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Yet Another Updates Thread
Re: Yet Another Updates Thread
Sunrise Over Britain has begun winding down with Chapter 31.
Also, Skysaber is back! Three stories on his Pit of Voles page have been updated in the last three months, including one of my favorites, Shampoo's Revenge.

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Team 8
Matt has updated Team 8 with Chapter 11: My Dinner with AburameD for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Re: Yet Another Updates Thread
Also, Skysaber is back!
*Time passes as Morgan curses whoever thought not being able to see the list of stories without javascript was a good idea*
Hmmm. Good to see he's still around. Though I was really hoping for more of his SI works. Too many authors seem to think SI fic has to be really really depressing. >.>;;
I guess now I'll be reading Shampoo's Revenge, since I can't remember if I've read it or not, and now I'm curious.
Edit: Oh yeah, he should not be allowed to write fics with Akane in them. *sweatdrop*
-Morgan."This continuity is now a Princess of Darkness crossover."
"... They're all going to die, aren't they?"
"Yep. Popcorn?"
Some people have Worm SIs with phenomenal cosmic power.
My Worm SI is Emma and Madison's therapist.
Re: Yet Another Updates Thread
Edit: Oh yeah, he should not be allowed to write fics with Akane in them. *sweatdrop*
Ayeah. 'S why I don't read his stuff any more.
I like Akane; I find her by far the most sympathetic character in the setting. And the fanon-psycho that keeps getting dropped in her place gives me the hives, more and more so as time goes by, which really cuts down on the number of Ranma fics I can enjoy.
And Ornstead's interpretation of her character... well, it's been a while. But from what I do remember, he hasn't got a clue what he's talking about, there.
Ja, -n

"I'm terribly sorry, but I have to kill you quite horribly now."
Re: Yet Another Updates Thread
Yeah, his version of her does go overboard. And on (re-)reading all of Shampoo's Revenge, I realize that it's the earlier chapters, where it's focusing on Shampoo's clever plan and the unexpected fallout thereof, that I'm remember best. It reads like an original flavor fic -- then it makes a left turn into serious alt-uni territory for no partcular good reason. It's not bad, but it's not good either, and it's not what attracted me to it in the beginning.
As for his SI stuff, well, he has a page over on where he seems to be continuing Bubblegum Boy...
(ETASmile The main problem with his portrayal of Akane -- as well as that of Metroanime, and maybe a couple other writers -- is that it's all rooted in a childish reaction to a mid-1990s grudge match between fiancee factions that all but died out years ago. But Skysaber can't bury the hatchet -- his primary fault as a writer is he can't admit he's wrong or that anything needs changing if someone else tells him about it, and I suppose there's been far too much bad blood on the Akane thing for the contrarian in him to ever allow it to fade away. At this late stage, changing how he portrays Akane in any way would be tantamount to admitting the so-called "Knights of the True Fiancee" were right. And he won't do that.

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Re: Yet Another Updates Thread
I can still recall the flame wars and jumps to conclusion on both sides of the issue...
I also once had to talk down somebody on chatboard from going off half baked on the issue...Some of the fan readers people involved in it were serious conspiracy theorists server crash, fanfic link gone, etc...It was the KOTF hacked it to suppress this or that fanfic...I kind of thought the whole issue as far as I was concerned was quite frankly getting downright ridiculous...
I used to read his writing way back when I first started reading fanfiction (mid 90s). And I gave up on Jared eventually when it got to the point that every other chapter with Akane in it would be a sermon on the evil of Akane Tendo...According to Skysaber.

My mom's brief take on upcoming Guatemalan Elections "In last throes of preelection activities. Much loudspeaker vote pleading."
Re: Yet Another Updates Thread
I'm not so bothered by it with Skysaber most of the time, simply because most of the time, the story just stays away from Akane most of the time. (And she even gets some good lines in Astrild's Restaurant! Which I'd also really like to see more of.) Besides, most of my favorite stuff of his doesn't say too close to any of the Ranma universe...
Metroanime on the other hand tends to get on my nerves a lot more, because he just doesn't seem to be able to get away from it. Of course, then in Retake, he ends up getting along quite well with her, sometimes to his dismay... He's also high on my list of "makes their SI too depressing". It's kind of annoying, because overall I *like* his writing... he just keeps going down paths that bother me. Or he did; been even longer since I've seen anything from him than from Skysaber.
Back to Shampoo's Revenge, I actually like the silly AUish stuff better. It stays interesting, and "bad things happen to people who make Ranma's life hard" gets just as boring as "bad things happen to Ranma". (The actual canon is rarely that simple.) And "Glistening Firebrand" is one of the funniest things I've seen in quite a while.
-Morgan."This continuity is now a Princess of Darkness crossover."
"... They're all going to die, aren't they?"
"Yep. Popcorn?"
Some people have Worm SIs with phenomenal cosmic power.
My Worm SI is Emma and Madison's therapist.
Re: Yet Another Updates Thread
Oh yes, that little revelation in the latest part, I really liked. And although I didn't like the execution I really liked the idea that Nabiki was so absorbed in her little con games that she actually missed all the big things around her -- like Kasumi being an Olympic medalist skater. But some of the other divergences, just, well, were a little too wallbanger for me and blew me right out of suspension-of-disbelief.

