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Five Legendary Rings: Prism/Stellar Spectrum - 1
07-24-2009, 09:37 PM
His name, or at least the what his friends called him, was Onigumo. At one point, he had been accounted among the ashigaru, the non-noble members of the buke military class, but on this day, he was a bandit.
He had not, perhaps, been the best of men - but neither had he begun as one of the worst. He had, however, been given to gazing into the night sky in those posts at the edge of space, on distant and empty moons... and, feeling the regard of that which gazed back, had learned strength and self-reliance and contempt of the fat and the weak who dwelt in the light. When the blood-painted lifter had slipped from its arrival pirate point, run the gauntlet of his Crab master's orbital defense engines, his file had been sent to meet it, to 'drive the tainted men back'... A simple slowing, a slight hesitation in his steps and his armor's weapons had gutted the fools through their harness's vulnerable backs.
He had boarded the ship of his new brothers and never felt a moment's regret - beyond those times, like now, when military neccessity forced him to miss the pleasures of the sack of a raided town.
Despite that dissapointment, Onigumo was not innatentive, nor foolish, and for all the good it would do him, he spotted the incoming harness the instant it hove into view along the valley, siloutted against the firs clinging to the rocky mountain slopes.
The Iai's wearer spotted him, too - or rather, spotted his Jigoku in its bruise and blood livery - and turned to attack, sprinting forwards.
"HO!" Onigumo bellowed, and his armor turned the words into a thunder that echoed from the far hillsides - and would be easily audible where his fellows had their way with the town they'd come to raid, "THE ENEMY!"
With a laugh rich in bloodlust, he hauled on the armatures strapped to his body, and his Jigoku responded with a rattle of clockwork and a squeal of moving metal, twisting and lunging into motion one ponderous step at a time as he turned to face his victims. One lever, near at hand, triggered the rockets arrayed within the demon-driven machine's chest, sending them arcing out in fire and smoke and a shriek like a chorus of the damned from the noisemakers built into the leering carvings of their noses.
If the fool samurai in the sixty-ton speedster was disconcerted by the rockets raining down around him, he did not show it, instead swerving and charging to bring his own weapons into range.
Well enough. He would regret it.
Eventually the clatter of the loading racks ceased, and Onigumo fired a second time at the oncoming 'warrior of the light', but even as he did two brilliant rays of sunlight stabbed out from his target's raised right arm. One coruscated past the eyeslits of his harness and left purple blotches hanging in his sight, but the other caught his mount dead center in the chest in a flash of noonday brilliance and flying sparks that left him half-blinded as his rockets crashed down on and around the samurai.
Onigumo snarled, a red haze dropping before his eyes, as tiny flecks of molten metal stung his cheeks. He charged to meet his enemy, stabbing at him with the firelight glare of his hell-lamp and shorter-ranged dragonbolt rockets, and ignored the additional yoroi heaving into view at the end of the valley.
He ignored the shivering St Elmo's Fire across his armor as the darts of a pair of electric cannon whipcracked by him, and the hissing rain of fire as arrow-bolts pelted down around him. He ignored the eye-tearing flash and thunderbolt report of a lightning cannon and the more subtle streaks of flashing sunlamps.
He could ignore them, for at the long range, they missed. His target did not, not entirely, striking his armor's thick breastplate in another shower of glare and sparks.
Onigumo swore foully and fired again, with everything his Jigoku could offer, arrow-bolts and dragon-bolts and the strobing fires of hell itself, then roared in fury as that so-despised figure in Crane's white-and-blue danced aside.
And after, he had brief cause to regret his inattention, as the oncoming samurai did not miss a second time. The last thing his demon-ridden soul perceived was the white clouding and burning agony of steam.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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*piku* *piku*
Tell me more, V?
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
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Basically, we in the Rokugan game have floated ideas for amusing 'concept art' sketches of the characters in other settings - like how there's
official art out there of the Seishi from Fushigi Yuugi in modern clothes, and such.
The idea of a mecha-based setting got raised, and I happened to've been on a Battletech kick, so.
I put this up here, now, so that I'd have it available for reference from another machine than my usual while I was volunteering this weekend and would be
able to work on it further.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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OOC Moments 8/29/09:
[21:07] VallesUF: My brain now produces the image of our 'anime's fandom including Mika/Yojimbo shippers.
[21:07] YuushaOhGai: XD
[21:07] KerianValentine: Ise quietly murders Yojimbo in his sleep. >>
[21:07] KerianValentine:
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
ah, the fun of a RP group, Random babbeling
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[23:10] Hexane23: Kanawa: Oh God what have I done
[23:10] KerianValentine: Oh God this is so genius
[23:10] DracoEbenium: Yeah, that's not right.
[23:10] VallesUF: Oh god, oh god, we're all going to die.
[00:12] Hexane23: Kanawa: Marushumaro
[00:12] Hexane23: ?
[00:13] Hexane23: So do I have Kanawa be reasonable and try to explain, or let things fester. hmmm. As this is anime influenced, I think we all know the answer to that.
[00:14] VallesUF: Mika: A kind of sweet sometimes seen in Mantis and Tortoise lands. They're round and pale and soft and squishy, and -very- sugary.
[00:14] DracoEbenium: It'd doubtful that Hayase would let him explain. She'd cut him off.
[00:14] KerianValentine: Ise: Much like M-
[00:14] YuushaOhGai: Hmmm.
[00:14] KerianValentine: Ise: No I won't say it
[00:14] YuushaOhGai: >_>
[00:14] YuushaOhGai:
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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I didn't expect this to be one of our more hilarious weeks; X went to bed early, feeling ill, and we got a late start. But...
[22:24] Hexane23: Well, getting dragged down to hell and burried in your fathers guts and blood will do that to a godling
[22:25] VallesUF: That could be amusing.
[22:49] Hexane23: Kanawa: why is everthing hazy? Ryusei: An ancient spell of the Gods, a retcon has been cast.
[23:10] VallesUF:, that's another point of argument against the 'Wedding Gift' theory.
[23:10] VallesUF: ...
[23:10] Hexane23: nono this is from the failed will roll at the temple I think
[23:10] VallesUF: ...I really hoped we were wrong about the Sealed Evil jokes.
[23:10] YuushaOhGai: Maybe.
[23:11] DracoEbenium: Which is interesting, because I'm carrying the damned thing. Hmm. Maybe I'm aiming it...
[23:11] YuushaOhGai: ::Whistles::
[23:11] DracoEbenium: Hayase (holds sword and concentrates): Daigotsu... *There is the sound of the City of the Lost imploding*
[23:11] YuushaOhGai: XD XD XD
[23:11] DracoEbenium: Hayase: K-keen!
[23:11] YuushaOhGai: Daigotsu casts IMPLOSION.
[23:12] YuushaOhGai: City of the Lost implodes.
[23:12] YuushaOhGai: Fu-Leng fires tainted milk out of his nose as he reads that morning's Shadowlands Bulletain.
[23:12] DracoEbenium: LOL
[23:12] VallesUF: Mika: OK, Hayase, what just happened?
[23:13] DracoEbenium: Hayase (innocently): Um ... noth-thing?
[23:13] YuushaOhGai: BUlletin.
[23:13] DracoEbenium: *Castle fortress containing several of Hayase's schoolmates implodes*
[23:13] VallesUF: Mika: ...riiiight. OK, I guess you're just cheerful for no reason?
[23:14] DracoEbenium: Hayase: C-can't I be happy? It's a beautiful day.
[23:14] Hexane23: Kanawa: *bleeding from the ears* The pain, the pain...
[23:14] DracoEbenium: *Arrogant Lion casting nasty glances at Hayase implodes*
[23:14] VallesUF: Mika: *notices*
[23:14] DracoEbenium: Hayase (looks at others): What?
