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Feel free to contribute, critiscize, or simply lol. This is an exorcism of a bunny that's been sitting in my head for a couple months now - what if vampires invaded, modern day Alaska, via dimensional portals?

Kenneth Elm opened his eyes and blinked the sleep out of them. He didn't move anything else, and lay in bed silently, feeling the alarm roll across his nerves. The darkness of his bedroom resolved, the small lights of various pieces of electronics providing a night-light level glow.
His bedroom door was open a few inches, thanks to the cat, and the shimmering light from his father's old and much-repaired plasma globe filtered in through the gap.
Ken blinked again, preperatory to going back to sleep, and saw a shadow cross the light from the globe. Focussing on his ears, the best way to determine who was moving about the house in the night, Ken couldn't hear his father's slightly clumsy, heavy steps, or his mother's more pointed tapping, or even his sister's whisking shuffle.
Ken tensed slightly, readying himself to sit up and go investigate, and his door started to open. Abandoning movement, he shuttered his eyes and peered through the lashes at the door. The light from his stereo and computer monitor's power lights and whatnot was sufficient to reveal a tall, oddly built figure, with no definition to his sides.
The figure opened the door fully, and the light was just barely sufficient for Ken to see a face directly out of a bad vampire movie. Ken rolled off the bed and fell to the floor, screaming. As Ken rolled under the bed, the bed rocked as the intruder grabbed the mattress and flung it aside, repeating the act with the box spring to reveal young Ken.
When the box spring came out, Ken shot his hand to the shelves of junk that every young boy has, his was at the head of the bed, and his hand closed around something. Relying on tactile memory and blind luck, Ken stabbed at the figure, and was rewarded with a squawk of surprise as a spare whip for his amateur radio antenna poked the dark figure in the mouth.
The figure reached up and flew backwards, as Eric Elm, Ken's father, grabbed it by the back of the neck and threw it down the hall. The figure crashed into the shelves that the globe sat on, and the globe wobbled, tipped, and fell down into Eric's hand, as he stepped forward and kicked the figure in the ass, rescuing his plasma globe on the way.
The globe was tossed to Ken, who set it aside, and Eric turned the light on. The figure on the floor, struggling to pull it's head out of the tangle of steel that had resulted from its initial flight into the shelves, screamed. The scream was quite loud and quite high pitched, and must have been trapped and reverbrated fairly effectively by the steel panels of the shelf unit, as the scream immediately stopped, replaced by a hiccuping groan. The figure was revealed to be a slender man in a rather tattered suit, all in black, with a flowing black cape, now crumpled about it's shoulders.
Eric kicked the figure again, then turned to his son and made a pistol gesture with his hand. Returning his attention to the prone figure, Eric stomped down, his oil-field toughened foot landing in the small of the figure's back, just as it attempted to push off the floor and pull it's head out again. Ken showed back up out of Eric's bedroom, his hand full of big black pistol.
"Got it, dad"
Eric removed his foot from the figure, and reached down again. grabbing one scrawny wrist in each hand, he pulled backwards, one of his legs between the legs of the prone figure, one outside. The figure was jerked out of the shelf unit and slammed into Eric's ankle with a sensitive spot, and howled again. The horrible sound made both men grimace, and Ken took a step back into the doorway of his bedroom, but ceased when Eric thoughtfully bounced the face of his captive off the floor.
"OK, loser, this is what's going to happen" Eric pronounced, his voice steady, but hot with anger. "I'm going to let go of one of your hands and set you up against the wall, you're going to behave, or my son's going to shoot you."
Eric paused in his speech, and Ken racked the slide on the pistol, making his own audible punctuation. The figure hissed, and Eric bounced it off the floor a few more times before releasing it's left hand. That hand immediately swept around to grasp Eric's right wrist, and squeezed hard enough that Eric grunted. He forced the figure into a sitting position against the wall, kneeled in front of it, and recoiled in shock. The face confronting him was a realization of the 1970's cliche movie vampire, red glaring eyes lit from behind, white leathery skin, enlarged batlike ears, sharp fangs bared in a hissing snarl of rage.
Eric pushed his recoil further, surging back to his feet and taking the vampire with him. The vampire cooperated, lunging forward and leading with the fangs, but Eric slipped sideways and slammed the vampire into the wall behind them, jarring it momentarily, allowing Eric to smash one beefy pipeworker's fist into it's leprous face. A look of shock remained when the fist retracted, and Eric changed his grip to the vampire's neck.
"You got one fucking chance to explain yourself, asshole!" Eric shouted into the vampire's face. The vampire lunged forward again, fangs snapping at Eric's face, and Ken pushed the barrel of the pistol into the thing's ear and squeezed the trigger.
The explosive crack of the pistol round slapped into the ears of both men, nearly deafening them to the scream of the vampire as the powder burns, instead of being mere scorches, caught and burned, burning the vampire like a cannon fuse.
When the burning was done, nothing remained but a pile of ashes, scorched paint, a disgusting stench and a pile of dust. Ken safed the pistol, looking at it like he'd never seen it before, then looked up at his father, confusion on his face. Eric returned his look with equal puzzlement, then shook his head like a dog coming out of water.
"What the fuck was that, dad?"
"Damned if I know, son. If I didn't know better, I'd have said it was a vampire."
Ken opened his mouth to reply, and the phone rang.Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Re: [fic]Invasion
Vampires as a zombie-level threat? Interesting premise.
Re: [fic]Invasion
vampires rely on intimidation and enhanced strength - it's not easy to center yourself enough to use that strength if people just keep hitting you.. Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Re: [fic]Invasion
Vampires aren't too bad, especially if they've got all the traditional weaknesses (sunlight, crosses, garlic). After all, putting a bullet in a vampires head might not kill it, but it'll probably make it hold still long enough for a stake or fire. They've got nifty powers yes, but so very many weaknesses, most of which are known by every 10 year old kid on earth.
If it was werewolves now, then your fsucked.--
La Krueze: I just want everyone in the universe to suffer. Is that so wrong?
If you become a monster to put down a monster you've still got a monster running around at the end of the day and have as such not really solved the whole monster problem at all. 
Re: [fic]Invasion
Well, vampires might be very dangerous, 6 months out of the year anyways.
Re: [fic]Invasion
The danger of vampires in Alaska is already well known... n.n;
"Hmm . . .I'm not too up on my whale anatomy, but I don't recall them having two metal rails in their stomachs. It's probably a blue whale."

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