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Speaking of Kiddy Grade
Re: Chapter the first
Well, after an enlightening discussion with my sister, I've finished up the first chapter. Any and all comments are most welcome.
Gazing at the Cosmos
Chapter One When All Else Fails
Chronicled by Dro'gan, called NiteFlier
Sana walked uncertainly to the Information Desk from the changing room. clair and Lumire had been gone for several days on 'business'. They disappeared before several times for their 'E Shift', and whenever she asked, they just shook their heads and said, Need to know.
It was a bit annoying to have a ten year old tell her she wasn't allowed to know something.
When she asked Liquiy about it, the blond was surprisingly cryptic for her normally open self: Its part of their primary duties. Once you get past your internship, we can tell you more.
She rolled her eyes as she rode the slideway to the front hall. As expected, clair and Lumire stood at the desk, greeting those early risers who came to the GOTT.
Good morning, Lumire, clair, she called as she approached the desk. Did you have a nice trip? The pair smiled at her.
Good morning, Sana. It was a bit dull, compared to what we are used to, but it was interesting none the less, replied Lumire.
Good morning, Sana. The most interesting thing about the trip was probably the return. clair smiled at her, as Lumire turned to look at her partner. After all, it was a most... refreshing conversation, right, Lumire? The small girl smiled softly.
Indeed, clair. Most refreshing.
Sana blinked at the difference between the two. Before this last trip, clair seemed almost melancholy, and Lumire was unsuccessful at bringing her out of it. *Well, whatever happened between the two of them, its not really my business.* she thought.
She slipped in between them and made ready for another day.
* * * * *
So what do you have planned for Miss Sana? clair looked at her partner as the two of them walked home.
I don't know what you mean.
Lumire sighed as they turned into the train station. When she walked up this morning, you were eying her. They slipped easily to the train, their cards granting them easy passage. clair grinned slyly as they boarded the train.
As if I really needed a reason to watch 'Miss Sana'? She's quite enough to draw the eye on her own, you know. Lumire turned to her partner and frowned furiously.
You aren't thinking of-! clair cut her off by touching a finger to the smaller woman's lips.
Now Lumire! I'm surprised you would believe I would think that.
Oh, you! Lumire sniffed superiorly and sat, watching the buildings go by. She watched out of the corner of her eye as her partner sat beside her with a huge grin on her face.
If you are quite done teasing me? clair nodded irreverently, knowing that it would upset 'Prim and Proper' Lumire.
Well? asked Lumire.
Well, what? came the reply. Lumire harrumphed.
Why were you watching her? She turned to clair when she didn't reply immediately. The red haired woman stared out the window as the cityscape turned to countryside. Finally, she sighed.
I'll tell you at home.
* * * * *
The walk from the train station was short. Both of them knew the path well, and while with her resources Lumire could have them picked up at GOTT headquarters and driven the thirty kilometers out here, both of them enjoyed exercise outside of their duties.
Lumire's mansion was huge. Two wings of more than twenty rooms each, it required over fifty robot servants to tend the house and grounds. clair sometimes wondered what possessed her partner to have the place built, for she never entertained; it was so large, she must have been lonely before clair moved in.
After Lumire temporarily lost her powers in the realignment, clair moved into her mansion full time. clair just hadn't felt right, when Caprice didn't know she was alive, to keep living at her old apartment, and going past the coffee shop every day.
Where did we go wrong, Lumi? clair sighed as she sat down on a couch. Lumire looked at her oddly, as she sat down, and took a cup of tea from the service the servants had provided.
You will have to tell me what exactly is 'wrong' first, you know.
Why did you live in this manse by yourself? And don't try to tell me that you had the robots. They aren't sentient, not like Donner and Wirbelwind are, clair grumbled.
Well, said Lumire, trying to put some levity into the conversation, I lived here because you didn't have a manse of your own. She was slightly surprised at the look of almost guilt on her partner's face. Moving backward, why were you watching Sana?

Ah, that. clair shook herself. She's one of us. Lumire blinked.
Could you perhaps be a bit more obscure? clair growled and stood.
She's one of us, just not yet. Maybe not ever. Upon seeing Lumire's continued confusion, she started pacing. She has the potential to become an ES Member. She has it in her, she just hasn't let it loose, or it hasn't come to the fore.
And how do you know this? Lumire asked, frowning. clair growled in frustration, and flopped down on the couch again.
Can't you feel other ES Members when they're near? At Lumire's negative, she frowned. Not even when they're close, like twenty feet or so? But...
