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Wild Plotbunny
09-06-2006, 04:13 PM
So...I've got a new story idea.
I'm not sure if/when I'll get around to this, but I'm assuming I'll write it at some point. That point may not be soon - hell, it may be months before I get round to writing this - but it'll come eventually. I think. If only 'cause it'll include a good number of the Legendary characters. And that's unusual for me, since I usually don't dream up plots involving large casts.
It's a fairly simple idea. I don't wanna give too much away...
...but I'm gonna give a vague outline of the scenario, 'cause there's some questions I need to ask you folks about. For input, and so on. There's details I need to settle, and it's hard when I don't, y'know, know all the characters involved personally.
So. Most of the Legendary is recalled to base on priority alert. Well, actually it's a complete SG recall, but things being what they are, not everyone arrives at the same time. As people start to port in, well, it seems nobody has any idea what's going on. Until Evangelia arrives, and everyone starts to question her...then it turns out... she's clueless too.
Before Lora'Lai can check the comm system to see if they've been pranked or something...
... wham.
Some time later, everyone slowly comes to, emerging from various states of unconsciousness. They're still in the SG isn't the same base. The power's out, the place looks it's been abandoned for some time...
And back in Paragon City, the remaining members of the Legendary arrive on the find their colleagues gone.
'cause...yeah. They've been pranked, alright. Pranked across space-time.
(mild spoiler, it's not time travel we're dealing with, but alternate dimensions)
Now, I'm figuring the Infamous is responsible for this. I'm looking at Mace Mac Hine, really - but the question is, would he really do something that could fatally endanger his siblings? I'm not quite sure what his deal is, and how far he's fallen out with the family. 'course, it's entirely possible he didn't know something this drastic was gonna happen. Or his collaborators didn't tell HIM everything...and certain strife among the ranks as a result.
The other questions...
For the characters stranded in another dimension, in the wrecked base...I expect, under Eva's leadership, the group'd do two things - one, investigate and secure the ruined base, and two, send out scouting parties.
(I imagine it'd be a ruined Boomtown-ish section of city outside)
Which begs the question...where IS the Legendary base supposed to be, anyway? Is it underground? In a building somewhere?
The "Your OTHER Skills" thread I had going...was pretty helpful for me, in forming a general idea of who'd be good for such things. The techies would be useful for securing the base...I'm drawing more of a blank on who they'd send out as intelligence-gathering parties, though, into the ruined city area outside. Wide Receiver and Syndesis spring to mind, because they're speedsters. Fast land scouts. A stealth party, as well...QB Kitsune, with all that kunoichi stuff (and the fact she'd be scared stiff out there)...and who? Not Gil, I have plans for Gil. Perhaps a couple of fliers, for an aerial sweep. Who'd be good at that? Bella, perhaps, based on sheer field experience...?
Any suggestions with regards to things your characters would do in such a scenario? For intelligence out there, or trying to discover what happened from the base computers, or trying to get the facility operational again.
Then there's the other half of the Legendary, mind - everyone who wasn't caught in the event, everyone who hadn't yet arrived in-base before the transition. They'll probably be trying to figure out just what happened to their friends, and...eventually will be over on Peregrine Island yelling at Portal Corp scientists, because we need to use one of your gateways NOW...
So that's another angle. There's gonna be folks investigating the mystery back in Paragon. I'm looking at Gil, Thibor and the IST crew, maybe Fallgone (though I'm not entirely sure how Fallgone's speech patterns run). Morganni's alluded that Alexis and Mirami are dimensional they have their own independent means to jump worlds? If so, they're almost certainly gonna HAVE to be in the "stay home" crew, unless there's something in the "lost dimension" blocking ' any case, what kind of expertise in that field would they have?
For that matter, who else has experience with alternate worlds? Bella, Syndesis, and Palindrone have probably done a lot of portal-hopping, at their security level...Looney's travelling isn't precisely under his own control, but...
(Yes, I have a lot of questions. o_o)
-- Acyl
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QB is freaked beyond recognition. Wherever they are it reminds her of Recluse's Victory after he fights the Destined One. [whoever it happens to be *today*]
She'll probably have a mild psychotic episode before she turns into "All-business kunoichi" perhaps sliding into the story equivalent of a hero-side mastermind...
