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CoH Weekly Strike Target
02-09-2011, 02:50 AM
Complete once for Notice of the Well, and Bonus Merits. Subsequent runs each week earn Badge Credit. Changes every Tuesday.
From CoH Announcements Board
February 1st to February 7th: The Statesman Task Force (level 45+, full team required), from Statesman
in Independence Port & The Lord Recluse Strike Force (level 45+, full team required), from Lord Recluse
in Grandville.
February 8th to February 14th: Return of he Reichsman (level 45+, 4 player min), from Dr. Kahn in
Founders' Falls & Thus Spoke the Reichsman (level 45+, 4 player min), from Barracuda in
Grandville (Please note the last mission requires your SF leader to
speak to - not call - Lord Recluse at the end of the Strike Force in order to complete)
February 15th to February 21st: The Lady Grey Task Force (level 45+, full team required), from Lady Grey in the Rikti War Zone
February 22nd to February 28th: Clamor and Destruction (Level 20-25, 5 player min), from Sister
Psyche in Independence Port & Pirates of the Skies (level 20-25, 4 player min) from Silver Mantis
in Sharkhead Isle (or your base's mission
computer or oracle)
The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."
>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Posts: 446
Threads: 33
Joined: May 2005
March 1st to March 7th - Alpha Strike (from Apex in the Rikti War Zone)
March 8th to March 14 - Soul of the Woodsman (from Numina in Founders' Falls) / The Crystal of Serafina (from Ice Mistral in St. Martial)
March 15th to March 21st - Time's Arrow (from Imperious in Cimerora)
March 22nd to March 28th - The Praetorian Offensive (from Tin Mage Mark II in the Rikti War Zone)
March 29th to April 4th - Following Countess Crey (from Manticore in Brickstown) / The Temple of the Waters (from Operative Renault in Sharkhead Isle)
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has anyone heard what next months targets are yet?
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Posts: 1,382
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Joined: Sep 2007
( from the boards)
April 5th to April 11th: Time's Arrow (35-50, 6 player min) from Imperious in Cimeora
April 12 to April 18th: Clamor and Destruction (Level 20-25, 5 player min), from Sister
Psyche in Independence Port & Pirates of the Skies (level 20-25, 4 player min) from Silver Mantis
in Sharkhead Isle (or your base's mission
computer or oracle)
The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."
>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Posts: 1,382
Threads: 33
Joined: Sep 2007
May 17th to May 23rd - The Lady Grey Task Force (from Lady Grey in the Rikti War Zone)
May 24th to May 30th - Terra Volta
(34-44) (from Captain James Harlan in Founders' Falls) / Tree of Thorns
(34-43) (from Trepsarciel in the Nerva Archipelago)
May 31st to June 5th - The Sky is Falling (from Admiral Sutter in Independence Port) / The Fire and the Flames (from Mortimer Kal in Sharkhead Isle)
The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."
>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Posts: 92
Threads: 8
Joined: May 2006
June 7th to June 13th - Alpha Strike (from Apex
in the Rikti War Zone)
June 14th to June 20th
- Return of he Reichsman (from Dr. Kahn in Founders' Falls) / Thus
Spoke the Reichsman (from Barracuda in Grandville - Please note the last
mission requires your SF leader to speak to Lord Recluse at the end of the
Strike Force in order to get the rewards)
21st to June 27th - The Statesman Task Force (from Statesman in
Independence Port)/ The Lord Recluse Strike Force (from Lord Recluse in
June 28th to July 4th - Eden
Trial (from Woodsman in Eden) / The Crystal of Serafina (from Ice Mistral in St.
