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Still calling it
Ny Times Transcript
Trump has dementia. Like, not being a demented loon, but actual clinical dementia.
We don't let the granny turn on the oven. Let alone give her nucular weapons.
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Donald Trump will be the second head of state to have won a Golden Raspberry award, and the first for an individual performance. Trump got the 1990 nod for Worst Supporting Actor in Ghosts Can't Do It, putting him in the same pantheon as Woody Harrelson, Donald Rumsfeld, Dennis Rodman, and O. J. Simpson.
The first head of state was Ronnie Reagan, who got a Worst Career Achievement award in 1981. While Reagan's might have been about politics, Trump was a Democrat in 1990. So he truly earned it.
-- ∇×V
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I hope you folks south of the border appreciate this: Today, we're shuffling our Cabinet so that we can better deal... er, deal better with the Trump administration.
Looks like we all missed this announcement: ... hes-today/]Internet Archive’s Trump Archive launched on January 5
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
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the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Trump's ties to the Kremlin, fake news or otherwise is kinda ironic. Considering his drumbeat about bitherism, you'd think he'd know how to handle it.
And there's the confirmation hearings. Trump's transition team decided to do all of them at once. I get the sense they decided that there would be less attention paid to one person. I sense lack of preparation instead.
Witness Rex Tillerman confirmation hearings ... af330225b1
Who told him to dodge and weave even the easy questions?
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- Scarlett Pimpernell
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Alec Baldwin in talks to take Donald Trump act beyond SNL
I like the tweet reposted to the end of the article: Quote:...@realDonaldTrump
Release your tax returns and I'll stop.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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I'm going by reports in the UK papers and online so I accept that something may have been lost in the journey across the pond, but it seems that the same U.S. Politicians complaining that people in Russia released secret and/or fake material to influence the U.S. election, have admitted paying people in Russia for secret and/or fake material which they intended to use to influence the U.S. election.
And Politicians wonder why they aren't trusted.
Some reports also claimed the politicians got ripped off and the dossier is actually a hacked freely available 4-chan adult fanfic which probably explains why they are so mad at Russia now. ... ems-cheer/ ... a-n2269811
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You have to take into account that Glen Greenwald and The Intercept are extremely anti-Trump (it suffices to see their front page).So for them to denounce this "smoking gun" report, it really has to be a pile of grotesque bullshit.
Quote:nemonowan wrote: You have to take into account that Glen Greenwald and The Intercept are extremely anti-Trump (it suffices to see their front page).So for them to denounce this "smoking gun" report, it really has to be a pile of grotesque bullshit.
Greenwald is a principled liberal, which is very different indeed from the usual rabid partisan cheerleading that we see. He spent a lot of time criticizing Bush and Obama based on actual awful things they did without doing the standard partisan post-election flip-flop.
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There is no room for principals or nuanc in modern politics. Either you agree with *everything* we say or you're the enemy, you're one of them, not us
Anyway, you may be better off grabbing your news from nations that aren't the US, or UK, or Russia..... ... 67643.html
This article paints an interesting picture.
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Apparently newspapers in Israel aren't any better. ... igar-smoke
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I don't think it's fake. It's being run by too many respectable news outlets who'd take serious hits to their already damaged reputations if this were fake.
Secondly, apply Occam's Razor.
Is this a fabrication by the Democratic Party, with collusion from sources in Britain, to discredit President-Elect Trump?
Or did Vladimir Putin really have his intelligence services get 'Kompromat' on Trump?
The second is easiest to answer. Putin would love to have a puppet in the White House, and Trump would say all the right things to get there. Plus, Trump is the sort of man with appetites that Putin could easily manipulate. "Grab them by the pussy", anyone? And the Russian hacking of Democratic emails is the smoking gun here. It was Putin's assurance that Trump would get elected over Hillary.
We cannot afford to have a POTUS that is compromised by Putin.
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I still don't buy that Putin actually cares who is POTUS. Both trump and Clinton would happily sell Alaska to the Russians for the right "Donation" to the Trump Trust or Clinton Foundation. And if the Russians did hack Clinton's emails then they have got blackmail on her as well. As for blackmailing trump with a sex tape, would he want to keep it secret? I suspect if the tape did exist Trump would want it to be published (On pay-TV of course with all the income going to him).
Would you know if a former POTUS had been blackmailed? ... cle/634473
Finally consider this. The report is based on Russian agents talking to an "ex" MI6 officer living in Russia. That doesn't happen in Putin's Russia unless the government wants the information published. The question becomes why?
If Putin wanted to destroy Trump he publishes an actual tape (Would waiting until Jan 21st cause more or less chaos?).
If Putin wanted to blackmail Trump, the story would never have been revealed.
If Putin wanted to divide America a fake story is even better than a true story. Trump knows the story is false and fights with all his might. Clinton wants the story to be true and fights with all her might. Whoever wins is so damaged that they are in no position to form any international opposition to Putin as he marches across Europe.
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Opinion piece on CBC: The only skill needed to spin for Trump? A total lack of shame
Written by Andrew MacDougall, a past "director of communications" for Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
I find this bit the most plausible, and the most worrisome:
Quote:This is where Team Trump's total lack of shame is horribly — and deliberately — corrosive. They aren't there to engage in the healthy back-and-forth between government and the press. They're there to provoke the kind of hysterics that usually end up discrediting the media. And if they themselves are discredited in the process too, well, that's just the cost of doing business.