On a personality note, QB isn't the naive innocent that a lot of my characters are. She's scarred by what she experienced as Lady Nogitsune. She shies away from folks like Jackie, not because she's embarrassed, but because Nogi was a sybarite and was free with their shared body. Against her will.
Granted, Nogi is a calligraphy pen compared to Jackie's spraypaint when it comes to subtlety, but lets see, she had six men or manlike forms under her complete control for how long?
Let the One and Only's be with the homeline group since they're ECL and just the thought of two of the Three Stooges being on the rescue party... ![[Image: smile.gif]](
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Re: QB
09-06-2006, 07:00 PM
Quote: Let the One and Only's be with the homeline group since they're ECL and just the thought of two of the Three Stooges being on the rescue party...
Agreed! Except they're ECL, and this seems to be limited to primary Legendary.
As for dimensional travel experience...
Looney Toons is explicitly the one on the Walk, or maybe a parallel version on a parallel Walk. Either way, he's a dimensional traveller, currently stuck in Paragon. If we do include ECL, then Saber Blue 2042 -- she's either a time traveller, a dimension traveller or both, as she comes from (a) Recluse's Victory circa 2042.
Oh, and Looney's good for a stealth squad, as he has Steamy Mist and that's almost as good as group invisibility in many situations.
Oh2, and Lord Omega is probably not part of the "prank" crew in the Infamous. He's part of the "why didn't we drop them in the sun while we were at it?" crew.
-- Bob
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Re: Wild Plotbunny
09-06-2006, 11:43 PM
Oh WOW Acyl. That'll be a great story. Huge undertaking, but it's going to be great!
O.K., from the beginning
Quote: Now, I'm figuring the Infamous is responsible for this. I'm looking at Mace Mac Hine, really - but the question is, would he really do something that could fatally endanger his siblings? I'm not quite sure what his deal is, and how far he's fallen out with the family. 'course, it's entirely possible he didn't know something this drastic was gonna happen. Or his collaborators didn't tell HIM everything...and certain strife among the ranks as a result.
Mace is still VERY family oriented and would not endanger his sibling KNOWINGLY. Doesn't mean he wouldn't prank them.
Quote: Any suggestions with regards to things your characters would do in such a scenario? For intelligence out there, or trying to discover what happened from the base computers, or trying to get the facility operational again.
Well, Morgan Mac Hine is also a superspeeder and could help with scouting. Fae Wree Tail has yet to get her travel power but it will be superspeed and she has personal AND group invisibility. Could come in handy. But then again, she could also be a liability seeing as she doesn't really understand why you have to follow directions. ECL wise, Meredith Mac Hine is a dark scrapper and Sylvia Black is a sharpshooter (Assualt Riffle/Devices Blaster) Might come in handy, who knows. Personally, I think having all the Mac Hines on the other side might be ....confusing? difficult? boring? not sure. Unless of course you need a small army who know exactly how to work in a group, has already estabilshed leadership rolls and trusts one another explicitly. Then THAT could be a riot!
Quote: For that matter, who else has experience with alternate worlds? Bella, Syndesis, and Palindrone have probably done a lot of portal-hopping, at their security level...Looney's travelling isn't precisely under his own control, but...
Believe it or not, Minuet has done quite a bit of Portal Hopping with Bella. She wouldn't be nearly as experienced as the 50's but...she has SOME experience. Come to think of it, Fae came through a portal to Paragon. And she never wants to do it again.
Good luck with the story Acyl. Looking forward to reading this one. :-)
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Re: Wild Plotbunny
09-07-2006, 12:59 AM
Quote: Which begs the question...where IS the Legendary base supposed to be, anyway? Is it underground? In a building somewhere?
I missed this somehow earlier. I am under the impression -- though I don't remember where I got it -- that the bases themselves are extradimensional pockets, provided by Portal Corp under contract to the city. It certainly explains their ease of reconfiguration -- it's all energy to matter to energy after all...
Naturally, if that messes with the story concept, make it be whatever you want.
-- Bob
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Re: Wild Plotbunny
09-07-2006, 01:11 AM
Quote: I missed this somehow earlier. I am under the impression -- though I don't remember where I got it -- that the bases themselves are extradimensional pockets, provided by Portal Corp under contract to the city.
