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Acyl Art (Update: C.Flame, Space/Marcus)
....uh, I'm sorry....has anyone seen my mind? I think it's scattered all about the various surrounding environs. Something to do with being blown.

Seriously, that's insane. I thought Sylia's costume was already detail intensive enough to draw straight, and you go on and do it with even more detail than I could possibly expect. While Spud caught the one thing that seemed off earlier, your quick fix works entirely perfectly for motion.

Beyond that, the hair....honestly, I barely noticed it. It fits in just as well, and Sylia certainly has enough wiggle room in her background to excuse using a different hair color while suited up(hey, Crey's looking for her as well as her armor. Never underestimate a "I stole it" bluff).

Also, to cement my geek status, was the pose/concept at least indirectly inspired by this image here?
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
Hey Ops? Tripod no likey remote image linky. [Image: smile.gif]

Here is link to main page, fixes that little issue: clicky

(Edit to add: dratted Yuku. I meant to add that HEY! I -have- that poster! *grin*)

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
NSFW link due to nude sylia.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Well. One Breast/leg/stomach. C'mon.

..Yes. I did just say that.

Anyway! Incredible job Acyl.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Mmm. It may not fit the outfit I described... but I can definitely see her dressing like that. It's a very nice pic. Thanks!

[Image: misaopencils.jpg]

I like the way the robe fits her... and the face does make the girl, yes, it does. [Image: smile.gif] She looks like she's peering over to one side at someone,
contemplating whether or not to jam that kunai up their bodily orifices or not. [Image: smile.gif]
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Re Sylia:- I actually had the similar Priss version of that picture in mind, though I think Priss is actually wearing a softsuit in that one. I toyed with the idea of drawing Silicon Sabre mostly naked under the hardsuit as well, but discarded it due to reasons of a) colour, and b) because it'd be a bit much. Though I see that there IS an actual professional image which is worse. =P
Re Misao: Honestly, on reflection, I could do a better facial expression than that - if I 'take two' on this drawing, that's what I'll do. But I figured, hey, you said Rei Ayanami as raised by Anko...
Moving to other's the latest. This one turned out...better than I expected, considering I started drawing with absolutely no plan at all and made it up as I went along. Usually, I'd use other artwork or photographs drawing a pose like this, for both the lineart and shading...but this? I just winged it.
One of my own characters this time, the Ice/Ice Blaster some of you might be familiar with. The only character of mine to have a proper IO/Hami build, at that.
Glass Lass

[Image: glasslo.jpg]
High Res Version (273.9kb - 1330x1390px)
Theoretically, Glass Lass should be even more glossy than this, but I don't really have the technique for that right now. This is about the extent of what I can do - pretty much the same level as the leather bits on Jelidan, or the armour panels on Sylia's hardsuit. I think it's good enough, but as always it could be better.
The visible foot and hand aren't very high-detail. Which is largely due to the fact that, again, I drew this without references...they're not shaped very realistically, unfortunately, more stylized than anything else. Granted the way I draw suits that kind of thing, and Glass Lass' skin is coated in shiny stuff anyway...but it doesn't change the fact that, at the end of the day, I wish I could do better anatomatical detail than that. Similarly, the legs aren't as good as I'd like either...gotta work at it, I guess.
Though...I like how the hair and face turned out. In-game Glass has the low ponytail for hair, but I tend to envision my characters with hairstyles...slightly different from what's actually achievable in-game.
In doing these drawings, I tend to take liberties with hairstyles anyway - this is necessary, since I've already drawn several characters who use the same in-game hair. Obviously, though, I'm more comfortable playing with my own characters versus other people's. This happens to be the first time I've ever drawn a braid, and I think it worked out okay.
Finally, I've set up a deviantART account - encouraged by a friend who was wearing a deviantART t-shirt at the time. I can't remember if I made a Borg Collective joke in response. Probably didn't. Ah well. One way or the other.
I'll be posting copies of these images there, though the high-res versions will likely remain exclusive to here. Largely 'cause the reason I bother to upload images at that size is so the folks whose characters I've drawn can grab and do whatever with 'em.
(admittedly that doesn't apply to the Glass image, but since I've started doing it, might as well keep doing it...)
-- Acyl
Glass Lass
Hey Acy, mind if I do a 3d version of Glass Lass?


