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Open Election
10-06-2006, 07:03 PM
Although it's never been formalized, the current incarnation of the Legendary started out with three "leaders" with the rank of Legend: Evangelia, Lora'Lai, and Aegis Sanctuary. Now, with the kickage of Aegis from the group for nearly a year's inactivity, her space is open. Now we can simply ignore it and run with two leaders, but it seems to me that it would be better to replace her, and that the fair thing to do is open up the floor to nominations for her replacement.
Mind you, I'm doing this on the spur of the moment. I haven't talked to Logan about this, nor do I have a system for handling it worked up. But I'd at least like to place it before the group at large for discussion.
I don't think it's necessary that a nominee be of Commander rank, btw, as long as they've been good and supportive members of the group.
I'm going to pin this thread to the top of the forum until we determine something one way or another.
Have at it, folks!
-- Bob
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Re: Open Election
10-08-2006, 12:29 AM
Rev Dark, His Lovely Wife.
And Foxboy.
Admittedly, I'm biased, 'cause they're the folks I've teamed up with the most, and frankly I just like them.
(Which isn't to say I don't like the rest of you, I like you all too, definitely, it's just...well, okay, at least I like those of you whom I've I should just shut up now. Ahem.)
Okay, well. Rev, HLW, Fox. They're incredibly active in the game. Helpful folks. And they've got the patience and force of personality to actually, y'know, do stuff with people.
Of course, y'know, Rev, Cindy and Foxboy might not want the so-called responsibilities of MMORPG supergroup leadership. What with work, life, and so on...I understand Foxboy's work schedule ain't so great these days, far as game-time is concerned. Eh. Just sayin' what I think, though.
-- Acyl
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Re: Open Election
10-08-2006, 03:55 AM
Quote: Of course, y'know, Rev, Cindy and Foxboy might not want the so-called responsibilities of MMORPG supergroup leadership.
Well, it's not like we're a high-stress, heavy-RP-only, "be there at least once a week or you're outta here" group, you know...
And sadly, while I wouldn't mind nominating a player, the mechanics of the thing mean we need to pick a character to give the honor to.
-- Bob
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His Lovely Wife
Re: Open Election
10-08-2006, 04:02 AM
Quote: And sadly, while I wouldn't mind nominating a player, the mechanics of the thing mean we need to pick a character to give the honor to.
*Cindy backs away slowly* Oh goody. Ah, unfortunately, Leadership skills are not in Min's favour. Oh hecky darn poo poo. :-) So, Bella and/or Wide. Unless others are nominated.
*Cindy was honoured to be nominated but starts running away and hopes no one notices :-)*
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Re: Open Election
10-08-2006, 01:10 PM
Quote: And sadly, while I wouldn't mind nominating a player, the mechanics of the thing mean we need to pick a character to give the honor to.
Yeap. I'd consider both aspects, tho.
I mean, we'd want a player who's regularly around, good at dealing with folks, and so on. That's the first bit.
The second bit is, as you say, a character who fits the bill RP-wise. Probably one of a higher level, and a character said player logs in often. Two considerations.
(aannnnd, y'know, while Minuet might not be a great leader, there's also Morgan, and all Cindy's other characters... =)
-- Acyl
(The Acyl is back in-game, by the by)
-- Acyl
His Lovely Wife
Re: Open Election
10-08-2006, 05:07 PM
Quote: (aannnnd, y'know, while Minuet might not be a great leader, there's also Morgan, and all Cindy's other characters... =)
Acyl, I think you're out to get me because I said I'd adopt you and stick you in my basement with the 6 foot gorilla.
Fae in any type of leadership roll in The Legendary would just be scary. Although...the base would end up being made of gingerbread, with peppermint decorations......lots of icing around...endless supplies of licorice. No, bad plan.
Morgan would defer to Bella, like any good boy toy, and that's all my Legendary Toons. Aw, too bad!
PS Welcome back!
Re: Open Election
10-09-2006, 07:34 PM
Quote: Fae in any type of leadership roll in The Legendary would just be scary. Although...the base would end up being made of gingerbread, with peppermint decorations......lots of icing around...endless supplies of licorice. No, bad plan.