I've heard that thrown about before - heck, I've made jokes about it myself. Superball's often claimed that what Gravity Controllers are REALLY doing when they use Propel... "Daaammn, somewhere out there, there's an SG wondering where all their furniture went."
but I don't know if that's a "fanon" explanation, or if there's something in canon about the subject. However, I will note...
...I recall reading an interview where Statesman talks about how he'd like to give... the option to put windows in bases, so you can see 'outside', but the Art department keeps saying 'OH HELL NO'. Which could mean that...the bases are supposed to be a variety of locations...or it could also mean the pocket dimension thing. Either way, I suppose.
Also...with all the recent stuff about Faultline being revamped, I of the things mentioned was that Arachnos will be in raid and stuff...old supergroup bases being uncovered in the rebuildin' works. 'course, those are old bases, and modern ones could still be in la-la land.
In the final analysis, though, it's fairly immaterial, since I can shoehorn the idea to fit, regardless of the nature of the base - but I was thinkin', it'd be a good idea to firmly establish it one way or another, in my head, before I start this.
-- Acyl
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Re: Wild Plotbunny
09-07-2006, 02:15 AM
FWIW, whatever the official explaination for the different servers ends up being, I'd like to consider Mirami a member of the virtue Legendary for story purposes. I didn't have any background for her when I made her on infinity, and now that I do, I still don't feel like remaking her on a different server. (One gets bored doing Isolator...)
And yeah, Mirami would pretty much short-circuit things, since the power that gets her across dimensions is inherent. I don't think she could take anyone with her, but she wouldn't have any problems going home and getting someone with a conduit generator. Though the more I think about it, the more it seems to make sense that Mirami might be in the base, and just not get transported. (Leading to a very unhappy and bewildered Mirami if her onee-nichan disappeared, and probably adding confusion regardless.)
Something blocking them doesn't really work; one of the major rules is that it's only possible to block *entry* into a space by dimensional travel. (A couple of my characters just might drop dead if they entered into a protected zone otherwise. '.' )
Alexis on the other hand must make due with external devices. So if she's going to get shanghaied, the simplest way to keep her from popping home immediately would be to say that some aspect of the transfer blew the interface crystals. There's no way she'll be able to bypass that without totally rebuilding the system (which she can't do) or getting replacement crystals (which would probably not be available). Expect her to have figured out what happened and have better shielding next time if it happens again though...
(This reminds me of the RP where Discord originally appeared. I had to arbitrarily say that she only knew how to transport herself in order to keep from short-circuiting *that* plot...)
As far as helping out from home goes... If Alexis is there, she might not be much use. The tech she's familiar with is very good at transport, quick entrances, and daring escapes, but tracing someone else's transfers is an unknown art. And unless she thinks she can really accomplish something, she's unlikely to say anything, due to concern about what could happen if certain groups learned about the existance of reliable man-portable dimension travel. (From what I've seen so far, no one in the CoH universe has what she'd consider reliable, though some of their intradimensional stuff is quite nice.) I really think she'd be more interesting on the other side anyway.
Mirami is even more useless; what she does is entirely 'it happens because I want it to'. She's also been told not to even admit to being an extradimensional due to the above reasons. (I really need to come up with some idea of what sort of things she *does* know. She may not have been awake for very long, but she must have picked up *something*. I'm just trying to avoid the "Is an AI, so can learn everything ever put in a computer about X" cliche...)
Quote: I missed this somehow earlier. I am under the impression -- though I don't remember where I got it -- that the bases themselves are extradimensional pockets, provided by Portal Corp under contract to the city. It certainly explains their ease of reconfiguration -- it's all energy to matter to energy after all...
I think I've always thought that they had an actual physical location. (I remember reading some forum post saying that their supergroup had picked a certain building as being their headquarters, and they'd go over to it and have meetings there as part of their RP. Which I thought was one of the coolest things ever.) Sure, you get in by these swirling portals, but I'd just assume they work the same way as the teleporters to different zones, and just move you from one place to another. (Which, incidentally, would be the intradimensional stuff that impresses Alexis - their systems aren't so good at moving around within a single dimension.)
Quote: I recall reading an interview where Statesman talks about how he'd like to give... the option to put windows in bases, so you can see 'outside',
Okay, that would be so cool. Even if you only had a limited selection of static scenes, it would add a lot of atmosphere.
