEASE keep attacking Palin! Keep bringing attention to the fact (FACT) that she has more executive experience then Obama!
You and all the people who want to demonize her for being a woman, and a conservative - you keep RIGHT. ON. DOING. IT.

Because it WILL bite you in the ass come November.
Quote:So no. I don't have to "prove" a damn thing.

Logan Darklighter Wrote:I'm sure that if I dig, I can find similar messages from various states to other conventions of all stripes. Including secessionist parties.

Come on, Logan. Be a man & back up your claim with evidence. It can't be that hard, right? Just one "Hi, hope you're having a good time" statement - video, print, doesn't matter - from a governor to a modern secessionist movement and you'll have shut up the big bad liberal good. A true triumph of conservative mojo over the evils of liberalism. You'll be able to brag to all your I'm-not-a-Republican-really buddies that you shut up that commie punk. But first you've gotta earn it.

Just so we're all the same page here, let's get this straight. Until such time as you either man up and prove your claim or admit defeat, I am going to ask you every fucking time you open your trap in this forum.

And just to keep things on the topic of Gov. Palin, Y HALO THAR MAVERICK MCMONEYSINK!
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
First of all. smoke a joint, take a vallum, or

meditate on the oneness of life then


Now that that is done, you made a good point but

how many 'typical' governors would do that? It goes

right to her status as a maverick.

Just accept she is not a typical republican. Whether that

is good or not is still a subject for debate.

As for that editorial.. in response there is a series on one

of the informations channels (Discovery, history channel, SCI, etc..))

called 'Tougher in Alaska'. Watch it and it will explain why they

need that much money.

Also some updates on information:

1. The 'oil pipeline' was a natural gas pipeline.

2. She spent the 'bridge to Nowhere' money on other projects in

her state.

Still doesn't change the conclusions though.
I *am* calm. I'm beyond calm, I transcend it. If I wasn't calm, I wouldn't be hounding Darklighter like this. A true hounding can't be done
with the blood up; it requires dispassion and cold-hearted malice towards the target. Plus his hysterical triumphalism is frickin' hilarious.

Moo hoo ha ha.

Anyway, on to your major points.

I think you need to figure out that "maverick" doesn't automatically equal "good." I mean, Caligula was being a "maverick"
when he appointed his horse to the Senate. Didn't help his ass much in the long run. Hell, if Huckabee had more legs or Romney had... well, if Romney had a
personality, McCain's campaigning on the "maverick" act would've been a total failure.

As for Palin's typical Republican-hood, I'd honestly say that she's a pretty typical Republican. She's a creationist, rabidly anti-abortion,
connected to the oil industry, willing to spend millions on her pet projects while cutting taxes, demands absolute personal loyalty from her subordinates,
parochial, inflexible and incurious. Sounds like a Republican to *me*. Aside from the Copperhead issue, anyway.
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Well. Congratulations, Fnord. On a rather singular achievement. You're on my ignore list now. Not even Ayiekie managed that.

Logan Darklilghter Wrote:I'm sure that if I dig, I can find similar messages from various states to other conventions of all stripes. Including secessionist parties.

So how's that diggin' coming along?

(If anybody else wants to get in on the act, feel free! It's fun for the entire family!)
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
I find it amusing that both sides of the election appear to be laughing in fiendish glee, each convinced the other
party has tanked. That's not something you see every fourth year.


"Oh, there's crime here. I can smell it."

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