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A gatesong and a "contingency" metasong
A gatesong and a "contingency" metasong
Both by Splashdown.

Elvis Sunday

What's that you say?

I've fallen into rewind and hit replay.

Under the maple shade, unafraid

Back on 317 Beckwith Street again.

Our only one crusade,

To build a fortress so we could hide away.

My home

Had to leave behind

Didn't like the change so I'd kick and cry

Never liked the changed, had to leave behind

'Cause that decision was never mine,

Never mine

I'll still kick and cry.

Yeah, I'm still kicking and crying, yeah

Guess I'm still kicking and crying when it comes to


What's that you said?

I'm still poking around the neighbors' hedge

Under the window ledge, someone said,

"Hold her hand when you near the driveway's edge."

Our only one crusade,

We never did get to build our hideaway.

My home

Had to leave behind

Didn't like the change so I'd kick and cry

Never liked the changed, had to leave behind

'Cause that decision was never mine,

Never mine

I'll still kick and cry.

Yeah, I'm still kicking and crying, yeah

Guess I'm still kicking and crying when it comes to


My home

Had to leave behind

Didn't like the change so I'd kick and cry

Never liked the changed, had to leave behind

'Cause that decision was never mine,

Never mine

I'll still kick and cry.

Yeah, I'm still kicking and crying, yeah

Guess I'm still kicking and crying when it comes to


Pretty clearly a gatesong. The "children-moving-away" aspect would probably make it appropriate for the Sana-chan no Omocha step.


... And if you lived in me

You'd think that I'm insane

I know I don't belong here

I push my limits over lines that I could not explain

For reasons that are never clear

I'm rushed and closing in on my demon's trail

Where all my promised thoughts lie waiting still unbroken

But anytime I trip my darker half refrains,

"I doubt you'll ever turn into some heroine"

Someday I must belong here

Sometimes I think so much I've missed that boat I've prayed

Would come untie these hands I fear

Still every hour's just another breath I take to stay awake

And all my promised thoughts lie waiting still unbroken

But anytime I trip my darker half refrains,

"I doubt you'll ever turn into some heroine"

Lightning has to fill the sky

Before I learn how to listen for the thunder in my head

I'm rushed and closing on my demon's trail

My wings have fallen out

And I am waiting for the power to unfold them

Lightning has to fill the sky

Before I learn how to listen for the thunder in my head

I'm rushed and closing on my demon's trail

My wings have fallen out

And I am waiting for the power to unfold

The whole "I suck right now, but pretty soon I'll be awesome" makes me think that this would delay the activation of another song. More
specifically, I figure it would work somewhat like the "contingency" spell from D&D: he specifies some condition under which the affected song will
I like the idea for the first... but for leaving or entering the KnO world?

Not sure that contingency is the best use of the second song... maybe it would serve better as an explicit "power awakening" song.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
I actually know nothing about Kodomo no Omocha except that it's about a child actress. Judging from your reaction there's probably a reason that Elvis
Sunday would be inappropriate for it.

..I hadn't thought about using it as a power awakening song. It does actually seem to fit better. The main reason i came up with contingency was because
the "thunder in my head" line suggested Doug hearing the affected song in his head.

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