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Re: Yet Another Updates Thread
Yeah, that was interesting, though I think he's a bit too harsh on Nabiki through some of it. (For one thing, I'm not sure I find the idea of Nabiki doing something that would justify a revenge like the one that takes place particularly credible.)
As for other divergences, I'm not entirely sure what you would mean. But then, I pretty much live for AU and crossover fic, so I'll tolerate just about anything in that regard.
-Morgan."This continuity is now a Princess of Darkness crossover."
"... They're all going to die, aren't they?"
"Yep. Popcorn?"
Some people have Worm SIs with phenomenal cosmic power.
My Worm SI is Emma and Madison's therapist.
Re: Yet Another Updates Thread
though I think he's a bit too harsh on Nabiki through some of it. (For one thing, I'm not sure I find the idea of Nabiki doing something that would justify a revenge like the one that takes place particularly credible.)
You think that's harsh? You should have seen what Mark "Togashi Gaijin" Shurtleff did to both Nabiki and Akane in the earlier drafts of his "Relatively Absent"...
As for other divergences, I'm not entirely sure what you would mean.
Doctor Tofu and the ladle lady, mainly.
But then, I pretty much live for AU and crossover fic, so I'll tolerate just about anything in that regard.
Oh, I'm a big AU fan, too, love'em. Why do you think I write what I do? But they've got to have some kind of internal logic to them or they'll effectively kill themselves in my eyes.

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Re: Yet Another Updates Thread
Metroanime... been even longer since I've seen anything from him than from Skysaber.
Metroanime is still quite active, but he posts mostly to the Addventure under a different name.
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad.  In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.
Re: Yet Another Updates Thread
Metroanime is still quite active, but he posts mostly to the Addventure under a different name.
That would explain the flood of crap they've been experiencing.--
"I give you the beautiful... the talented... the tirelessly atomic-powered...

Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Re: Yet Another Updates Thread
BetanWerecat has a new fic out!
So much for my going to be on time tonight.
Ja, -n

"I'm terribly sorry, but I have to kill you quite horribly now."
Naruto Trifecta
Fetish? What's a fetish?
Team 8
Way of the Orphan
Re: Naruto Trifecta
We definitely have someone running around casting resurrection spells 'coz dead authors are popping right out of the ground!
This time, it's Todd Hill and Careless Destiny Chapter 8
The next thing you know, it'll be Dave Eddy and Cut Wood, Carry Water![Image: Bansho.jpg]

Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!
Re:Careless Destiny Chapter 8
The *best* Harry Potter H/Hr fic *ever*, Vox Corporis by Missanthropic, has been completed.

Go. Read. NOW.
Re: resurrected authors
Wiccan Wizard is up to chapter 6!-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
Re: resurrected authors
YAY! Millenium! And a big honking chapter too!
Also, it appears that has outlawed brackets. Any bets on how long until they start in on the vowels?--
"There are crazed martial artists out there looking to improve their skills and find inner peace through exterior violence!"
If you become a monster to put down a monster you've still got a monster running around at the end of the day and have as such not really solved the whole monster problem at all. 
Re: resurrected authors
Also, it appears that has outlawed brackets. Any bets on how long until they start in on the vowels?
Brackets? As in parentheses? It wouldn't surprise me. They strip out just about every other bloody non-alphanumeric character.
Re: resurrected authors
hotpoint updated compelled to play with destiny. The guy/gal/wahtever is on a roll.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Re: Yet Another Updates Thread
You think that's harsh? You should have seen what Mark "Togashi Gaijin" Shurtleff did to both Nabiki and Akane in the earlier drafts of his "Relatively Absent"...
Not talking about what happens to them, but rather the evaluation of Nabiki in this story. I don't think Nabiki is anywhere near that oblivious, unintelligent, or sleazy in the original.
Kasumi being an olympic-class athlete, and Nabiki not noticing at all, is the thing that really throws me off.
I think I'd heard Metroanime was writing addventure stuff, but I was more thinking of regular fanfics. Like... well, I'd say Retake, but poking around it looks like it's supposedly finished. I'm not sure it really feels finished though. >.>
"Give War A Chance."
Some people have Worm SIs with phenomenal cosmic power.
My Worm SI is Emma and Madison's therapist.
Re: Yet Another Updates Thread
Not talking about what happens to them, but rather the evaluation of Nabiki in this story. I don't think Nabiki is anywhere near that oblivious, unintelligent, or sleazy in the original.
Kasumi being an olympic-class athlete, and Nabiki not noticing at all, is the thing that really throws me off.
Oh, agreed -- that was the point I was trying to make. I like the idea, but I don't like the execution. It broke -- shattered -- suspension of disbelief for me, because it deviated so widely from anything that could be justified with canon. I like stories that start from canon, and show you something that could be there that you just never saw -- but after a very promising start, Skysaber just started in with one asspull after another.
I think I'd heard Metroanime was writing addventure stuff, but I was more thinking of regular fanfics. Like... well, I'd say Retake, but poking around it looks like it's supposedly finished. I'm not sure it really feels finished though.
More agreement, although what I want to see him finish is Featherbrite's Tale (though he's clearly using the Addventure as a medium for stories with long-term plans, usually in collaboration with another poster named Kender). Retake is finished, although the ending isn't quite satisfactorily handled. (I've noticed over the years that when Gregg pegs an ending, it's spectacular, and when he doesn't, it's almost always "meh".)

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Re: Yet Another Updates Thread
Okay, some updates now, instead of discussion:
A Thin Veneer, Chapter 61.
Chris Dee's Riddle Me-Tropolis, Chapter 5.
Harry Potter and Fate's Debt, Chapter 17.

-- Bob
The Internet Is For Norns.
Re: Yet Another Updates Thread
There is a new chapter of Family Values up on Ishtar's website.


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