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So Long and Thanks for all the Heroes?
08-31-2012, 09:17 PM
I don't want to go all Chicken Little, but I think the sky really is falling this time.
The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."
>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
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wow, just wow.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Everything I've seen so far indicates they are done. The Devs have gotten their walking papers and that, as they say, is that.
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0 ... Z0.twitter
Everyone get your affairs in order and say your prayers. The World Ends 30 NOV 2012.
The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."
>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
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I'd rather NCSoft do the right thing. Retract this and close down Aion.
In the epic rage of furious thunder
legends create their tales
when the twilight calls and the dark lord falls
our glory will prevail
In the epic rage of furious thunder
legends create their tales
when the twilight calls and the dark lord falls
our glory will prevail
:O NO.
There is something really condescending about part of the official statement: "Don't dwell on the "how" or the "why", but rather join us in celebrating the legacy of an amazing partnership between the players and the development team."
They're taking my Gen from me!
alaskanime Wrote::O NO.
There is something really condescending about part of the official statement: "Don't dwell on the "how" or the "why", but rather join us in celebrating the legacy of an amazing partnership between the players and the development team."
They're taking my Gen from me! Don't think about it that way. Zwillinger was probably in shock himself when he wrote it. Imagine coming into work today and having someone from your parent company come in and say "You're all fired!"
*starts up new computer he got to play CoX with* lets see. *reads post* I... I.... this honestly brings a tear to my eye.
dark seraph Wrote:*starts up new computer he got to play CoX with* lets see. *reads post* I... I.... this honestly brings a tear to my eye. Yeeeeeeaaaahhhhh......I was kind of hoping to catch you before you read this to break the news to you gently.....then I realized you were setting up your new PC today.........
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I am sorry to hear this. I had intended to get back into the game when I had a little more free time.
Hands out bags of dicks.
Start sucking.
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Ransan Wrote:alaskanime Wrote::O NO.
There is something really condescending about part of the official statement: "Don't dwell on the "how" or the "why", but rather join us in celebrating the legacy of an amazing partnership between the players and the development team."
They're taking my Gen from me! Don't think about it that way. Zwillinger was probably in shock himself when he wrote it. Imagine coming into work today and having someone from your parent company come in and say "You're all fired!"
Maybe so, but that still isn't going to cut it. When something like this happens, particularly when all signs point in the *exact opposite* direction of it happening, I think it's pretty reasonable to want to know what the hell happened.
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Ransan Wrote:Don't think about it that way. Zwillinger was probably in shock himself when he wrote it. Imagine coming into work today and having someone from your parent company come in and say "You're all fired!" I heard from a (supposed) employee on virtue united that the office doesn't even have internet at the moment, and we may get more news from the big names on the forums once they get home (and can post to the forums).
I'm not sure how much sense it makes to shut off the lights that fast, but then this is the same company who decided to kill the product in the first place.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
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This post tipped me over the edge: To All of You... by Zwillinger
I'd been feeling mostly shocked up until I read that, then it hit home.
Our game is over. By the time the year is out City of Heroes will be *no more*.
I'll admit it, I cried. Last time I felt like this was back in April when my Mother died.
I've been playing this game since April 15, 2008. MatrixDragon talked OM into playing it before then, then the two of them convinced me to start the trial that day. And I've been hooked ever since.
I met so many wonderful people on Virtue, and on this forum. I wouldn't know any of you today if it wasn't for City of Heroes.
A sobering thought for me: If it wasn't for City of Heroes, OpMegs and I may not be married. CoH is where both Ops and I met SofaSpud. Spud, who lived only a couple hours away from me at the time, gave Ops the opportunity to move from Colorado to be his roommate. This meant that I could see my then-boyfriend basically anytime I wanted to make the car trip, instead of having to save up for a plane ticket to see him maybe twice a year (if I was lucky). We got to see each other more often, the relationship was made stronger, and we got married and moved all together about a year and a half ago. All thanks to City of Heroes.
Some of the best times of my life have been since I began playing City of Heroes.
I feel like I'm writing an eulogy, but perhaps that is appropriate.
My heart goes out to the people in Paragon Studios who walked into work this morning with a job, and left without one. As bad as I'm feeling right now, I can't even imaging have something you've poured years of your blood, sweat, and tears into disappear on you within a single day. I wish all of them luck in finding income to support their own families in these hard times.
The Legendary: You all have grown to be so more than just an SG for me. You are friends, people I look forward to talking to and laughing with. Even though the game that this form was created for may be no more, The Legendary will live on with all of us and may we find games in the future to all be able to play together.
~Amy Cook a.k.a. Unicorna
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I lurk a lot more than I post, but I echo all of Unicorna's feelings.
