The Hunterminator
Re: I have decided
10-13-2006, 10:07 PM
Quote: Loelie of the Songs - Hunterminator
Archetype: Controller
Primary Power: Mind Control
Secondary Power: Sonic Resonance
Primary Color: Bright Yellow
Secondary Color: Light Blue
*Suddenly notices he no longer has to figure out a color scheme*
(I'm REALLY bad at making costumes, which is sad since I really love making characters.)
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Re: I have decided
10-13-2006, 10:47 PM
I actually tried a few different variations on black/grey, and it looked pretty bad. What I have now is black/blue. (Originally a dark blue, but I made it lighter to make it stand out a little more when dark armor powers were active.
-Morgan."I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, or espers here, come sleep with me."
---From "The Ecchi of Haruhi Suzumiya"
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Re: I have decided
10-13-2006, 10:52 PM
Quote: I actually tried a few different variations on black/grey, and it looked pretty bad. What I have now is black/blue. (Originally a dark blue, but I made it lighter to make it stand out a little more when dark armor powers were active.)
Fair enough; it occurred to me only as I was finishing the list that I hadn't assigned anyone to use purple or brown. Would some shade of the former work rather than the gray?
Ja, -n
"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
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Re: I have decided
10-13-2006, 11:07 PM
I'm not sure this is a good idea.
I mean, I see the point, and it makes sense, but...
Quote: if you're unhappy with the combination you've drawn, please, say so and we can try and work something out.
Um, yeah. Hate to say it, 'cause I really don't wanna cause a fuss...but...
Grace is on the list as Primary: Bright Green and Secondary: Pink, and I really can't work with that. It's far too...bright, and a pure pink and green costume is just...enh. I can't.
And while Hunterminator was happy about his colours, I'm guessing I'm not gonna be the only one with, uh, reservations.
While it's logical to designate colours, and require all of us to have at least one standard costume...I think there's really a limit as to how strict we can realistically be. There's got to be room for significant variation.
See, it's always difficult to work out a uniform for a CoH supergroup.
If something's made compulsory... then there's problems when that compulsory scheme violates someone's personal aesthetic sense. Morganni doesn't like the armored torsos and armor pattern. His Lovely Wife doesn't like chunky gloves.
And it's rather hard to tell someone that, no, you just gotta suck it up and live with it. That doesn't work. It cuts into the fun, and we're doing this as a game, after all.
That's why when you're designing a team costume, you gotta leave as much wiggle room as reasonably possible. Yeah, it's a compromise, and maybe it isn't as cool as it would be, with everyone wearing exactly the same thing...but there are practicalities to consider.
There's a limit to how much uniformity and conformity one can impose. Getting a bunch of players to run in the same direction is like herding cats, I'm afraid.
We've all got our different tastes and preferences...and if we're actually going to play these characters, we need to express 'em.
Think of it as a social dynamics exercise. =)
Myself, I was intending to modify Grace's costume at the nearest opportunity to better match the rest of the team, so that was gonna be my next Icon trip, yeah.
But I can't do the requested colours. Neon green and bright pink? Um. That's my thing - I can't really take a costume consisting solely of bright colours. I almost always use dark colours for contrast.
That's why Grace of the Spirit currently has a black-and-pink skirt and armor base, with rose-pink gloves, boots, shoulders and armor panels. The black provides a dark base, and the pink's to go with her Psychic Blast effects. Her gemstones are bright green, to go with the Empathy powers...but you'll notice, they're black-bordered as well.
This was my intended revision.
I'm honestly not trying to be difficult, but I can't make the assigned colours work.
These were my best attempts at using Bright Green and Pink.
I tried, I really did. And frankly I had to cheat with the second one - that's really more of an Evangelion Unit 1 scheme, using purple...and I don't like it either, it's merely the best I could manage. If anyone has any suggestions for me, any better designs, I'll be happy to listen to 'em.
I'm not really good with bright colour.*
-- Acyl
* When I do regular art, even that's in dark shades or greyscale. I got an A-grade in High School art, despite doing terribly on the practical work - a design using texture and colour theory. Totally blew it. How did I score an A? They also marked our concept sketchbooks for the year, and the teachers gave me full marks for my pencil work. =)
-- Acyl
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Re: I have decided
10-14-2006, 12:30 AM
Black and purple would probably be fine in a contextless aesthetic sense, but I don't think it fits as well with the "Shadow" concept.
As for the rest, I guess it's my job to try to be difficult. The armored torso design has actually grown a bit on me; it works better when the secondary color isn't grey or white anyway. But insist on the armor plate color pattern, and you can do this without me. I just couldn't *take* staring at that all the time.
(I'm not really convinced about the armored boots either; I think something like the thigh-high boots would add an element of magical-girl-costume impracticality that the current design doesn't have enough of. But that's not really important.)
On the color scheme issue, why not let people work out what they think is something that compliments their powerset, and see what the results are? I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't that much overlap in the end. And if there does turn out to be some, figure out alternatives then.
-Morgan, thinks she'd delete rather than play someone in light green/light yellow. Eeeew!"I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, or espers here, come sleep with me."
---From "The Ecchi of Haruhi Suzumiya"
-----(Not really)
His Lovely Wife
Re: I have decided
10-14-2006, 12:49 AM
Quote: But insist on the armor plate color pattern, and you can do this without me. I just couldn't *take* staring at that all the time.
I'm sorry to say, that's a little how I feel about that armour plate pattern too. I agree with Acyl's thought as well,
Quote: There's a limit to how much uniformity and conformity one can impose.
Quote: We've all got our different tastes and preferences...and if we're actually going to play these characters, we need to express 'em.
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Re: I have decided
10-14-2006, 01:38 AM
My ideas for the color schemes that problems have been raised with were something like this:
*goes away, counts to ten, comes back, and sighs*
Quote: I had been thinking of a MKR-type 'armored schoolgirl' motif, with signet colors set to match/complement the glowies of that toon's powerset, but if anyone else has a suggestion, I'm quite open.
Right. It's clear that each of us has something we're not willing to compromise on; Morgan chokes on the armor, Cindy on the pattern, and so on.
The way it looks from where I'm sitting is that a lot of the disagreement and frustration that's resulting from this is coming from a misinterpretation of my position. To clear it up: I want to have an instantly recognizable team look that falls somewhere within the category 'magical girl', where each character has a number of costume elements in common and varies in certain specific categories - the same categories. In my original concept, these were armor colors, pauldron design, and the character design of the wearer.
What that team look is is of absolutely no importance to me at all.
I've offered a plan. If you have a problem with it, propose a different one so that we can, as a whole, decide which to follow or how to synthesize them together into something that is, at the very least, an equality of dissatisfaction.
Please, -n
"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
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Re: I have decided
10-14-2006, 02:19 AM
(Actually, it's the pattern I was choking on too...)
The thing is, I think we've already *got* an instantly recognizable team look.
Quote: Head: Normal, with any of tiaras 3-8; Personally I think 4 and 6 work best
Torso: Armored type, Armor skin and matching color pattern. Jewel belt and Smooth glove type with, again, Armor skin and pattern. Select shoulder bits to your own taste, skulls and other obvious villian bits restricted to Shadow only unless you can pitch for them and sell me on it.
Legs: Skirts and Short Pants, of course; normal pleated, short or mini length. Boots should be like the gloves - Smooth/Armor/Armor.
Other than the color pattern, I don't think anyone has any problems with these. (And I don't mind it on the gloves or boots... Just on the torso, it reminds me too much of something ripped off a stove.)
It's a fairly distinctive design, but with a fair amount of room for individual flourishes. I've currently got the character designer up with the basic design, and picking random color patterns and switching the colors around. (First time I've ever thought "Copy colors across entire body" was useful.) Not all of the designs I get appeal to me, but there's a very recognizable aesthetic. We don't -need- to all have the same color pattern to be instantly recognizable.
-Morgan."I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, or espers here, come sleep with me."
---From "The Ecchi of Haruhi Suzumiya"
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Re: I have decided
10-14-2006, 02:32 AM
It's the Internet, dude. People are supposed to get riled up over widdle things. Text kinda lacks nuances of meaning and intent. =)
Hey, at least we're still civil about it.
Speaking for myself...I was sorta takin' what you were saying as, well, pretty much instructions, not suggestions. 'cause, I mean, you're the guy who proposed all this in the first place, and the one still, however nominally, "in charge". Sorry if I seemed like I overreacted, what I wrote, it seems more vehement than I meant. Really wasn't meaning to frustrate you or anything.
I'm thinking...Morganni, Cindy and I agree that fixing colour and patterns isn't going to work. So where does that leave us?
Well, how about the status quo? What we've got now.
That is...
