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It's Sarah
Quote: Rev Dark wrote:

Fidhooki, you are quoting out of context. Deliberately.

Late October was already the target of the investigation. Monegan - appointed by the committee (ten republicans, four democrats) actually stated. (Get
that through your head. There is no bias here. A council with more than a two to one majority of Republicans felt that the investigation was necessary. )

Here is the actual quote; and the article to go with it.


French says the McCain campaign failed to contact any of the Senators involved in the investigation during the vetting process of Gov. Palin.

"If they had done their job they never would have picked her," said French. "Now they may have to deal with an October surprise," he
said, referring to the scheduled release Oct. 31 of the committee's final report."

Once again you engage your keyboard before your mind.

You state

"They did accelerate the investigation once she was picked. "

No. The schedule was already set.

Then you go try this route.


the three democrats that are chairing this have met obama personally

months before the DNC Nomination party. With pictures to prove it. It

was a energy conference they attended btw. "

Yes they were doing a cabalistic meeting on this subject before the investigation was on the radar, and before Palin was even considered a candidate? Are
you trying to engage in satire?

You don't do it very well.
Where did I say I opposed this investigation? It should be done but done fairly. Anyway, heres my response:

"French said in early September that, rather than ending on October 31, the Friday before the election, the report would be complete by October 10. He
also stated that the report would "likely to be damaging to the (Palin) administration", and could be an October surprise"

So it WAS moved forward. I do understand why they didn't push it back now but asking for an extension

to their mandate might have been a better option than rushing to 'beat the clock' . As for the 'October

Surprise' line I still feel it was wrong to say especially from the 'head' of the investigation committee.Even

if it is a softening of it. Combine that with the appearance of a closer than political relationship with Obama

anything that comes out of this investigation will be suspect.

It's the impropriety or the image of impropriety that I have a major problem with.

Next time try reading and comprehending what was written. Not going off on a 'gotcha'

Started a new thread for creationism discussion, to get it out of this one.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Just for some actual Palin content, from Slate:

Quote:She has governed pragmatically and without ideological rancor. In 2006, the Alaska Supreme Court ruled that the state was obliged to extend employee benefits to same-sex partners of its employees. The legislature subsequently passed a bill that would block the state from extending these benefits. Palin vetoed the measure, even though she, too, opposed the court decision. "Signing this bill," she explained, "would be in direct violation of my oath of office." In other words, she saw her ideological views as subordinate to her obligation to the rule of law. And unlike the legislature, she apparently saw no sense in creating further division when the only practical result would be more litigation and a heightened sense of division and offense.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
In all fairness though I've heard that the Alaskain Constitution is strictly against the

gov. inhibiting social change. IT does go to her credentials that she heeded it instead

of ignoring it for an personal agenda.
From what I know of Palin I conclude that the woman is an dishonest idiot. I wish there was a politician that didn't have those traits, or at least only
had one of them.

As too the intelligent design idiots I'm fairly sure this is the problem, so your efforts won't help Rev. Dark.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
There's many politicians who are neither dishonest nor idiots. However, the widespread belief that the public service only attracts crooks and liars
probably does not encourage the best and brightest to choose it as a career path.
What's really disturbing to me is the hints she's been dropping is that if both her and McCain and elected, she clearly intends to use Dick Cheney as
her role model.

Dick Cheney, who I suspect was the co-president during Bush II's first tem, if not the 2nd term of office. Who may had ran things that Bush wanted done but
decided doing it the legal way was too tedious. Who managed to get his old firm Halliburton the lion's share of the contracts. Who I also suspect may go
back to Halliburton once this term is done. Who I suspect, along with Karl Rove, is one of the grey eminences behind the Bush II presidency.

What's really going to be bad is not she's going to attempt it. She's going to fumble the job. Dick Cheney has been a part of the Washington crowd
for a long time. Chief of Staff to Gerald Ford, Secreatary of Defense under Bush I. He knows what levers to push. Quietly. Palin? Those winks and smirks are
not gonna do it. We haven't had a VP impeached since Spiro Agnew. Be very interesting to watch the first 2 years of a McCain-Palin presidency. Of course,
God help us all if McCain is incapacitated and she takes office.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Look. She's had 6 weeks to get adjusted to this. Not like Joe '30+years in politics and STILL

doesn't know what the VP does' Biden. Given with 5 weeks she held her own with Biden says

something. in 6 months she could do the job easily if she had to. Besides the other option

is a President that has no expirience and has to go from day 1.
Quote: Fidoohki wrote:

Look. She's had 6 weeks to get adjusted to this. Not like Joe '30+years in politics and STILL

doesn't know what the VP does' Biden. Given with 5 weeks she held her own with Biden says

something. in 6 months she could do the job easily if she had to. Besides the other option

is a President that has no expirience and has to go from day 1.
Also she can kill a Moose!

Who else can defeat Tiger Killer Sedater Putin?


Judo master Tiger Killer Sedater Putin. Tongue
Quote: Fidoohki wrote:

Besides the other option is a President that has no expirience and has to go from day 1.

A president with no experience? Are you serious? It's pretty sad when John McCain is more respectful of the truth about his opponent than his
supporters are.

Then again, I guess that's pretty common

I'm rather sick to death of this in the Canadian election too - I won't point fingers, though I'd dearly love to, but the polarisation of politics
from "I disagree with this guy" to "this guy is evil incarnate" is disgusting. Attacking the person instead of their positions may pay
electoral dividents in the short run, but it hurts everybody (including politicians) in the long run.
"No experience" isn't something that can just be said with no qualifiers.

When I've seen it come up, it's in reference to Obama's experience all being in the legislative branch. No executive positions like governor or

Of course, if I'm reading the wikipedia pages right, McCain doesn't have any of that either. Or Biden. Just Palin.

-Morgan, would check further, but ack! Time to go to work.
I would dispute that in Joh mccain did lead a Military fighter group in Vietnam

and Sen. obama did have the job of Community organizer for a time in Chicago.

I still think being a mayor and a govener trumps that bigtime though.
Neither of those would be "executive branch of government" positions though. Which doesn't make them meaningless, but I'm not sure how well
either would translate to the presidency.

In any case, one can't just say someone has experience or lacks it without specifying what kind of experience they mean.

-Morgan. After all, this isn't D&D.
If that's the argument we want to make, then Sarah Palin is the only one in the running who comes close to having experience.

The combo of her executive experience with McCain's military background makes for a much more reasonable combination than a newbie and a lawyer.

(Interesting, isn't it, that the real power-house of both parties is in the VP slot this time, after all the arguments about how Cheney was pulling W's

Random nonsense: Run a statistical check and tell me when the last time was that a former Governor lost the Presidential election. (Let's see... what do
Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, and Carter all have in common? State Governorships.)
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Too bad that experience hasn't translated into Palin knowing jack. Or prevented her from being found guilty of having abused her power for the advancement
of a personal vendetta. I certainly wouldn't want her a (cancer survivor's) heartbeat away from being the most powerful person in the world.

Not that there's much danger of that, by pretty much every poll.
Eh, he's still got plenty of time to destroy himelf.

I can't be the only one unimpressed by this whole half hour ad thing. You know, the same kind of advertising used for phony psychics and suspicious kitchen


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