[23:14] YuushaOhGai: XD
[23:14] VallesUF: Mika: *thinks*
[23:14] VallesUF: Mika: *grins* Nothing!
[23:15] YuushaOhGai: Giving Hayase an instrument of vengeful destruction is the best idea I've had all week!
[23:15] Hexane23: Kanawa: Mikasa-san do you have any tea?
[23:15] VallesUF: Mika: Not on me, why?
[23:15] DracoEbenium: *Sword tries to implode Ise, but Ise is oblivious&
[23:15] Hexane23: Kanawa: I'd just like some.... *falls over backwards*
[23:16] YuushaOhGai: Yeaaaah.
[23:16] VallesUF: ISE uses INFINITE DENSITY! It's super effective! IMPLOSION FAILS!
[23:16] *** YuushaOhGai has left the chat.
[23:16] DracoEbenium: AIM bungee!
[23:17] *** YuushaOhGai has been invited to the group chat.
[23:18] *** YuushaOhGai has been invited to the group chat.
[23:18] *** YuushaOhGai has joined the chat.
[23:18] Hexane23: Well, when he comes back I've got my response ready
[23:18] VallesUF: Whee! Bouncy!
[23:18] YuushaOhGai: Boin~!
[23:53] *** YuushaOhGai has left the chat.
[23:53] DracoEbenium: Boing!
[23:53] Hexane23: Well, he got to type something that time
[23:53] VallesUF: Ba-baowm!
[23:54] *** YuushaOhGai has been invited to the group chat.
[23:54] Hexane23: Kanawa: ~The most wonderfull thing about Tigers...~
[23:54] *** YuushaOhGai has left the chat.
[23:54] VallesUF: Mikasa: ~Is Tigers are wonderful things~
[23:54] *** YuushaOhGai has been invited to the group chat.
[23:55] *** YuushaOhGai has joined the chat.
[23:55] YuushaOhGai: Did my last message get through?
[23:55] VallesUF: Yes, we got that Ryusei thinks we should leave ASAP.
[23:55] Hexane23: Kanawa: ~They're Bouncy, Flouncy, Trouncy, Pouncy, Fun, fun, fun, fun, FUN!!!~
[23:56] YuushaOhGai: What.
[23:56] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Are you talking about tigers, or Mikasa?
[23:56] YuushaOhGai: XD
[23:56] Hexane23: Kanawa: *eyes Ise's swords* tiggers, definately tiggers.
[23:57] DracoEbenium: Hayase (deadpan): Of course.
[23:57] VallesUF: Mikasa: ~But the most wonderful thing about tigers is I'm the only one! Iiiii'm... the only one!~ *bounces, deliberately*
[23:57] DracoEbenium: rokuganooc, also known as the Omake Channel.
[23:58] Hexane23: Kanawa: *posesed* No... he.. does... not...
[23:58] DracoEbenium: ...
[23:59] VallesUF: Mikasa: Kyaaa! Oni! Power of the seas, TO ME!
[23:59] DracoEbenium: *drops 16 tons of jade on Kanawa*
[23:59] VallesUF: *twirly naked transformation lightshow sequence*
[23:59] YuushaOhGai: ...
[23:59] DracoEbenium: *East German judge gives sequence a 4*
[23:59] Hexane23: Erm, well. He's not possesed anymore, but that's mostly 'cause it's hard to posses a small stain on the ground.
[00:00] YuushaOhGai: >_>
[00:00] YuushaOhGai:
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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Slow week for the OOC chatroom, but we made good progress IC, so it's all good.
[22:45] DracoEbenium: Tonight's episode of Legend of the Five Rings will be filmed in Supermarionamation.
[22:45] Hexane23: As long as it isn't syncrovox
[22:45] VallesUF: ...I'm trying to picture Mika as one of those puppets.
[22:45] YuushaOhGai: Jump down a pipe, appear in Capital?
[22:45] DracoEbenium: SIG.
[22:51] VallesUF: Sloshy storm wave? No problem.
[22:51] VallesUF: Hard wooden decking? Won't even register.
[22:51] VallesUF: Chilly dank wet? Snuggle closer to hubby.
[22:51] KerianValentine: Rock? Auuuugh
[22:56] VallesUF: Mikasa never needs to worry about getting even with anybody.
[22:56] VallesUF: All she has to do is get to the tea things first.
[22:57] Hexane23: Evil scorpamanticrane is evil
[23:01] VallesUF: Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! BoingyWHOOSH!
[23:01] KerianValentine: Boing.
[23:01] YuushaOhGai: Everything is misted at chest-height.
[23:01] DracoEbenium: Wubwubwubwub....
[23:01] YuushaOhGai: None can see this boin~!
[23:02] VallesUF: Well, maybe at the very top of the arc...
[23:40] KerianValentine: i'm picturing a bit down the road, when kanawa realizes ise isn't babbling because of Hayase
[23:40] KerianValentine: And Kanawa, with this maddened look on his face, shaking her by the kimono
[23:40] YuushaOhGai: But because he's Ise?
[23:40] KerianValentine: and going "YOU KILLED THE WISOOM'
[23:40] KerianValentine: *Wisdom
[23:40] KerianValentine: "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!"
[23:40] Hexane23: ^-^
[23:40] KerianValentine: And, it's just hilarious
[23:40] Hexane23: He'd never set hands on her like that though
[23:41] KerianValentine: Of course not
[23:41] KerianValentine: But it's hilarious
[23:41] Hexane23: Truth
[23:41] DracoEbenium: Probably because, despite her lack of skill, Hayase has one heck of an uppercut.
[23:41] KerianValentine: I assumed it was because he was polite
[23:41] Hexane23: Kanawa: I like to think politeness has something to do with it
[23:42] Hexane23: Kanawa: But there are many truths
[23:42] DracoEbenium: Oh, well, yes. That too.
[00:22] YuushaOhGai: I've also tapped the ass of Mitsuru Kirijo.
[00:22] DracoEbenium: Snrk. "I don't wear tin foil hats. It's Mylar; everybody knows metal-based foils are useless...."
[00:22] YuushaOhGai: And lived.
[00:22] KerianValentine: He has
[00:22] KerianValentine: She wasn't drunk, which is more impressive
[00:22] KerianValentine: Tom's a fun guy, but man
[01:15] DracoEbenium: Oh please. Togashi was completely sane. It's the rest of the world that's crazy.
[01:15] KerianValentine: Compared to a part-rabbit part-fox part-monkey crane who sees things that no one else can see. 
[01:15] Hexane23: Try getting the world to acknowledge that.
[01:15] Hexane23: The Dragon's gave up long ago
[01:15] Hexane23: Now they just laugh at it.
[01:15] KerianValentine: I have this sudden mental image of a dragon explaining the philosophy to Ise in great detail
[01:16] KerianValentine: And Ise staring at him for a minute and going
[01:16] KerianValentine: "That makes perfect sense!"
[01:16] DracoEbenium: "But what about the duck?"
[01:16] KerianValentine: And the Dragon falling out of his chair in surprise.
[01:48] Hexane23: Nothing's as good as a Dragon... oh you meant something else. nvm.
[02:43] KerianValentine: No one is comfortable around Unicron
[02:43] KerianValentine: he eats planets
[02:43] DracoEbenium: I wouldn't be comforta--what he said.
[02:44] KerianValentine: Galactus, he's comfortable around Unicron, but only because he wants to eat him
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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I was describing Our Heroes to my tabletop group, including the guy who runs L5R regularly, and explaining the Social Misfit Squad to him. After describing the
two dysfunctional Crane and the dysfunctional Scorpion, I said, "And then there's the sane one. You know, the Dragon...." Which really says
something about this game, when a member of the Clan known for being enigmatic, contemplative, and just plain odd is considered the "normal" member
of the group.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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He's weird by association. Although considering that he's decided to document Ise's sayings you may want to reconsider your opinion. I also would
like to state I regret not taking Enlightened Madness as that would make things so much more interesting.
