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possiblity of a STF
possiblity of a STF
after doing just about nearly every TF blue side with Ds (and a fair few of the trails) there is on TF left that i would love to try

The Statesman Task force.

now i know theres little chance of me getting this up and runnig (seeing as every time i try to start a Tf it fails to form or we can't finish it) i
thought i would ask hear and see if we could arange it.

time and date? when ever i'm on really (so prettey much all the time).

would love to hear if anyone wants to help me do this.

I'll be gone from my gaming machine from the 4th to the 11th, but from the 12th on, I'm pretty much available every Monday-Wednesday. Any other day,
and we'd have to do it so early in the day that it'd be done by 4PM PST before I head into work, or way later than most folks want to stay up on
Thursday(as I get off at 11PM PST then)

But if the timing can be set up, I can tank it on Demo.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
Sadly Im away from my gaming rig unill the 2nd

but I'd be up for it sometime after that. If we are delaying untill the 11th I might even get my emp/ice defender high enough (with happy happy aoe sleep).
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Well, Z, Ran, and myself will be on New Years Eve (Ringing in the new year by wringing bad guy necks). We may be TF capable that evening.

Though at some point I'll need to do a Respec TF for Sil
What's the minimum level? I'd like to try it just once, to say that I've done it. Probably have to bring Tachiko.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
STF is 45+ and you need REALLY GOOD team synergy. Final fight alone requires two tanks (like most runs of the ITF) and two defs.

Vs. UBER-Recluse: One tank does nothing but taunt while being healed by a def, keeping Reccy away from the rest of the team, who is busy wrecking his buff pylons. It is VITAL that nobody attacks Reccy in this phase, or else he spawns ZOMGRAEP number of Bane spider bosses to pwn the team. Also add the Arachnos Flyer is patrolling the statue square after you take out the Patrons.

Hmmm. I have three toons I can bring to this, if I'm not with my folks babysitting for my sister New Year's Eve...

Wide Receiver 50 Inv/SS tank
Original Foxboy 50 Fire/Fire scrapper
QB Kitsune 45 or 46 Dark/Archery Def
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
I would have Sil

Silindria 50 Fire/Fire scrapper

I think she's the only one that qualifies
OK. That means I can't do it at all, yet. Sigh. Time to go PL Sakura-chan.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Hmm. Sunspot is 50 and up for anything. Silhouette I think is either low 40's or getting close to 45. She's
dark/dark defender, so that would give you both a healer and a debuffer in one package. She was specifically tailored to be used in the new Reichmann task
force, so if I can get her into range, she should be effective.

On redside, I've got Reiten to 43. Not quite in range for the Recluse Strike Force, but close.
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
no way I'll be having anyone in that range by then. Sad

I'll be around, of course, Like DS I'm just about always on unless I'm asleep or dealing with rl...

*Miricle Max Impersonation* Have fun storming the Castle!!!
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
-fistshakes at DS- CURSE YOU!

My computer's still in Alaska. I would SO do this.

Only really need one tank and a sh-ton of ranged dmg dealers.

Once GW is taunted stay away from her at all cost.

Stack CM and other immob protections on the tank. Like 10+ stacking on the tank.

Once you get to Recluse 4 should do nicely but leave a buffer with the tank while group takes down the towers one at a time.

Good Luck and hopefully I'll see ya'll do this again... for the masters badge.
I'll be bringing Emet to the fray, if I'm not dragged off thurs (I'll try and update). I've only done it tanking, and I can manage Chuckles and his Laughing Boys. I will say it is not as necessary to have 2 tanks on the STF as the ITF, but you do have to have a tank. Recluse will eat a dozen of "I'm a scrapper, only tougher" tanks. The one thing you absolutly must have (!) is hold protection for your tank. Ghost Widow does a 100 Mag hold that does enough DoT to kill anything if it hits (around 300 a tick). This means you need one of: Kin for Increse Density, Sonic for Clarity, Emp for Clear Mind.
Blasters are a plus for Ghost Widow, but it is possible to do with only scrappers. An Emp *really* makes this easier, and would take a lot of the chance out of the last fight, but it is possible without. One other very important thing for the damage crew: REPAIRMEN MUST DIE! They can undo all of your hard work in seconds by healing the towers, and even rebuilding ones you've destroyed.

If I do manage to get in on this, I'll let the team know what's going on, and the way I think is the way to approach it, in case you haven't done it before or don't know what the team is doing. This has gotten me in hot water before, so I really don't want to seem like I'm trying to cram strategy down your throat (and this isn't a PuG so it isn't perfect or quit), but it is the way I am familiar with and know how to get things done. I'm a little antsy on my tanking when we really need good communication and teamwork. Also, a lotta PuGs will respond to clear directions. So if any of this sounds a bit forceful, I'm just trying to help drawing on my experiences.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
I would love to try and do this. I hope we can get it right this time. I've been on teams (I think it was with you fine folks) attempting this a couple of
times in the past with Cyberman 8 and it all came to naught. IIRC we never even got to Lord Recluse himself. It was GHOST WIDOW that was the problem. We just
could NOT take her down at the time. Does anyone remember why?
The occassion I recall with Cyberman, the reason was that we ended up getting three AVs at once -- Scirocco, Ghost Widow, and Cap'n Mako. A bad pull, in
other words. The problem is, if a bad pull happens, its VERY hard to recover, because they seem to be sensitized, for lack of a better word, after that -- and
pulling just one becomes impossible.