"Oh, Glass not mind! Is being easier than Superball! And shiner being good!"
Yeaaah, sure. Old screenshots if you need 'em:- ... glass1.jpg]Human form and ... glass3.jpg]Crystal form ...I consider the drawing I just posted to be the definitive look for Glass, but that's how it looks in-game.
-- Acyl

I will use the illustration as the primary source (my intention). Is she just shiny or semi-transparent?

Any quick character notes for writing would also be helpful. I pick up dialog flow. Breaks down. Stilted diction.
I've remarked to Acyl a few times that Glass reminds me of Thibor speaking. I can't say this is an accurate or even reasonable comparison, but it has
always hit me as like Thibor.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Glass' speech pattern is, yeah, kinda like Thibor's, but it's not specifically Slavic. She is, broadly speaking, Russian, but that's not
really what's going on here.

Mostly she tends to speak in a warped version of present tense, though, that's the point, so 'is being', 'are doing', and so on,
with specific and common misuse of 'is'. She also tends to refer to herself in third person, as 'Glass'. This is not her trying to be cute, she
tends to come up with one-word shortened versions of people's names...and she uses those's just the same logic. Glass usually
speaks in short sentences and phrases, as would be typical of someone who doesn't speak English well...except when I deliberately have her rattle
off something very long for dramatic effect. Forced contrast, you see.

The idea is, simply, her brain and language centres aren't wired normally. She's partially crystal at all times, after all, even when she's
managing to pass for human. I envision her 'blue form' as being encased in a...possibly partially translucent layer, but she's still got
regular skin and, y'know, muscles and body parts so she'd never be entirely see-through. However, I've had enough folks assume she should
be see-through in RP, given the name...that I've considered getting a stealth IO and writing in some sort of 'evolution' of her powers. That's
hypothetical, though.

Glass is illiterate, for the aforementioned reasons. Her spoken language comes from watching WAY too much television.

As the drawing I did hopefully conveys, she's meant to come across as cheerful and perky. That's the point. She's a shiny glass girl. Which
doesn't change the fact that as someone who escaped from a supervillain weapons lab, she also gets extremely passionate about people who treat other
people like objects.

Glass and Space Mage are...incredibly fun for me to draw...and RP. Difficult to get right. But fun.
-- Acyl
Corrupted Flame
Corrupted Flame
[Image: corrflamelo.jpg]
Higher Res Version (374 kb - 1001x1596 px)
I intentionally omitted her cape, because I wanted to leave the picture in fiery shades - the blue cape wouldn't have gone as well. Plus I wanted to make the ponytail flow down the back like that, so another fluid element might also have clashed.
Not really the best of pieces...I'm satisfied with it, but I don't think it's ZOMG awesome. No real zingers, but there's a lot of minor things I could have done better  - the robotic arms aren't quite the same size, aren't as detailed as they could be. I think the blank eyes could be improved on - should have made 'em more slitted and given them a stronger black outline. Hair isn't great either. On the other hand, those are all relatively minor issues, compared to most pieces where there's generally one big mistake that really leaps out at me.
I do like the pose and facial expression, I will say that.
-- Acyl
I swear, Acyl, those eyes are damn CREEPY.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
Which is kinda the point. [Image: happy.gif]
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Space + Cowboy
Re: Corrupted Flame - Originally I did have pupils there - but they didn't look right when I washed 'em out to near-white, so I just...removed 'em entirely. Given that, IIRC, Flame uses the supernatural 'eye bleed' face for pure white eyes anyway I figured this was most appropriate. And c'mon, she's a killer android or somethin'.
Space + Cowboy (Space Mage and Marcus Mac Hine, requested by HLW/Cindy)
[Image: spacecowboylo.jpg]
(High Res Version - 426 kb - 1615x1492 px)
Probably spent too much time on this...but I was also trying out slightly more streamlined colouring techniques. There's more to do when colouring multiple characters with different colour palettes - multiple skin tones, costume shades. Since I have to colour the Hero Sandwich picture soon, I needed to do this.
Towards the end I was constantly adjusting the eyes on this picture, making minute tweaks on the faces...I'm still not entirely satisfied with the facial expressions, especially Space's. It's improved over the original pencils though - a friend who saw the raw sketch (on paper) said she looked weird - and I can't disagree. Her face is too...flat, and the mask detail doesn't help. I kinda failed with perspective there, tho I tried to correct it with shading. On the other hand, she is looking straight-on to the 'camera', so it's not so bad.
Marcus is somewhat better. It's probably obvious that I drew Marcus first before adding Space by the side - poor Space ain't done as well. But I knew Marcus was gonna be detail-heavy, so I had to pay more attention to him. Decided to throw on some stubble on Marcus just before I finalised this. Somehow, I felt it needed that last touch. Does it work? Never done anything like that before.
The pose and composition...manages to be entirely not what Cindy requested. =P Er. Eh-heh-heh, sorry. But I thought it'd be cute.
-- Acyl

