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Costume suggestions?
Costume suggestions?
I just got around to getting Emerald Blast her 3rd costume slot... and I'm having trouble deciding what to put in there. At this point I've got two
basic concepts springing to mind. The first is "Have fun with it!" and make it something silly. Like a riff on a senshi uniform, or perhaps
'civvies', whatever. Y'know, something fun but ultimately pointless.

The other is to make it her "next phase", in a way. She's an RP character, I've got a firm concept in mind that (when RPing) I play her as,
etc. So this slot could be for a costume that reflects her increased power level, as it were.

I'm leaning towards the second option, but I'm having a hard time coming up with a costume that (1) includes enough elements from her original costume
to make it obvious it's the same, only better, and (2) reflects the changes to her persona that the heightened powers induced. I'm feeling like I
assume comic artists feel when they have to redesign something. I don't want to throw out everything and start over, but I want the changes to be obvious,
but I don't want them to overwhelm the overall ideal, but... arrgh.

Later on after I get back to my home machine I'll edit this to include a pic of her current costume. I'd really appreciate some suggestions, though --
general is fine, specific is fine too, whichever. My only rules are, she needs to keep the shoulder kitty (so shoulder costume pieces are out), green should
feature prominently, and I'd like to use an aura effect -- I'm currently thinking electric eyes, but other stuff could work too. Her
'standard' costume is full-body tights, mesh pattern with a dark green as the primary color and black as the secondary (giving it a very subtle mesh
effect), folded black gloves and boots with red trim, and the V belt, also black. She wears green paint (one of the stripe patterns, I forget which) on her
face and a gold tiara, and of course the orange and black shoulder kitty. Pretty simple, actually. I was honestly surprised when she won a costume contest
with it, but anyway.

For reference, she's a emp/rad defender who sincerely believes that her stuffed shoulder kitty is the source of her powers and talks to her. He's
actually alive, you see, he just pretends to be a stuffed toy so he doesn't freak people out with his awesome healing and zotting abilities. She can't
understand why nobody believes her...

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
What's her Origin?

If Magic, the light sparkles aura is a great addition to most costumes. It's obvious and adds something, but it doesn't hide any parts of the costume.
Is the 'Shoulder Kitty' named Hobbes by chance? [Image: glasses.gif]
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
Ah, yes. I always forget something. She's magic origin.

For the sparkles, are you talking full body, eyes only, ??? They're okay, but by themselves they just didn't seem to be enough... and the heavy
sparkles, yikes. [Image: smile.gif]

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
Quote: Timote wrote:

Is the 'Shoulder Kitty' named Hobbes by chance? [Image: glasses.gif]

Negative on that trajectory, Houston. His name is Mr. Whiskers. (He's very formal. Emerald still doesn't know his first name.)

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
I usually put my Legendary uniform in Slot #4 - and I'll be making as many Halloween packs as possible this fall to get slot #5 for as many as needs it.

Personally, I'd go with the Progression idea. I believe it was Brightsky, for Valles, that has a similar setup. one of her costumes is her smooth/flowing
Fightin' Togs, one is VERY similar, with what appears to be strap-on armor pack (Some Enforcer kit, it looks like). The overall effect is awesome.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Slot 2 is her Legendary uniform already, so I've got that covered. With the cape, even! Woo!

(Whyfor so many people gripe about the cape mission? It was *cake*. Not even yummy XP-filled cake, just plain old Twinkie cake that anybody could eat.)

Is Halloween the only time to scrounge up the stuff for the 5th slot? Seems like there should be other ways year-round, but hey.

Anyway... I like the progression idea too, which is why I was leaning that way, but as I said, my problem is in coming up with the next step. What makes it
more, without also making it less? (Very zen, that.... hmm...)

I had a thought occur to me, though. Emerald's background, pre-superhero, was as an Army medic. I'm pretty sure I can come up with a convincing
Army-style costume (tanker or tee top in black, camo pants, combat boots, tac belt, done!), coupled with an aura effect of some sort, could be another
possibility. It has zilch to do with her current costume, but it's an idea.


--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
I believe that the contact necessary for the Halloween slot is still active, you just have to buy the salvage - which is upwards of 250k per piece, last time I
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Check the Legendary salvage - there is usually a few spare sets there.

Talk to me next time you're on, I think Bella might have a few sets tucked away; perhaps Jackie too (though I cringe to think where they are tucked.)

Quote: Sofaspud wrote:

Ah, yes. I always forget something. She's magic origin.

For the sparkles, are you talking full body, eyes only, ??? They're okay, but by themselves they just didn't seem to be enough... and the heavy
sparkles, yikes. [Image: smile.gif]

Yeah, the heavy sparkles are a bit much. I meant full body sparkles, they don't look like much in the costume creator, but when playing, I think
they're fairly noticeable. And they are subdued enough that you can declare them a "Her powers are strong enough now that she has an aura all the
time" aura and add it to all her costumes without it clashing with any of them. Or anyway, that was the case when I did it with Yukiyo.
Quote:Check the Legendary salvage - there is usually a few spare sets there.
We have something close to a dozen or so spare sets, in fact. And yes, the contact is still there, just out of sight of the train station in Croatoa. (From the arrival platform, exit the station to the right, toward the trees. Keep going down stairs until you're standing on grass. Then look to your right for a witch reading a scroll.)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Spare sets? Hmm.... does anyone mind if Knight grabs a set?
That's what they're there for.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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