I've been on CoH since Issue 2, practically since launch. I've been a regular subscription player ever since, and I've never regretted it. Not once.
This is shockingly sudden. Just last night, I was part of the group that took part in the free account code upgrade for the Dark Matter aura. I was looking forward to trying it out on a few characters, maybe even making a Kirby-type hero just to be retro.
Then today, that's all done.
I'm still in shock. I imagine I'll be hurting for a while. It's the only MMO I played in all the time I've been online. (I don't count a brief venture into Star Trek, because it couldn't hold my interest. I may still dabble, but it's just not the same.)
Still, whenever people ask me why I play a game as old as CoH is, (and I've been asked,) my answer is always the same. "It's not the gameplay, it's the people I'm playing with."
I think what we need to take from this, is that what we've done together is more important than the game itself. And that if we can find somewhere else to game, I'd be up for that as well.
While the other hero games aren't as good, they might offer an alternative if/when the CoH servers finally shut down. And if we decide to set up a new Legendary-based group on one of those game servers, I'll be there. I'll recreate my alts there, and play along with you all.
Because ultimately, it hasn't been about the game server. It's been about the friends I've gamed *with* along the way. And *that* is what I don't want to lose.
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
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On another note, I've decided to make Marvel Advanced versions of all my alts. (or at least, a substantial chunk of them.) That way, I can do up their stats and record their stories in a way that will outlast the game. Something like that might help with the transition, and make it easier. I can post characters if people want, after they're done.
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
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I look back on how much I've spent, how much fun I've had with you all, how little time I've actually had to invest in the game and the story and all...
And I'm just so disappointed. In myself, and in NCSoft. This game could have been so much more. Can still be, if they can undo this travesty.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
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CoH has been my home for the last 5 years, and I don't know what I would have done without the friends I've found here. The only solace I have is to know that though we might loose our city, we don't have to lose each other as long as we keep in touch.
The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."
>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
So went out to take care of some stuff and let my mind wander about this game and how much it's been a fun part of my life.
First, I would like to thank the following people.
MD, thank you for dragging me some what reluctantly into this game, then throwing me in the deep end 
Wiregeek, for grabbing me by the scruff of the neck and not letting me leave.
OM, Uni, Spud and Sweno, your crazy ass RP on those early teams inspired me to write.
Valles, for giving me shit about my English skills, driving me to improve them (in the hope of getting less shit  )
Z. Fox, for showing me that red side can be fun, if a bit repeditive. 
Ran and Vyper, for going through the horrendous task of proof reading my fics.
Terr, for being a lovable grump that helped me get so many toons to their max potential (and letting me leech like a baus)
Ankh, for Being a good friend that puts up with my insanity.
And to everyone that has let me take their toons and write for them, thank you all so much.
*takes a deep breath* Wow... that was a little emotional for me.
But one thing that I have decided on is that even though we will lose this game that has given me so many friends and fond memory's, I'm not gona stop writing fic for it, my toons have been around for this long and they still have a story or two left in them.
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*Sigh* I should be more upset but maybe I'm just not over my shock yet and this will hit home hard after I have more time to think about all the good times I've had running with you folks and getting to know ya, given how much time I put into City of Heroes this is a pretty major shock to me as well as its one of the few activities I do regularly engage in helping me pass the days at home. I don't want this to end as much as anyone else and am very unhappy with NCSOFT's decision. So much for my Feb 3rd subscription >.
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I will simply say that if NC soft does NOT reverse this decision I will be like many of the posters on the official boards and never EVER give them another dime.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
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Ever since Uni gave me the news earlier today, I've been trying to figure out how I feel about this. Conflicted is a good start.
For those who don't know, I work in the corporate sector, at a level where "for the good of the business" is not just a phrase, but rather, is part of my job. If I put on that hat, I can see how this makes sense. I can even see how it might be the right call -- from a certain point of view. Guild Wars 2 is an NCSoft property, after all, and they're hyping that to the hilt. Blade and Soul as well. Both of those are flagship products, so to speak -- they're what NCSoft is banking on, and they inevitably will require resources. GW2 already surpasses the population of CoH... probably by an order of magnitude or two. So yes, I can see where they might be coming from.
I don't like it, and I don't think it's the correct decision; but I can see where they're coming from. It's just... good business.
Those words taste like bitter fucking ashes coming from me, and I'm the guy who routinely makes the decision about how many people to hire... and how many to fire to make room for them.
I've met so many people that I consider friends through City of Heroes that I don't know where to begin. I currently live with two of the world's best roommates, and I wouldn't if it weren't for CoH. I'd never have met either of them. I'd never have known Ops was a dude. Or how deadly of aim Uni has. Or how awesome MD's pizza-making skills are -- sure, sure, he claims it's an Australian thing, but I'm going to chalk it up to his genius. (Eggs? On pizza?!?)
