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Fanfic genre I don't get: Real World AU's
Re: An I'M the pervert?
Honestly, I think...teenagers - and young adults - are the same, really. When it comes to some things, gender doesn't make a huge difference.
Err... that is wrong on a few levels. The most basic is that sex is a matter of anatomy. Yes, there is apparently some 1/1000 statistic for those that end up a bit off and get labeled inter-sexed, but that is not really important here.
See gender is a purely mental construct. Yes, the anatomical part of it, sex, can influence this heavily, but is not required. These are two separate, but related, things that got thesaurused into one word with two spellings. I'm not a fan of thesauruses as they make people randomly pick related words that only vaguely match up in meaning.... and make them the same exact word.
Sexual orientation is also a different factor. Its only a matter of who or what you'll try for as a sex partner and independent of the persons sex, but part of their gender.
Ranma 1/2, faults disregarded, is all about this. Ranma has the same gender, barring head trauma, regardless of Ranma's current sex. Konatsu is a male sex-wise and straight, but has a female ninja servant mind set, submissive and proper. Ukyo female with a male mind set that is probably straight... but wants to be far more female. Even Kuno is male is sex, Alpha male if you ask him, and polygamous (all of you aren't good enough to be), and grabby, as is his Divine right.
Gender is a complicated mental construct with lots and lots of variables. It is largely related to your role in society and other things of that nature as well as personal preferences and actual anatomical sex.
Guys are supposed to be the sex obessed perverts right?
No... the focus is on the male being the 'pervert'. 'Pervert' in these cases is often defined as male who thinks about sex, where females can see him do it. Not that their aren't blatently perverted charicters of both sex, disreguarding them, however, the female is also thinking about sex in these cases or she wouldn't think about bashing him for being a 'pervert' in the first place. Note the male is often thinking things along the lines of 'this floor... is very hard... Do I have broken bones? Ow, that is bruised. What is the moving blur over there. *Wham* He gets injured and wonders what happened.
Female charicters go off into a blushing trance while the guy is thinking she is ill or something. Look at the episode of Ranma 1/2 where the urn is under the girl's locker room. Ranma and Ryouga are thinking, 'Must find magic urn/spring'. The girls are thinking 'Defend underwear, prevent peeping Tomss. Those perverts'. They weren't thinking things through on either side. The guys should have searched after school. But look at how the 'one track minds of each side are focused... Now ask yourself which is the more sex oriented sex involved.
Then look at movies oriented towards people of different sexes from Hollywood. The chick flick and the Guy movie. Two extremes of movie types. Disreguard porn.
In a chick flick its all about making couples or ranting about the evils of men ('Waiting to Exhale'). There are entire channels oriented towards women... like lifetime, a channel all about 'love stories'. Ones that end up borderline pron and always featurer a romance as the main point of the movie. One person often dies slowly... Romance is the main focus.
Then take a Guy movie. Its all about action and a body count. Many people die quickly. The romance is a side plot. The cast can be all male and spend the movie slaughtering each other and never mention sex once.
Remember, I'm talking extremes here. If a chick flick is an all male cast there will be people in sex oriented relationships with each other.
If anything women tend to be more sex oriented of the two sexes. Though if you point this out you'll get injured or yelled at and called a 'deluded pervert'. This is a upbringing/social comentary and not a judgement call.
I still remember hearing people talk about the the prom in high school. Guys complained about the overly expensive clothes they had to rent and girls had converstations about clothing like this one:
'So, what kind of underwear are you wearing to the prom?'
'Why bother? Its just coming off anyway....'
A shared 'WWOOOO!!!!' With throwing up of hands.
Yeah, double standards. Yes, they were popular girls.

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Re: An I'M the pervert? - by Florin - 07-28-2006, 12:13 PM
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Re: Re:re An I'M the pervert? - by Bob Schroeck - 07-28-2006, 06:50 PM
Re: Re:re An I'M the pervert? - by Epsilon - 07-28-2006, 09:16 PM
Re: Re:re An I'M the pervert? - by ClassicDrogn - 07-28-2006, 11:33 PM
Re: Re:re An I'M the pervert? - by Morganite - 07-29-2006, 01:49 AM
Re: Re:re An I'M the pervert? - by Bob Schroeck - 07-29-2006, 02:29 AM
Re: Re:re:re: An I'M the pervert? - by ordnance11 - 07-29-2006, 03:18 AM
Re: Re:re:re: An I'M the pervert? - by ordnance11 - 07-29-2006, 04:33 AM
Re: Re:re:re: An I'M the pervert? - by Necratoid - 07-29-2006, 06:28 AM
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Re: Re:re An I'M the pervert? - by Morganite - 08-01-2006, 05:24 AM
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