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Doug's FUZION character sheet
Re: Expanded Martial Arts
Oh, this is cool. I jumped through some of the hoops that I did in creating the character because the MArts in the basic BGC book were so wimpy.
Hmm. Since Doug's Martial Arts (in the form of Natural Weaponry) are responsible for about a third of his damage bonus in V&V, it seems to me that we could substitute Basic Strike or even Offensive Strike for some of the "Hard Punch" bonus.
Other likely maneuvers, based on past history in-game and (more interestingly for folks here) what happens in Chapter 12:
Killing Strike
Martial Disarm
Martial Dodge
Martial Escape
Martial Grab
Martial Throw
Maybe Martial Block, as that seems to work like a parry, which he has done before. Martial Arts Weapons would be logical, considering how things work in V&V, but may be a bit excessive here.
Hm. That's at least 16 points, bare minimum, 18 if he has both Basic and Offensive strike, maxing at 22 if he takes both the block and the weapons. More likely 20... that's a lot more than the cost of the basic MArts and a die or two of Hard Punches...

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
One more thing...
After thinking about the hypothetical Sister Princess Step I was wondering if there's a Complication value for "Sentimental Old Fool".

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Sentimental Old Fool
I think that would be under 'sense of duty' - Frequent, Mild, Strong (8 pts)
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Shifters Playtest
I've been re-reading the Champions New Millenium book,and according to that a Kill is equivalent to a 14 DC attack.Assuming that a 13 DC attack is therefore equivalent to half a Kill,Doug should be doing up to 13D6 with his punches.Subtracting his 4 STR and the 2D6 from an Offensive Strike leaves us with a missing 7 dice of damage.Even with 3 dice of Hand Attack,there is still another 4D6 needed.Fortunately,the rulebook also provides the "Extra Damage" option,at a cost of 2 Option Points per level.Thus Doug probably also has 4 levels of Extra Damage,for an additional OP cost of 8 points."There's only one kind of monster that uses bullets"
You are correct that Doug needs to be doing about 14d6 to properly effect some of the more heavily armored enemies in the BGC world, but remember that some of the missing dice of damage can be taken care of with various "carrier" attacks from his song powers. The power pool should be able to link its attack to the damage done by his fists. As a relevent example, when he uses "Lightning's Hand".
I'm not sure how you're figuring that 13 counts as one half of a kill. Seems that half a kill would be 7d6.
Interestingly, I just noticed in looking at the C:NM book, that they bring back an old concept that was in Hero system up to 3rd edition but removed from Hero circa 4th edition - if a Hand-to-Hand attack is a kick rather than a punch, you gain +1d6 damage, but lose -1 to your accuracy. This makes a certain amount of sense to me.
Re: Damage
You are correct that Doug needs to be doing about 14d6 to properly effect some of the more heavily armored enemies in the BGC world
Unless the power applies some enhancement to the particular attack. To cite a case in the story, I considered "Black Hole Sun" to have an armor-piercing attack, by the nature of the projectiles involved.
The power pool should be able to link its attack to the damage done by his fists.
Only if the special effect in use says the attack emanates from his hands. He can't do a carrier/payload on an attack power defined as coming from his eyes, for instance. (And he has at least one of those that I can think of at the moment.)
I'm not sure how you're figuring that 13 counts as one half of a kill. Seems that half a kill would be 7d6.
Yeah, to the best of my knowledge, the "damage dice-to-kills" conversion isn't logarithmic. And I do seem to recall a 7d attack being called 0.5K in the original BGC book somewhere.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Expanded Martial Arts
Oh by the way, just in case it wasn't clear - none of the martial arts manuevers have a set special effect. The basic strike, defensive strike and offensive strike could just as easily by kicks, punches, elbow or knee strikes.
Even the martial throw can be used for something that doesn't look like a throw, but winds up with the same end result, like someone getting hit so hard that they wind up getting taken off of their feet. Like a clothsline manuever.
So, do you want to go ahead and use the expanded martial arts on Doug's character sheet? If so, I'll post another version with them included.
Oh - and it might be a good idea to figure out what manuevers each of the Knight Sabers uses. Retcon in order to be fair and all.
Linna obviously has the most in the way of formal training, almost certainly some form of Kung Fu.
Priss just knows how to fight dirty, street fighter style. But she should get manuevers anyway, to reflect her prowess.
Sylia - hmmm... The way she likes to look at everything with a technical eye, I wonder if she would've trained in Krav Maga?
Nene - I don't think she gets any form of martial arts at all. She just doesn't do that.
I should send you a copy of the .rtf file I've been using for the character sheet. It's formatted very close to the way the character stats were presented in the C:NM books Allainces and Bay City, and nicely fits on a single page when printed out. I'll do so once we have things finalized.
Re: Expanded Martial Arts
So, do you want to go ahead and use the expanded martial arts on Doug's character sheet? If so, I'll post another version with them included.
I don't know. They certainly reflect his eclectic style (Musabetsu Kakuto Sangnoir-ryuu? ), but the prospect of possibly having to account for similar maneuvers for the Sabers in my text may just delay chapter 12 even more...
I should send you a copy of the .rtf file I've been using for the character sheet. It's formatted very close to the way the character stats were presented in the C:NM books Allainces and Bay City, and nicely fits on a single page when printed out. I'll do so once we have things finalized.
Please do; I might be able to dump that right to HTML with some of the tools I have, and not have to recode it for the page. Thanks!

