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Re: ROTFL, Part ll
Somewhere in Symphony of the Sword, but I can't remember where...
"Who knew fish were magnetic?"
Re: ROTFL, Part ll
Symphony No. 4: Fifth Movement: Requiem for a Lensman-Terry
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de Saint Exupery
The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Re: ROTFL, Part II
From the latest post in Drakinsis 'Warrior Peoples' on this forum.
What the Goauld tell their Jaffa about us? he asked Daniel quietly. These two looked just about ready to wet themselves when they recognised me.
Uh, do you remember that British TV show that I introduced you too.
The one with the red space ship?
No, the one in Elizabethan England. Blackadder.
Oh yeah, that was pretty good. But whats that got to do with us?
You remember the Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells?
Jack nodded. Sure hey!

OMG ROFTL.... oh my aching sides
Re: ROTFL, Part II
Symphony No. 4: Fifth Movement: Requiem for a Lensman
It was the "And, amazingly enough, not the only one" bit that thoroughly broke me.--
"I give you the beautiful... the talented... the tirelessly atomic-powered...

Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Re: ROTFL, Part II
From a Bleach fanfiction ( ) that I think I was lead to by this very thread:
Nanao Matsumoto reached out and caught her shoulder. Nanao sighed. Honeyits justyou know that if anybody ever hurt you, Id come down on them like a ton of bricks, right?
I suppose, said Nanao warily.
Wellthing isI could come down like a ton of bricks on Zaraki, and he wouldnt even notice.
And the first thing that popped up from my backbrain's Hentai Section was "Come down, or *go* down? There's a serious noticability difference there..."
The second thing was "Paizuri!"
Of course, it didn't help that the next line was:
Nanao suspected that no straight male with a pulse could fail to notice Matsumoto, attacking or not, but took the point.
Re: ROTFL, Part II
From a Bleach fanfiction ( ) that I think I was lead to by this very thread:
Nanao Matsumoto reached out and caught her shoulder. Nanao sighed. Honeyits justyou know that if anybody ever hurt you, Id come down on them like a ton of bricks, right?
I suppose, said Nanao warily.
Wellthing isI could come down like a ton of bricks on Zaraki, and he wouldnt even notice.
And the first thing that popped up from my backbrain's Hentai Section was "Come down, or *go* down? There's a serious noticability difference there..."
The second thing was "Paizuri!"
Of course, it didn't help that the next line was:
Nanao suspected that no straight male with a pulse could fail to notice Matsumoto, attacking or not, but took the point.
Re: ROTFL, Part II
"Wonder if we get cable," he said, then turned on the TV. Immediately the huge screen was filled with a larger-than-life image of a garage. Several anti-gravity swoop bikes were up on service lifts in various stages of assembly. A large, muscular man with iron-grey hair and a handlebar mustache was yelling at a rotund younger man with curly dirty-blond hair.
"Mikey! Where the hell are my freakin' bits?"
"How should I know?" the younger man replied. "Why'n't you use the Force to make Pauly tell you where he left 'em?"
"BOO-yah! Just in time for 'Avalon Chopper'," said Stone. "Life is good."
"No, you know what, the hell with it," a big, burly guy with a handlebar mustache was saying as Gar entered the room. "Mikey! Get your ass to the office, get Jack at Speedline Racing on the phone, and tell him I find my lack of parts disturbing." The end of the sentence was punctuated by an angry metallic bang as he left the room and slammed the door behind him.
On the TV, the man who had earlier been addressed as "Mikey" was shown in a cluttered office, speaking into a telephone.
"Jack? Mike Teutul. Listen - you've failed us for the last time, buddy."
and introducing
His Dark Lordship Paul Teutul, Sr., AOOS

UF:FI Titans 1: Convergence--
"I give you the beautiful... the talented... the tirelessly atomic-powered...

Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Re: ROTFL, Part II
You know, at over 400 messages, I think it's time we started a ROTFL Part III.