"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but
to be insane in such a useful way that they can't commit you."
--- Mark Edwards
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So, after...9....hours....of working on it....the newest addition to the game's character sheet is done and undergoing final lookthroughs by Storm once
he(and I) are less dead to the world from being up waaaaaay too early.
But you can haz pretty crossdresser Scorpion in training soon-ish. 
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
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Quote: Firvulag wrote:
He's weird by association. Although considering that he's decided to document Ise's sayings you may want to reconsider your opinion. I also would
like to state I regret not taking Enlightened Madness as that would make things so much more interesting.
He's pretty normal for a Dragon (which is to say totally weird for most of the rest of Rokugan). Enlightened Madness generally means that he's on the
self-destructive side of crazy, as opposed to the merely schizoid. Since you're not playing Rosanjin, Jr., I suspect you really don't want that Flaw.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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Character Sheet: Soshi Sachiko
09-30-2009, 03:29 PM
Point discrepancies for those of you checking math are because
Sachiko benefitted during chargen from 18XP that y'all are getting as well, so that she's of the same general level.
Name: Soshi Sachiko
Clan: Scorpion
School: Soshi Shugenja (+1 Awareness, +1 Perception)
Rank: 1
Glory: 1
Honor: 1.5
Status: 1
Earth: 2 (Stamina 2, Willpower 2)
Water: 3 (Perception 3, Strength 3)
Fire: 2 (Agility 2, Intelligence 2)
Air: 3 (Awareness 3, Reflexes 3)
Void: 2
Calligraphy (Cipher) 2
Courtier (Manipulation) 2
Etiquette (Sincerity) 3
Meditation 1
Spellcraft (Spell Research)2
Stealth (Spellcasting) 2
Theology 1
Acting (Disguise) 3
Storytelling (Oratory) 2
Spears 2
Lore: Scorpion Clan 2
Secrets on the Wind (Innate Ability)
Yari of Air
Way of Deception
Wind Borne Slumbers
Reflections of Pan Ku
Path to Inner Peace
Earth's Touch
Dangerous Beauty (1 point) Soshi Kyoko was a beauty that few could resist, and Sachiko has inherited
her mother's looks even moreso than her sisters. (+2k0 deceit vs. opposite sex)
Voice (3 points): Sachiko's natural skills tend towards speaking, and her voice has been known to
soothe, excite, or dismay those who listen to her stories in equal measure, just as it can deceive those who listen too unwarily. (Free Raise on any roll
involving speaking abilities)
Quick (2 points): Spritely and mischievous, Sachiko's always seemed to be two steps ahead of
anyone chasing the young girl around her family's estate. (+1k0 initiative)
Precise Memory (3 points): Knowledge is worthless if it is not retained, and Sachiko has trained her
own mind for some time to recall even the slightest details of what she has learned.
Higher Purpose (2 points): Sachiko believes some profound revelation lies in the truth behind the
story of Bayushi and Shosuro, as well as why Shosuro vanished after founding her own family of the Soshi. This cause gives Sachiko purpose to shape her
Blessing of the Elements (4 points): Possessed of the appreciation for subtlety and misdirection,
Sachiko finds the kami of Air more welcoming than any other. (Expend one Void Point as Simple Action for +5 TN to be hit for one minute)
Benten's Blessing (3 points): Sachiko's dedication to the concept of romantic love has gained
the attention of its Fortune, who blessed her with considerable charm and beauty (+1k0 persuasion, +2k0 if person is attracted to her)
Allies (4 points): Sachiko's sister Ryoko married into the Asahina clan of the Crane, but the
sisters were and still are very close. While her husband's family's beliefs prevent her from acting openly, Ryoko would assist her sister secretly as
best she could with the resources she can wield within her husband's lands. (Influence: 2, Devotion: 2)
Disadvantages (10)
Evil Eye: (1 point) Sachiko's eyes are confusing among the superstitions of the Scorpion. Though
her left eye is the green of a woman in whom deceit has no place, her bright blue right eye is a stark contrast. As such, most Scorpion find it difficult to
trust her if they are aware of it.
Fascination: (1 point) Sachiko has always been a bright child, with a thirst for knowledge of the true
history of the Scorpion clan... which has gotten her in trouble with Scorpion outside her family. After all, sometimes the truth is better left buried, or so
other Scorpion would say.
Idealistic: (2 points) Sachiko's views of the Scorpion's duty are unusual, but she holds them
as more than mere guidelines. She is sorely disappointed by the more cynical of her clan (though as a proper Scorpion, she'd never say so out
loud), and finds others who struggle with their clan's social practices and their own views to be kindred spirits, whom she can't help liking at
least a little. (-1 extra rank for every rank of honor lost, but +1 honor gained for every 5 ranks gained)
Dark Secret (5 points) While Sachiko's parentage is unassailable at present, someone with the
right mind for Scorpion intrigue could probably turn the truth of the story to her family's disadvantage. (Obligation Disadvantage to anyone who learns her
Elemental Imbalance (1 point) While Sachiko's skill with Air and Water is as powerful as expected
of a shugenja of the Soshi, her ties to the Earth are a bit... quirky. She must focus especially much to prevent the spell from causing unexpected... side effects.
(Roll vs. Willpower vs. TN of 15 to succeed in casting any Earth element spell. If failed, spell misfires in way dictated by GM)
Artist's Touch: +1 rank to Acting and Storytelling
Soshi Shugenja School
Soshi's Whisper: Gain a free Raise when casting Secrets On The Wind, Reflective Pool, and Essence
of Air, as well as a free Raise on Stealth roll when attempting to cast a spell unnoticed. Secrets on the Wind as an innate ability.
Scroll Satchel
Traveling pack
7 koku
Sachiko is a somewhat tall (5'7") but slight (120ish pounds, but she'd never admit specifics) woman of striking appearance. Her shugenja kimono is
cut tastefully but in such a way as to flatter her appearance, bearing the mon of the Soshi family and decorated in the black and crimson of her clan. Long
black hair flows over her shoulders in an elaborate braid while her face is concealed behind an intricately worked mask in the shape of the Scorpion mon. But
true to form, the mask is more than first glance would reveal it to be. With the tail draped over her head to hold her hair, the scorpion's legs frame her
mismatched green and blue eyes, and the pincers coming together to form a permanent cheshire grin, the entire seemingly obvious representation of a Scorpion
also forms the grinning face of an oni worthy of a kabuki actor. Between this impressive mask and her own natural gifts, Sachiko is memorable to anyone who
sees her.
"But little frog," said the Scorpion "I can swim."
However, in Sachiko's satchel is another change of clothes, waiting for the time when her masters
observing her declare her ready. They are plain black robes and a wide brimmed straw hat, a Scorpion mon, and a simple mask of black and red. These are the
garments of a wandering shugenja of the Scorpion clan who claims no family and no home, but whom all the Soshi lands know of, tasked by his lord to walk their
lands and assist the common people. This is, of course, the truth....from a certain point of view. In truth, there have been many such shugenja, both calming
the populace and patrolling for potential rebellion or unrest. They are the feelers of the Soshi's information network, for many a peasant or samurai will
confess to a shugenja what he would never admit to another of his own profession, and the legends springing up about the Wandering Shugenja portray him as the
peak of trustworthiness from his many deeds of un-Scorpion-like charity and generosity. Sachiko is but the latest tasked with this, and while her gender is
wrong for the legends, once her skills with deception and disguise are suitably prepared, she knows that the masters of the Dojo of the Unseen Eye will call
upon her to take up the mantle like so many others.