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Re: Wild Plotbunny
09-07-2006, 02:53 AM
Quote: Okay, that would be so cool. Even if you only had a limited selection of static scenes, it would add a lot of atmosphere.
If they weren't limited to "outer" walls, though, it would make for some serious weirdness...
-- Bob
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Re: Wild Plotbunny
09-07-2006, 03:09 AM
Quote: If they weren't limited to "outer" walls, though, it would make for some serious weirdness...
... I'm not seeing the problem here.
Seriously, if someone doesn't want to have it look weird because there are windows on inside walls in their base, then all they have to do is not put windows there. That's no reason not to let those whose concept involves dimensionally transcendent architecture do their thing. '.'
-Morgan."I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, or espers here, come sleep with me."
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Re: Wild Plotbunny
09-07-2006, 03:15 AM
So, "The Drifting Superbase," eh? ^.^
..."Windows" could even be explained as large pieces of holographic wall art.
What I want is mirrors, even just shiny metallic things that don't really reflect. The Mirror Kingdom doesn't look right without them.
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Re: Wild Plotbunny
09-07-2006, 08:30 AM
Fallgone would definitely be one of the later ones to the meeting. The only time that is on time to a meeting is when a) someone else is already with him to drag him along, or b) he was already at the base waiting for his apartment to finish airing out after the most recent explosion.
As for how he sounds, I'm not entirely certain. Take 3 parts college professor, mix in 1 part adrenaline fueled vigilante, crank up the pressure as his desire to KNOW things puts him at odds with his own sanity. Sit back and watch him oscillate between calmly examining a situation and attempting to apply the newest theory he is constructing on the fly with only half thought out repercussions. Actually a lot like a spark (see Girl Genius).
Igneous Nadir would be all for stranding part of the legendary in an alternate universe, provided they had the ability to record/observe the results. What is there not to love?
Reduce the threat posed by the Legendary (at least temporarily), check
Massive confusion (always a bonus), check
The opportunity to study the group dynamics of her co-vilains as this is planed (she lives for times like these), check
And last but not least, the chance to study portal-tech (she is all over this like ugly on Ritiki), check -Terry
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Re: Wild Plotbunny
09-07-2006, 08:49 AM
The Paladrone would probably just follow the lead of whoever's in charge. He does have a fair amount of experiance in dimension hopping, and since pretty much all of those involved someone trying to kill him, will be well on guard.
The Shining Kamen would probably run around shouting about trusting in the shining spirit of youth to get them through this trouble. Increase volume 20% if theirs no magical girls on his side of the shift. If he's one of the ones trapped Outside, he'll also be quietly worried and anxious to get home, after all, he's got a shelter to run and foster kids to look after.
Schrodinger Black has lot's of experiance with Dimensional Travel. The problem is, she's not willing to tell anyone about it, since people would wonder why someone who's supposed to be a former Warrior would know about that kind of stuff. Also, her version of a dimensional shifter is very large, requires a big power source, and lot's of hard to find materiels. It's meant to be used in microgravity, and is thus generally mounted on a starship to boot. Not very useful to either side.--
Instead of playing the role of a super hero, one degenerates into a strange bum luring villains to their doom in a trash dumpster. -Statesman
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Re: Wild Plotbunny
09-07-2006, 11:33 AM
At some point, I really should get some coherent notes in order...
I do need to caution that I don't expect to start this thing soon, simply eventually. My schedule's going to get EXCEEDINGLY busy in a couple weeks time, you see, and I might be lacking brain cells for writing time clear to December.
...but given the number of characters I'd have to deal with, I just wanted to get a head start on the whole thing. And I can start assembling some scenes piecemeal, as I get data on the people I wanna use.
I figure this'll pull characters from both the Virtue ECL and Legendary. It's not going to be practical for me to mention everyone by name, though, so...I won't.
The 'lost' group, the dimensionally displaced, are probably gonna be a little more clearly defined in terms of who is there and who isn't.
But the folks left back at home...that one can be more vague. 'cause while the spotlight will be on those distraught by the disappearance, and those actively searching to bring 'em home... there's going to be, also, a lot of heroes simply working frantically overtime to pick up the slack left by their vanished colleagues. There will be a few scenes to that effect, and I can gloss over quite a lot there.
Addressing specific concerns...
