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Okay, my revised bucket list:
For Evangelia: I want to get to 1000 badges, complete the Faathim the Kind TF, help take down the Seed of Hamidon in !st Ward, make sure I've done both halves of the new Posi, and go through the Pandora's Box storyline.
For Looney Toons: I want to get him to level 50. (He's halfway through 48 right now.)
ETA: added Pandora's Box.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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... and I just worked out why Dougs powers were always 'glitchy' in Paragon (At least by his standards). It's the Well meddling, knocking him into line with what is expected. Once he Incarnates, he's in a position for his metatalent to override the Wells restrictions and retake what passes for control with him :lol
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Oooh... I LIKE this concept!
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Works for me; while I like a mystery, I like knowing the answer behind it if I'm the one presenting it.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Speaking of Bucket List things. The golem - to my surprise - has never done the new Penny Yin TF. Anyone have 30-45 min to make it happen?
The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."
>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI
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Sure. Let me log on. Lily the Diamond hasn't done that either.
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Apologies for dropping from the group, RL came knocking and made an obligation...
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Okay - something new for the bucket list possibly?
This was on the official forums.
Quote:Quote:Quote:Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster
I'm the person who discovered that the Hamidon in LGTF is wormholeable.
Originally Posted by Atlantea
What... (10/Tennant)
WHAT... (10/Tennant)
WHAT!?!?! (10/Tennant)
I have a Grav/Kinetics Controller (Kara Skye) with KILLER aim with her Wormhole...
...waitaminute... my SG is still playing regularly (we have bucket lists of things we need to get done before the end) And some of our alts likely have not done the LGTF...
Please tell me this still works? (puppy dog eyes)
Any *TRUE* grav user tries to wormhole EVERYTHING. I always have hopes that sometime it would work on an AV.
Hamidon stays at the location you wormhole him to. In the air, up a wall, etc. Takes about six tries to get him to the mission entrance.
So ah... guys? I don't suppose, sometime before November 30th, if you have any alts that might not have done the LGTF, that you could take Kara along?
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I would be so up for that. I could even bring Heavy Snow (my grav/cold troller) so we play ping pong with hami ![Smile Smile](
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
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In the words of one of the characters from Animal House:
"I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part!"
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Hmm. fairly sure Kimmi hasn't done LGTF either. but she doesnt have anwhere near the accuracy enhancers on her wormhole as you guys do.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Okay, now that Geek.Kon 2012 has been put to bed (and I'm most likely going to be lying crippled in my house for the rest of the week), time for my list.
I only have one real one.
This means finish the 45-50 story arcs red side, including patron Arc. 45 done, proceeding to 50.
Go blue side again.
Do all Night Ward Content.
Do all Dark Astoria Content. '
Do any additional story arcs added blueside after Nam went red.
TFs and Trials - Master of ITF, Khan, Lady Gray, and Statesman Memorial. Go Vig. Do Master of Barracuda and Recluse.
Complete reqs for Master of Keyes, TPN, MoM, and possibly try for Master of Magi.
Sit in Atlas Park with ~1300 Badges when server goes down,
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This may be kind of a surprise but for my 1 burning bucket desire? Any 'Master Of" badge for the older task forces where no one can be defeated. I've never gotten one and I'd like to have at least one before the servers go down.
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I see absolutely no reason why we cannot accommodate you on that, Terr. It would be an honor, in fact.
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As would I. and I'd love to be able to play with Doug as Looney.
Hmm... what else...
OOO, need to get one more MS raid in on Shorty. he needs the badge under the MS sheilds for the RWZ explore...
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
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Update to my bucket list: Thanks to last night's ITF, Looney is now 50th level. Thanks to Evangelia's Astral Merits, he is also an incarnate, which by Matrix Dragon's reckoning lets him out of the city.
And thanks to the devs last night, Evangelia fought the Seed of Hamidon in Atlas Park and got the "Germinator Terminator" badge.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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DANGIT. slept throug that. *mou*
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
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Argh... same.
Via code from a retail box I purchased through Amazon! I'd never actually bought a retail box since City of Villains (CDs! The game still came on CDs back then! LOL)
So buying Going Rogue Complete collection and applying the in-box code got me back my VIP status!
Not sure if it's locked in through November. But if it isn't, I just have to do the same thing with the GvsE box and the Architect box!
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Mm... just watched a COH video and thought of something else I need to do with Evangelia. I've never done the full Warburg arc and gotten a nuke.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Well there's no real "Arc" to it. You just go in and DO it.
The annoying bit is leading the scientists around. you can't speed boost them. And you have to not get too far ahead of them or you have to go back and re-click them.