Head: Normal, Detail 1: Tiara 3-8 (Preferably 4 or 6 )
Upper Body: Armored, Chest: Armor Plate (Preferably Armor Plate pattern)
Chest Detail: Jewel, Shoulders: Any
Gloves: Smooth/Bare, Armor Plate (Preferably Armor Plate pattern)
Belt: Jewel
Lower Body: Skirts, Pleated Short Skirt or Pleated Miniskirt
Bottom: (Preferably Bikini 1)
Boots: Smooth, Armor Plate (Preferably Armor Plate pattern)
(Colours should match powerset and special effects)
That's the status quo. You'll note the fields I've marked as 'preferable' in italics...are the ones where we already differ as a matter of choice. Morganni's said she can live with Armor Plate chest...if she doesn't use the Armor Plate colour pattern. Well, His Lovely Wife already doesn't.
I personally think Armor Plate looks best with the corresponding pattern. But that's just me. I'd say it's fair to encourage it - but if someone really can't stand it, then where's the harm? We've seen 'em together, and I don't think Lia breaks the rhythm of the team lineup. Hell, Grace is probably more jarring than her.
Colours, I think, are probably best left to the individual player, provided they can be justified as appropriate...and, really, it shouldn't be too hard to justify. Satomi of the Stars currently has a white and grey costume, which has nothing to do with the radiation green of her powers. But it fits the notion of stars.
(Granted, colour choice is the point I'M not compromising on, so of course I'd say that. =)
Again. I'm suggesting status quo. What we've already done. I think the existing girls are enough of a matched set, with a distinctive enough look. Very Rayearth, as has been noted. I like Rayearth.
That said...
I do think Morganni has a point, tho - we might wanna consider different footwear or boots to replace the current Smooth/Armor Plate. I'm happy with what we've got right now, but yeah, maybe it could be improved...
-- Acyl
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Re: I have decided
10-14-2006, 02:47 AM
Pattern isn't really an issue on the skirt, since only plain short skirt and miniskirt 1 can use them. (Why yes, I'm quite familiar with skirts, since almost all my characters wear them...)
Kind of a pity; a pleated long skirt with, say, Isles would be pretty cool looking.
-Morgan. Oh, and /agree Acyl. '.'"I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, or espers here, come sleep with me."
---From "The Ecchi of Haruhi Suzumiya"
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10-14-2006, 04:04 AM
Okay. I have Aaron the Blizzard, who is an Ice/Cold Corrupter.
I'm okay either way, I gave Tanya greenish-blue to fit an anime color palette, anyway...
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Re: I have decided
10-14-2006, 04:35 AM
I'll take a look at the boots right away.
I'll start off the rest by saying that, despite everything, status quo is acceptable for me. The first reason I set off on this, um, 'quest', is that there was an issue raised when Foxboy pointed out that there were three different characters (Lia, Tanya, and Kara) using various shades of blue, and my own observation that Satomi and Kara weren't that far apart either. Obviously I went to far trying to solve it, and I'll instead just toss the entire 'list' thing and ask that that spread be increased a little; personally I'm planning to darken Kara's gray a shade or two and go back to cyan from the more 'soothing' blue she has now.
The other, the personal one, is that I seem to twig far harder to color and pattern than outline. The game does not offer the armor plate skin for anything besides the armored torso for females. I checked. If it did, I wouldn't have said a word about torso type. I was shocked when I first saw Lia. The possibility of that combination hadn't even occured to me. In my mind, the pattern is the uniform, and I have to actively work to set that assumption aside when I consider this issue.
Ja, -n
"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
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10-14-2006, 05:59 AM
My conclusion can basically be boiled down to, if we're not wearing heavy-ass steel greaves with matching sabotons, we need heels l1k3 t3h w04h.
Whether they're the strappy type or thigh-highs or any of the various stilletto options, you just don't get much more impractical than that.
Besides, it'll give those of us with lower shoes and boots something to bitch about on sewer missions.
Ja, -n
"Puripuri puripuri... Bang!"
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Re: I have decided
10-14-2006, 06:00 AM
Somehow, "soothing" doesn't seem quite right for thunder anyway... '.'
I'm starting to get a bit curious about Lia's costume now. '.'
What I'm using on Rina is the electricity pattern, with black for the primary color and blue for the secondary. The pattern doesn't really make me think of electricity, but I think with those colors it works well for shadow.
What actually surprised me a bit when I was messing around with variations earlier is that a lot of the armor plate details are there no matter what pattern you use, they're just pretty much invisible when using black. It makes me glad I'm using black. ^_^;;; (And you know, the boots and gloves are fairly decent, so I wonder how the torso got so... with excessively large round things on the front?)
"I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, or espers here, come sleep with me."
---From "The Ecchi of Haruhi Suzumiya"
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Re: Footwear
10-14-2006, 12:35 PM
Hitting the right note of impracticality, that's the trick.