Posts: 92
Threads: 8
Joined: May 2006
5th to July 11th - The Sky is Falling (from Admiral Sutter in
Independence Port) / The Fire and the Flames (from Mortimer Kal in Sharkhead
July 12th to July 18th - Terra
Volta (44-50) (from Major Richard Flagg in Peregrine Island) / Tree of Thorns
(44-50) (from Ractespriel in the Nerva Archipelago)
July 19th to July 25th - Time's Arrow (from Imperious in
July 26th to August 1st - The
Praetorian Offensive (from Tin Mage Mark II in the Rikti War Zone)
Posts: 92
Threads: 8
Joined: May 2006
August 2nd to August 8th - Terra Volta (24-33)
(from Jane Hallaway in Independence Port) / Tree of Thorns (24-33) (from
Sparcetriel in the Nerva Archipelago)
August 9th
to August 15th - Dam Hero and/or The Rule of Three (from Positron in
Steele Canyon) / The Beast Beneath the Mountains (from Virgil Tarikoss in Cap au
August 16th to August 22nd - The
Lady Grey Task Force (from Lady Grey in the Rikti War Zone)
August 23rd to August 29th - Clamor and Destruction
(from Sister Psyche in Independence Port) / Pirates of the Skies (from Silver
Mantis in Sharkhead Isle or your supergroup or villaingroup base's mission
computer or oracle)
August 30th to September 5th
- The Kheldian War (from Moonfire in Striga Isle) / The Temple of the
Waters (from Operative Renault in Sharkhead Isle)
Posts: 92
Threads: 8
Joined: May 2006
September 6th to September 12th - Terra Volta
(34-44) (from Captain James Harlan in Founders' Falls) or The Sky is Falling
(from Admiral Sutter in Independence Port) / Tree of Thorns (34-43) (from
Trepsarciel in the Nerva Archipelago) or The Fire and the Flames (from Mortimer
Kal in Sharkhead Isle)
September 13th to September
19th - Soul of the Woodsman (from Numina in Founders' Falls) / The
Crystal of Serafina (from Ice Mistral in St. Martial)
September 20th to September 26th - Following Countess
Crey (from Manticore in Brickstown) / The Temple of the Waters (from Operative
Renault in Sharkhead Isle)
September 27th to
October 3rd - Eden Trial (from Woodsman in Eden) / The Crystal of
Serafina (from Ice Mistral in St. Martial)
Edit: Admiral Sutter/Mortimer Kal added to week of Sept. 6 - two TF/SF that week
Posts: 92
Threads: 8
Joined: May 2006
October 4th to October 10th - Terra Volta
(44-50) (from Major Richard Flagg in Peregrine Island) / Tree of Thorns (44-50)
(from Ractespriel in the Nerva Archipelago)
11th to October 17th - Alpha Strike (from Apex in the Rikti War
October 18th to October 24th -
Return of the Reichsman (from Dr. Kahn in Founders' Falls) / Thus Spoke the
Reichsman (from Barracuda in Grandville - Please note the last mission requires
your SF leader to speak to Lord Recluse at the end of the Strike Force in order
to get the rewards)
October 25th to October
31st - The Statesman Task Force (from Statesman in Independence
Port)/ The Lord Recluse Strike Force (from Lord Recluse in Grandville)
Posts: 92
Threads: 8
Joined: May 2006
November 1st to November 7th - Terra Volta
(24-33) (from Jane Hallaway in Independence Port) / Tree of Thorns (24-33) (from
Sparcetriel in the Nerva Archipelago)
November 8th
to November 14th - The Praetorian Offensive (from Tin Mage Mark II in
the Rikti War Zone)
November 15th to November
21st - The Kheldian War (from Moonfire in Striga Isle) / The Temple
of the Waters (from Operative Renault in Sharkhead Isle)
November 22nd to November 28th - The Sky is Falling
(from Admiral Sutter in Independence Port) / The Fire and the Flames (from
Mortimer Kal in Sharkhead Isle)
November 29th to
December 5th - Terra Volta (34-44) (from Captain James Harlan in
Founders' Falls) / Tree of Thorns (34-43) (from Trepsarciel in the Nerva
Posts: 92
Threads: 8
Joined: May 2006
December 6th to December 12th - Soul of the
Woodsman (from Numina in Founders' Falls) / The Crystal of Serafina (from Ice
Mistral in St. Martial)
December 13th to December
19th - Following Countess Crey (from Manticore in Brickstown) / The
Temple of the Waters (from Operative Renault in Sharkhead Isle)
December 20th to December 26th - Eden Trial (from
Woodsman in Eden) / The Crystal of Serafina (from Ice Mistral in St.
