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Crossovers that Should Not Be 4: Son of Crossover's Bride
Re: Crossovers that Should Not Be 4: Son of Crossover's Brid
Eugh... and the wankery on the "Superman vs Frieza" thread that I ran into was even worse. However, I don't think it was anyone from the DBZ universe at all. I have a different theory.
Re: Crossovers that Should Not Be 4: Son of Crossover's Brid
Take a look -Here-
Every post in there is pure, unintentional gold.
Edit: Mostly I was picturing Batman with a turtle shell on his back and giggling occasionally. Also: everything is better with Piccolo.-----------------
Self-realization. I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, when he said, "I drank what?"
- Chris Knight, Real Genius Two great tastes that go great together!
Re: Crossovers that Should Not Be 4: Son of Crossover's Brid
Oh, I dunno. Fuku!Seras'd be worth the price of admission...
Oddly, I am envisioning her as being Sailor Mercury...

-- Bob
I intend to be a freak for the rest of my life, and I shall baffle you with cabbages and rhinoceroses in the kitchen and incessant quotations from Now We Are Six through the mouthpiece of Lord Snooty's giant poisoned electric head. So theeeeeere....
Re: Crossovers that Should Not Be 4: Son of Crossover's Brid
inspired by an LJ icon, of all things..
Invader Zod
Zod: Come, son of Jor-El, get on your disgusting leg meats and kneel befor-
Gir: TACOS! Kneel before TACOS, Dim, it'll be NEEEEEET!!!!Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Re: Crossovers that Should Not Be 4: Son of Crossover's Brid
I can't claim credit for this one (it came from here ) but this one crosses the line from unholy to Epic and back again:
Five years after the end of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Simon returns to Kamina City. He has seen scientists working on a way to literally rip a hole through the dimensions with Spiral Power. Once it's stabilized, he gets the old crew back together, in Arc Gurren Lagann and journeys to other realities.
He meets Dr Who, The Ghostbusters, The Transformers, Ultraman Mebius, and the Aang Gang. They meet, join in battles, and forge alliances across dimensions, which is necessary as something of the bleakest black is following the Dai Gurren Dan back to their earth, where we get a pitched battle.
What follows them is the very essence of every villain destroyed by the heroes they've met. It breaks off into invasion forces and giant mechs of its own and Simon calls out the Ganmen once more.
Just when the darkness is winning, a flare in the shape of the Gurren Lagann brand lights up the sky.
We get a big-time goddamn dramatic speech that culminates in every hero from these alternate worlds joining the chant of "Who the hell do you think we are!?!" and a knockdown dragout fight with Aang and company backing up the Doctor and the Ghostbusters against the enemy invaders, while Ultraman, Chouginga Gurren Lagann, and the entire Autobot lineup defeat the mech.
Mr. Fnord
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Re: Crossovers that Should Not Be 4: Son of Crossover's Brid
Ultimate killer robot smackdown.
HK-47 vs. Terminator.
Re: Crossovers that Should Not Be 4: Son of Crossover's Brid
I'll be back, meatbag.
I have no knowledge or experience of Naruto, and little interest in it, but I have a turn of phrase stuck in my brainmeats.
Sharingan Eye for the Queer Guy
*rimshot*Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Re: Crossovers that Should Not Be 4: Son of Crossover's Brid
Naruto, played as normal, except that once we get to the part where we're actually interacting with the Kyuubi, it comes out (over time) that it's actually Ridiculously Overpowered, Deeply Broken, And Sent Back Through Time Harry (it's common enough to be a microgenre by now (this time, with an Animagus fox form)) Well... except that he's, y'know, even more ridiculously overpowered, sent back a lot further through time, and way, way more broken.
As for why he attacked Konoha? He encountered Orochimaru, and the Enormous Snake Summon, and snapped.
(in a conversation with the Third Hokage)
'Heee's Lyyying to youuuu.'
'What? Shut up! This is the Hokage!'
'He's old. I remember the old man. You respect him. I remember that, too. There are things he isn't telling you - important things. He's lying to you.'
Re: Crossovers that Should Not Be 4: Son of Crossover's Brid
it's actually Ridiculously Overpowered, Deeply Broken, And Sent Back Through Time Harry
That makes so much sense it's scary.
Maybe the lack of sleep is getting to me.
But it's fun while it lasts.
I demand MOAR!-Terry
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de Saint Exupery
The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Re: Crossovers that Should Not Be 4: Son of Crossover's Brid
'Heee's Lyyying to youuuu.'
'What? Shut up! This is the Hokage!'
'He's old. I remember the old man. You respect him. I remember that, too. There are things he isn't telling you - important things. He's lying to you.'
'He's Hokage, duh! He's a ninja! Of course he's lying!'

"Nyan-nyan nyan-nyan nihaou nyan!"

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
This is the story of a boy, and his father;
who went on a training journey,
who did extremely stupid things in the name of training
who learned secrets of Martial Arts, Magic, and De Life,
(yes secrets of Life. Please don't kill...)



Clubbed Angel of Death 1/2

Let the character bashing begin...
eldritch horror
Quote:He was a marvellous old character, with all the colourful and slightly baffling turns of phrase you tend to get from an American. He told me about friends of his who came from Yuggoth, which I would imagine is some town in Massachusettes, or perhaps an outpost like Rhode Island since he specified it was "beyond the rim." He made it sound a jolly interesting place, at any rate, and even offered me a trip there with, as he said, my intelligence contained in an appropriate vessel. I imagine The Queen Mary was the vessel that he had in mind, and I'll admit to being flattered by the way he'd noticed my intelligence on such short acquaintance, since it is a quality that far too many people seem to overlook.
He rattled on like this for absolutely ages, telling me about all of these retired chaps that he knew, "old ones" as he referred to them, who'd apparently been overseas or somewhere, but were anxious to return here "when the stars were right." I believe he mentioned an endearing rogue called something like "Cool Lulu," which to my ears sounded like it might be a Red Indian name, who seemed to lead a leisurely, agreeable old life, sleeping and dreaming at a place called Riley, possibly a reservation of some kind.
Alan Moore's Black Dossier graphic novel (3rd in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen series) contains a disturbing crossover between Call of Cthulhu and the Bertram Wooster stories (

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
My darling darling darling please?
So, remember that Lucky Star/Nanoha crossover ... ersyr8.jpg]image?

I don't know if they were actually inspired by it, but someone's started a ... _Crossover]fanfic combining the two series.

-Morgan, hasn't read it yet though. '.'
I did a little stupidity by trying to combine(and I think it suceeded) Tron and Harry Potter.
Tom Mathews aka Disruptor
Not sure if anyone had suggested this
Tendo Rushuna as the last Pretty Smiling Senshi

a Grenadier/Sailor Moon xover
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
ordinance11 Wrote:Tendo Rushuna as the last Pretty Smiling Senshi

With a name like that it wouldn't be to hard to get her engaged to Saotome Ranma....
Re: Crossovers that Should Not Be 4: Son of Crossover's Bride
Came up with this one while watching a re-run of Futurama...

Bend it Like Bender

Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
So, I was checking the updates thread and saw "A Boy in the Hand" was updated.

And earlier today, I was looking through things that referred to the Ranma/SM crossover "Destiny's Child".

And suddenly I think, what if the Ranma from the latter was mysteriously transported to the universe of the former?

Hotaru and the boy dating Hotaru meeting the boy who turns *into* Hotaru could lead to one of the more unique series of mistaken identities and doubletakes...

Okay, I don't have a pithy, concise summation of this idea, but I'm going to post it anyhow.

A setting which replaces the Cylon Six from Battlestar Galactica with Six LeMeure from Blossom.

Or maybe drop her in to take the place of Seven of Nine in Voyager...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Bob Schroeck Wrote:Okay, I don't have a pithy, concise summation of this idea, but I'm going to post it anyhow.

A setting which replaces the Cylon Six from Battlestar Galactica with Six LeMeure from Blossom.

Or maybe drop her in to take the place of Seven of Nine in Voyager...


"Good day, Number Six."

"What did you call me?"

"Number Six. For official purposes, all.."

"How did you know who I really am?"

(Crossing over BSG and The Prisoner, of course.)

Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Every so often, there comes along an idea that you just shouldn't share, but you have to share it anyway.

The Harry Dresden series presents itself, to some extent, as Urban Fantasy / Film-Noir Detective stories.

Harry, meet your new partner.

Theodore London, of C J Henderson's "Things that Are Not There". You want to play with Outsiders? Have an Elder God.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Re: Crossovers that Should Not Be 4: Son of Crossover's Bride
Picture it:

An alien robot, displaced during the 'portal storms' and subsequent interdimensional invasion by the Combine, wanders about looking for its master (or
maybe just some taquitos). It stumbles across an abandoned research facility, and meets the recently 'heart-broken' A.I. that ran it.

That's right, I'm talking Invader Zim/Portal, with GIR/GLaDOS. Imagine the dialogue.

--The Twisted One
"If you
wish to converse with me, define your

Quote: TheTwisted1 wrote:

Picture it:

An alien robot, displaced during the 'portal storms' and subsequent interdimensional invasion by the Combine, wanders about looking for its master
(or maybe just some taquitos). It stumbles across an abandoned research facility, and meets the recently 'heart-broken' A.I. that ran it.

That's right, I'm talking Invader Zim/Portal, with GIR/GLaDOS. Imagine the dialogue.

--The Twisted One

Oh wow, I'd PAY to read that.
"Really, Dave... There's cake at the end of all this. But, Dave... the cake is a lie."


I ran into a phrase about a Harry Potter with sociopathic tendencies, who looked good in leather pants - and for some reason it made me think of the Labrynth -
but Harry doesn't really work as Jareth. For one thing, the hair color's all wrong. On the other hand, well, there is the bit about Draco In Leather

So... let us posit the Labrynth - a strange not-quite-there (or perhaps merely not-quite-here) artifact/place that people with magic can, from time to time,
wish others away to. Narcissa knows of it, and when the Voldemort War goes All Wrong, she wishes Draco away, hoping to save him from an otherwise seemingly
inevitable demise. The war goes much worse then in canon, and spreads out far beyond the shores of Britain. Something Horrible And Cataclysmic happens,
killing off just about everyone who *has* magic, and, incidentally, sending the goblins of Gringotts (or at least a fair number of them) into the Labrynth (and
then not letting them get back out again) where they find that, somehow or other, Draco has Bound himself to the place, and they are compelled in significant
ways to follow his rule. Time passes. Lots of time. Draco does not age, but he becomes bitterly lonely and desperate and broken. There is a lasting taint
of death on the British Isles, and anyone with enough magic to call themselves a squib feels uncomfortable when any closer than France. The goblins slowly
lose their culture and their minds, regressing and warping physically, altered by the magics of the place. Finally, enough time passes that the miasma is
gone... and a young girl is born, to muggles, with enough magic to wish her baby brother away. She's a mudblood. She is - but he's been so *terribly*

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