Sachiko is, in many ways, both an archetypical and atypical Scorpion. Deception was her breastmilk and
influence her daily bread. Yet compared to some divisions of the Scorpion who emphasize cold logic over other, more emotional fields, Sachiko does not believe
that all actions driven by emotion are inherently weak compared to the Scorpion. The stories she heard from her mother growing up have influenced the path of
her education, and Sachiko learned very early that understanding how best to use an opponent's emotions begins from knowing what it is like to experience
them. Similarly, she retains her clan's obsession with loyalty and duty, but her definitions of what "fulfilling one's duty" entails might be
a bit more dynamic than some Scorpion elders would prefer... ..if they ever found out, that is. The first lesson that Sachiko learned from her mother is that to
deceive one's enemies, one must be able to deceive one's allies as well, and Sachiko has remained seen as the ideal Scorpion operative in any
environment, despite her unusual views.
In person, Sachiko lives up both to her birth name (meanng "happy child") and her
father's nickname for her (the scorpion's smile), being a pleasant, friendly, and overall enthusiastic young woman. Her voice tells that if her mask
weren't smiling, she would be anyway, and her quick wit and jokes lack the typical venom of the usual Scorpion proverbs, and she's even a bit of a
romantic, in keeping with her branch of the Soshi family's views on their clan's immortal founder. All in all, she's the epitome of the Scorpion
when throwing a party, just all the time, making her fairly friendly and amiable to be about... if you trust her. But one can't help but notice a glint of
sincerity in her bearing that most Scorpion lack. As if for all her clever words, she lets the truth out more often.
Sachiko makes no secret that she is of the Scorpion clan, with all that entails, and is often fond of
noting the various ways she could be deceiving those she's speaking to. In a way, she is honest about her dishonesty, mostly because few actually expect a
Scorpion to come out and say they're tricking you... .but are they really?
Sachiko traces a lot of her quirks back to her parents, who were hardly regular Scorpions themselves.
Her mother, Kyoko, was a high ranking member of the Soshi, but her love, Hanzo, was of no noble blood at all, leaving the two without any true way to be
together without a tragic end. However, Kyoko was a cunning Scorpion and had studied her father's teachings well. Even at as young an age as she was, she
had rolled up a considerable number of favors and blackmail of her own, and she put them to use, creating a false history for her beloved as a member of the
Shosuro family, inwardly chuckling at the grand joke of claiming Hanzo's nobility in a family founded by the same source as was rumored to be the founder
of their own. The deception worked, and Hanzo and Kyoko were wed with great celebration.
Years later, Kyoko suggested to her father that their first daughter be married off to cement an
alliance with a branch of the Asahina Crane, and the elder Scorpion agreed, seeing the benefit in such a proposal, and the Asahina representatives were
suitably swayed by the obvious love and care seen between Hanza and Kyoko to agree to the idea, feeling that perhaps these Scorpion were different. It was only
once the engagement was announced and celebrated that Kyoko revealed to her father the deception of her own marriage. Trapped between the public declaration of
his granddaughter's engagement and the sizable dishonor and insult that would result if such a thing were to become public, Kyoko's father acknowledged
her skillful maneuver and agreed that the couple would not be touched, not a day before a courtier from the Shosuro family attempted to use the information to
his advantage.
To this day, the Soshi have benefited from the shugenja knowledge shared between themselves and the
Asahina, allowing the pacifistic Asahina to believe they are preventing conflict with the Soshi by nonviolent means while gaining the secrets to press their
mastery of Air and Water even further among the Soshi's prized shugenja. Though she wears the white and powder blue of a Crane, Ryoko herself retained much
fame among her family in the Scorpion for her mastery of illusions learned from her husband's family.
Sachiko grew up with this story as one of the lessons about her clan: what one may see as weakness can
be turned to strength, for nothing is as it seems. If it were not for her mother deciding to marry her father, would she have honed her skills at deception so
well? And love is not a weakness, but a double-edged sword: only by being able to trust her husband to play his part for years allowed the gambit to pay off.
But it did, and reaped unexpected benefits for the Scorpion clan that could not have been obtained through other means.
As she grew older, Sachiko took this lesson to heart, and found it reinforced in the history of her clan which she studied so dutifully. Bayushi and Shosuro
were very much in love, and Sachiko saw it as a demonstration of love as well as duty that drove Shosuro to join the Thunders....and to swear that she would
return alive. The supposed death of Shosuro, and the legends in her family that the legendary Soshi was the woman herself, as well as Bayushi's
disappearance after Soshi vanished convinced the somewhat idealistic Sachiko that the two were, somehow, together, and that something important was contained
in the mysteries surrounding the tale.
This quest and her duties afterwards as a wandering shugenja shaped Sachiko's opinions of the duties of the Scorpion Clan. While they were certainly to
protect the Empire, it did no good if they were hated for no reason. The Scorpion parables were to demonstrate the folly of the other clans, not only so the
Scorpion would inevitably win, but so that their brother clans would learn from their mistakes, making the Empire as a whole a greater thing. The path of the
Scorpion was not to elevate themselves as first above all others, but to elevate the whole by forcing the other clans out of their complacency in their
methods. The irony of this opinion being held by a member of a clan rigidly defined by what best benefits itself was not lost on Sachiko, and so while she
dutifully fulfilled her lessons and became the shugenja that she was expected to be, she looked forward to using her travels to uplift those she comes into
contact with, that the Empire as a whole may slowly prosper.
And so Sachiko wanders, helping others in the name of the Scorpion while seeking knowledge of the tale of the lovers who founded her clan, certain that this
knowledge will help the Empire she is sworn to serve to prosper. But some secrets were kept secret for a reason...
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
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Nice quintessential Scorpion. I think her Insight should be 142, though. (Sum of rings *10 + total of skill points)
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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Ah, yeah. I can be middle-of-night dyslexic, yay. :lol:
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
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[22:15] VallesUF: ...Bad girl.
[22:15] VallesUF: Bad Mika!
[22:15] VallesUF: No biscuit!
[22:15] VallesUF: Mika: Why'd I want one? The biscuit game is -disgusting-.
[22:15] VallesUF: the -hell- do you know what that is?
[22:15] Hexane23: Some days the strange gods that live in Ise's head win, some days Mika does.
[22:15] VallesUF: Mika: Do you really want me to answer that?
[22:15] VallesUF: ...Um, no.
[22:16] Hexane23: Kanawa: A wise answer
[22:16] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Bad Mika, no mochi, then... :-)
[22:17] KerianValentine: Ise: *sigh* Trust me, she'll just steal it from me.
[22:17] KerianValentine: Ise: Not that I mind.
[22:17] DracoEbenium: Hayase: No mochi for Ise then either.
[22:18] VallesUF: ...No, Brain, 'Mochi' is not a euphamism, even in the plural.
[22:23] VallesUF: Yeah. Mika's... not the splendid sort.
[22:23] KerianValentine: Ise's a crane. Go go Craneage.
[22:23] * KerianValentine fistbumps Hayase.
[22:24] VallesUF: So, even besides the fact that her personal tastes are kinda plain, she's also stingy.
[22:24] DracoEbenium: Crane represent! *Throws gangsign*
[22:24] * KerianValentine , uh, does it regally.
[22:36] eowopmegs: Ise has quantum competence?
[22:36] KerianValentine: No
[22:36] YuushaOhGai: ::RETURNS::
[22:36] VallesUF: He has Obfuscatory Stupidity.
[22:36] KerianValentine: Ise only confides in his wife.
[22:36] eowopmegs: Yet, that doesn't quite defuse the physics joke.
[22:39] VallesUF: Zis iz troo.
[22:40] eowopmegs: Ise exists in quantum competenstate.
[22:49] YuushaOhGai: So much going on! XD
[22:50] VallesUF: *leeloo* Multitask! */leeloo*
[23:02] KerianValentine: But yes, focus please
[23:02] YuushaOhGai: Oh.
[23:02] YuushaOhGai: I found.