For dramatic reasons, the heroic Mac Hine clan's probably going to be split - some lost, some back in homeline. So some of them can go after Mace...there's gonna have to be a confrontation there.
As Morganni's suggested, Mirami's probably gonna be stuck back in Paragon freaking out - and it's a nice touch for her to actually be the only one who doesn't vanish from the base. An eyewitness, that'd be cool - I'd initially planned for just scenes of the heroes trying to review base security camera records and so on.
As it stands...and I'm listing this for my own benefit, so I can remember...
The following are characters for whom I've got actual roles and lines of dialogue scripted in my head. They HAVE to be there, 'cause I already know what they'll do, and some things they have to say - in the case of Lincoln and Palindrone, hell, nobody else can say 'em.
The Displacees: Evangelia, Lora'Lai, Mirrorguardian Naoko, Alexis, Stalnoy Volk, ElectroEagle, Wide Receiver, Syndesis, Morgan Mac Hine, Bella Fuego, QB Kitsune, Obsidian Heart, Palindrone, Lincoln Memorial, Terrence Knight, Numero Catorce, Nameless Terror, Saber Blue 2042, Killkitty, Schrodinger Black, Space Mage, Mirrorshard Isis,
(This is not an entirely random list, but actually a vague scene chronology. I plan to do a Bowtruckle-Tachiko team-up for hilarity's sake, in a combat scene, but I'm not certain what Tachiko's powers are. ECSNorway?)
The Left-Behind: (in no particular order) Zweikinder, Mirami, Mirror Knight Hiroshi, Minuet Mac Hine, Superball, Gil MacHeath, Thibor (plus Naoko, Simon, the IST crew - not strictly Legendary, but they'll appear), Twilight Ray, Shizuru, Shining Kamen, Fallgone
The Antagonists: Mace Mac Hine, TechHead, Igneous Nadir, Coordinator, Lady Nogitsune, Hexane, Obsolete, Lord Omega
(The Coordinator's one of my characters, recently in the VG. Mace is gonna throttle him, the 'prank' spinning out of control is prolly due to him and Nadir. The villain side's also a little light on cast, but I don't know the Infamous personalities as well.)
This is not a final character list. I expect this to expand. If nothing else, I need to decide how the Mac Hine clan's gonna split - tricky, since I don't have a good bead on most of 'em aside from Min and Morgan.
That said, any other folks I use...might not have major roles. I have dialogue and fairly significant appearances planned for all the above characters, so it's not a case of just...endless listing of 'Bob was there too', but likewise I can't overburden the narrative with faces.
Would it be fine for me to make all of Palindrone's dialogue scripture quotations? I have at least three appropriate ones. >_<
-- Acyl
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Re: Wild Plotbunny
09-07-2006, 01:01 PM
In regards to the Base and whether it's a dimenional construct or an actual physical location, I lean towards the former.
I kinda _wish_ there was an actual consistent location for the base. Early on, shortly after the announcements were made by the Devs, but before we got more concrete details, I and some other people on the boards speculated that the base entrance system would make use of the existing doors throughout the City zones. In other words, when you made your base, you designated a specific mission door (like in the buildings around Blyde square) as the base entrance. You'd access the base just like you would a mission or access to City Hall - just walk up to the door and click to open it. We figured in most cases, if more than one supergroup chose the same door, that it wouldn't cause any more of a problem than it does for missions. If you wanted to rationalize it, just say that one supergroup has their base on floor 12, and the other has theirs on floor 20 of the same building.
But that's not how it came to be. We got the teleporter stations. And based on the idea that Portal Corp provides the tech for that, it's not much of a stretch to say that they provide for the set up of a pocket universe. With a power system in the walls that produces and maintains the field effect. It's very much like a TARDIS, really.
At least that's how I think about for explicitly techno bases. This doesn't cover "sewer themed" or arcane bases. If you have the ability to form a pocket universe, why would you choose to make it look like a sewer? Or like a Circle of Thorns map? Or a base with bare warehouse walls?
But who's to say we can't have both methods in use?
Say - for the sake of argument that when the supergroup speaks with their Portal Corp representative, one of the things they are asked is - do you have an existing base, and would you like the teleporter to drop your members in a specified location there? If not, would you like us to create a space for you?