I'd never have known that Valles and some guy I used to run into on the FFML were the same person. I'd never have known just how bad North's puns could really get, nor how gracefully he could handle defeat when Rev proved both of us inferior.
I'd never have known that Acyl is an incredibly talented artist, and would never have had the stunning portrait that I currently do, that I will get framed goddammit.
I'd never have known that Ankh is better to look at than roadkill (her words!); that Terr is a generous soul underneath the RAAAAGE!; that Sweno can frighten me with his intelligence; that the wootbird is as fun in person as she is online.
I'd never have known I have a clone-brother in the frozen north! Egads.
I'd never have known that the game was even worth playing if it weren't for a friendly invitation from Bob to stop by sometime and hang with his group, the Legendary.
I'd never have known...
I'm not an optimist. Rather the opposite, in fact. But even so, I hold out hope that someday, the game -- the universe, the people, the characters, whatever you want to name it -- I hope it will be able to come back. Whether it's purchased by someone else and put back online, or through clever hackers who mimic the server, or... I dunno, something, I hope it comes back.
Even if it doesn't... I'm glad to have met all of you, and I for one don't intend to let the Legendary go down with it.
-- "Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
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It may be out of spite but I do hope that GW will fail horribly and NCsoft suddenly finds itself out of business after pulling this..
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For me, I'm not so much annoyed at the news the game is closing...I'm really annoyed at how it's been handled by NCsoft. They've screwed us. They've screwed everyone at Paragon, who clearly weren't expecting this, and didn't deserve it. We've lost money, time, investment - and I really feel for the folks who've just made major purchases in store points or renewed their subscriptions. Hell, I'm out a few month's sub fees myself - I re-upped for six months in July.
But it's not the monetary loss that gets me. It's not the money, you know?
It's the death of something we all loved. It's the death of a community. I know, it doesn't have to die, not entirely. People can keep talking. There'll be other games. It won't be the same, though. It's hyperbole to talk about a void, about feeling hollow - but really, what's going to replace City of Heroes for me? I can't answer that question. Can you? There's nothing else like it.
Why did I keep logging in? For the game world. For the stories. For the characters. And for all of you, the friends I've made, the community I've become a part of.
That's been taken away, and it's been taken away in the most cruel and insensitive way possible. Like Spud said, NCsoft is a business, of course, and I can actually understand why they'd want to cut support for City of Heroes. I don't have his experience, but my super real-world secret-identity is a research analyst who deals with the private sector.
I can understand why a guy in a suit somewhere made that decision. I don't agree, but I understand. Thing is, they could have done it more diplomatically. Instead, they've screwed us over.
Terrence already said this, but I agree with him. I'm annoyed with NCsoft. But for me, it's not an emotional thing. When I say that I'm done with them, at least for now...that's not a ragequit. It's not a temper tantrum. When I say that I'm not going to spend a single cent on any game even vaguely associated with NCsoft, that's a rational and pragmatic statement.
How can I give my money to someone who's effectively cheated me? Remember, I was paid up for CoH through 2013. How can I trust a company that's demonstrated that they'll pull the plug on things I've invested in? CoH isn't the first game NCsoft has killed on me - it's just the one that hurts the most.
At the same time, I know a behemoth like NCsoft isn't even going to notice my loss. What's one disgruntled customer? Hell, what's one hundred thousand?
But I don't want to end this post as a rage-filled tirade against NCsoft. That's not the point. I want to say, once again - thanks, all of you. All of you gentlemen and ladies here, in this group. You're a huge part of the reason I've stuck with the game for so long. And I don't want that to end. I'm not the most social of people, and a lot of you probably barely know my handle. Some of you do know me, and I hope I've helped make your time in CoH fun.
I've had personality conflicts with others in this group - not naming names - but I want you to know, seriously and truly...I don't hate, and I don't hold grudges. We're a community. That's what matters.
I hope we stay in touch, whether it's just on these boards, or in other games. To that end, I think we really should share what we're all doing, MMO-wise. For me, I've been noodling in The Secret World. But like Terrence, I figure I might be playing Champions Online more. If Cryptic and Perfect World are smart, they'll be standing by to welcome an influx of CoX players.
The party will continue. It might break up into smaller parties, it might go places we never anticipated. But the party will continue.
-- Acyl
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Yeah I'll be looking into Champs a little more seriously once CoH's servers are completely down. But asides from Champs I'll be found on these forums and I'll gladly give my Email to any of you who don't have it if you want to keep in touch. Also I play Dungeons and Dragon's online fairly regularly. If nothing else I'll keep my regular presence on these forums and keep in touch with anyone who hangs around so if someone finds a game in the near/far future that catches attention I'll certainly be interested to check it out.