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The Legendary Quote Wall
while saveinc portal corp goons from DE

[NPC] Portal Corporation scientist: Peaches! Sourdough! Agate! Marine!
[Team] Star Ranger 4.0: Sabre? are we SURE these are the right people?

The three girl wave of death that is Justice Sabre and the Dusk sisters.

[Team] Justice Sabre: Good grief.
[Team] Justice Sabre: Did we just kill a purple boss in about ten seconds?
[Team] Dusksmiter: yep
[Team] Duskstriker: No.
[Team] Duskstriker: We just proved the efficiency of kinetic impact therapy. in 10 seconds.
One for the I wish file:

[Ghost] I shall use you to slake my thirst... for vengeance!
[Ssgt. Shortimer] How about a nice Hawaiian punch instead?
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
fighting Antimater has it's up's Tongue
Team] Purrfect Mess: um... you know we're both covered in Rads
[Team] Captain Ersatz: Aheh ^^;
[Team] Purrfect Mess: swishs her tail .... and i think the hazmat showers at the base can only fit one at a time blushes or 2 if you try
[Team] Captain Ersatz: Whaddayouknowlookatthetimewe'llbebackinfifteenminutes. drags PM off by her wrist
[Team] Purrfect Mess: :3

Becky messes with your mind good

[Team] Asesino of Fire: ..WAit.
[Team] Asesino of Fire: Wait, what just happened.
[Team] Asesino of Fire: Nononono, Stay away from me, before I start to call you-
[Team] Asesino of Fire: ...Mom!
[Team] Asesino of Fire: Lemme go talk to my friend!
 [Team] Mother Meyai: It's all right Sweetie. Everything will be fine. *starts crooning a wordless lullaby

From the new Twisted Reflections arc. Truer words were never spoken.
Enforcer Smasher: ...
Mad Freak Gunner: So Gold Locust wants us to fight Gold Locust?
Enforcer Smasher: Yeah, that's what we're doing.
Mad Freak Gunner: This girl some sort of pain
lover or something?

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Overheard on the Pocket D broadcast channel as Eva zoned in this afternoon:
Quote:Thorn Roseblood: ((There was this one guy. He wanted to be your friend, but then he died due to mysterious circumstances involving a knife, two baby unicorns and the great unclean one))
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
fun beofre fighting anti matter

[Team] Terrence Knight: So Anti Matter is causin you grief eh?
[Team] Gehirnrustung: uh hu
[Team] Gehirnrustung: mutti said i has as much rads as the samwich.
[Team] Gehirnrustung: ... but i never seen a radioactive samwich before.
Captain Ersatz facepalms
Captain Ersatz blushes
[Team] Gehirnrustung: what?
[Team] Terrence Knight: No comment

Posted on the forums by popular channel request. Going Rogue launch night, while standing in a remarkably crowded tutorial zone:-

[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Holy Tutorial Zone 2!

[The Legendary]Acyl: Our tutorial who art on server, instanced be thy name.
[The Legendary]Acyl: Thy XP come, thy kills be done, on server as it was in beta.
[The Legendary]Acyl: Give us this launch, our daily play, forgive us our faceplants as we forgive those who PvP against us.
[The Legendary]Acyl: Bring us not to deletion, but deliver us from altitis.
[The Legendary]Acyl: For thine is the expansion, the players and the community, now and forever. Amen.

[The Legendary]Z. Fox: I don't know whether to appreciate the skill... or decry the desecration... (tilts hands back and forth*
[The Legendary]Acyl: *smirks*
-- Acyl
Overheard in Nova Praetoria on Virtue:

[Local] XP2950: Well-rounded group looking for equally well-rounded individuals to stab/bash/shoot things. Bonus points if you like puppies and moustaches.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
(While on a Loyalist Responsibility mission in Praetoria with a TPN Reporter in tow)
SASSINAK: *Thinking* Lovely - I have an "embedded reporter" on my mission with me. And he's annoying enough I'd like to tell him where he can "embed" his microphone... *
Touko and Virginia on a Positron Task Force once out of Praetoria.