[23:02] KerianValentine: F
[23:02] KerianValentine: O
[23:02] KerianValentine: C
[23:02] KerianValentine: u
[23:02] KerianValentine: S
[23:02] YuushaOhGai: Yuusha Ou Tohofuhai.
[23:02] YuushaOhGai: (The AMV)
[23:02] KerianValentine: Focus. Send me that later.
[23:02] eowopmegs: Sachiko: *sits back, drinking her delicious tea, along with tea cakes. Which may or may not be lies.*
[23:55] Hexane23: V, take your dice back. Please
[23:56] VallesUF: Sorry, Dacia's still got hers.
[23:56] VallesUF: Those came from sonewhere else.
[23:56] * Hexane23 shakes fist at RNG
[23:56] KerianValentine: we have such a nice team. We're so friendly.
[23:57] Hexane23: Kanawa: It was nice meeting you Ise-san.
[23:57] Hexane23: Kanawa: Would you mind being my second?
[23:57] KerianValentine: Ise: yes.
[23:59] KerianValentine: Ise: I made a rule long ago that if I ever got married and wanted children, I'd never stick my neck out to die until I was certain my wife was good and pregnantt. ^^
[23:59] KerianValentine: Ise: I mean, in something I could turn down.
[23:59] KerianValentine: Ise: Obviously.
[23:59] VallesUF: Mika: *facepalm*
[00:00] Hexane23: Kanawa: nonono, I need someone to cut off my head after I gut myself.
[00:00] VallesUF: Mika: He's asking you to be his second, dip.
[00:00] KerianValentine: Ise: Oh not the duel sort of second! Okay.
[00:00] VallesUF: Mika: ...
[00:00] KerianValentine: Ise: I love you, Mika!
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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I've updated Hayase with 15 xp. It was 15, right? I ask because Ops says 18 up in Sachiko's character sheet.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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OK, Mika's updated pending GM approval.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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Looooooong session this time. Six and a half hours, give or take.
[20:29] YuushaOhGai: You have a husband to defend your honor.
[20:29] YuushaOhGai: And he's absurdly great with Iaijutsu.
[20:29] VallesUF: Yes, but she's a spear-wielder as her primary battle weapon.
[20:30] VallesUF: I could go with Athletics, if sex counts.
[22:48] YuushaOhGai: No. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with the mask.
[22:48] * KerianValentine nods.
[22:48] YuushaOhGai: Except that it's really, really pretty.
[22:48] YuushaOhGai: Both masks, actually.
[22:48] YuushaOhGai: Very, very pretty.
[22:48] VallesUF: And it rattles when Ise comes near it.
[22:48] YuushaOhGai: It's just the wind.
[22:48] YuushaOhGai: The shape of the mask just so happens to be conducive to catching wind.
[22:49] VallesUF: When her part-Fox-clan husband comes near the one that looks like a fox.
[22:49] eowopmegs: It's very conducive
[22:49] YuushaOhGai: No really. It's just wind.
[22:49] VallesUF: ...
[22:50] VallesUF: *secret* That's... not true. You're trying to trick us, aren't you? */secret*
[22:50] YuushaOhGai:
[22:50] YuushaOhGai: FIST OF THE NORTH ASH.
[22:50] YuushaOhGai: Why would I want to trick you? D=
[22:50] VallesUF: Because you're a GM?
[22:51] VallesUF: And you like watching us get all paranoid?
[22:51] YuushaOhGai: C'mon, can't I give you nice things with no strings attached sometimes?
[22:51] VallesUF: You could.
[22:51] Hexane23: ....
[22:51] VallesUF: Dunno yet that you -would-.
[22:51] KerianValentine: He says that, but really, he's mimicking something I said
[22:52] YuushaOhGai: O_o
[22:52] YuushaOhGai: What thing you said?
[22:52] YuushaOhGai: o_O
[22:52] KerianValentine: I'm pretty sure it was right before I put Tom's girlfriend in a coma
[22:52] YuushaOhGai: Hey now! I would never do that to Mika!
[22:52] KerianValentine: no no the
[22:52] VallesUF: *hides*
[22:52] YuushaOhGai: Her breasts are too valuable to the story!
[23:08] eowopmegs: ....I have to wonder if Sachiko's going to take one look at them and ask Mikasa if she's ever been exorcised.
[23:08] YuushaOhGai: (Her breasts are obviously possessed)
[23:08] VallesUF: (by a spirit of fertility)
[23:08] YuushaOhGai: (Mmm. Fertility.)
[23:22] eowopmegs: Just don't get the masks wet.
[23:22] eowopmegs: Or polish them after midnight
[23:23] YuushaOhGai: XD
[23:27] eowopmegs: *dramatic music STING*
[23:28] YuushaOhGai: DUN DUN DUNNNNN.
[23:29] YuushaOhGai: I promise to not abuse deus ex maskina too much, don't worry.
[00:19] YuushaOhGai: Damnit Matt.
[00:19] YuushaOhGai: You gave me your netphailitis.
[01:29] Hexane23: Kanawa: That's twice tonight someone's cast a retcon.
[01:29] YuushaOhGai: >_>
[01:29] YuushaOhGai: _>
[04:09] YuushaOhGai:
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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[23:09] VallesUF: kaBOING
[23:09] YuushaOhGai: Yuusha Oh Gai rolled 3 10-sided dice: 2 9 8
[23:09] YuushaOhGai: SUCCESS.
[23:10] VallesUF: Yojimbo does not stare? Openly?
[23:10] Hexane23: Do we want to know?
[23:10] VallesUF: Ha. Called it.
[00:41] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Here there are no annoying Dragons, making stupid enigmatic statements....
[00:41] VallesUF: ^_^
[00:42] Hexane23: Kanawa: Do not look for life's meaning, look only to live.
[00:42] Hexane23: Kanawa: *gets bopped on the head*
[00:43] DracoEbenium: *Hayase "loses" her grip on the spear, sending it at Kanawa.*
[00:44] Hexane23: Kanawa's Ghost: Ah, karma.
[00:44] DracoEbenium: Indeed.
[00:45] Hexane23: Kanawa's Ghost: You don't have to be quite so happy about it
[00:45] Hexane23: ^_^
[00:46] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Why would I be happy? You're still here, aren't you?
[00:47] Hexane23: Kanawa's Ghost: *innocent expression* Karma and shadows follow us all.
[01:07] Hexane23: Kanawa's Ghost: It's only a flesh wound
[01:07] Hexane23: Kanawa's Ghost: I'll be fine by next friday anyway.
[01:07] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Here, Kanawa, there's something on your kimono. *yanks out spear* There. That's got it.
[01:07] eowopmegs: At least, unless the head gets squished. Like a tomato.
[01:10] DracoEbenium: Oh, well. I think we have a couple of replacement heads over in the prop closet.
...slow night tonight.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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Short session and not a particularly funny night, what with scheduling and technical difficulties.
But we got started again, so that's not bad.
[22:18] KerianValentine: KerianValentine rolled 7 10-sided dice: 2 2 5 8 2 4 4
[22:18] KerianValentine: Unbelievable
[22:19] VallesUF: Dice pool of doom, man.
[22:19] DracoEbenium: Damn.
[22:19] YuushaOhGai: Wow.
[22:19] YuushaOhGai: You suck.
[23:16] DracoEbenium: Hayase would speak up, but I fear that would be dooooooom. Terrible stuttering doom.
[23:31] * KerianValentine straps on his pirate patch.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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[20:41] VallesUF: Wow, everybody -is- here.
[20:41] Hexane23: I'm scared
[20:42] DracoEbenium: *checks PC for smoke* I think I'm in the clear.
[20:42] YuushaOhGai: What.
[20:42] YuushaOhGai: @_@
[21:05] DracoEbenium: Descriptive file name. Covering all the pertinent points.