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
(why won't Yuku let me edit? Wierd.)

I'll note that Rhea -- Emerald Blast -- is an emp/rad defender who has been on five successful STF runs and three flubs. If we need an emp -- and we need
a healer, there's no question -- I can bring her to the party. Her and Emet are used to holding Laughing Boy for a half-hour at a stretch while the rest
of the team beats up the towers.

(Ops... psst... med-bot needs levels! Smile )

If we have sufficient heals without her, I've got Bill, for archery blaster goodness (boosted Rain of Arrows on a 38-second recharge, whee!); Scraps, who
likes mako-sushi and is all but immune to holds and immobs, and Ruff, who is likewise all-but-immune but isn't nearly as tough a tank as Emet or Demo (his
build is not yet complete, dagnabbit). He'd be good for the tower cleanup, I think, but not so much for Chuckles himself.

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
Quote: Vyperpunk wrote:

-fistshakes at DS- CURSE YOU!

My computer's still in Alaska. I would SO do this.

well, in all honsety, i'm not seeing this happen till late jan, early Feb. this could be me being pesamistic/realistic Tongue

okay, but listening to what all of you have said, i need to start arangeinf what i need for it, Ds is a bastler (not as big a glass cannon as he was but still
squishy Tongue) os that means the remaind ing seven has to be.. 2 tanks (OM and Ankh have shown interrst) 2 buff/healers leaving 3 slots for hopefult moar damage.

if i got it wrong, feel free to yell at me Tongue

The only things required (and by 'required' I mean I've done it only by the skin of my teeth and good luck) are one solid tank, and someone to give mez protection. From there you could supposedly pack on all blasters and scrappers, but teams are rarely that sided. A second tank (Demo's damage another merit entierly) is only useful as a tank for handling any Banes that slip by me on the last fight and not dieing. Ranged damage is slightly preferential as with that I can be tanking Ghost Widow, and not worrying about her getting a full PBAoE Drain-Heal at Melee (which would pop her back up to 75% at least), but it can be done with a little trickery with only melee damagers. If we bring along a Controller, one with an Immob would be preferred. Force Field could also be nice, as Defense would benefit Emet more than Sonics Resist, but every little buff helps.

If we have the requisite mez protect, tank, and enough people, I believe it can be done, regardless of composition. It's just teamwork, strategy, and persistence from there.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Guess I'll have to work on getting Sil respeced ASAP and hopefully get a number of those IO sets I need.

Do note though DS, I have never done a STF before. So there may be some things I'm not familiar with when running one.

but we all gotta learn somehow.
Neither has DS. You're in good company. Though looking at the schedules, it may not be until sometime January we have the people for it. I've got
things to attend to this weekend, but may be available next week. Gather up the people, then we can figure out a time.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
okay, i guess i should start makeing a list of who i want on the TF then. Tongue

I would love to join as well. Letsee... 45+? I've got 3 in that range. Riposte Sabre, BS/WP Scrapper. Rainier Ice, Cold/Ice Defender. Or Purrfect Arrow,
Arch/Dev Blaster. I also have Quicksilver, Inv/EnM Tank, but it sounds like we've got enough tanks along already and she's already done the STF.

As for days... I have Mondays and Tuesdays off work. And the rest of the week I work evenings, 1pm to 10pm Pacific Time. So the best timing for me is a Monday
or Tuesday.
okay, so heres a rought list of who i would like on it.

Spud, Ankh and Vyper, they have ran mulitpels so i'll be realying on them to tell me how not to stuff it up

Ran and Base will be on it (they asked very nicely) so thats Patti (invun/Super Strenght tank) and Sil (Fire/Fire scraper)

that leaves 2 slots left, feel free to sling abuse/sujestions based of who i picked

Well, I'll be bringing Emet for this, so Tanking is covered (Patti'll be good for covering my stony behind). If Spud brings Rhea, Vyp could get Tish
and we'd have support covered. That just leaves damage to cover, which I'd like to see a few blasters, but it's not required, as we should be able
to do it with scrappers if we have Tish and Emet immob-ing GW.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
if Dad and Work permit, As I've said before, I can bring a Tank (inv/ss), a scrapper(fire/fire), or a Defender (dark/archery)
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Well, I'd be more than happy to bring the firepower. Rena (Energy/Energy Blaster)could use the fun. Also, I've got Drenivian (45 Inv/War Mace
Tanker), Melissa Lothar (45 Empathy/Ice Defender), Plasma Sabre (45 Fire/Fire Scrapper), and last but not least Shizuru (50 Mind/Sonic Controller)

As for time. Well, any night this upcoming week is good for me, Except Sunday and Thursday. Just hit me up on Skype if it comes down and I'm not on.
In the epic rage of furious thunder
legends create their tales
when the twilight calls and the dark lord falls
our glory will prevail

[Image: strikersetcfinal9_th.jpg]
In the epic rage of furious thunder
legends create their tales
when the twilight calls and the dark lord falls
our glory will prevail

[Image: strikersetcfinal9_th.jpg]

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