Wait a minute--how is that a bad plan? I think it sounds delicious... er, I mean, great!
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Re: Open Election
10-10-2006, 03:41 PM
Bob, I'm going to point out one small thing after re-reading your requirements. Shizuru is the only Commander rank after the booting of Aegis. Everyone else is of the lower three ranks. Unless thats changed since I logged on last.
And I would say Foxboy but doesn't he run the ECL and the Infamous?
Now, if you seriously want to have a third in command and everyone else drops, I Volunteer myself. If others want to actually make that a nomination, be my guest. I may not be on every day, but I read the forums almost religiously.When engaging, nothing beats a full frontal.
In the epic rage of furious thunder
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In the epic rage of furious thunder
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Re: Open Election
10-10-2006, 07:02 PM
Aegis used to be Legend-rank, along with Lora'Lai and Evangelia. She was, however, autodemoted by the game for lack of appearance. Even so, I was in the habit of thinking of her as still being a Legend.
And I could have sworn we had more commanders than just Shizuru. Hm. We should address that after we figure out who's going to be the new third in the triumvirate.
Of course, it's hard to promote when I can't seem to find myself online at the same time as the folks I want to promote.
-- Bob
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Re: Open Election
10-11-2006, 03:06 PM
Quote: And I would say Foxboy but doesn't he run the ECL and the Infamous?
Foxboy runs the ECL, but the Infamous lead is Iron Tigerboy (as TechHead).
I technically have leadership of the East Coast Infamous...insofar as I'm the one who started the SG. Of course, the ECI is the most inactive of our branches.
Jpub and Mekadave have the Freedom groups.
In any case, who leads the branch SGs isn't...really as important, since we do rather less over there - generally speaking, those were started by whoever happened to have a character of appropriate level at the time. Most of our activity is still Virtue heroside.
-- Acyl
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Re: Open Election
10-23-2006, 02:26 AM
So, like, do we have a consensus? Do people want/object to Shizuru as the new third leader?
-- Bob
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Re: Open Election
10-23-2006, 03:28 PM
I'm certainly not gonna object - logical progression, no? =)
I do second the idea of more commanders, though. But that's a different, albeit related, discussion.
-- Acyl
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10-23-2006, 03:36 PM
Bella seconds.
(Jackie asks for thirds.)
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Re: Seconded
10-25-2006, 06:44 AM
(IC Shizuru) Jackie can have thirds after I manage to convince Natsuki that's a good thing.
Natsuki:...What? Shizuru what do you mean by that?
Shizuru: Now, now. You said you'd be more open minded about these things...(Comm chatter ends with sound of bodies hitting sofa)
Enough of the joking, but if everyone else doesn't mind, I'll take the job.When engaging, nothing beats a full frontal.
In the epic rage of furious thunder
legends create their tales
when the twilight calls and the dark lord falls
our glory will prevail
In the epic rage of furious thunder
legends create their tales
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our glory will prevail
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Re: Seconded
10-25-2006, 01:54 PM
It's kinda cumbersome to take a formal vote, but if anyone has objections, say them now.
-- Bob
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Re: Seconded
10-26-2006, 02:03 PM
Okay, it's been 24 hours with no objections so far...
-- Bob
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Re: Open Election
10-29-2006, 07:28 AM
Okay, just to bring this to a conclusion: Shizuru was promoted to Legend today, officially placing her in the governing triumvirate.
Meanwhile, Lora'Lai and Evangelia have mapped out a set of promotions to populate our somewhat thin ranks of Commanders. We need to discuss them with Shizuru, but I don't think she'll object to any of our nominations.
And with that, I'm unsticking the thread.
-- Bob
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10-30-2006, 10:30 PM
Shizuru winds up on yet another "governing council."
That's becoming a habit, eh? ![[Image: wink.gif]](
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Re: aaannnddd
10-31-2006, 04:39 AM
We do have tea, after all.
-- Bob
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