[21:06] VallesUF: ...indeed.
[21:06] eowopmegs: Me: ....why do I see Teana's thought bubble as "hmmm....proceed."?
[21:29] YuushaOhGai: Everyone but Kanawa is within the illusion.
[21:29] YuushaOhGai: Kanawa can, slightly, manipulate events within the illusion.
[21:30] VallesUF: Mikasa: I've mentioned that we're all going to die, right?
[21:30] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Several times.
[21:31] Hexane23: Kanawa: Mika-san, certainty murders possibility
[21:31] eowopmegs: Snrrrk.
[21:31] VallesUF: Mikasa: Huh?
[21:32] eowopmegs: Sachiko: if we get out of this Alice, you're going to have to take me shopping whenever you do from now on, you know.
[21:32] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Who are you talking to?
[21:33] VallesUF: Mikasa: ...oh...kayyy...
[21:33] Hexane23: Kanawa: *hands sachiko a small bottle of sake, labeled "drink me"*
[22:03] VallesUF: Mikasa: Well, you know, if any old kimono can hide them, then you haven't really got curves at all, do you, little girl?
[22:04] Hexane23: Kanawa: One suspects you are slightly biased.
[22:04] DracoEbenium: Okay. Zoe Bell has a lip ring. She just became hotter, which I didn't think was possible.
[22:05] KerianValentine: Ise: I agree with whatever my wife says on principle!
[22:05] eowopmegs: Sachiko: well, if I'm working it right, whether they're there or not won't matter in the first place.
[22:05] VallesUF: Mikasa: Well, yeah. More to the point, putting it like that makes all the catty jealous bitches go absolutely -spare-.
[22:05] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Mostly because you won't have anyone to sleep with if you don't, Ise.
[22:05] Hexane23: Kanawa: Ah, a worthy goal Kakita-san
[22:06] VallesUF: Mikasa: Isn't that the truth? ^_^
[22:11] KerianValentine: Ise: You say this like it's a bad thing?
[22:20] KerianValentine: I like to think Ise's idiocy is a defense mechanism
[22:20] KerianValentine: "Gosh, these guys are mean"
[22:20] DracoEbenium: He's a kind soul.
[22:20] YuushaOhGai: One moment.
[22:20] eowopmegs: Sachiko: ...*puts another coin in the Bribe the Kami for nontraumatic upbringing jar*
[22:21] DracoEbenium: Hayase: We are the Social Misfit Squad. Did you get your t-shirt?
[22:21] VallesUF: Mika: Hey! Falling out of the rigging is -not- traumatic!
[22:21] VallesUF: Mika: Kinda scary, maybe, but...
[22:22] DracoEbenium: Mikasa and Ise didn't have a traumatic upbringing, just a very unusual one for the average Rokugani. Most people think they're rude and weird.
[22:22] VallesUF: Which, being fair...
[22:22] DracoEbenium: They are.
[22:22] VallesUF: They kinda are, respectively.
[22:22] Hexane23: Kanawa: Social misfit?
[22:22] DracoEbenium: Actually they're both kinda rude and weird.
[22:22] VallesUF: 'They say I'm crazy but I have a good time...'
[22:22] DracoEbenium: Hayase: You're a Dragon. You're all weird.
[22:23] VallesUF: Mikasa: What the cactus-lady said.
[22:23] Hexane23: Kanawa: But doesn't that mean I'm a normal Dragon, and therefore not weird?
[22:23] KerianValentine: Ise: ...weird.
[22:23] VallesUF: Mikasa: That makes you wierd for us, doesn't it?
[22:24] Hexane23: Kanawa: *Sighs at Ise's comment and breaks out the scroll* Just say something interesting tonight, ok?
[22:24] KerianValentine: Ise: ...I...okay?
[22:24] KerianValentine: Ise; ...what qualifies as 'interesting'?
[22:24] Hexane23: Kanawa: How should I know, you're the one who's wisdom I'm writting down.
[22:25] KerianValentine: Ise: ...wisdom?
[22:25] KerianValentine: Ise: it wisdom if I just do what I usually do?
[22:25] VallesUF: Mikasa: Did your grandma used to say anything about kitsune? The spirits, not the clan.
[23:30] YuushaOhGai: You are in the scene as soon as you do something to merit your attention.
[23:30] DracoEbenium: Ah.
[23:30] YuushaOhGai: Something I do not recommend in the middle of a Daimyo's court.
[23:31] eowopmegs: *Sachiko buys stock in roadside stalls*
[23:31] Hexane23: ok this is 4k2
[23:31] Hexane23: Hexane23 rolled 4 1-sided dice: 1 1 1 1
[23:31] DracoEbenium: Hayase puts on her all-black kabuki stagehand's outfit. "Nothing here. Please move along."
[23:45] VallesUF: This story seems to have the worlds' -bounciest- narrator, or something...
[23:45] eowopmegs: Sachiko: Decent means? Ohhhh, so you *are* from a sailing family. > 
[23:46] DracoEbenium: Enter SERVANT, stage left.
[23:46] VallesUF: Mikasa: Um, sure? Actually, I was just thinking how the story I heard ended with some girl being found on the road leading to the family house with her face chewed off.
[23:46] KerianValentine: Ise: Well I'm paying more attention to the narrator than the story...
[23:46] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Follow the bouncing breasts, eh, Ise?
[23:46] VallesUF: Mikasa: Good husband; remind me to give you ... a cookie... later.
[23:46] KerianValentine: Ise: Am I not allowed to appreciate my wife's body?
[23:47] Hexane23: Duel independent suspension samurai-ko Mikasa?
[23:47] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Far be it from me to school an old married couple on their privileges....
[23:47] VallesUF: Mikasa: *eyetwitch* ...Old?
[23:50] Hexane23: Kanawa: *to Mika* You are the very picture of youth and vitality... Obaasan.
[23:51] eowopmegs: Sachiko: when you mentioned lacking decent ways to derail fate, the first thing that came to mind was "Ah, my first starring role in doujin."
[23:52] VallesUF: Mikasa: Well, a gang of smelly bandits isn't really what I'd call the best way to start off that side of the career, but at least there wouldn't be any tentacles involved?
[23:52] VallesUF: Mikasa: Probably.
[23:52] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Hopefully.
[23:53] DracoEbenium: Hayase: *holds up bento* Tako?
[23:53] VallesUF: Mikasa: Sweet, sweet revenge. Yes, please!
[00:23] VallesUF: Mika: Psst. Smack him with a ward.
[00:24] VallesUF: Mika: Needs to be you 'cause you're funnier than I am.
[00:24] VallesUF: Mika: If we turn the entire thing into a farce, then everybody lives.
[00:24] VallesUF: Mika: So get out your ofuda, dear, or it's the couch for you.
[00:24] Hexane23: I just got an image of Ise as a travelling evangellical preacher... it was kind of silly.
[00:41] eowopmegs: Sachiko: main character plot twist priveleges.
[00:41] DracoEbenium: And now, ladies and gentlemen, a Scorpion tap dance....
[00:41] Hexane23: Remember, the pincers are only a distraction
[00:42] VallesUF: "Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gaaaaaallll..."
[00:42] VallesUF: "Send me a kiss by wire, baby my heart's on fire!"
[00:42] VallesUF: "If you refuse me, honey, ya lose me-"
[00:42] VallesUF: *hook cane*
[00:42] VallesUF: "YIPE!"
[00:45] YuushaOhGai: >_>
[00:45] YuushaOhGai: Nutjobs.
[00:52] VallesUF: ...ahahahahaha.
[00:52] Hexane23: Kanawa: Perhaps we should stand a little farther back
[00:52] eowopmegs: Sachiko: *pull chain*
[00:53] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Easy for you to say. I'm sitting right behind her.
[00:53] eowopmegs: Sachiko: *halo*
[00:53] VallesUF: Mikasa: Oh god, oh god, we're all going to die.
