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Naruto fic seed (update 1)
Re: Naruto fic seed - opinions requested
Hmm. I have to wonder what become of Anko in this universe.
I think your grasp of the characters is on target. Naruto and Sakura act very much like themselves at this stage of the story, and Sasuke is just a hair friendlier as you said you wanted.
I'm actually somewhat concerned about that, since you've eliminated (or drastically changed, at least) the event that made Sasuke the way he is in canon. Without that or some similar trauma, given the glimpses we see of him pre-massacre, I doubt he would turn out anything close to the Sasuke we know from canon.
I agree that Naruto calling Kabuto a pervert seems a bit off. We've only really seen him call people perverts who were actively engaged in perversion, and his reasoning in deciding Kabuto is one doesn't really "feel" like Naruto.
I'm interested in what might have driven Jiraiya from the Leaf Village in this universe, given that canon at least heavily implies that he left because of Orochimaru's leaving.
This story actually has a lot of similarities to one of the ideas I'm toying with for my next project after One Hundred Days (and a lot of differences, too, of course). It'll be very interesting to see another writer's take on some of the same concepts.
Anyway, I enjoyed reading what you posted, and I hope some of my comments were of use. Oh, and in the spirit of "zomg awesome update soon plz kthxbye!1" [Image: smile.gif] Aaron Nowack

Aaron Nowack

Messages In This Thread
Naruto fic seed (update 1) - by Acyl - 10-21-2006, 03:38 PM
Re: Naruto fic seed - opinions requested - by CattyNebulart - 10-21-2006, 04:24 PM
Re: Naruto fic seed - opinions requested - by anowack - 10-23-2006, 09:06 AM
Perverts - by SkyeFire - 10-24-2006, 01:12 AM
Still going - by SkyeFire - 10-27-2006, 12:50 AM
Re: Still going - by Acyl - 10-27-2006, 04:17 PM

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