December 27th to January 2nd -
Terra Volta (44-50) (from Major Richard Flagg in Peregrine Island) / Tree of
Thorns (44-50) (from Ractespriel in the Nerva Archipelago)
Posts: 92
Threads: 8
Joined: May 2006
January 3rd to January 9th - Time’s Arrow (from
Imperious in Cimerora)
January 10th to January
16th - Terra Volta (24-33) (from Jane Hallaway in Independence Port)
/ Tree of Thorns (24-33) (from Sparcetriel in the Nerva
January 17th to January
23rd - Soul of the Woodsman (from Numina in Founders' Falls) / The
Crystal of Serafina (from Ice Mistral in St. Martial)
January 24th to January 30th - Following Countess Crey
(from Manticore in Brickstown) / The Temple of the Waters (from Operative
Renault in Sharkhead Isle)
January 31st to February
6th - Eden Trial (from Woodsman in Eden) / The Crystal of Serafina
(from Ice Mistral in St. Martial)
Posts: 1,382
Threads: 33
Joined: Sep 2007
February 7th to 13th - Terra Volta, 34-43, from Captain James Harlan in Founders Falls (i.e. Freakspec)
February 14th to 20th - Alpha Strike, 50+Incarnate, from Apex in the RWZ
Thanks to Terr for searching these out.
The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."
>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Posts: 1,382
Threads: 33
Joined: Sep 2007
February 21th to 27th - Return of the Reichsman (from Dr. Kahn in Founders' Falls) / Thus Spoke the Reichsman (from Barracuda in Grandville - Please note the last mission requires your SF leader to speak to Lord Recluse at the end of the Strike Force in order to get the rewards)
February 28th to March 5th - The Statesman Task Force (from Statesman in Independence Port)/ The Lord Recluse Strike Force (from Lord Recluse in Grandville)
The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."
>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
Posts: 92
Threads: 8
Joined: May 2006
March 6th to March 12th - Terra Volta (44-50) (from
Major Richard Flagg in Peregrine Island) / Tree of Thorns (44-50) (from
Ractespriel in the Nerva Archipelago)
March 13th to
March 19th - The Kheldian War (from Moonfire in Striga Isle) / The Temple
of the Waters (from Operative Renault in Sharkhead Isle)
March 20th to March 26th - The Praetorian Offensive (from
Tin Mage Mark II in the Rikti War Zone)
March 27th to
April 2nd - The Sky is Falling (from Admiral Sutter in Independence Port)
/ The Fire and the Flames (from Mortimer Kal in Sharkhead Isle)
Posts: 92
Threads: 8
Joined: May 2006
April 3rd to April 9th - Terra Volta (24-33) (from
Jane Hallaway in Independence Port) / Tree of Thorns (24-33) (from Sparcetriel
in the Nerva Archipelago)
April 10th to April
16th - Soul of the Woodsman (from Numina in Founders' Falls) / The
Crystal of Serafina (from Ice Mistral in St. Martial)
April 17th to April 23th - Following Countess Crey (from
Manticore in Brickstown) / The Temple of the Waters (from Operative Renault in
Sharkhead Isle)
April 24th to April 30th - Eden
Trial (from Woodsman in Eden) / The Crystal of Serafina (from Ice Mistral in St.