[00:53] Hexane23: Kanawa: Oh, well... I'll try and find you a very nice urn for your ashes?
[00:53] VallesUF: Mikasa: Really? Thanks, you're a peach!
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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Threads: 148
Joined: Sep 2002
[00:09] eowopmegs: Sachiko: Mmm. And I hear Mantis eat their mates' heads afterwards.
[00:10] DracoEbenium: Hayase: No, no. That's mantis. Mantis just kick them overboard.
[00:10] VallesUF: Mikasa: It's a valuable... household... skill.
[00:11] KerianValentine: Ise: I'm holding off on any comments relating to eating the heads of mates for a variety of reasons!
[00:11] VallesUF: Mikasa: Well, that -is- what they -call- it...
[00:11] eowopmegs: Sachiko: Comprehension is a multiple-faceted thing, yes.
[00:12] Hexane23: Kanawa: Ah the things I missed with my father being... dead.
[00:12] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Are you sure he wasn't just meditating?
[00:12] Hexane23: Kanawa: Technically he was.
[00:13] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Soooo, he meditated himself to death?
[00:13] eowopmegs: Sachiko: I didn't learn any of that from my -father-
[00:14] Hexane23: Kanawa: Probably not Hayase-san but okaa-san cut her hair not long after I was born, and I know very little else.
[00:14] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Ah. ... Awkwaaard....
[00:15] Hexane23: Kanawa: That is something of an understatement.
[00:16] VallesUF: Mikasa: So, where -did- you learn that, cousin mine?
[00:18] eowopmegs: Sachiko: Mother didn't just pick Father out of a hat before she married him. *grin*
[00:18] VallesUF: Mikasa: *giggle, boingy* Less traumatic than my introduction, probably.
[00:20] VallesUF: Mikasa: There was this guy who owed me money, you see - he'd lost at dice - and he'd holed up in a certain quarter of the port.
[00:20] VallesUF: Mikasa: Y'know, the part with the lanterns?
[00:21] KerianValentine: Ise: I want to hear this slightly less than I want to go stab myself~
[00:21] eowopmegs: Sachiko: Mmm. Low bridge?
[00:21] VallesUF: Mikasa: The sort with the lanterns.
[00:22] Hexane23: Kanawa: I'm from up in the mointains, and even I know what you mean Kakita-san.
[00:23] VallesUF: Mikasa: So, yeah. I think those Neechans thought I was cute or something. I, ah, got a lot of advice.
[00:23] VallesUF: Mikasa: -And- I got my money! Win/win!
[00:24] eowopmegs: Sachiko: And here all I got was a book Mother bought from the Unicorn.
[00:25] VallesUF: Mikasa: ...There's books for that?
[00:26] eowopmegs: Sachiko: Yes. I was confused at first. I thought it was an instruction manual for polearms.
[00:27] VallesUF: Mikasa: Well, depending on the kind of guy...
[00:46] VallesUF: Mikasa: Also, stretching like so - *stretches* - makes my boobs stick out, and the fox -does- seem to be a guy, so.
[00:47] eowopmegs: Sachiko: In some cases, cousin, I don't think it matters.
[00:48] VallesUF: Mikasa: What, they don't need the help or this one doesn't care?
[00:49] eowopmegs: Sachiko: Sometimes, like here, I don't think it matters if it looks like a guy or a girl regarding it's chances of being taken with your chest.
[00:49] VallesUF: Mikasa: Yeah, that happens sometimes.
[00:49] VallesUF: Mikasa: But if that's what they think I'm trying, they don't think about where I keep my swords.
[01:34] KerianValentine: But this isn't one of the Dragons, this is a Kitsune trying to make a confusing point
[01:35] YuushaOhGai: Confusing? It's saying FUCK YOUR SOCIETY. IT'S MESSED UP.
[01:35] VallesUF: Mikasa: You ate her FACE! That goes beyond evil! That's insane fox logic!
[01:35] * KerianValentine kicks around Ise commenting on this.
[01:36] YuushaOhGai: XD
[01:36] VallesUF: Mikasa: Shut the fuck up, Hannibal!
[02:42] VallesUF: Mikasa: *floats*
[02:42] Hexane23: Kanawa: *considers the single female members of the party* Right, mountain it is.
[02:42] DracoEbenium: Hayase: *sits down in the onsen* Too shallow. Again.
[02:43] eowopmegs: Sachiko: *settles* I dunno. It strikes me as juuuuuuust right. -lazy grin-
[02:44] YuushaOhGai: Snrk.
[02:44] YuushaOhGai: XD
[02:44] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Don't make me shove you under, shorty.
[02:44] YuushaOhGai: I think she'd like that.
[02:44] VallesUF: Mikasa: What? I didn't say anything!
[02:45] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Not you. The other shorty.
[02:45] VallesUF: Mikasa: Oh, okay. *closes her eyes and sinks back, bobbing a bit*
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Posts: 2,311
Threads: 148
Joined: Sep 2002
[20:57] eowopmegs: Sachiko: *harisen smack!*
[20:57] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Sachiko, why are you hitting yourself?
[20:57] VallesUF: Mikasa:, uh, which way's home?
[20:58] eowopmegs: Sachiko: Rassafrassin' non-4th wall breaking paper fans.
[21:04] eowopmegs: Sachiko: so we're dependent on Ise....ah. I have an idea but we may want Hayase to go around behind a tree. And plugging her ears. Possibly humming something.
[21:05] VallesUF: Mikasa: Is this going to involve anything I'm going to have to go all jealous about?
[21:05] DracoEbenium: Hayase: I believe you underestimate my tolerance for the fool.
[21:06] Hexane23: Kanawa: You hide it well.
[21:06] eowopmegs: Sachiko: No! You motivate him far better than I would. It's natural...ahem... talent.
[21:06] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Thank you, Kanawa, but I'm still not talking to you.
[21:06] VallesUF: Mikasa: People seem to think I'm fortunate in that regard. What do you need done, then?
[21:08] eowopmegs: Sachiko: we need to motivate Ise. So motivate him.
[21:08] Hexane23: Kanawa: I really don't suppose you'd care to listen to an explanation, Hayase-san?
[21:08] eowopmegs: I promise not to watch.
[21:08] eowopmegs: Sachiko: much.
[21:08] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Will there be mochi involved in this explanation?
[21:09] VallesUF: Mikasa: Hmmm... All right.
[21:09] eowopmegs: Sachiko: it depends. Is that a euphimism?
[21:09] Hexane23: Kanawa: *glances around Chikushudo* When I can find some, yes.
[21:09] VallesUF: Mikasa: *leans on Ise's shoulder, cuddling one of his arms warmly*
[21:09] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Then, when you do, I may deign to listen to your expanation.
[21:09] VallesUF: Mikasa: *whisperwhisperwhisper*
[21:10] Hexane23: Kanawa: *sighs*
[21:10] DracoEbenium: We had a Matsu in a previous game that could be distracted from the target of her rages by mochi. It was useful to keep a supply.
[21:10] eowopmegs: Sachiko: after all, the GM's said her breasts are integral to the plot. Clearly, this is one of their many practical applications.
[21:11] VallesUF: Mikasa: Mochi, huh? I can think of a couple things to do with those...
[21:11] DracoEbenium: Hayase: *blinkblink* They're food....
[21:12] DracoEbenium: Hayase: You eat them.
[21:12] VallesUF: Mikasa: *grins* Off of?
[21:12] Hexane23: Kanawa: You bribe Crane's with them
[21:12] DracoEbenium: Hayase: *blushes* Oh.
[21:12] VallesUF: Mikasa: *giggle*
[21:12] VallesUF: Mikasa: You're adorable, you know that?
[21:13] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Thanks, I think.
