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Supertramp - The Logical Song
Supertramp - The Logical Song
Heard it on the radio this afternoon, and something about it clicked [Image: smile.gif] I see two possibilities - one being the more logical (pun intended) of the two, bu the other has promise too...
1. Turns Doug (figuratively) into a massive supercomputer, allowing him to do mathematical calculations like nobody's business.
2. His gift locks onto the repeated line "Please tell me who I am.", an everyone in radius gets hit with the realization of exactly who and what they are, For someone whos self image is close to reality, this will have little effect. OTOH, for someone whos self image is way off, or worse yet is in denial, this can be one hell of a shock... This could have been useful in DW2 if things had gone in a different direction, but I think there are future steps where this might also be useful as well...
We now return you to your regularly scheduled program [Image: smile.gif]
Drunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At Large
Re: Supertramp - The Logical Song
The results from the supercomputer option might be dodgy -- remember the "One, two, three, five!" at one point in the song?
The "self-knowledge" option, now that might be fun...

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Supertramp - The Logical Song
The results from the supercomputer option might be dodgy
I never said he'd be accurate, just that he'd be able to do them like nobody's business [Image: smile.gif]
The "self-knowledge" option, now that might be fun...
Yeah, that one struck me towards the end of the song, but I just don't know where to put it now that the DW2 situation's plot is already fairly well set. I mean, it's not like Dough would play this at the Knight Sabers after they rescued him - they'll already have gone beyond the major revelations of the effect...
Maybe use it in DW-EVA as a way to get the Kids to face the reality of the situation? After all, at least Shinji is a lot tougher than he thinks he is, and Asuka's a lot less... Not sure what it would do for Rei though *shrug*.
Drunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At Large
Re: Supertramp - The Logical Song
Not sure what it would do for Rei though *shrug*.
Her crimson eyes went wide, shining with something a little like hope. "I'm... real? Yes," she answered her own question softly. "I'm real." She smiled, softly at first, but at the end a full, facesplitting grin. Her voice was gentle, reverent, and entirely approving. "*Dude.*"
Blessed be.
(And if -that- thought doesn't break your brain, you've obviously never seen Eva.)

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Supertramp - The Logical Song
(And if -that- thought doesn't break your brain, you've obviously never seen Eva.)
Peg and I just finally watched End of Evangelion this afternoon.
I'm going to have to write the Eva Step just to get the bad taste out of my brain.
Though it's pretty unlikely I'm going to have Rei say "dude". At least not that way. But... well, Nathan has seen certain material already, so he Knows Things. Maybe I should share a tiny, tiny snippet of the Eva Step over on Future Steps.
Still, the thought of using the Logical Song on the Children is attractive...
-- Bob
(Edit: Added afterthoughts.)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Supertramp - The Logical Song
A bit of a rant warning - not directed at you or anyone here. Just - I tend to go OFF on this subject sometimes when it's brought up.

Now you see why I HATE what Anno did to Asuka? She REDEEMED herself at last! And then... ARGH!! Poor girl just can NOT get a break!
And Shinji is NOT the same character. Even to the last episode of the regular series, I could sympathize with him. I wanted to kick him in the ass several times, but I still sympathized with him.
In EOE, I just want him to die. He's a completely reprehensible, useless character.
I could even accept the rest of the movie and the way things ended if Shinji's characterization was even a little bit more on target. I don't know WHAT they were thinking.
The rest of the movie has it's high and low moments. The rest of the characterizations are good. I even like what Rei does. SHe decides at the end that she isn't Gendo's tool. That's appropriate. Misato, Ritsuko and the others are as they should be, given the circumstances.
Oh well. I have a love/hate thing going with Evangelion. As if you couldn't tell. [Image: smile.gif]
Legolas - Obviously an Elvish word meaning "Gatling Gun".
Re: Supertramp - The Logical Song
Since this is turning into an Eva discussion, I'm going to transplant my reply to General Chatter.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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