You can do it either way, but in my own head, when I'm in the base editor, I imagine the TARDIS approach. It makes more sense to me to explain how come we all of a sudden have new rooms tacked on, or how you can MOVE the rooms themselves! Change the hallway positions, etc.
Anyway, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. ^_^-Logan
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Re: Wild Plotbunny
09-07-2006, 03:07 PM
Actually, I'd take your word for it, because, y'know, you're the architect and stuff. =)
This doesn't really cause a problem for me. In fact, it could make it more dramatic...what with, when the hammer hits, the walls of the base itself actually going crazy, the field effect fluctuating...
...and much greater confusion when our heroes find themselves in an old derelict facility that bears an awfully strong resemblence to the Legendary base, but clearly isn't...
-- Acyl
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Re: Wild Plotbunny
09-07-2006, 06:24 PM
Numero Catorce would, most likely, take being a "displacee" with outward panic. He would probably sit on Shining Kamen (since Kamen reminds him of some luchadors), in order to keep him from a) panicking and b) irritating the rest of the group. Then, he'd do what he could to help. He's not very computer savvy, but he moves with remarkable silence for a big man in a big green mask, so he'd be up for helping with the scouting. Barring that, he would fall back on his old standby, a veteran maneuver of earthquakes, fires, and block parties.
He'll make enchiladas.
Numero Catorce isn't a great cook, but he does know how to make a few things very well. And he also knows that morale needs to be kept high. And, in his experience, nothing works better at raising morale than his abuelita's cheese and onion enchiladas.
(abuelita - literally "little grandmother." Numero Catorce's grandmother was well known in Nuevo Laredo for her culinary skills. She was also known as Numero Once, but that has little to do with her enchilada recipe.)Ebony the Black Dragon
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09-07-2006, 09:28 PM
From the meta-game standpoint the bases are constantly shifting due. From a fictional standpoint, I think they are a more consistent structure, with a physical location.
Bella is a survivor type and would have no trouble with the crisis - her logistics skills and leadership skills would be turned towards ensuring that people are kept fed and warm. Hardships don't really bother her; especially as she has access to her favorite boy-toy, so stress is reduced.
Jackie on the other hand is pretty much useless in those situations - unless you need air conditioning - and you would have to put up with a lot of whining, bitching and moaning.
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Re: Wild Plotbunny
09-07-2006, 09:31 PM
Seriously, wow. That enchilada thing is just perfect, though...perhaps not in precisely that way. It ties into somethin' else I had planned, for a particular scene. I figured he WOULD be the kind of guy to raise the morale of folks, you see, from the brief interaction I've had with him in-game...and, yeah, so, that's perfect.
Shining Kamen...I had him in the Left-Behind group, but largely 'cause I pictured him angsting over being seperated from the poor defenseless magical girls. And butting heads with Hiroshi. But that could happen regardless of which side of the divide he's on...and, y'know, Shining Kamen being Shining Kamen...I might switch that around, the image of a wrestler sitting on the dude is just too good to let go.
-- Acyl
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Re: Wild Plotbunny
09-08-2006, 01:07 AM
Hexane will definitely help with the prank. She's not terribly good at setting up practical jokes, but she enjoys watching others get hit by them. She will also be amused by Mace's reaction, and probably tease him about agreeing to something with out knowing all of the details.
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Infamous side
09-08-2006, 06:57 AM
Lady Nogitsune is likely to think the prank is beneath her... but then she's been having her ninja infiltrate Tsoo tattoo parlors and putting psychotropic potions into the ink, making the Ink Men do Gothic Lolita Crossplay on alternate Thursdays.
She's a little capricious about her pranks. ^_^
Mother Meyai will be alternately furious and ecstatic about the results, presuming Min and Wide are both in the "Away Group." Especially considering she's Wide's psycho ex-girlfriend from highschool. Imagine June Cleaver as the Stalker in Fatal Attraction, played by a pneumatic starlet. Sweet, loving 50's and 60's sitcom mom-- if she were Medea. {in game: 15 Mind/Psi Dominator}
Bizarre Mouse is going along with the whole thing because he's got "nothin' better ta do."
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Re: Wild Plotbunny
09-08-2006, 07:10 PM
Quote: might switch that around, the image of a wrestler sitting on the dude is just too good to let go.
Never underestimate the calming power of a figure-4 leglock.Ebony the Black Dragon
Senior Editor, Living Room Games
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."