If it were me, I'd go for the...jeez, I forget what they're called. Baggy Socks or something. The ones which look like legwarmers? but only 'cause they're more 'schoolgirl', y'know?
Thigh-highs are good, but do they cover too much leg? =)
Just the bare legs with stilletto heeled shoes is possible, isn't it? I forget. I'm too lazy to go fire up the game and check...
-- Acyl
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Re: Footwear
10-14-2006, 03:37 PM
Well, I don't think thigh-highs cover too much leg, but then, I like them. '.'
The main reason why I tend to avoid most of the smooth boot options is that if the upper part of the legs is bare skin, the join between the two is a bit too obvious for my taste.
-Morgan, being a Sailor Moon fan, approves of having a large variety of footwear. '.'"I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, or espers here, come sleep with me."
---From "The Ecchi of Haruhi Suzumiya"
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10-14-2006, 06:01 PM
Gee, when I'm on next (more than likely Monday) I'll have to make my run to the IP icon, as I find it easier to get to than the Steel Canyon one.
In the epic rage of furious thunder
legends create their tales
when the twilight calls and the dark lord falls
our glory will prevail
In the epic rage of furious thunder
legends create their tales
when the twilight calls and the dark lord falls
our glory will prevail
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Re: I have decided
10-15-2006, 04:03 AM
Jack the Flare - Paradoxe/JPub
Achetype: Brute
Primary Power: Electric Melee
Secondary Power: Fiery Aura
Primary Color: Red
Secondary Color: Light Brown
Although I need to fix his costume, I forgot shoulder pads.
Christopher Angel, aka JPublic
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Re: I have decided
10-15-2006, 08:58 AM
a discussion about re-rolling the costume for the facets on Triumph inspired me to give it a shot:
![[Image: option1.jpg]](
Currently selecting the t-shirt as a lower layer doesn't offer much in the way of customization, but if tights are selected there are plenty of patterns that can be used for customization.
Also I thought I should toss this up for comments. I had made it before I realized that the type of armor was set (and not just any armor).
![[Image: sasha.jpg]](
Comments? Flames? Suggestions?-Terry
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Re: I have decided
10-15-2006, 05:43 PM
Now, for the Kamens:
Valles and I were discussing this, and I have a template we can use, since Kamens will, as a rule, vary widely.
Head: Must have something from the Hats group.
Torso: Must have something from the Jacket group.
Lower Body: Must have something from the Pants group.
My idea was that each Kamen would be of the form (Rank) (name) (whatever). *What* rank doesn't matter - it can be military, police, nobility, or whatever else you come up with.
So, I made Detective Dean Shade. He's wearing a suit right now, and will, when I get capes/trenches, be a lot more stylized.
A military based character Captain Something Something, would probably use the Military Formal or Decorated outfits, where a noble-based might instead choose the tux.
Sound good?--
Christopher Angel, aka JPublic
The Works of Christopher Angel
The Hunterminator
Re: I have decided
10-18-2006, 10:12 PM
So, who in the group can invite? I'll be creating Lloelie this evening for some trick or treating.
The Hunterminator
Re: I have decided
10-19-2006, 04:53 AM
Well, Grace of the Spirit met Lloelie of the Songs and, like Acyl said...
Quote: Cynical disgruntled reluctant magical girl meets... transformed fairy. 'Nuff said.
And we where then ordered to put the log here on pain of painful things (can't remember who said that and too lazy to check) so here it is, the full log of our discussions, starting at the first in character speech we traded,
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: Wee, this is fun.
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: Yes, positively thrilling.
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: Let's find some -small children to mug next, shall we-?
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: *drips with sarcasm*
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: (Grace is not a happy camper. =)
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: Oh, that's what you do on halloween?
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: ...
[Team]Grace of the Spirit:
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: (Lloelie is naive)
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: ...well, okay, fine, if you're mean and bully other kids, maybe.
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: oh...
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: But...
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: ...nevermind.
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: Forget I said anything. Just...forget it.
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: oh... ok... so, why don't you say anything?
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: Because the effort of explaining would give me a headache. Worse than the one I already have.
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: oh, you have an headache, poor you. Here, let me see. *tries to get her lips to Grace's forehead to check her temperature*
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: *squirms away, and is in fact fairly relieved at the monster interruption* WHAT are you DOING?!
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: Checking to see if you're sick.
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: *through clenched teeth* Noooo, I'm -not- sick.
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: Well, no sicker than I usually am, anyway.
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: oh... ok. ^_^
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: *mutters* Damn headache.
