They are men brought together by a common cause - men who have chosen, each individually, to place Justice over Law, to fight for the Right rather than the Prudent, to live lives of searing brightness, regardless of the cost, to fight agaist both outer evil and inner indifference.
They are also seperated, to a degree, by a small mismatch in social class, and a few minor differences in preferred tactics.
Doing God's Work can make for strange bedfellows.
Connor McManus
Murphy McMaus
Il Duce
Simon Templar
"When the Saints go marching in"
They are also seperated, to a degree, by a small mismatch in social class, and a few minor differences in preferred tactics.
Doing God's Work can make for strange bedfellows.
Connor McManus
Murphy McMaus
Il Duce
Simon Templar
"When the Saints go marching in"