Quote:[Team] Aozaki Touko: Circle....keep an eye out, Ginny. Might find something useful about here.
[Team] Aozaki Touko: And the Circle doesn't file burglary reports

And later in the same map.

Quote:[Team] Virginia Smith: These guys look like the sort to do virgin sacrifices.
[Team] Aozaki Touko: How wonderful that your name is no longer technically correct then, yes?
[Team] Virginia Smith: *blush*
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
[Team] Star Ranger 4.0: so, now I think I shall park in a portal corp building and weep uppon my squishyness.
[Team] Star Ranger 4.0: how the heck does DS manage??
[Team] Gehirnrustung: Terr trained him.

Out of character last night, upon Princess Evangelia receiving the "Rift Traveler" badge at level 30 without yet having traveled the Rift:

[The Legendary] Terrence Knight: Bob's broken Praetoria.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
My (former) Praetorian Sassinak did that mission recently where you wind up in an office building getting into the middle of a fight between Fir Bolg and Tuatha. After gunning down many alternating waves of Shaggy Monster and Pumpkinhead ambushes... the tide ebbs. And, still breathing hard, looking around for anything else spoiling for a fight, she sees nothing around her but broken, bleeding, moaning forms formerly trying to destroy each other - and then her. But no more seem to be interested in fighting. 

Sassinak: "Anybody ELSE want to negotiate!?"
Are we not Men? We are DEVO!
DarkSeraphim: oh god, i just saw the worst thing in Ouro.
DarkSeraphim: some one devolved into a rikti monkey..... but the name is what hurt.
DarkSeraphim: Erotica
DarkSeraphim: a rikti monky... called Erotica....i need brain bleach.
OpMegs: Ah yes.
OpMegs: The wonders of Rikti Monkey Erotica
OpMegs: The genteel "SKREE- SKREEE!"s of the tropics.
Arachnos X: BRB
Arachnos X: need to kill myself
Corrupted Flame: hey, some people swing that way..
Atlantea: MY EYES! THE GOGGLES! They do NOTHING!!!
DarkSeraphim: OM.... that hurts my head on levels i didn't belive possible....
OpMegs: Gaze in wonder at the elaborately prepared blotch patterns on their saggy, misshapen bodies
Atlantea: *whimpers* I think I've lost multiple SAN points...
DarkSeraphim: power drill now!
Arachnos X: I could make it worse but I won't
OpMegs: Well, they're telekinetics, DS. Of course they would power drill.
DarkSeraphim: O_o
OpMegs: Up all five primary and secondary orifices.
Arachnos X: You can't hear it
Arachnos X: But I'm strangling the life from you in my head
DarkSeraphim: ditto
Atlantea: I need to edit my mental images. Anybody got a FORK?!?!
DarkSeraphim: *hands over two scaples and a small drill*
Corrupted Flame: OP - less chatter more bang bang Tongue
Atlantea: Thank you. *goes off to do elective brain surgery on self*
Terrence Knight: ...
DarkSeraphim: OM... your head scares me at times... and i'm a bloody Silent hill fan!
Terrence Knight: Dear god what have you people been talking about
DarkSeraphim: DON"T ASK!
OpMegs: Rikti Monkey Erotica
DarkSeraphim: GAH! *flials*
OpMegs: Purple Prose for the purple [REDACTED]
Terrence Knight: .........
Terrence Knight: I'm going to go say high to my neighbour..and ask if I can borrow his gun to end my existance
Atlantea: OM? NOT!! HELPING!!
OpMegs: But it's funny watching them twitch!
after  getting an injection from MACH during a Manti TF.
Nephilim Blade: Also need a patch for the huge ass hole MACH left in my ass.
Nephilim Blade: ... Wait, that didn't come out right!
Knight of the Peace: Love, between a medical bot and a Blade...
Nephilim Blade: *faceplams* ... never gona live that slip up down am i?
and follow up on LGTF
Purrfect Archer: Oh! You're the lady that got the giant needle up the butt!
Nephilim Blade: yes, it was long, hard, and hurt like hell the next day
Catchphrase: Sooo are you people DELIBERATELY trying for psychological warfare against the telepathic aliens by forcing them to use brain bleach

[Lil Daub] (while playing Household Chores of the Dammed by TwoFlower) HATE Carnie Strongmen. They have NO BRAINS for my Psi Powers to affect!!!
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Defib truns into a rikti monkey.

[Team] Defibrillator.: SCREE! SCREEEE~
[Team] Hu-li Jing: .... what the?
[Team] Hu-li Jing: awww so cute! *picks up Defib and hugs*
[Team] Hu-li Jing: *blinks as Defib returns to normal*
[Team] Defibrillator.: ... put me down. Please.
[Team] Hu-li Jing: if you say so *gently puts Defib down*
[Team] Defibrillator.: I don't like being a monkey. *attempts to look dignified*
[Team] Hu-li Jing: must say, cute monkey thing to sexy bombshell, i'm not complaining.
[Team] Hu-li Jing: *grins*

Upon encountering a particularly high-level Praetorian seer during the Maria Jenkins TF tonight:

[Team] Evangelia: Augur alert! This is not a drill!
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
While playing 2 tickets to Westerly:
[NPC] Brad: I just wanted to use the phone! Was that so much to ask?
[Local] Garavornette: Orebenga Doesnt have Phones...  Asshole.
[NPC] Janet: They were going to put something in me!  Some kind of evil ghost!
[Local] Garavornette: I dont think it was a ghost they were planning on... Slut.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
so I guess this is Karam....
after saying nothing bad happens to me in the D, while leaving a Cape Show.

Quote:Nephilim Blade pager beeps. "geeeh, back to work i go."
Detra gives Nephilim Blade big squishy boobie hugzâ„¢!!!
Nephilim Blade flails.
Detra slaps a 'Detra wz here!' sticker on Nephilim Blade boobies!!!
Detra also gropes Nephilim Blade!!
Crystalis Clyphus glomps Nephilim!
Nepilim Blade O.O
me and my big mouth.

Seen as part of an Empathy Defender's Bio:
Quote:((The Healer's Commandments
1.) Thou shalt not forsake thy group, for thou art squishy on thine own.
2.) Thou shalt not bitch about death whilst thou art separated from thine healer, for it is thy own damn fault.
3.) Thou shalt not piss off thy healer, for thee maketh good Vengeance bait.
4.) Thou shalt accept all teleport requests once dead, for thy corpse is useful.
5.) Thou shalt not beg for heals or buffs, thou shalt get them when thou needeth them.))
One of these days I should shorten Gamma's Bio so that I can fit something like this in:

Tao of a Rad/Rad Defender:

1) The biggest threat should be a little green sun, so that all your teammates know who to attack.

2) You are not a healer, you are here to make sure your teammates don't get hit in the first place.

3) Even feeble attacks can be a threat in large numbers, when in doubt find someone who draws more agro than yourself and make sure they are able to do so.

4) Green is your friend, if your enemies and teammates aren't giving off a healthy glow, something is wrong.

5) Teammates who refuse to stay within the safety of your debuffs can rez themselves or wait, getting killed trying to save them does no one any good.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
On the ITF today: 

" We will, We will, Stalk you.  
Buddy, you're in Warburg, don't know why.  
Say you want rockets, that ain't gonna fly.  
You're built for PvE.  Flagged PvP.  
Gotta know my AS is gonna make you scream!  
We will, We will, Stalk you."

--@Cybernetic Hobo (Playing Bleakstar)

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