-- Bob
I intend to be a freak for the rest of my life, and I shall baffle you with cabbages and rhinoceroses in the kitchen and incessant quotations from Now We Are Six through the mouthpiece of Lord Snooty's giant poisoned electric head. So theeeeeere....
Re: ROTFL, Part II
Do you have the slightest idea of what youre doing!? Sasuke continued; making sure his voice reached Naruto and Naruto only.
Uhhtrying to share my lunch with you?
NO! Look over there.
Naruto followed Sasukes head gesture. So? Your fangirls.
Yes. Myfangirls. Sasuke muttered bitterly. Did you already forget the horror that fangirls are?
Hell no. Naruto admitted. But I dont see what that has to do with-
Dobe!!! Sasukes eyes were bloodshot at this point. Youre making them evolve!!!
Naruto blinked. What was Sasuke up to?
YES!!! Into yaoi fangirls!!!
Sasuke stayed still for a few seconds, as if waiting for the weight of his words to hit Naruto. Seeing no such reaction, he just let go of the blond.
So just shut up and eat your damn lunch.
Ignoring Narutos blank look, Sasuke returned to his own meal, eating it calmly and, most importantly, quietly. Naruto, however, didnt do the same. However, he actually pondered the intelligence of opening his mouth again before he actually did it.
Ne, Sasuke Naruto spoke. While his voice wasnt particularly loud, it was easy for everyone in the classroom to hear him.
Sasuke gritted his teeth again and took a deep breath. what?
Whats yaoi?
An even more uncomfortable silence invaded the classroom like a chilling fog that swallowed everything. Once again, Narutos blindness prevented him from witnessing an incredible sight, namely the spectrum of faces Sasuke made in the span of a few seconds. He did notice some whispering and pointing from the fangirl corner, but that didnt interest him. His expanded Senrigan also showed him that, for some reason, Hinata had slammed her forehead on her desk.
Noticing the shaking of Sasukes hands, Naruto turned his attention back to his friend.
So? Umm, Sasuke?
No amount of reflexes helped Naruto against Sasukes sudden onslaught. A second later, the two were rolling and scuffling on the floor, until they reached a standstill with Narutos hands pushing Sasukes arms and Sasukes hands closed around Narutos neck.
Im gonna kill you!!! Im gonna kill you, and then Im going to kill myself!!! Screw Itachi, screw Mother, screw everything!!!!!
Ack! Sasu..cantugh
A high-pitched scream seized the classrooms attention. Sasuke noticed the circle of children who had been watching the display with rapt attention. He focused on the source of the voice: a shaking, blushing Yamanaka Ino, who promptly flinched at the feral glare she got from her crush. However, she gathered her courage and spoke in behalf of her entire group of friends.
Sa-Sasuke-kun, ple-please do-dont She fidgeted with her fingers in the same way everyone had seen Hinata do hundreds of times.
Please dont be so rough with Naruto-kun!!! Hes not enjoying it!!!
While Narutos mind tried to figure out how anyone could enjoy being strangled, Sasuke digested what Ino had said, taking him half a second to realize what she really had said.
That sent him over the edge.
Re: ROTFL, Part II
sigh and after I tried so hard to make a new ROTFL thread. ah well someting new to look into is always good.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Re: ROTFL, Part II
Damnit, I looked around but only found this topic, I have no idea why. Sorry about this.
Re: ROTFL, Part II
As Dirty Harry would say, a man's just got to know his limitations:
In every fic with a sorting scene,
The Author includes a song.
With prose abused cruel and mean,
And they go on much too long.
The smart ones just include
The hats libretto from the canon.
The others, well theyre just rude,
And quite abusive to the fanon.
For this fic, lets just assume
The hat was verbose and quite witty.
Because my poetry will clear a room,
It really is that shitty.
For you purists who need the fic to have a sorting song,
And lacking the same would drive you to try to pick a bone.
I would suggest you should please yourself and surely do no wrong,
If you were to reread the verse from the book about the stone.
Mr. Fnord
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Re: ROTFL, Part II
C'mon, people, to the new thread please.

-- Bob
I intend to be a freak for the rest of my life, and I shall baffle you with cabbages and rhinoceroses in the kitchen and incessant quotations from Now We Are Six through the mouthpiece of Lord Snooty's giant poisoned electric head. So theeeeeere....

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