Oh - and in the old days of course back when there was - you know actual PVP in the zone... You had to worry about getting ganked by players.
Not so much these days of course.
Let me know when you want to make a run and I'll go in with you. I think only C8 has ever really done that of my characters. Be nice to do that with another like Lily or Kara.
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Sometime this weekend then; I'll have more specifics soon, I hope.
Another thing I'd like to do, at least for the badges: a lot more PVP, especially the various event-level badges for the arena. I have a couple, but I'd like to get the entire set.
And I'm thinking of sending Eva down Vigilante Road so I can get her to the Rogue Isles and get all their explore and history badges.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Nope, not this weekend after all.
10-05-2012, 07:47 PM
We have been surprised by an incoming visit by Kat, Joe, et al., who will be staying with us all weekend. I doubt I will have any time for COH until Monday evening at the earliest.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Well much of my bucket list is completed. I've done the SSA Arcs except for #5 of Pandora's Box - I may go ahead and play that on Beta.
Oh - IMPORTANT NOTE about Episode #5 of SSA#2 Pandora's Box -
All the actual STORY content was done. But some of the "Bells and Whistles" like adding the custom artwork at the beginning of each Chapter was not added. I hear that it's a little more riddled with typoes and was heading for one final pass of the Editor before Black Friday happened.
This means that SSA#2 Chapter #5 is complete and playable on Beta, but I don't think it's on the same "timed release" as the others. It may never show up on live. If we get to the last week and it hasn't, better have a copy of your characters on Beta to play it. I keep updating my main 50s as they accrue more badges and such. The updater tool still works last I checked.
I still have yet to run in a complete Minds of Mayhem Trial. I've done all the others on C8. I think I'm just lacking MoM and Magisterium on Kara. Nobody else in my stable has enough incarnate status to really get that far up and be effective, even Lily. So I'm concentrating any incarnate stuff on C8 and Kara.
Wouldn't mind doing any Redside trials with any of you guys with either Lily or C8 but C8 needs to be back over to full Hero status before the 30th. So I have limited time in which to do any redside material with him. But I'm already over 1000 Badges, so I think anything else is gravy at this point. (I can't imagine how I'd get to 1250 Badges before the end at this point.)
I want to get Lily the Task Force Commander badge - she only needs the Citadel TF and then she's done. Then I can scoot her over to Redside for a full circle of alignment badges (I think there's a special one for going all the way around)
So what's left? Anybody still want to run the SSA stuff? What about "Master of" badges?
Can we get a Bucket Checklist Pinned temporarily to the top of the forum with stuff to check off until the 30th? A master list perhaps?
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Well - good news on my end.
Yesterday I lucked into a Seed of Hamidon Raid in First Ward with Cyberman 8 and got the Germinator Terminator and Full Spectrum badges.
And last night I finally was able with the help of the SD Paragon folks, complete a successful Minds of Mayhem Incarnate Trial.
That completes ALL of them for Cyberman 8. I don't know if I'll be able to get Kara all of them in the time remaining. But C8 is my main and my main badger, so at least on one character, I've completed ALL the content and lore, at least from the perspective of a Primal Hero.
If we'd had more time, like a few months more, I would've loved to have run Sassinak through the iTrials and even role-played out those events. Alas it was not to be.
I've also gone onto Beta and run the final Praetorian Arc there with C8 where you fight the Hamidon forces and save the Last Bastion.
The very first mission has a really cool cutscene. ... -43-53.jpg ... -43-57.jpg ... -44-01.jpg ... -44-07.jpg ... -44-10.jpg ... -44-12.jpg ... -44-13.jpg ... -44-17.jpg ... -44-20.jpg ... -44-22.jpg ... -44-25.jpg ... -44-27.jpg ... -44-28.jpg ... -44-31.jpg ... -44-32.jpg
Anyway - through various missions, you protect this "Last Bastion" of Praetoria against the Hamidon and lay the smack down. At the end, proving your incarnate powers are up to the task by taking down 3 Hamidon Avatars (similar to the one at the end of the Underground Trial) by yourself! (Or if you'd done this with friends, as a team.) It is possible to solo it, but you'd better be incarnate!
Anyway - at the end, the grateful citizens of the former Praetoria activate a holographic statue of you in your honor.
![[Image: screenshot_121126-16-46-59.jpg]](
And after the end of the arc proper, you find out what happened to Antimatter. Which I thought was poignant enough to deserve it's own post. (Warning - Image heavy and spoilers!)
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Oh - and I'd still love to help out Terr with one of those "Master Of - " Task Force Badges if you still want one.