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Task Force Friday - 4/25/2008 - Sewer Trial
04-21-2008, 09:03 PM
I have the Sewer Trial mission on Roy, and I believe Sofaspud has it on Emerald, so we've got the Key to get into the sewer after the Hydra.
Bob, this one's for you, can you commit to a time this weekend to do the sewer trial?
Needed are a minimum of two 40s (36-40), and at least 4 50s.
This is probably a Team Two (7-8pm PST) activity. I have no thoughts or suggestions for Team One (feeling a bit toasty, to be honest - Lady Grey x2 in one day
is a killer)
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
I must've been typing at the same time you were. At the risk of another simultaneous post...
I'd like to run the Sewer Trial, if nobody needs me for Numina. I've got Badb (50 sneaky MA/Regen Scrapper.) I don't think I can get Faraday to 36
by Friday. And later is better, so Team Two (or three, whatever) works for me.
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Yeah, but Lady Grey team two kicked serious butt, in my humble opinion -- my propensity for getting lost and losing my mentor notwithstanding. I did have a
question: was this TF the source of the oft-mentioned-but-what-I've-never-seen Hamidon Origin enhancements?
Also: I'll be ready to rock it Friday at the 7 Pacific start time. I may try to get Alex Fury or old Bill into range, to bring them instead of Emerald,
but whichever. She wouldn't mind tackling the ugly hydra head again anyway -- Mr. Whiskers likes calimawhatzit.
--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
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Hami-Os live in cereal bowls, and can be extracted, at great difficulty, with This process.
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The Lady Grey Task Force contains a miniature version of the Hamidon Raid...specifically the villain version of the Hamidon Raid, which has a much prettier
backdrop than the rather drab Heroside one.
More specifically, it contains a miniature version of the Hamidon's current incarnation. If I remember correctly, Hamidon has existed since Issue 1 or 2 -
ie. it was one of the first updates in 2004 after the game launched, though the raid has evolved considerably over the years as the developers have
(intentionally) tweaked it.
Defeating the Hamidon has always granted a Hamidon Origin enhancement, or Hami-O. This enhances two or three different areas by SO-levels, within a single
The Sewer Trial is supposed to grant a Hydra enhancement as a possible reward, which works similar.
-- Acyl
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Never having done a Hamidon Raid, I've always wondered if they are worth it.
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Quote:I've always wondered if they are worth it.
Depends - if you're there for the TF reward, no, not in the slightest.
if you're there for participating in a unique experience in the CoH game - then yes.
Hami is the closest thing that CoH has to an EQ raid - and an EQ raid, when it goes well, is an incredible rush - it's also awesome to _lead_ a good raid.
Just not awesome enough for me to try and run a hami raid, mind ; )
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I think I can do Friday night. My Friday schedules seem to preclude participating at anything earlier than 7 PM Pacific, so that's when I'll show.
It'll be Eva, of course, so there's one of your 50s.
-- Bob
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I'm up for it fine. I've got my Stone tank at 38 we can pull out if we need tankage, Braende at 36 for damage, and then Amber for a level 50 mez. Just
let me know, and I'll give it a go on whoever.
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Merf... those god damned imps make this trail somewhat of a pain in the ass though locking down repair crews as they spawn is made of both win and awesome.
Think I'll bring whomever hasn't done this one though >.> that may be the empath but I'm none too sure Kili succeeded when she endured the
hydra head. One of em biffed it I just don't remember which one it was. Will bring Kili for massive dmg the emps kinda useless, save her buffs.
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I'd like Amber - she has TP Ally, right?
TP ally is incredibly useful in this, since a 50 can move about the final shaft at will, wipe a spawn, and port a 40 right onto the crate.
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From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
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BTW, where can I find a good briefing on this TF? I'd like to take Evangelia into one of these with an idea of what I'm facing, for once.
-- Bob
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Try here, Bob. Though there's a bit in there about exemping characters down so they
too can grab the special guns you'll need, I think the consensus was that that's incorrect: you must be native between 36 - 40 to acquire the guns. I
could be wrong.
Wiregeek has posted a strategy about this somewhere -- ah, found it. Under his direction we
finished it quite handily and well within the time limit; the only problems stemmed from sidekick/mentor distance issues (see the note I posted in that thread
for details), and the disappointing lack of TF rewards for the lowbies, which may well have been a one-time glitch.
ETA: one more thing I thought I'd mention. There is *no* visual indicator at all of the forcefield status, other than the UNAFFECTED! message you
get if you fire on the head while it's up, and that's an easy thing to miss in the heat of combat. So you really need to coordinate and watch the chat
-- "Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
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No, Amber does not have Recall friend. Both my Tank and Blaster do, ironically enough. Both use teleport. On a similar note, when I respec'd earlier today
to get a very pricey (11 mil) +Recharge proc off Amber and to Emet, I picked up the Medicine pool of Stimulant, Aid Other and Resuscitate in place of Force
Bolt, Repulsion Bomb and Psionic Tornado respectively.
Oh, and another thing to note, that I just thought of, is blaster Braende has a +Stealth recipe on her Teleport, where as I removed the +Stealth from
Amber's hover.
The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."
>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
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Thanks for the links. I'll read them now.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Hamidon memories
04-25-2008, 06:41 AM
Quote: Acyl wrote:
More specifically, it contains a miniature version of the Hamidon's current incarnation. If I remember correctly, Hamidon has existed since Issue 1 or 2
- ie. it was one of the first updates in 2004 after the game launched, though the raid has evolved considerably over the years as the developers have
(intentionally) tweaked it.
Actually, it's always been in the game. I remember Hamidon in CoH beta - it was tweaked big-time after a team of eight beat it, and then it stomped us
flat on the final day of beta. My character was artificially leveled to 40 (the max level back then) along with several others so we could test it
Anyway, I hope to show up for the Team Two attempt at this, using Southern Shootist (level 40 Archery/Energy blaster)
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Just confirming that I've cleared things with Peggy, and all other possible conflicts are non-issues. Unless something horribly unexpected happens, I am go
for the Trial.
-- Bob
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Emerald Blast will be there, ready to heal and zot anything that moves. 7pm Pacific.
--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
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all RIGHT, it's hydra stompin' time!
7pm PST is 6pm AKST, 0200 Saturday GMT, so on and so forth.
I'm drilled out for initial form up at 5pm AKST, but I'll see you fine folks as soon as possible!
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And the Hydra got stomped but good.
-- Bob
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surprisingly quick, no?
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
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Disturbingly so, yes.
-- Bob
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unfortunately, that's the story. The only other part of the Trial is a hunt 150 rikti - not very intriguing.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman