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Tales of the Legendary 11 - Hijacked! Not safe for work
Tales of the Legendary 11 - Hijacked! Not safe for work
The Infamous sneak into the pages of the comic for a special Valentine's day issue.

[Image: 2d136ac51d6b9369085a8d265dc232fbdea82063.jpg]

The whole comic can be downloaded from


I'm not sure why, but Obsolete made me laugh.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Muahahaahaha! I also love Obs' line, as well as Oyuri and Tampopo. (b'.')b d('.')b d('.'d)
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Page 13, Bella "such a think as being" other than that minor typo well done!
O & T
Some thoughts on putting together this comic.

Obsolete material is even harder to put together than Superball material- she is too random; but fun for the occasional aside. She can literally do anything,
but does not actually require an explanation for doing so. If she decides that covering every surface in the base with chicken chow-mein is required, she will
do so.

Oyuri and Tampopo are just a guilty pleasure to write for.

In dealing with the three 'romances' of the issue, I was very aware of issues the senses when it comes to sensuality. Jackie being primarily tactile,
Bella visual and Lady Nogitsune olfactory.

I am still considering what the next issue will be.

"So lemme get this straight, mates. You're stiff, you've got enough nicotine in your system that kissing you could replace the patch, you've
literally been huffing pixie dust, and you're dripping hallucinogenic slime."

"Sounds about right, yeah".


Gives you an opportunity to re-use British Troll Man!
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
That observation meshes with my own, really. True randomness is in fact harder to get a handle on. It's one thing for me to RP Obsolete on an actual team - I have real-time input from other people and respond to it in weird ways. But creating stuff for her in a vaccuum is, I think, rather more difficult. It's one reason I haven't written much for her myself, in terms of narrative fiction.

Superball is different. Because his whole spiel is a deliberate act, he's easier to frame. He's like a comedian, he thinks up material, he says and does things to get a rise out of people... there's logic there, he's comprehensible. He's not actually insane.

I think you did it well, actually. Heck, I think you use both characters better, in some ways, than I could.

Feedback wise...I really like the Mace character model. Visually, I mean. That's some excellent work there. Story and presentation wise, the whole general exchange between Mace, the Warriors and Tsoo, plus Morgan and Bella...that whole sequence was really well done, I thought.
-- Acyl

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