Quote:OpMegs wrote:
This is based on the assumption you want max level gear.
STO didn't ruin the game for anyone other than the 100% completionists who must have the best gear because it's the best gear. Everyone else just got slowed down a little.
If we're analysing data, the thing is... understand the current STO system, you need to think in Terrence Knight (tk) units.
Let's assume that one Terrence Knight's investment in a single character, in an MMO, is about 100 times more than an average player (who is therefore 0.01tk, or 1 Centi-TK, or 1ctk), and approximately 1000 times more than a casual player (0.001tk, or 1 Mili-TK, 1 mtk).
The new cost/time investment for someone to max out all the new stuff in STO is 1tk, or kinda like what Terrence Knight did back in City of Heroes for his single main character - building a character with all the Incarnate stuff and tons of purple enhancements. Most people aren't going to go that far. Because frankly speaking, there's no need to, other than:
a) PvP, and
For any regular player's purposes, stuff you can acquire easily via the rep system, off the exchange, and maybe a few upgrades here and there will be enough. You don't
need to max out a single character, because content is really calibrated to 0.01tk, or 1ctk at most.
Incidentally, I'm not picking this comparison simply because it's a familiar one to us, as former CoX players. I'm picking it because the Delta Rising revamp and new endgame has a lot of former City of Heroes developers working on it
- including Positron, because I assume the "Matt Miller" who's done some dev posts for Cryptic is the same guy.
More on this later.
Now, I suspect the reason STO players are up in arms is because, until now, all the highest endgame stuff in STO was
extremely low-hanging fruit.
Ridiculously easy to acquire even by casual MMO standards.
So the casual players are upset because, well, they can't get all the top tier shinies anymore - without realising that, well, objectively they probably don't
need those top tier shinies anyway.
It's like in City of Heroes. Think of the new higher-mark gear as IOs, and old Mk XI or XII gear as SOs. You can get by with SOs. You don't need the better stuff, and the normal game isn't really balanced with that in mind, unless you deliberately choose to ramp up the difficulty.
There is, however, a particular subset of player that is likely legitimately upset - the
altoholic. Because an altoholic's investment in the game is potentially equal to 1tk, but rather than it being investment in a single tk unit, it is investment in several dozen (plus or minus) different alt characters - up to around 100ctk = 1tk.
The thing is, attempting to bring each and every one of those characters up to the value of 1tk - now
that is a Herculean investment.
But the reality is that many altoholics who understand the situation have, simply, just...cut down the number of characters they actively level. Let's go back to City of Heroes. Most of us had a ton of Level 50 characters. But how many of those 50s had Incarnate unlocks, with IOs?
And were you
really bothered if you couldn't get all those unlocks on all your characters?
Hell, besides the hypothetical 1tk, how many of us actually maxed out
any of our characters? I had three characters fully IO'd when CoX went down, but two of them only had the basic Incarnate tier stuff. Only on
one character did I have higher-tier Incarnate unlocks, and even then, I wasn't completely maxed out on options, just the one option for each.
Ultimately, the present STO system is intended to make it
as hard as possible to max out a character. Because you're not supposed to. It's meant to provide a bunch of achievable levels of power for people to veeerrrrry sloooowly acquire over the long, long term.
Now, whether you
like that or not, that's a different thing. Many people legitimately dislike aspects of this system, and that's fair. But you need to understand the design intention here. It's calibrated for tk, not ctk or mtk, possibly because it's also got Positron's hand in this (henceforth 1 posi, under this standard system of measurements).
(Apologies to Terrence. Nah, I lie. I'm not sorry. You're awesome, 1tk. About 100 x more awesome than me on this scale.)
-- Acyl