I don't feel them. The only other ES Member that I've 'felt' like you say, is *you*. More so now than before Deucalion, but I think that is because of our 'merging'. She stopped at clair's look.
Every ES Member. From Tweedledee and Tweedledum, when we first found them, to Eclipse, when she confronted us that very first time. Even when I hadn't met them, I could feel that they were near. The only time I couldn't... clair took on a mildly confused look. The only time I couldn't was when I found an orphan in an alleyway...
Lumire bowed her head for a moment. Once we got to know each other, we gained our awareness of each other. But you can locate any ES Member, whether you know them or not. She raised her head and looked at clair. Is it another facet of your 'Power'? clair?
clair shook herself. No, no I think its something different. I did a bit of research once... Ah, forget it. If its that, then it won't be a problem. She looked over at Lumire. Er. Seriously. It has to do with my, er, relation with them. Ha. Relation, that's a good way to put it. Lumire sighed.
One of these days...
Yeah, one of these days, clair waved it off. Anyway, that's why I was so intent on her today. I hadn't really noticed it before, so it kind of took me by surprise.
Could her power be maturing? clair opened her mouth to answer but hesitated.
No, she said slowly. No, I think it has more to do with my outlook than with her. I think that her power will need something else to bring it to the fore...
I would hope that your outlook has improved? Lumire asked. clair grinned again
Yep. Haven't gotten a chance to needle you like that in a long time.
* * * * *
Life, Sana mused, has a way of turning you about when you least expect it.
She arrived to work early for once, and saw clair and Lumire come in the front doors. Strangely enough, they were together. Sana shook her head over that. Didn't the two of them spend enough time together? What with working the Information Desk, and traveling about?
The strangest thing about their entrance, though, was that both of them were laughing at something. clair laughed occasionally, but Lumire never so much as giggled. They waved to her, and then gone down the hall to the changing room.
They returned a short while later, clair still grinning, Lumire with a smug smile on her face.
Halfway through the shift, one of the ES Members approached the desk!
Hello, A-uo, spoke up clair, Something wrong?
Sana was appalled at the ease with which she spoke to him. After all, he reported directly to the head of the GOTT! Apparently the dark skinned man thought nothing of it.
Nothing is wrong, clair. Un-ou and I are headed out soon. Just sent to tell you that 'E Shift' starts in five hours.
Thank you, A-uo, Lumire said. Are we perhaps...? The ES Member shook his head.
I don't believe so. Un-ou is waiting for me.
Later, A-uo! clair called.
Goodbye, A-uo, Lumire said calmly. The large man nodded, and left.
Seeing no one else headed for the desk, Sana turned to clair and forcefully whispered to her, You can't just talk to an ES Member like that! clair blinked.
But its just A-uo. Sana felt a touch on her arm, and turned to Lumire, who smiled softly.
clair is right, Sana. ES Members aren't all that threatening once you get to know them. If you don't believe us, talk to Liquiy about it.
But, but they... she started.
Are nothing more than people with a few abilities that normal people don't share, Lumire stated. They have their own problems to deal with, you know. Right, clair? Lumire looked to her partner, but clair seemed to just be staring off into space.
What? Lumire? Oh, sorry. clair looked at Sana. Do you want to be an ES Member, Sana? Sana heard Lumire's sharp, short intake of breath, and she looked at clair closely.
What do you mean? Its not that simple, right? The red haired girl smiled grimly.
If you didn't know the price to pay- like you don't now- would you choose to be an ES Member?
Somehow, it felt to Sana as if the world had gone dim, sounds and light from outside of their little area muted, and the three of them in the Information Desk were highlighted, the colors of their clothes and hair brighter, as if they were the only things to consider in the world.
I... I don't know, Sana stuttered. I mean, I guess I would, but... but... What price, power? clair's smile turned kindly.
I'm sorry, Sana. I shouldn't have asked.
Slowly, their brightness faded, and the world around them lost its muted quality. Sounds and movement from the entrance hall became commonplace again.
clair turned back to the desk as a customer came up, wanting to get directions to one of the many departments. Sana just looked at her curiously, feeling strangely tired.
Unnoticed by either of them, Lumire had a small look of wonderment on her face.
* * * * *
The two of them were sitting in a cafe after work a few days later, idly sipping coffee and tea, neither of them sure where to start the conversation.
She's not yet come into her ability. Lumire looked at her partner.
