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Story detail request: Reunions 4
Story detail request: Reunions 4
I like incorporating other people's characters where I can, and in Reunions I'm drawing on a large cast already -- but there's one scene where I think I can tap the collective creativity of the group to better effect than relying on my own imagination.  So, I present you with an out-of-context snippet and a question:
If any of your characters were attending the party described below, and they chose to come as a villain, what villain would it be?
Quote:The Legendary base wasn't a nightclub or a bar, and it wasn't a
speakeasy or bistro or jazz hole or pub or tavern or restaurant or any
single one of these things.  It somehow managed to be all of them at
once without being tacky -- though privately thought the tiki
torches were a bit overkill -- and had a reputation as the spot
to hold a party, at least among its allies -- and if word on the street
was to be believed, among the general hero populace as well.  The D was
still the place to go, but if you couldn't get in or if you wanted
something a bit less exotic, the Legendary base was... legendary.
was the annual Bring Your Own Villain party, something Mag Flashlight
and Pooky Da Imp had cooked up over beers, shrimp, and a
liquid-oxygen-fueled hibachi -- the former claiming strict sobriety and
complete innocence, the latter unable to recall events clearly but quite
certain that it had been a good idea at the time.  Perhaps
unsurprisingly, it had caught on, and there was much innuendo and barb
flying around at the choices those who had elected to be the villains
had made.  Some had thrown themselves into it wholeheartedly, some less
so, and then others...
blinked as Hamidon oozed by, and thought briefly that that had to be the most clever use of a
personal force field ever.
Let me know who the character is, and what villain -- doesn't have to be signature, can be their own personal nemesis or whatever.  Add a short description if you'd like.  I won't guarantee to use everyone but I'll be more than happy to try. Smile
(If you'd like to volunteer to be the Hamidon costume, feel free -- right now I have no idea who it is, but they've got screen time.)

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
I'll throw in with 2 of mine Spud.

Dark Seraph as Lord Nemesis and Neph as Ghost Widow.

Seraph would enjoy a laugh acting as a fake nemesis while Neph... she probaly mugged a Widow for her costume. (the problem being finding a Widow in her size Tongue)

Emet could possibly be the sorta-Bouncer, maybe with Emet as a Granite DE. Amber has PFF, but I have no good idea why she'd dress up as Hami. Kinda fits though, with the Dispatch work I imagine she does when not on screen. (Which is a lot)

I've plenty of characters that love to party, though one would likely need to Get A Room, and another's idea of a 'party' involves too much drugs&alcohol and a huge brawl, so o.o If you need more, I can spin reasons.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Heart of Artemis would show up in her original uniform (KoA cammo), with a collection of appropriate ultra-conservative feminist tracts that, upon further reading, are actually cunningly disguised satires of Knives of Artemis manifestos. Blackstone would probably show up as another Lord Nemesis (although he might slip up and refer to himself as "Dr. Moebius," a name that he will not elaborate on), and lead off a round of Duelling Megalomaniacs. (Blackstone: "It's like Duelling Banjos, only with fewer Rednecks.")
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
Ebony Wrote:Blackstone would probably show up as another Lord Nemesis (although he might slip up and refer to himself as "Dr. Moebius," a name that he will not elaborate on), and lead off a round of Duelling Megalomaniacs. (Blackstone: "It's like Duelling Banjos, only with fewer Rednecks.")
lol, that be a hoot, DS and Blackstone arguing over who is the "True" Nemesis. Tongue

Looney Toons as himself, with Evangelia on his arm as a Fortunata.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Misao as herself, with a kage-bunshin of herself as... herself in Night Widow gear Wink

Or, perhaps, all three of our lovely kunoichi, with Nogi herself as the villain? (Fox, V?)
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.

My first thing approximating a useful thought was "Perhaps Shia could dye her hair and dress as a famous figure of dread from her homeworld, Mir... but wait, Mir spent most of the time that she was a villain -naked-. It doesn't sound like *that* kind of party..."

I can't really imagine most of my characters dressing as one that isn't flat-out fictional from their perspective.

Well, nothing says the villain has to be in-universe.  I'm sure there's a Moriarty in there somewhere, for example -- I'm sure the stories of Doyle are reality somewhere, but in Paragon City they're still fictional.
But there's probably a minimum dress code, yes. Smile

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
Mmm. Well, when it comes to villains......I imagine Lynna would do a pretty good job of impersonating Arakhn or however you spell her name. Female, Nictus, she's got everything there. Hell, being a shapeshifter, she could probably just walk in looking exactly like her.

Also, in a moment of whimsy, I have the image of Sylia pulling out a wig and a dress and coming as the Countess Crey. Tongue
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
Picture this. Bobcat costume. Cheap store-bought cat ears, the type attached to a headband. Clip-on tail. Wig. Brown tights with a V-shape cut out the front with a pair of scissors. 

Worn by Superball. Who's still got his mask on.
-- Acyl
Sudden silence fell on the party as cherry petals filled the air, and ten identical portrayals of Lady Nogitsune escorted in a sinister looking Japanese man wearing black-enameled Western Knight's armor.

"Please excuse this one's rudeness," ten voices uttered in eerie chorus. "This one has the distinct honor to introduce Oda Nobunaga."
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Rainier Ice could make a very convincing Ice Mistral. Big Grin
*Shows up as Lu Bu!*
Acyl Wrote:Picture this. Bobcat costume. Cheap store-bought cat ears, the type attached to a headband. Clip-on tail. Wig. Brown tights with a V-shape cut out the front with a pair of scissors. 

Worn by Superball. Who's still got his mask on.
DS: *in his best lord nemesis voice* The goggles, they do nothing!

dark seraph Wrote:
Quote:Acyl wrote:

Picture this. Bobcat costume. Cheap store-bought cat ears, the type attached to a headband. Clip-on tail. Wig. Brown tights with a V-shape cut out the front with a pair of scissors. 

Worn by Superball. Who's still got his mask on.
DS: *in his best lord nemesis voice* The goggles, they do nothing!
Blackstone (also in a Lord Nemesis voice): HAH! The TRUE Lord Nemesis has more than enough intestinal fortitude to resist such --Sweet Zombie Jesus! The horror, the horror!
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."

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