Posts: 92
Threads: 8
Joined: May 2006
May 1st to May 7th - Terra Volta (34-44) (from Captain
James Harlan in Founders' Falls) / Tree of Thorns (34-43) (from Trepsarciel in
the Nerva Archipelago)
May 8th to May 14th -
Alpha Strike (from Apex in the Rikti War Zone)
15th to May 21st - Return of the Reichsman (from Dr. Kahn in Founders'
Falls) / Thus Spoke the Reichsman (from Barracuda in Grandville - Please note
the last mission requires your SF leader to speak to Lord Recluse at the end of
the Strike Force in order to get the rewards)
May 22nd
to May 28th - The Kheldian War (from Moonfire in Striga Isle) / The
Temple of the Waters (from Operative Renault in Sharkhead Isle)
May 29th to June 4th - The Statesman Task Force (from
Statesman in Independence Port)/ The Lord Recluse Strike Force (from Lord
Recluse in Grandville)
Posts: 92
Threads: 8
Joined: May 2006
June 5th to June 11th - Terra Volta (24-33) (from Jane
Hallaway in Independence Port) / Tree of Thorns (24-33) (from Sparcetriel in the
Nerva Archipelago)
June 12th to June 18th -
Pirate of the Skies (20-25) (from Silver Mantis in Sharkhead Isle) / A Clamor
for the People (20-25) (from Penelope Yin in Independence Port)
June 19th to June 25th - The Praetorian Offensive (from Tin
Mage Mark II in the Rikti War Zone)
June 26th to July
2nd - Soul of the Woodsman (from Numina in Founders' Falls) / The Crystal
of Serafina (from Ice Mistral in St. Martial)
Posts: 92
Threads: 8
Joined: May 2006
July 3rd to July 9th - Terra Volta (24-33) (from Jane
Hallaway in Independence Port) / Tree of Thorns (24-33) (from Sparcetriel in the
Nerva Archipelago)
July 10th to July 16th -
Eden Trial (from Woodsman in Eden) / The Crystal of Serafina (from Ice Mistral
in St. Martial)
July 17th to July 23rd - The
Sky is Falling (from Admiral Sutter in Independence Port) / The Fire and the
Flames (from Mortimer Kal in Sharkhead Isle)
July 24th
to July 30th - Following Countess Crey (from Manticore in Brickstown) /
The Temple of the Waters (from Operative Renault in Sharkhead Isle)
Late Edit: sorry about the late edit, missed this one!
July 31st to August 6th - Time’s Arrow (from Imperious in Cimerora)
Edit: Please note changes in weeks of Aug.7 and Aug 14.!
August 7th to August 13th - The Sky is Falling (from
Admiral Sutter in Independence Port) / The Fire and the Flames (from Mortimer
Kal in Sharkhead Isle)
August 14th to August
20th - Alpha Strike (from Apex in the Rikti War Zone)
August 21st to August 27th - Pirate of the Skies (20-25)
(from Silver Mantis in Sharkhead Isle) / A Clamor for the People (20-25) (from
Penelope Yin in Independence Port)
August 28th to
September 3rd - The Ms. Liberty Task Force (from Ms. Liberty in
Independence Port)/ The Lord Recluse Strike Force (from Lord Recluse in
Posts: 92
Threads: 8
Joined: May 2006
September 4th to September 10th - The Praetorian
Offensive (from Tin Mage Mark II in the Rikti War Zone)
September 11th to September 17th - The Kheldian War (from
Moonfire in Striga Isle) / The Temple of the Waters (from Operative Renault in
Sharkhead Isle)
September 18th to September
24th - Soul of the Woodsman (from Numina in Founders' Falls) / The
Crystal of Serafina (from Ice Mistral in St. Martial)
September 25th to October 1st - Terra Volta (24-33) (from
Jane Hallaway in Independence Port) / Tree of Thorns (24-33) (from Sparcetriel
in the Nerva Archipelago)
October 2nd to October 8th - Return of the Reichsman
(from Dr. Kahn in Founders' Falls) / Thus Spoke the Reichsman (from Barracuda in
Grandville - Please note the last mission requires your SF leader to speak to
Lord Recluse at the end of the Strike Force in order to get the
October 9th to October 15th - Alpha
Strike (from Apex in the Rikti War Zone)
October 16th
to October 22nd - Pirate of the Skies (20-25) (from Silver Mantis in
Sharkhead Isle) / A Clamor for the People (20-25) (from Penelope Yin in
Independence Port)
October 23rd to October 29th
- Terra Volta (34-43) (from Captain James Harlan in Founders' Falls) / Tree of
Thorns (34-43) (from Trepsarciel in the Nerva Archipelago)
October 30th to November 5th - The Ms. Liberty Task Force
(from Ms. Liberty in Independence Port)/ The Lord Recluse Strike Force (from
Lord Recluse in Grandville)
Posts: 92
Threads: 8
Joined: May 2006
I have two things I'd like to say. The first is more practical: you can probably un-sticky this thread.