And yet, she can do something like that? I realize that even C Class abilities can show before they come to full bloom, but something like that... clair nodded.
S Class, if not G Class, like us. The small woman sighed, and sipped her tea.
This is the first time we've encountered another G Class, even one that hasn't awakened.
Yeah, clair complained, you'd think that in all the galaxy we've explored, we'd've found another one... Wait. Lumire, what's wrong? Lumire started guiltily.
Oh, its nothing, clair. She frowned at clair's continued examination of her.
I felt something, Lumi. Almost got a good grasp on it before you hid it. She leaned over the table. What's wrong? Or should it be, what's right? Fighting a blush, Lumire stood.
Its nothing that you can help with, clair. You haven't been able to before, you know. As she stood, clair smirked.
I see now. Cute guy caught your eye? That hasn't happened in a while.
clair! Its best just for us to forget it. Nothing can be done in this situation. Lumire turned and walked out of the cafe, apparently not noting if clair followed.
The red haired woman stopped, but only for a moment. Something occurred to her, and if it were possible, it could be the answer to a problem which cropped up every few years...
Smiling unabashedly now, she followed her partner.
* * * * *
She found Lumire in the gardens, watching the orchids sway in the breeze. She must have taken a taxi or called for a ride, for she hadn't been on the train.
"I would prefer to be left alone, if you don't mind."
"Unfortunately, I do," clair responded. "Lumi, I know what's wrong." clair saw her partner shrug. "I think I can help..." Lumire turned away from her.
"You aren't that way, and neither am I, clair. Just forget about it."
"Lumire! Stop being so stubborn!" clair knelt before Lumire. "Do you trust me, oh Light of my life?" The younger woman paused. It was almost a ritual phrase for them.
"Always and forever, my Lightning and Shield. Always and forever." clair gathered the smaller woman in her lap, embracing her tightly.
"Can you feel me, Lumi?" She felt Lumire nod against her chest. "Push yourself to me..."
Lumire felt the essence, the mind of her partner, and moved her own essence to that of clairs. She felt clair grow closer, and suddenly, felt clair pass her, and she was falling, falling into...
Lumire felt strange, she felt too large, almost as if she were in her adult form, but it was vastly different, all curves and muscles. Even stranger, she felt someone sitting in her lap. Opening her eyes, she gasped, seeing her own face with a mischievous grin looking up at her.
"E-clair?" Her voice had changed from her own soprano to a rich alto... clairs voice.
"Yes, Lumire," her own voice answered. "I told you we were close."
"But... This is... We've just..." Lumire couldn't find the words to express the impossibility of what was happening.
"I know." Lumire watched as her own head drooped to clairs breast, and she felt a terrible exhaustion hovering over her.
Suddenly, she was falling again.
Her cheek was pressed against the smooth silk of clairs blouse, her hands in her lap. A terrible feeling of tiredness settled on her. She felt clairs chest rise and fall in a sigh.
"That took more out of me than I thought. You all right, Lumi?"
"Yes," Lumire whispered. "Just tired..."
"So am I. I think this is going to need a bit of work." Lumire felt clairs arms around her, and then there was a dizzying sensation of free-fall as the other woman shakily stood.
"Lets both get to bed."
* * * * *
"You can't really think to use this technique here, do you clair?" clair looked over at Lumire, who was placing the trays and dishes from their weekly picnic lunch with Liquiy away.
"Well, it'll only be a few hours, and we've been able to stay switched for that long before. Why not?" Lumire sighed. Over the past month, they switched bodies at least once every day, testing the distance and stress limits of being in a different body.
"Its less that, and more that its like we're lying to our friends." clair paused for a moment.
"Its still us. Still clair and Lumire. We're just not wearing the same faces we usually wear."
"They might place us as different, you know. What if one of them wants to talk to us alone?" She cast a worried glance down the hall.
"Now youre just being stubborn." clair put her hands on her hips. "When has anyone wanted to talk to one of us but not the other?"
"All right, all right," she sighed. "Lets go."Without a word...

Messages In This Thread
Speaking of Kiddy Grade - by Niteflier - 11-28-2006, 02:30 PM
re: Speaking of Kiddy Grade - by Rieverre - 11-28-2006, 04:12 PM
Not bad... - by werehawk - 11-29-2006, 10:20 AM
Re: Not bad... - by Niteflier - 11-29-2006, 10:43 AM
Re: Chapter the first - by Niteflier - 12-01-2006, 06:17 PM

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