Lloelie of the Songs hums a song of healing, off key.
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: *winnnnces*
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: Whered he go?
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: He'll come back.
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: Like a bad egg.
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: Or some sort of demented carrier pigeon.
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: wee, he's back
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: So... where do we go now? (Puppy dog eyes)
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: *sigh* Croatoa. I suppose I'm going to HAVE to accompany you and make sure you don't get killed?
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: *mumbles* Tanya would probably be mad with me.
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: yay, I'm not gonna die... wait, that didn't sound right...
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: No. No it didn't.
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: I like your makeup, very unique
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: That IS makeup right?
[Team]Grace of the Spirit:
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: ...and I don't want to talk about it.
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: *mumbles* Damn magic.
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: I -hate- magic...
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: (slowly tearing up) Y...You don't?
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: Well, yeeeees, I had a normal life before this, didn't -you-?
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: B,But fairies are magic *sniffle* and I'm a fairy *sniffle* so you *sniffle* don't like me? (closing to exploding in tears)
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: *mutters* Don't get lost now.
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: *takes a deep frustrated breath* Oh, come on, you're NOT a fairy, you're just a gi---
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: *trails off, eyes widening as she actually, for the first time, takes a -look- at Lloelie...with a faint thread of involuntary magic-fueled telepathy*
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: ---oh dear Lord, you're not joking.
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: *looks down at herself* oh.. right... I'm not one anymore *cries even more*
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: *looks somewhat awkward, eyes downcast*
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: Don't...c'mon, don't...
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: ...look, I didn't -mean-...I didn't -know-...
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: I'm sorry, just stop, okay?
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: *sniffle* you don't hate me?
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: No, no, I mean, I hate this -thing-... *she taps the gem on her armor*...that messed up my life. And I really screwed up yours too, right?
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: So we're the same, yeah? Okay?
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: *looks somewhat twitchy, seeing as how she can sense the waves of emotion rolling off Lloelie, and involuntary empathy /is not fun/.*
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: Oh ok, yeah, that's not magic anyway. Thats technomagic. Nasty stuff, not like fairy magic, with flowers and sparkles and sparkly flowers and songs and dances... (keeps going)
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: *eyes glazing over at the litany* Er...o-kaaay.
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: *Gasps* Did you see that! did you see? That evil machintechnothingy hit that other techymachsomething!!!
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: Uh.
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: Yes.
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: Moving along now...
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: Because while we're supposed to fight evil, there's some evil that's too big for us to fight. Right now.
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: Oh? Ok...
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: Right.
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: And somehow I'd prefer it if all your arms and legs remained attached, with your head in one piece.
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: GAH! (landed in water) Bleh gah yuck!! What IS that!? [Team]Grace of the Spirit: If you have to ask, believe me, you don't want to know.
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: Oh, thank you. ^_^ *Hugs*
[Team]Grace of the Spirit: *flinches from the hug* Uh, right.
[Team]Lloelie of the Songs: *doesn't notice and keeps hugging
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Re: I have decided
10-19-2006, 07:12 PM
<< (( Is torn between snarfing laugh and *awww* moment here... ))<br><br>That is SO incredibly a "Raven/Starfire" moment! ^_^<br><br><div class='signature'>-Logan<br>-----------------<br>"This kind of thing tends invariably to devolve into the kind of "No, Nakajima, THIS is true power!!" argument that only really works if you're yelling it from the cockpit of a giant robot . . ."<br>-----------------</div>
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Re: I have decided
10-20-2006, 03:47 AM
It occured to me that there hasn't been much feedback on Sweno's proposed costume designs - especially since, y'know, it appears Valles managed to miss 'em entirely. So I figured I should post something.
Because I really, really liked them, actually. Those are both very distinctive and attractive looks. Love 'em to pieces.
I'm simply...unsure whether they're actually suitable, really. Couple reasons. One, we've been generally describing the gems as being...technomagical in nature, somehow, and we've spoken of armour. The chest gems need to be prominent, in other words, for story reasons, and there should be an element of...well, 'hardness' and armour. The open cloth jacket over t-shirt or tights is nice, but I don't know if fits what we've already got going.
The second...well, that's definitely armour. I'm unsure whether it'd look good in other colours, tho, it seems a design predisposed to dark shades...but then, I'm hardly the best judge of colour, really. I mean, I usually draw in pencils and B&W inks.
-- Acyl
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Re: I have decided
10-20-2006, 09:17 AM
With twelve members now, we should have, what... 240,000 prestige just from memberships?
That's way more than enough for a functional little base...
(who will volunteer as architect if need be)