The second is probably going to be more rambling, so please bear with me.
I came to these forums from reading the Drunkard's Walk series, but I also was playing City of Heroes before then. I played on the Champion and Guardian servers, but usually somewhere between midnight and 6-7 in the morning. As a result, I was quite a bit of a soloist, never getting into a Super Group. When I found out about the Legendary, I considered going to Virtue and seeing if I could meet some of you, but I was somewhat intimidated by the role play aspect I think. My interest in RP doesn't really extend beyond a character bio.
I mostly lurked on this sub-board, occassionally answering a question I knew the answer to, and no one seemed to mind that they didn't know who this "Honorbridge" guy was. This thread is basically one big question: What's the WST? Well, I spent a good amount of time on the official forums, where they posted the answer, so I took it on myself to keep the thread updated as much as I could. It made me feel a very small part of the Legendary by doing so. Thank you for allowing me to do this for you. Sometimes doing a thing without acknowledgement can make one feel good.
Now that City of Heroes has shut down, I'm not sure where I'll end up next. I don't think I'll be going to Champions, though. I've got a friend or two playing SW:TOR, so I might join up with them once the free-to-play issues are ironed out. I enjoyed the free month of the digital download. Or I might play some off-line stuff, been on a Sims 2 kick recently. At any rate, I may still lurk around in the background, but as I won't know anything about Champions, I'm unlikely to post in this sub-forum much. I'll still be in the DW and General Forums. (And now I'm not sure why I bothered to write this last paragraph, as if you didn't notice me before, and never met me in game, what difference does it make? Oh well, this is pretty much the only good-bye-to-the-game post I made anywhere, and it seems to just be part of those that you say where you're heading next.)
Posts: 3,394
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Joined: Sep 2002
Thank you for what you've done. I feel ashamed now that I didn't know that you weren't actually playing with us on Virtue.
Please, why don't you come seek us out? There's no need to be intimidated by the RP aspect, since none of us were strict about it at all. I had plenty of concepts for my characters, but I don't think I personally ever instigated role-play myself. Always I would RP in response to others. And even then, I'd be inclined to slip into OOC or "3rd person aside" and nobody minded.
Trust me, there's a lot of people who don't know Champions. But there's a lot of us who didn't know City of Heroes when we started out. It's not about the game so much. It's the people.
What do you say? Come try it out? What's the worst that could happen? I'll help coach you through some of the confusing stuff if you like.
A friend is always welcome.
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Joined: Sep 2002
Like Logan, I assumed you were in and around the SG, mainly because I have a lousy memory for associating different handles to the person behind them. (For example, after all these years I still always had to stop and think when seeing "Atlantea" in COH before I could go "oh, right, that's Logan".) Most of the time I fake it, So basically, I assumed that one of the names I didn't know off the bat belonged to someone in the forums was you.
Thank you for all your effort, Honorbridge. I know I made frequent use of your work here, and I am very grateful that you bothered.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.