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Expanded Martial Arts
I don't know. They certainly reflect his eclectic style (Musabetsu Kakuto Sangnoir-ryuu? , but the prospect of possibly having to account for similar maneuvers for the Sabers in my text may just delay chapter 12 even more...
Not to worry, not to worry - If we include such manuevers for both Doug and the KnightSabers, it doesn't actually change how they fight.
You're not actually thinking of scripting and choreographing out the fight in game terms before actually writing it, are you? This is more of a rhetorical question, because I assume that you are just writing without adhering hard and fast to the character sheets. You, of course, know how Doug fights without looking at a character sheet, and equally, we all know how Priss, Linna, Sylia, and Nene fight (or don't fight, at least physically, in Nene's case), based on what we know of them from the series.
If you actually are using game engine parameters more closely than I think you are, then remember this - Any time you have someone doing something, you look at the end result and the special effect, and choose a manuever that suits it, not the other way around. As I said above, even with the extra granularity that the martial manuevers provide, they are still general effect constructs. Any of the strikes can be a punch, kick, knee strike or even a head butt! If you want Linna to do a spinning somersault axe kick, don't worry about finding that exact manuever. Just have her make an acrobatics roll, assume she gets a REF bonus based on her wild manuever based on how well she succeeded her roll by, and add that to an offensive strike or something. The effects are not dictated by the game system, they are still in your head. Besides, between the martial manuevers and the standard manuevers, every permutation should be covered. Hell, Nene could use standard manuevers in a close in fight.
(TECH GEEK NOTE) OH!!! That reminds me!! I was about to mention the fight between Nene and the Boomer that was assisting Mason on top of the Genom tower in BGC 3 Blow Up as an example here (she did take him down on her own, after all!). And I just remembered something about Nene's hardsuit that I thought I should mention and that none of the BGC fuzion books seem to have caught. Nene actually has one knuckle bomber on her right power arm. In all of BGC, it was only shown one time. There's a quick clip of her backhanding the head of the boomer that's on top of her in that fight on top of the tower. And when she does, there's an explosion that takes him out! I wondered if she had triggered her laser at point blank, but that wasn't ever described as something she could do with that weapon. I never knew how that one blow seemed to have taken out the boomer until I looked closely at the tech drawings of Nene's hardsuit and guessed at some of the original Japanese notations in the big ARTMIC BGC book (where R. Talsorian got most of it's line art from). Nene's knucklebomber is directly opposite of her laser on the power arm - on what would be heel of the "hand". It looks like an aperture or coverplate for another laser, but it's really a single knucklebomber that she can use in desperation. And it's in perfect position for that backhand blow that takes out the BU-55C in that fight. I'm 99% sure of this. It would make all kinds of sense for Sylia to provide Nene with one "holdout" weapon in case of emergencies. (END TECH GEEK NOTE)
Coming up - Doug's character sheet with the martial arts added (and a couple of further complications added)
Re: Expanded Martial Arts
Ah! HERE'S a jackpot for you! Found a site that has full powers lists and martial arts rules ready for download and print up in .PDF format!
If you want to actually figure out in game terms what Doug can do with his power pool - check out the Hero 4th Edition powers plug in that's been translated into Fuzion on this site.
This site is a very useful resourse!
Updated Character Sheet
INT......10.....LUCK 22
WILL....9.......RES 27
REF......12.....SPD 6
CON......8......SD 16.......ED 16.......END 80
STR......4.......REC 12
BODY....11.....STUN 65...HITS 45
MOVE.....9.....RUN 18.....SPRINT 27
...................SWIM 9.....LEAP 9

15........Code of Honor
15........Protective of Innocents
15........In Love with Shadowwalker
8.........Sense of Duty
3.........Various Minor Annoyances produced by Improbability
5.........Public Figure
(Drunkard's Walk II Complications Only)
10........Secret Identity

