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I just got an email from SJ asking what's up with the project, because Kromm didn't know anything when Steve asked him about it.
I just sent back an email saying that the writer's guidelines say "inquire, and don't bug us to respond", so I inquired and have been waiting patiently and politely. And have heard nothing until Steve's email. 
Hopefully this means I just fell between the cracks and they haven't been ignoring me deliberately...  we might even see some action fast, given that the last time Steve and I talked about this he was hot to have a new IST edition.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Sounds like a good sign to me.
We'll see.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Update: I definitely fell through the cracks. I just got several emails from SJG all more or less saying "whoops!" and have just sent the original inquiry letter and the outline off to a sheaf of folks. It looks like IST25 is very much wanted.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Yay! *happydance*

Obviously, some part of me was still optimistic, or I would've returned the relevant 3E books* to their place on my bookshelf, but it's still good to know this sort of thing. Looking forward to the work.

(* Aliens, Basic Set, Compendium I, IST of course, Martial Arts, Supers, Super Scum, Supertemps, Ultra-Tech and Ultra-Tech 2. And Atomic Horror, IOU and Toon, because various reasons.)
Further update: Steven Marsh, GURPS Project Manager, has confirmed receipt of the letter and outline, and I have explicit permission to poke them (his words) after my vacation should I not hear anything soon enough for my peace of mind.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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