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As some of you may know, Wikia has a wiki for fan fiction. A wiki that
frankly, could stand a lot of improvement. I wrote first drafts for Twisted
Path and (of course) Drunkard's Walk, but both could use a
lot of improvement. And I wouldn't even know WHERE to start on a page for Undocumented Features, Legion's Quest, or lots of other stuff. So I'd
like to rally the efforts of these forums to basically blitz the wiki and get some decent content written up. Would anybody be interested in joining the

Pronounced "shy guy."
Nice start, Shay Guy! I don't really have the time at the moment, but I assure you that I will join the wiki and add my two cents' worth sooner or
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Thank you! I tried prodding one of the currently most active users, but...well, that hasn't gone so well. People on this wiki seem in general to be more interested in writing about their own fics than others'. Wonder what The Other Wiki, or even TV Tropes would think of that...

Pronounced "shy guy."
Peg and I have to wait for some furniture to be delivered on Saturday. Maybe I'll get onto my duff and write something up for the wiki.

(Tho' the last thing I need right now is another addictive web-based forum to live in... )
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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