20........Martial Arts - Basic Strike, Breakfall, Killing Strike,
...........Martial Block, Martial Disarm, Martial Dodge, Martial
...........Escape, Martial Grab, Martial Throw, Offensive Strike
3.........*Perception: +5
2.........*Concentration: +4
E.........*Persuasion: +2
4.........*Education: +6
E.........*Local Expert: +2
E.........*Teacher: +2
4.........*Hand-to-Hand: +6
4.........*Melee Evade: +6
4.........*Athletics: +6
6.........Ranged Evade: +6
3.........Melee Weapons: +3
8.........Acrobatics: +8
9.........Computers: +9
4.........Detective: +4
2.........Disguise: +2
5.........Driving: (Motorcycles) +5
6.........Expert: International Law & Enforcement: +6
3.........Expert: UN: +3
10........Expert: American/British Pop Music: +10
5.........Expert: Movies & TV: +5
6.........Electronic Warfare: +6
4.........Espionage: +4
3.........Firearms: +3
6.........English: +6 (Mimic any Accent)
3.........French: +3
5.........Japanese: +5
5.........Valdemaran: +5
4.........Gambling: +4
10........Hacking: +10
4.........Leadership: +4
4.........Mechanics: +4
3.........Pilot: +3
3.........Research: +3
5.........Stealth: +5
6.........Electrical Engineering: +6
9.........Membership: Warriors 9
9.........License Warrior: 9
9.........Renown: 9
15........Combat Sense: 5
Improbability Field:
8.........Acts as +10 DEX, Activation 12-, for defensive
...........rolls only. Special Effect: Random strange things
...........alter or divert the attack.
Mage Sight:
4.........Discriminatory sense: detect meta-human;
..........Discriminatory Detect Magic with Range
Song Power:
30........Power Framework: 22 pt VPP w/11 pt control
...........cost (-1 pt Burnout (8- on 3d6), -2 pt attached
...........focus, -2 Requires simple skill roll (8 +1 pt per VPP),
...........+1 pt wide SFX))
Polykev armor:
7.........50 KD/EKD (1 Kill KD/EKD). Armor radiates damage
...........away as heat, 1 round per D6 intercepted, giving
...........+(dice left to radiate) to any heat- or IR-based
...........perception used against him.
Hard Punches:
2.........HA +2d6; Hand-to-Hand Attack (Total w/STR: 6d6)
CP: 90 / OP: 219 / PP: 51
Note that I left him 2d6 of his HA. With his Offensive Strike, he goes up to 8d6 rather than 7d6, but he gets a REF penalty for that, so it evens out.
Re: Updated Character Sheet
Looks good. I'll check out the link in the other message soon, too...
Note that I left him 2d6 of his HA. With his Offensive Strike, he goes up to 8d6 rather than 7d6, but he gets a REF penalty for that, so it evens out.
Ah. I saw that in the email version you and meant to ask about it...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Updated Character Sheet
One more thing, which I just thought of on the way home from work today, and if I hadn't been steering I would have slapped myself on the forehead and gone "duh!"
Doug's field also protects him against psionic effects. What's Fuzion and the current version of Champs do for EGO defense?

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Updated Character Sheet
One more thing, which I just thought of on the way home from work today, and if I hadn't been steering I would have slapped myself on the forehead and gone "duh!"
Doug's field also protects him against psionic effects. What's Fuzion and the current version of Champs do for EGO defense?
Hmmm... Well, it depends on the effect we're going for here. Is he slipping the attack, or resisting it?
If he's slipping the attack, then I think we add in the effect of additional EGO stat into the Field's defensive effects. With +10 Extra WILL added to his 9 and Concentration Skill, his mind will be very hard for a typical mentalist to get a "grip" on. But it's an all or nothing thing, if a mentalist does get a successful attack, he's going to have a normal effect on Doug.
If you want to build it like that, it'll look like this --
Improbability Field:
18......Acts as +10 DEX, +10 WILL, Activation 8+, for
........defensive rolls only. Special Effect: Random
........strange things alter or divert the attack.
The power cost goes from 8 to 18. Pretty expensive.
If his field merely makes it so that he's resisting the end effect, or "soaking" it, so that a mentalist has to expend much more effort in order to effect him, then he needs to buy some Mental Defense which works sort of like Mental Armor. And you get 5 points of it for every 1 Power Point spent, with no END cost. At this point, you merely need to decide how much he is able to resist and decide on how much Mental Defense to give him. 5 Power points Spent will give him 25 Mental Defense. Pretty respectable. But some effect will get through almost every time.
I suspect you're going to go with the "slipping" effect myself. But I wanted to make you aware of both options in case I was wrong.
Re: Updated Character Sheet
Hm. In V&V it's all the same mechanic -- roll to hit, target number acquired by indexing attack vs. best defense on the combat table, and then factor in Doug's -8 to be hit from Heightened Defense. I guess "slipping" best describes the equivalent, especially since if a V&V mind controller makes his to hit roll, he does have free reign to mess with Doug's head. It's more expensive, but it replicates the V&V behavior more closely, so let's go with that.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Updated Character Sheet
Okay, I'm going to send the revised sheet to you via email, as there's really no need to repost the entire thing here with such a minor change.
Re: Updated Character Sheet
Yup, got it, but the web gateway to my email is such a pain to use that I didn't reply that way. I'll grab a copy tonight at home and check it out, and see what I can do with it.
Thanks, you've been a great sport and a great help!

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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