If this sounds incredibly inside-baseball: it is. But its effects will be felt right across the country. Trump was elected, in part, because of a deep dissatisfaction with the way politics was practiced. By dipping convention in acid they're erasing, not fixing or replacing, a troubled system.
But that's the point. Trump has never enjoyed being held to account. He knows the media are struggling financially and with perceptions of bias. Anything he can do to further their journey down the current trajectory will absolve him of needed scrutiny as he pushes deeper into his first term.
Without the ability to hold politicians to account, can one honestly say one is represented in politics? (I seem to recall something about "no taxation without representation" from ... somewhere.)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
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the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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The supposed "smoking gun" of the "Russian Blackmail File" is basically a 4chan /pol/ fanfic that includes "bane posting." That is, this exchange:
some dude: "You're a big guy!"
Fic!Trump: "For you...."
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
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Quote:Foxboy wrote: The supposed "smoking gun" of the "Russian Blackmail File" is basically a 4chan /pol/ fanfic that includes "bane posting." That is, this exchange:
some dude: "You're a big guy!"
Fic!Trump: "For you...."
Considering that Trump's actions concerning Russia leading up to his inauguration is a nothing but praise for Putin and destabilizing NATO, you have to wonder what his motive is. Once his administration starts rolling back the sanctions, then what?
Everything right now is pointing to a chaotic start to this administration. Too many red flags. I hope the folks who voted for him know what they are getting into. No excuses come 2020.
I am wondering what happens once the GOP repeals the ACA w/o a better replacement.
Edit: Our boss has tickets to the Inaugural ball. He asked our office who wants to go. No takers. The rumor is that the scalpers are losing money over the tickets. It pretty much tells you want this town's reaction to Trump is.
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My sister's daughter attends Georgetown. I advised her to stay far away from the inauguration, on the grounds that Trump's supporters might be inclined to be nasty if she made her feelings about this election known. My exact words referred to "Trumpite brown-shirts ready to beat up anybody who doesn't heil him to their satisfaction."
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Quote:ordnance11 wrote: Edit: Our boss has tickets to the Inaugural ball. He asked our office who wants to go. No takers. The rumor is that the scalpers are losing money over the tickets. It pretty much tells you want this town's reaction to Trump is.
He's certainly got all the right enemies. I didn't vote for him, but the Democrat cheerleaders are really working overtime trying to make me wish I had.
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Quote:khagler wrote:
Quote:ordnance11 wrote: Edit: Our boss has tickets to the Inaugural ball. He asked our office who wants to go. No takers. The rumor is that the scalpers are losing money over the tickets. It pretty much tells you want this town's reaction to Trump is.
He's certainly got all the right enemies. I didn't vote for him, but the Democrat cheerleaders are really working overtime trying to make me wish I had.
Well, Trump is making enemies left and right just by his Twitter feed. and to my knowledge, he was elected President not dictator. He is setting himself up for failure on a number of issues that he didn't have to. What ever goodwill he may have had is gone now.
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- Scarlett Pimpernell
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He's going into his inauguration with the lowest approval rating ever seen for a president-elect...
-- Bob
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...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Just to let you know, I've been busy planning a march and rally here in Ventura. There's going to be a big one in L.A. too, but so far we have 900 people committed to showing up to march right here on the 21st. Normally you apply the rule that only half of the people will promise to come actually come -- but these are not normal times. Every progressive event lately in this area has seen double the attendance they expect. So my real estimate for the march will be 2000 people, provided that the current forecast for a break in the rain holds, of course. Californians can't handle precip, of course.
Most of my work has been printing 500 posters and putting up about 250 of them in local businesses personally. It's pretty fun work, and good for getting to know the community. And how much support there really is. So much support that we must speak out now that we're united in common cause.
So please, wherever you live, march with me. There's a whole list of sister marches. One near where you live, be it D.C. or Trenton or Toronto or Dublin. If you believe in liberal democracy, Saturday is the day to stand together.
And it's going to be an even greater show than the inauguration by at least an order of magnitude. Let's see how Trump takes that kind of insult.
-- ∇×V
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Quote:vorticity wrote: Let's see how Trump takes that kind of insult.
You have to ask? 
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ordnance11 Wrote:Edit: Our boss has tickets to the Inaugural ball. He asked our office who wants to go. No takers. The rumor is that the scalpers are losing money over the tickets. It pretty much tells you want this town's reaction to Trump is. This actually made the morning news in Canada - the nation-wide radio news. The report was that a scalper paid $700 for two tickets, turned down an offer of $200 for them, and is now worried that he'll have to go to DC himself and use the tickets.
Setting aside the sunk-cost fallacy in that (instead of being out $700, the scalper is worried he'll be out $700 plus the cost of a hotel room plus the cost of a round trip to DC), it illustrates just how low Trump's approval rating is.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
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the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Of course, Trump is blaring that they're expecting a record turnout at the inauguration despite the boycotts in and out of Congress. Expect to get another round of "who do you believe, me or your eyes?" out of him by the weekend.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Well, a record low turnout is still a record...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Nice to see a Tout get shafted. Makes a change.
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