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IWATDP/Incarna: Broken Reflection
IWATDP/Incarna: Broken Reflection
Because it should have its own thread.

I felt my bowels clench as I looked on the "person" strolling nonchalantly through the almost abandoned corridors. The gray hair and pale skin left no doubt in my mind as to whom it was.
I frowned, making myself look even more like my sister. "He's early," I murmured to myself. Bardiel wasn't due for at least as long as it took to repair Unit Three after the battle with Leliel, and Tabris was already in Tokyo-3.
Well, as an actual presence and not just in my dreams-slash-nightmares. I winced. 'You just had to think slash in the same idea as Kaworu, didn't you? Bad Logan/Emi/Gabriel!'
I sighed. My sense of identity was fracturing badly after the last few Angel battles. Of course, the Butterfly Effect was now in full swing, as none of the battles since Matariel had gone exactly as I rememberd them. True, they had all initially appeared as they were supposed to, and, until now, in the correct order, but the events had definitely played out differently.
With the Angelic abilities I had earned, I could tell he was futzing around with his AT Field, but I couldn't tell why.
I smirked and sent ::Hello, Tabris.:: Then, knowing his flair for the dramatic, I placed my hand against one of the steel bulkheads and vibrated it with my AT Field at a miniscule amount of power.
As Holst's Mars, Bringer of War began sounding from the walls, I stepped into the hall way in front of him.
I tilted my head, and said in my best Joan Rivers impression, "Can we talk?"
::Hello, Tabris::
I pulled the Field back, imagining an ethereal fist wrapping around my mind and thoughts ... startled was a word you could apply to this situation, yes, but it was like saying an EVA was indeed larger than a breadbox. Serious understatement.
In part, it was because of who stood before me. Color me surprised. Actually, color me anything other than this annoyingly pasty white. If I were a Goth, I'd be ecstatic - sadly, I'm not one.
I hadn't expected to run into Ayanami this soon ... actually, I'd have gone out of my way to avoid this situation altogether, given the choice.
What I had expected even less was to run into a slightly smirking Rei, with something of a flair for the dramatic ...
'Nice control,' I thought as music filled the corridor for a moment. A familiar tune, though I'd be hard pressed to name the composer. Where names were concerned, my memory was Swiss cheese. That, and the fact that I wasn't into Classical music all that much.
... and wearing something other than a school uniform or plugsuit.
Her follow up question increased the surrealism of the situation, throwing me firmly into the state of confusion.
Emotionally-disadvantaged Rei this was not. Ergo, EVA canon this was not. Ergo, things were about to get odd.
Can we talk, huh?
"This is not the Messenger you are looking for," I said in my best - meaning, not very good - Sir Alec Guinness voice, doing the appropriate hand motion.
When in doubt, confuse the hell out of them. If nothing else, it'll buy time.

Okay, let's see where this takes us.
(Edit: Changed thread title. -- Bob)
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm

Messages In This Thread
IWATDP/Incarna: Broken Reflection - by Rieverre - 06-25-2005, 03:50 AM
part the second-draft - by Foxboy - 06-25-2005, 07:49 PM
part the second-draft - by Rieverre - 06-25-2005, 09:54 PM
part the second-draft - by Foxboy - 06-27-2005, 11:34 PM
part the second-draft - by Rieverre - 06-28-2005, 12:01 AM
part the second-draft - by Foxboy - 06-28-2005, 07:53 PM
part the second-draft - by Rieverre - 06-28-2005, 08:51 PM
part the third-draft - by Foxboy - 07-02-2005, 12:06 AM
part the third-draft - by Rieverre - 07-02-2005, 02:03 AM
part the third-draft - by Foxboy - 07-07-2005, 05:26 PM
part the third-draft - by Rieverre - 07-07-2005, 06:52 PM
part the third-draft - by Foxboy - 07-09-2005, 03:18 AM
part the third-draft - by Rieverre - 07-09-2005, 04:20 AM
part the third-draft - by Foxboy - 07-21-2005, 06:20 PM
part the third-draft - by Rieverre - 07-21-2005, 09:33 PM

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