Good GOD! Where's my insulin! That's almost too cute for words! [Image: happy.gif]

(Oh - and the Corrupted Flame one is awesome too)
Nice Acyl [Image: happy.gif] Glad I waited!

Hrm.. did you try adding a line of shading or something around the eyes? It looks a bit too.. unnatural to me >< I know that's how she's supposed
to be hehe but still! [Image: happy.gif]

Yay more Flame artwork!
There is no coincidence, only necessity....
- Clow Reed
New Work
Acyl that is just too cute! Kawaii! Well done on both works. Corrupted looks suitably capable, while Space and Marcus just look too cute to comprehend.

Great stuff, keep it up.

After seeing that, I'm glad Evangelia manipulated Space Mage into asking Marcus out. ("If you don't ask him to the Sadie Hawkins dance, Adrianne, I will!")
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
While I *can* tell that Space was thrown in afterwards(Marcus's pose clearly works single or double both, but Space's is wrapped around his), it
doesn't diminish the sort of manic cheerfulness Space exudes here, which given my limited experience with her is probably the point. [Image: laugh.gif]

The stubble on Marcus, on the other hand, is utterly amazing. Well done.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
Quote:CrimsonKMR wrote:

Nice Acyl [Image: happy.gif] Glad I waited!
Hrm.. did you try adding a line of shading or something around the eyes? It looks a bit too.. unnatural to me >< I know that's how she's supposed to be hehe but still! [Image: happy.gif]
Yay more Flame artwork!
Actually...that's a very good idea. Here, how's this?
[Image: corrflame2lo.jpg]
Significantly more shading painted in around the eyes, which also helps to give additional 3D definition to the face. Mind, that probably looks even creepier, but I kinda like the effect.
Secondly, here's what I'm working on currently.
[Image: heroswpreview.jpg]
...yea, I know Terr should probably be wider...I'm not good with brick-shaped proportions tho. Otherwise I'm reasonably satisfied with it, given it's a complex image. It'll be a while before this is complete, though, for obvious reasons. o_O;;
(edit 2: yes, I also know that Rhea and Terr both wear sunglasses. Those will be separate layers.)
-- Acyl
Yea, that works well [Image: happy.gif]

Can Terr really bend his arm that far back? o_O I know *I* cant (yes, i just tried) but it looks like it'd hurt! [Image: happy.gif]
There is no coincidence, only necessity....
- Clow Reed
Shift arm and/or torso in final image. Gotcha. =D
-- Acyl
Bend like a reed, snap like a stale breadstick
Yes, you can bend your arm that far back (or better yet, bend someone elses arm that far back, turn the palm outwards and drop them like a toilet seat), but
I would not try to throw a punch from that position.

However, if I were posing in best sentai-pre-fight monologue fashion, I would consider it.

Acyl, the cover looks great.

I'm starting to fanboy a stuffed animal - I think I need more sleep.

; )
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman

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