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Rann says about what I was thinking on this. (Not surprisingly, since he, Forge and myself discuss politics regularly in-person)
Quote:It's kind of funny to see that a lot of Dems are still majorly butthurt
and bitching about Palin, even at this point. McCain gets a pass, his
concession speech made him "good" again, but they're still simmering
over it.
[Image: userinfo.gif]forgemccain has
said he thinks a lot of it is because they're scared, they know they're
going to be seeing her again in four years, and if Obama doesn't wave a
magic wand and fix everything like a lot of people seemed to think he
would during his campaign, she's prolly gonna win.
I don't think
most people think that deeply about it. I think it's probably more the
visceral gut reaction of "Traitor!" Since anyone seen as oppressed is
supposed to be a Democrat, and anything else causes anger. Kind of like
how the only thing a lot of Democrats seem to hate worse than
Republicans is Libertarians. "People that agree with us on some things
but not all things, and aren't completely on our
Fact of the matter is,
I'd bet money that 99% of these people, who are still claiming they
would have supported McCain (because that was the mantra before he
actually got nominated, "I'm not partisan! I'd vote for McCain!") if
only he hadn't picked the Wicked Witch of the North as his running
mate, had never even heard of her until McCain picked her and pretty
much the entirety of the Left crammed itself up her ass looking for
anything it could to smear her with, no matter if it made "Obama is a
secret Muslim" look like saying "Hm, little chilly today" in comparison.
mean, srsly. You've got people acting like they've been following her
political career ever since she started it and have been deathly
worried that she might escape her arctic prison, and that they were
with McCain up until the pick of this horrible, evil woman with her
massive conspiracy to commit "Troopergate". Worse than forty Hitlers,
she is, that's as many as four tens, and that's terrible.
still griping about her, learn to 1) be gracious and 2) hold your
piddle. The first because she's gone back to Alaska, and without even
trying to fuck Obama over by stirring up her base against him, as
anything less than a saint would be horrendously tempted to do after
the guy's supporters claimed her husband fucked her daughter and made a
special retard baby. The second because, again, you'll probably see her
in four years, and I'm sure you'll be able to come up with all sorts of
classy things to say about her then, may as well save them for then
instead of blowing your load the week after she lost.
*bursts into helpless hysterical laughter*

Logan, I pray every night that Palin does run in 2012. She'd be a huge
plus for the Dems. I don't believe she could possibly make it past the Republican primary, but I can dream, you know?


"Absolute power is a sticky wicket."
our very own Rev stated better than I could why Palin in any office with more responsobility than a Kinkos is a bad idea.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
"after the guy's supporters claimed her husband fucked her daughter and made a special retard baby".

I'm so glad your friend get butthurt over the comments of the lunatic fringe and you felt the need to share it with us. Perhaps we should discuss about
what some of YOUR lunatic fringe had to say about Obama. Just for fairness sakes'.

And yes, barring a major image makeover, Palin's not got a snowball's chance in hell in 2012. My only worry is that she will again be instrumental in
whipping up racists and bigots. By the by, you might have noticed if you read the news (OMGLEFTISTMEDIA!111) that it's more Republicans that have been
savaging Mrs. Palin (and her supporters savaging right back), whereas Dems have been more giddy with their resounding victory. As is pretty much what usually

Also? Your friend is full of shit and says things that are half and/or wholly untrue to make himself feel better (yes, the left totally had no complaints about
presidential nominee McCain before you-know-who showed up, uh-huh, it's certainly not like he didn't modify many of his long standing positions or
anything). I guess he didn't sign on with your determination to be vaguely gracious about Obama's victory.

At least you haven't started calling him names again yet.
53% is not 'resounding'.
See my other comment about the percentage by which Reagan beat Carter. Would you call that "resounding"? This is the most decisively contested
election since Reagan-Mondale.

(That's also ignoring the fact that Obama won states that hadn't gone Democratic in decades, and seriously contested many others that were considered
safe red states before this election cycle.)
Funny isn't it on how they sent all these reporters to alaska when

she was announced and didn't find a hint of the attitude these

campaigners claim she had.
Actually, there was quite a bit of bad things that came up as soon as she was first investigated (like the "Troopergate" thing, the rape kits, the
misuse of funds, etc.). At the time, however, this was drowned out by the flood of positive coverage she was getting in the (EVIL LIBRUL) mainstream media.
'Troopergate' was proven to be much about nothing as you well

know. the rape kits were not pushed under the 'positive' flood.

there was never a link that tied her to ordering it. and be specific

on the 'misuse of funds' and try to get a non partisan site for it

not one of your liberal crapfests.
The only reason I voted for McCain was because of Sarah Palin. McCain has been a perpetual thorn in the Republican's side and to be honest I'm not sad
he lost. I was in the sad position that whoever won, I lost. I'm going into the Navy soon and I'm not looking forward to all the cuts in defense
spending that Obama has promised. Obama's foreign policy hasn't been very clear but what I have heard, in regards to forcefully entering Pakistan
without their permission if we find Osama Bin Laden there, wanting to pass any international action past the United Nations, and being global citizens, worries
me. That tangent aside, if Sarah Palin were to run in the primaries right now, I have no doubt that she would get the nomination and according to a recent
Rassmussen Report I wouldn't
be wrong. The one thing people seem to forget is that before Palin became McCain's VP is that McCain didn't have a solid republican base pulling for
him. The only reason he survived the primaries is because the conservative vote was split between Huckabee and Romney for so long that McCain could use his
pull with liberal and moderate republicans to reach an unbeatable lead, similar to what Obama did. With Palin, McCain was able to solidify the conservative
base and made a good showing of himself.

A lot of mud gets thrown in any political campaign and I haven't really heard of anything sticking to Palin once its investigated. I do think that Palin is
one of the Republican Party's best hope of regaining the power its lost. I pray we see her again in 2012.

If we had to have a Carter before we could have a Reagan, than it looks like we get to have an Obama before we can have a Palin.

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