His Lovely Wife
So, how'd you do?
02-12-2008, 01:16 PM
Well, I know Acyl got Space Mage up to 50 and Wiregeek was a maniac with Pooky, did anyone else hit milestones with 2XP weekend?
I got two levels on Morgan, he's 47 now. And thanks to everyone who we teamed with, those were so great teams.
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I was hoping to get at least one level for Evangelia, but Peg and I had to respond to a minor family emergency that occupied us for most of the weekend. And
then when we got back from that, I had to negotiate for what little Sunday night playing time I got. Argh.
But the time I did get to spend playing was very enjoyable. I just wish I could have done more. (I was in particular hoping to go to a nice little spot I know
in the RWZ where there's a small Vanguard emplacement with a HVAS patrolling, surrounded by a wonderfully target-rich environment. Whacking a few Rikti
portals on double-xp weekend would have really made my day...)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Friday was maniacal - Saturday and Sunday were the two most frustrating days I have had that were CoH related in memory.
Friday I got from 16 to 27. Saturday I got to 30, Sunday i got to 32. I _think_ I had something setup wrong with my SK/level range on the groups I was running,
but I'm not certain. Monday evening I had a chance to buy some IOs and clean up my slotting and things went much better.
Saturday and Sunday were just.. maddening. For more reasons than in-game, however.
I think Pooky is a Contenda', now, with his IOs slotted and Rain of Arrows ready. I'm pushing him to 50 so I can get max value out of the freespec on
Blasters are _FUN_!Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
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Well Cyberman 8 had already achieved 50 a week and a half ago, so I concentrated on other characters. In particular, I wanted to get Lora'Lai up to level
40. I got that, and got about halfway to 41. Also got Kara Skye a significant way towards level 30, and Lily the Diamond got her travel power (Superleap) for
level 14.
Considering the alt-itus involved, a pretty productive weekend!
I was able to run Faraday (my Elec/Elec blaster) from 27 up to 33, which got me the nuke and some practice at playing a Blaster with Defiance 2.0. (to which I
say Yay!) It also got me to finally go back and do the costume slot, cape and aura missions, so now she has a civilian outfit and some new/improved armor.
I also had time to also run Baron Emo up to level 10, far enough to get creamed by my first Elite Boss (Blechley) and come back with some purple inspirations
for round two and get Domination up and kick his bony posterior across the base. Despite the silly concept (parody of Baron Zemo + generic Emo trenchcoat guy)
and garish costume, I think I'm going to keep him. He's the first dominator I've actually enjoyed playing, even if people stop and stare at him in
baffled horror.
By Sunday, I was kind of burned out from playing a lot on Fri/Sat, and I'd kind of used up all my gaming goodwill at home, so I didn't even try to get
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I wound up not having much time... only got Margravine three levels. *sigh*
RL has been kicking my ass pretty thoroughly lately. Not much time to play. Only got 1 level on my Bots/FF MM on DXP weekend.Global: @Jimmy Amp
"Broad-minded is just another way of saying a fellow's too lazy to form an opinion." -- Will Rogers