[22:25] KerianValentine: 35
[22:25] KerianValentine: No
[22:25] KerianValentine: I want to know EVERYTHING
[22:25] DracoEbenium: Be careful. Knowing Everything could cause Ise's head to explode.
[22:25] KerianValentine: Yeah so
[22:25] Hexane23: Well, if anyone wondered how Mika's bust was integral to the plot.
[22:26] DracoEbenium: The Crane is a Crane. A young Crane who still believes all the PR. Give her time.
[22:26] YuushaOhGai: Pahahaha.
[22:26] eowopmegs: Sachiko: I told you!
[23:13] VallesUF: //roll-dice 4-sides10
[23:13] VallesUF: VallesUF rolled 4 10-sided dice: 1 8 10 3
[23:13] Hexane23: Hexane23 rolled 4 10-sided dice: 6 8 6 2
[23:13] VallesUF: //roll-dice 1-sides10
[23:13] VallesUF: VallesUF rolled 1 10-sided die: 10
[23:13] DracoEbenium: Boom!
[23:13] VallesUF: //roll-dice 1-sides10
[23:13] VallesUF: VallesUF rolled 1 10-sided die: 8
[23:13] Hexane23: 21 before minuses
[23:13] YuushaOhGai: Yeah, you both avoid pissing off the crow, and Mika apparantly seduces it.
[23:13] DracoEbenium: 39 for Mika.
[23:54] VallesUF: ...without someone shoving it in her face. Left to her own devices she'd just use the story as a 'lie' to tell while trading sea stories in a dockside dive.
[23:55] eowopmegs: Sachiko: Unfortunately her cousin can have a very large mouth.
[23:56] VallesUF: Mikasa: Well, if I go around telling some tall tale of gods and demons people're gonna think I'm stone drunk -anyway-, so why not roll with it?
[23:56] VallesUF: Mikasa: It's not like I've got anything to gain by being famous anyway.
[23:56] DracoEbenium: So she thinks.
[23:57] Hexane23: Kanawa: "Be more concerned with good actions than great ones."
[23:57] YuushaOhGai: Heh.
[23:57] YuushaOhGai: You don't know how prophetic that is, Hex.
[23:58] VallesUF: Mikasa: Well, I've got honorable work, good food and a roof over my head, and I get to get boned brainless every night by the most gorgeous man I've ever met.
[23:58] eowopmegs: Sachiko: it's all in the presentation. Legendary tales start with "Long ago in a distant land. Drunkard stories start with "no shit, there I was..."
[23:58] VallesUF: Mikasa: What more -could- I want?
[23:58] Hexane23: I blame John Wick (as I got that directly from the way of the dragon)
[23:58] DracoEbenium: Hayase: The sages also say: "May you live in interesting time, may you come to the attention of those in power, and may you get everything you wish for."
[23:58] Hexane23: Kanawa: Who pissed them off that badly?
[23:59] VallesUF: Mikasa: Not it!
[23:59] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Some hero, I would imagine.
[00:00] Hexane23: Kanawa: Poor bastard
[00:00] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Yes. I would hate to be that person. *looks through Fourth Wall.*
[00:00] eowopmegs: So...does the crow use Ise as a dousing rod now?
[00:01] VallesUF: Mikasa: Oh god, oh god, we're all going to die.
[00:01] DracoEbenium: Hayase: And with an attitude like that, you could become Clan Champion.
[00:01] Hexane23: Kanawa: I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar?
[00:01] VallesUF: Someone pry X away from his dinosaur and let's find out?
[00:01] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Well, I'm big. Who's damned?
[00:02] Hexane23: Kanawa: does possesion by a spirit from Otosan-Uchi count?
[00:02] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Sure.
[00:02] Hexane23: Kanawa: Then that would be me, I think.
[00:02] YuushaOhGai: Hahahahahaaaa.
[00:02] KerianValentine: I'm here.
[00:02] YuushaOhGai: Kanawa.
[00:02] KerianValentine: *I'm here.
[00:02] YuushaOhGai: You're not possessed.
[00:02] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Well, then we're big, damn heroes.
[00:02] KerianValentine: I just lost track of everything.
[00:02] KerianValentine: (I left the battlefield a bit ago)
[00:03] VallesUF: Mika seduced a crow god.
[00:03] VallesUF: On accident.
[00:03] Hexane23: Kanawa: I'm not? What's the bad news, then?
[01:39] DracoEbenium: Hayase is about to do something really stupid. Strength + Athletics to grab Yojimbo and then throw Kanawa up onto her other shoulder.
[01:39] YuushaOhGai: Lawl.
[01:39] YuushaOhGai: XD
[01:39] DracoEbenium: DracoEbenium rolled 4 10-sided dice: 2 10 4 10
[01:39] DracoEbenium: Hah!
[01:39] Hexane23: huh, and here Kanawa was about to shove Yojimbo into her arms
[01:39] YuushaOhGai: GodDAMN!
[01:39] DracoEbenium: DracoEbenium rolled 2 10-sided dice: 10 10
[01:39] DracoEbenium: Hah!
[01:39] YuushaOhGai: ...
[01:39] YuushaOhGai: dfja;dlfhasl;dh
[01:39] VallesUF: Holy -SHIT-.
[01:39] DracoEbenium: DracoEbenium rolled 2 10-sided dice: 5 4
[01:39] DracoEbenium: 49!
[01:39] YuushaOhGai: ::JAW TO FLOOR::
[02:21] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Kanawa?
[02:21] KerianValentine: God damn you, Saachez
[02:21] Hexane23: Kanawa: Yes Hayase-san?
[02:21] DracoEbenium: Hayase: I don't love you.
[02:22] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Just so you know.
[02:22] Hexane23: Kanawa: I was not worried about that, but thank you anyway.
[02:22] DracoEbenium: Hayase: Well, they were getting all out, so I felt left out.
[02:22] Hexane23: Kanawa: I understand.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Posts: 2,311
Threads: 148
Joined: Sep 2002
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) /me knnucklecracks.
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Iaijutsu + Reflexes = Attack
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Keep...what
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) Void, or Stat?
VallesUF: Reflexes, I think.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) *Nod*
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Reflexes.
VallesUF: So, for Ise, 8k3
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Hot -damn-
[Rokugan ooc]: kerianvalentine rolled 8 10-sided dice: 10 6 9 1 1 8 7 9
[Rokugan ooc]: kerianvalentine rolled 1 10-sided die: 10
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) ...
[Rokugan ooc]: kerianvalentine rolled 1 10-sided die: 10
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) WHAT.
[Rokugan ooc]: kerianvalentine rolled 1 10-sided die: 2
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Muhahaha
VallesUF: ...
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Lf;lkasjg;a
[Rokugan ooc]: (eowopmegs) So, lacking a weapon, what shall Sachiko do that won't kill her with the backlash... :lol
VallesUF: Kanawa whacked the sucker for 63 damage.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) O_o
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Hot -damn-
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) Uh, Sachiko can.
VallesUF: Putting it at 188
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) There's a piece left over. Someone will either resurect it or use it to make something even worse.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) In-deed-
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) ::Winks at Ops::
VallesUF: Mikasa: Oh god, oh god, we're all going to die.
VallesUF: Mikasa: But first, sleep.
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) You say that every time I send you somewhere 'warm and inviting,' Mika.
VallesUF: Mikasa: This way, all my surprises are pleasant ones!
VallesUF: Mikasa: And I do -not-.
[Rokugan ooc]: (hexane23) Kanawa: She's picked up on a theme in your stories
[Rokugan ooc]: (kerianvalentine) How do I spend EXP again
VallesUF: Mikasa: Sometimes I say, 'Fuck me harder, Ise!'
VallesUF: *player stares at Mika*
VallesUF: Mikasa: What?
[Rokugan ooc]: (yuushaohgai) ...
VallesUF: ...nothing.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."