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Visual Sounds: who else *almost* fell for it?
Visual Sounds: who else *almost* fell for it?
(details here)

I admit it: when reading it, I thought it sounded VERY cool, though I wanted to be able to turn it off as well. But hey, CoX has been good about options, so I
didn't think that'd be an issue.

Then this: "Players can optionally disable the Visual Sounds in the options menu, but are encouraged to keep them on, as all the sounds in the game are
being removed to make room on the players' hard drives for the new Visual Sound graphics."

And the penny dropped. Today's April 1st. Ya got me, guys. Sheesh.[Image: embarassed.gif]

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
I admit, when I started reading it, my reaction was like so:

"Hmm... As long as I can turn this off or on at my whim, it doesn't sound like a half bad idea."

Then I got to the part where they were rationalizing this by trying to claim that a significant portion of people FORGET TO BUY SPEAKERS?????

"Hang on! Waitaminute... what's the date today? Oh... right. Of course. Hehe... good one, guys!"
I didn't forget to *buy* speakers, but one of my computers I forgot to plug them in... Since the machine in question sits on the floor and is hard to get
behind, I have yet to find the drive to shut it down, pull it out, and track down the cord I need to plug in.

And I think I'd be quite willing to sacrifice all the sounds in CoH if it gave us a visual replacement for the Shiny Object Sonar...

out in the Valley House, we have a minor difficulty with the sound drivers for Linux on the Intel mobos we're using, which allows us single-channel sound

No big, right? well, that means we can't have an mp3 player and CoH both doing audio at the same time. And, given that CoH does _some_ 3d audio work, it
isn't precisely one channel all by itself..

Long story short, until I remember to get some Sound Blasters out there (PCI16, baby!), CoH on Linux = no sound.

So my windows XP laptop gets to be glowy radar 8 (Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
I can't access CoH forums from work, so I didn't hear about it until today. I think it would be cool, if it were optional. Didn't the Freedom Force
video games have them as part of the combat engine?
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Freedom Force did have visual 'sound effects' as well as audible cues. (I actually play with the sound off a lot, to avoid annoying my wife.)

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